Reprinted from ECONOMIC BOTANY, VOL 22, No. 4, October-December, 1968 Fresh-water Plants: a Potential Source of Protein CLAUDE E. BOY])' Exploitation of aquatic flora as a source of area; however, many of the species and most edible protein has received little attention. genera have a cosmopolitan distribution. Large stands of vascular plants and non- Water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes), prob- planktonic algae are produced in many ably the worst aquatic pest plant in almost natural and impounded waters and frequently all tropical nations, will be treated in a interfere with beneficial uses of water to such separate report. an extent that various control measures are s necessary. In view of the problems associated Materials and Methods' with the control of water weeds and the Samples. Plants were collected from sites worldwide need for additional sources of food, in southeastern Alabama. Generally, samples research to evaluate the nutritional value of of each species were obtained from one to three aquatic plants is of importance. stands on a single spring date when the As a result of studies on the mineral plants were in a lush green condition. Se- metabolism of lakes, a considerable amount lected stands of three species were sampled of information was obtained on the mineral at monthly intervals. content of aquatic plants. Data on mineral Emergent vegetation was cut to include composition have been reviewed (3). Workers only leaves or aerial shoots. Leaves were in the United States reported that aquatic harvested from emergent plants with only plants contain large amounts of crude protein floating leaves. Shoots were harvested from and have lower fiber levels than forage plants submersed plants. Collections of algae were (2, 12, 19). Some submersed water weeds hand picked at random from dense mats. have a high xanthophyll content and impart Plant materials were collected from several excellent yolk coloration when fed to poultry places within a radius of a few meters. These (8). However, practical applications have materials were combined to compose a sample. not resulted. In Europe and Asia, limited use Vegetation for protein extraction was stored of water weeds as fodder was reported (10, on ice and processed within 30 min to 2 hr 16, 21), but no information on nutritive value after harvest to prevent enzymatic de- was obtained. Available data indicate that struction of protein. Samples for chemical aquatic plants may have value as a food and analysis were also stored on ice, but in some additional research has merit. cases it was necessary to hold the plants 18 The present study was the preliminary hr before drying them. phase of a program to determine the food In the laboratory, samples were placed in value of aquatic plants. Data were obtained tap water, picked free of debris, and drained on the chemical composition of dried plants of adherent water. Three hundred to 500 g to evaluate their potential as roughages. of fresh plants for chemical analysis were Extractability of leaf protein was determined heated at 65 C for 72 hr in a forced-draft for several species. Leaf protein can be used oven for dry matter determination. By use of in human or non-ruminant animal diets (22). a Wiley mill, dried plants were ground to pass Plants employed were selected according to a 0.5-mm mesh screen. their availability in the Auburn, Alabama, Chemical analyses. Macro-Kjeldahl nitro- gen analyses (excluding nitrates) were made Assistant Professor, Agricultural Experiment according to A.O.A.C. (1) using mercury as a Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Present address: Savannah River Ecology Lab- digestion catalyst. Crude protein was cal- oratory, % U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, culated as Kjeldahl nitrogen x 6.25. Ash Savannah River Operations Office, P.O. Box A, values were obtained by heating samples- at Aiken, South Carolina. 550 C for 6 hr in a muffle furnace. The pro- Received for publication April 16, 1968. cedure outlined by Crampton and Maynard 359 360 ECONOMIC BOTANY (7) was followed for cellulose analysis. Tannin 40%, or less than 20% of the leaf nitrogen was levels were estimated colorimetrically (23) extractable as protein. nitrogen. Values above following reaction with a phosphotungstic- 40% were obtained for young Justicia ameri- phosphomolybdic compound. Crude fat (ether cana and Alternanthera philoxeroides speci- extract) was measured following continuous mens, all Orontium aquaticum samples, and all ether extraction for 4 hr in a Goldfisch fat but one Nymphaea odorata extractions. Twelve extractor. Caloric values were determined with species were in the intermediate range, and a Parr adiabatic oxygen bomb calorimeter. four gave less than 20%. Compared to crop Leaf protein amino acid analyses were plants (6), a larger percentage of the total made on solutions obtained from sealed tube extractable nitrogen was nonprotein. hydrolysis of samples in 6N HC1 for 22 hr at More leaf protein was extractable from 110 C (11). Analyses were made with a young than old J. americana specimens. This Beckman-Spinco model 120 amino acid decrease in extractability was apparently analyzer. related to the simultaneous decrease in pulp Leaf protein extraction—The laboratory nitrogen and moisture content. On an areal scale extraction was conducted essentially as basis, maximum dry matter yield (Stand 1) described by Byers (5). Five hundred to 1000 was obtained on August 3; however, con- g fresh leaves were pulped with a food chopper. siderably more protein was extractable on The pulp was squeTzed through a fine cotton May 19 when the standing crop was rela- cloth. A second extraction was made by tively low. Extractability was also greater adding water and repulping the fibrous residue for early harvest of Sagittaria latifolia, A. from the first extraction. philoxeroides, and N. odorata. This fact is Dry matter and Kjeldahl nitrogen analyses particularly obvious from areal protein yields. were made of the initial pulp and the final Age had little effect on performance of fiber. Protein nitrogen (trichloroacetic acid Orontium aquaticum. A general decrease in insoluble nitrogen) and nonprotein nitrogen protein extractability with age is common (trichloroacetic acid soluble nitrogen) deter- for terrestrial plants (6). minations were made on the extracts. An- Most species from which protein was not alytical results were used to make an ex- readily extractable contained large quan- traction balance sheet from which the per- tities of mucilage. Several of these plants con- centage leaf nitrogen extracted and the tained large amounts of nitrogen, so nitrogen percentage leaf nitrogen extracted as protein content is not a reliable estimate of extract- nitrogen were calculated. ability for aquatic plants. A sample of protein was precipitated from Areal yields of extractable crude protein a portion of combined extracts by heating to ranged from 17 to 590 kg/ha. Results for 80 C in a water bath. This protein was cen- Justicia americana, Sagittaria latifolia, and trifuged, washed, and freeze-dried. The dry Alternanthera philoxeroides were similar to cake was ground for chemical analysis. reported crop plant leaf protein yields (6). Yield estimates of extractable crude protein Byers (5) also categorized plants on the were made for some species from extraction basis of the nitrogen content of dried protein data and estimates of standing crop were isolates: above 9%, 7 to 9%, and below 7%. obtained from several m2 quadrant harvests All water weed preparations were below 9%, per stand. a value frequently obtained for legumes. Isolates from Orontium aquaticum, all but Leaf Protein two Justicia americana preparations, and Extractability data and protein yield one Sagittaria latifolia sample contained be- estimates are presented in Table I. Different tween 7 and 9% nitrogen. Other preparations 'stands of a particular species are designated were below 7% nitrogen and several contained numerically. Dates are not given for some less than 5%. A higher proportion of terrestrial species collected from only one stand, but plant isolates (5, 9) were above 7% than were these plants were green and succulent and preparations from aquatic weeds. Byers (5) apparently rather young. Amounts of ex- also reported a low crude protein content for tractable protein nitrogen ranged from 9.7 to leaf protein from several water weeds. The 61.0% of the pulp nitrogen. Byers (5) classified crude protein content of J. americana prep- plants as to whether more than 40%, 20 to arations decreased markedly with plant 130YD : FRESH-WATER PLANTS TABLE I LEAF PROTEIN EXTRACTION DATA AND PROTEIN YIELDS FOR AQUATIC PLANTS Pulp Extractability (%) N in Yield, (kg/ha) N in dry leaf D.M. D.M. Total Protein protein Crude Corn-5 4 Species ni (%)2 (%) 1\13 N (%) D.M. protein ments Justicia americana A Stand 1 May 19 2 13.1 3.64 76.2 53.6 8.82 5030 590 June 5 2 13.0 2.86 80.3 54.4 8.83 5570 576 July 1 2 16.4 2.40 72.6 48.6 6.70 6950 499 Aug. 3 5 17.5 2.23 72.4 43.1 6.25 7 100 427 Sept. 1 9 20.6 2.03 55.8 29.5 5.32 3740 141 Stand 2 July 14 1 24.6 2.14 62.8 38.7 7.39 4760 247 Stand 3 Aug. 1 1 18.5 2.50 56.2 37.0 7.64 - Sagittaria latifolia A Stand 1 June 6 1 11.8 2.91 47.7 26.1 7.28 7'280 362 July 11 1 12.6 2.04 50.8 25.2 5.19 6560 211 Stand 2 June 9 1 14.1 3.35 38.3 27.4 4.66 - Alternanthera philoxero ides B Stand 1 May 17 1 11.7 2.41 78.2 42.6 4.04 7420 478 Aug.
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