The Chickasaw Times PRESORTED STANDARD Post Office Box 1548 US Postage Ada, OK 74821 PAID Permit No. 1 Oklahoma City, OK 731 Chickasaw Times Vol. XLIX No. 12 Official publication of the Chickasaw Nation www.chickasawtimes.net December 2014 Dynamic Women Chickasaw vets lay wreath butterfly art contest Season’s Greetings Chickasaw Nation Arts & at Tomb of the Unknowns Humanities has announced its 2015 Dynamic Women of Season’s greetings and the Chickasaw Nation Confer- warmest holiday wish- ence and Forum butterfly art es from all of us at the contest. Each year new but- Chickasaw Nation! terfly artwork appears on all Christmas is a time to promotion materials for the celebrate our families, conference. our friends and our be- The 2015 selected artist will loved tribe. We thank receive a $200 cash award. God for the many bless- Artists must be female, age ings he has bestowed 14-18 and able to provide upon us, and we pray for proof of Chickasaw citizen- the health and happiness ship. Each artist may submit of those we love. one piece of artwork in a me- Chickasaws share a dium of the artist’s choice. special bond that has Entries may be submitted on endured throughout the art paper, canvas or art board generations. Through between 10 and 20 inches. the centuries, Chicka- Deadline for entry is January Gov. BILL ANOATUBBY saws have faced many chal- 16, 2015. Chickasaw veterans Leonard Sealey, of Lawton, Oklahoma and Tom Cooper, of Ada, Oklahoma lay a lenges. With God’s grace and guidance, we have endured For more information, con- wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, Saturday, November 8. The and prospered as a people. So many Chickasaws from tact Arts & Humanities at veterans were on a trip to Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Chickasaw Nation in appreciation of generations past sacrificed that we might enjoy the lives (580) 272-5520. their service. we have today. We are eternally grateful for those who cleared the path for us. WASHINGTON – Leonard Seal- overseas, so this is something I Times office moves ey, a Chickasaw veteran from did for the friends I lost and for This Christmas season, we extend special holiday wish- Lawton, Oklahoma, said memo- all the families who lost loved es to all our military men and women serving at home to Main Street, Ada ries of his service in Vietnam ones.” and abroad. We pray for your safety, the success of your The office of the Chickasaw came flooding back when he saw James Swinney, a Vietnam vet- mission and your reunion with loved ones. Times has recently moved. a Huey helicopter at the Udvar- eran from Grapevine, Texas, said We ask for blessings for our Chickasaw veterans who The Times’ new address is Hazy Center during a recent trip when he and many others came have served our country with valor and honor; for our 210 E. Main Street, Ada, Okla. to Washington, D.C. home from Vietnam, few people Chickasaw elders who hold a special place in our tribe; You may contact the Times Mr. Sealey was one of 16 Chick- thanked them for their service. for our Chickasaw families whom we wish much peace at (580) 332-2977 or times. asaw veterans who took a Veter- “At (that) time, most people and happiness. [email protected] ans Day trip to the nation’s capi- didn’t show our military the re- We pray a special blessing for our Chickasaw children. You may send mail to the tal sponsored by the Chickasaw spect they deserved,” he said. May they experience a wonderful Christmas season and Times at P.O. Box 1548, Ada, Nation. The number of people who fulfill all the dreams they have for their lives. OK 74821 Governor Bill Anoatubby said approached the veterans today This season’s message of love and peace is particularly the Chickasaw Nation sponsored to say ‘thank you,’ Mr. Swinney important to those who have experienced challenge and 2015 Chickasaw the trip to show appreciation for said, illustrated how public atti- sorrow in their lives. We pray for those who seek under- the veterans’ service to the coun- tude has changed for the better standing and compassion. Nation calendar try. toward veterans. May we always answer the call when we meet the op- “We owe a great debt of grati- Marvin Garrison, a Chickasaw portunity to help our fellow man. It’s that time of year again! tude to all the men and women veteran from Alpine, Arkansas, The season of peace, joy and hope has arrived! God The 2015 Chickasaw Nation who served in the armed forces agreed, saying many people had bless you, your family and our beloved Chickasaw Na- calendar will arrive in homes to protect our freedom,” Gov. expressed their appreciation for tion! this month. Expected delivery Anoatubby said. “While Veterans their service. dates will vary based on loca- Day offers a unique opportunity Mr. Sealey visited the Vietnam tion. to express our appreciation, it is Veterans Memorial and made an always fitting to thank these in- etching of the name of a comrade Chickasaw Hall of dividuals for the sacrifices they he witnessed killed in action in made to help secure the way of March 1966. The pilot of his he- Fame member dies life we enjoy.” licopter was struck by machine- Ada, Okla., veteran Tom Cooper gunfire and died instantly. and Mr. Sealey placed a wreath at Many of the other Vietnam vet- the Tomb of the Unknowns dur- erans on the trip made a point to ing the trip. visit the Vietnam Veterans Memo- Mr. Cooper said it was a bless- rial on the National Mall. Veterans ing to be chosen to lay the wreath. visit “the wall” to find names of “This is something I will never forget,” he said. “I lost friends SEE VETERANS DAY TRIP, pagE 2 Chickasaw veteran completes personal mission in Washington New exit ramps off Interstate 35 near the tribe’s WinStar World Casino were dedicated October 28. Colbert Franklin Hackler The ramps, which were built through a partnership between the Chickasaw Nation and the State of NORMAN, Okla. - Colbert Oklahoma, will reduce traffic congestion and promote easy access to WinStar properties. WinStar is Franklin Hackler, who spent located about three miles north of the Red River in the southernmost reaches of the Chickasaw Nation. a lifetime sharing the beauty of music with thousands of students, died November 2 in Norman. He was 96. Tribe, Oklahoma dedicate Mr. Hackler was born Janu- ary 13, 1918 in Mannsville, Oklahoma to Eva Lou (Colbert) I-35 ramps at Thackerville Hackler and Charles Hackler. In 2010, he was inducted THACKERVILLE, Okla. - Gover- our mission to enhance the over- into the Chickasaw Nation nor Bill Anoatubby and State of all quality of life of the Chicka- Hall of Fame. Oklahoma Department of Trans- saw people by providing employ- He received many honors portation officials have dedicated ment opportunities and funding during his lifetime, including Interstate 35 Exit 3 ramps de- for our many programs and ser- induction into the Halls of signed to smooth traffic flowing vices.” Fame of the Oklahoma Band- into and out of the area around The Chickasaw Nation part- masters, Oklahoma Music Ed- WinStar World Casino. nered with the Oklahoma De- ucators and Elk City Alumni The ribbon cutting officially partment of Transportation to Associations. He was a past opening the ramps was October construct the new access ramps. president of the American 28. “On behalf of the Chickasaw School Band Directors Associ- ation, American String Teach- Gov. Anoatubby was joined by Nation, I would like to thank ers Association and Oklahoma Oklahoma Secretary of Trans- ODOT for all of its hard work and Music Educators Association. portation Gary Ridley, Oklahoma expertise making this project In 1976, he was one of three Department of Transportation Di- possible,” Gov. Anoatubby said. faculty members presented rector Mike Patterson and other “It is fantastic to see the finished the AMOCO Foundation Good officials to open new entrance product.” Teaching Award for excellence and exit ramps to Interstate 35. Transportation Secretary Rid- in undergraduate teaching. Gov. Anoatubby said all area ley said collaboration with the Mr. Hackler also received the residents would benefit from saf- Chickasaw Nation had led to nu- Rotary Four Way Test Citizen- er, more convenient access to area merous improvements to roads in ship Award in 1998 and the homes and businesses. Oklahoma. Oklahoma City University Chickasaw veteran Leonard Sealey discovers the name of a fallen friend at the Vietnam Veterans Distinguished Alumni Award Memorial in Washington, D.C. Mr. Sealey and 15 other Chickasaw veterans from several states toured “These additional ramps will “Certainly this would have nev- in 1989. He volunteered for famed veteran sites throughout the nation’s capital for five days during a trip sponsored by the alleviate traffic congestion and er come about without the help of Meals on Wheels for 10 years Chickasaw Nation to thank them for their service. allow easier access to all WinStar the Chickasaw Nation,” Secretary and greeted churchgoers at properties,” Gov. Anoatubby said. Ridley said. McFarlin Memorial United Leonard Sealey had one pri- marble of the Vietnam Veterans “Easier access to the area should Officials said traffic studies Methodist Church for 15 mary mission in mind during his Memorial. lead to more jobs and additional show about 7,200 vehicles per day years. recent trip to Washington, D.C. “It happened really fast,” Mr. economic activity in the region. will use the new ramps.
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