Congregation Ahavat Chesed Newsletter Fall–Winter Edition 2011–5772 The Voice of congregaTion ahaVaT chesed Our Tenth Anniversary Save The DaTe Celebrating a decade of Congregation Ahavat Chesed Thursday, October 6 Kol Nidre,Yom Kippur & YizKor Service. 2-3:45pm iN the chapel MOnday, October 17 come oNe, come all to our aNNual SuKKot partY. NooN iN the SuKKah Wednesday, december 21 You are cordiallY iNvited to our teNth aNNiverSarY diNNer. Thursday, deceMber 22 taKe part iN our haNuKKah celebratioN. NooN iN the chapel Thursday, February 9 JoiN uS for our tu b’Shevat Seder. NooN iN the chapel Thursday, March 8 everYoNe iS welcome at our purim Seudah. NooN iN the chapel Congregation Ahavat Chesed Newsletter High Holidays 2011–5772 President’s Address by Joseph s. orlando brmc president here is much to be thankful thriving on site congregation. I continue to be Tfor during the High Holy impressed and thankful for this. I’m also so Season. We have our newly renovated chapel very pleased to have been a part of the chapel and we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary renovation project – it could not have turned of Congregation out better. Ahavat Chesed. I believe that pastoral care is an essential I still remember component of health care. The success of the attending services congregation and the strength of all of our at BRMC before I pastoral care programs is evidence of this. became the Medi- Please accept my sincerest wishes for contin- cal Center’s presi- ued health, happiness and prosperity during dent and being so Rosh Hashanah and the rest of the holidays. impressed with the Enjoy the chapel and I look forward to many fact that there was more years of success and growth of Congre- such a vibrant and gation Ahavat Chesed. Get me to the azel Tov to the members Mof Congregation Ahavat Chapel on Chesed on ten years of success. Time This issue is dedicated to the congre- gants, volunteers and staff who keep this vibrant community going strong. ur Mincha Min- Shana Tova U’Metuka. Wishing you a Happy and Oyan will move to Sweet New Year. Standard Time on Mon- day, November 6. Mincha will start - Kol Chesed Editorial Staff at 1pm every Monday through Thursday in the Chapel. To join the ser- vice on a regular ba- sis, please contact Rabbi Barry Schneider in the pastoral care office at extension 4177. The Mincha Minyanaires wish everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year. 2 Vol. V Issue I Bergen Regional Medical Center Moments et me first congratulate the mem- From the desk oF Working at Bergen Region- donnalee corrieri, Vice president Lbers of Congregation Ahavat al continues to be a bless- and pastoral care liaison Chesed on their 10th anniversary at ing for me as I have the BRMC. They are a testament to the opportunity to interact with our long essential link between spiritual strength and physical term care residents, patients, their families and friends and healing. of course my colleagues and our dedicated volunteers. The I’d also like to once again thank all of the chaplains, work we do at BRMC is beyond special and certainly es- BRMC administration, donors and of course the Founda- sential. It is a privilege to share in the facility’s mission and tion for the successful completion and re-opening of our success. newly renovated Chapel. What a wonderful holiday sea- Please accept by sincerest wishes for continued blessings son it will be celebrating services in this modern and multi- and happiness throughout the Holy Season denominational space. Leshanah tovah tikateiv veteichateim! 3 Tenth Anniversary Edition-5772 Congregation Ahavat Chesed Newsletter High Holidays 2011–5772 Rabbi’s Message By RaBBi BaRRy SchneideR BRmc chaplain a New BegiNNiNg This year tion of our anniversary. At our detail. He is not only the project is a special High Holiday service we will manager of the chapel renova- one for officially install our new Presi- tion but is an active and contrib- C o n g r e - dent, Rose Harris. In Decem- uting member of our congrega- gation Ahavat Chesed/BRMC. ber, during Hanukkah, we will tion. This past summer we moved be having a gala dinner, which The hospital administration into our new sanctuary and have we hope will raise much of the has always been supportive. just begun to make it our home. funds needed to complete our Our president continues to see This year will also present us project and insure our contin- the chapel as a priority and this with an opportunity to celebrate ued programs for 5772. The congregation as contributing our tenth anniversary as Con- Dinner Committee is hard at to the welfare and happiness gregation Ahavat Chesed. work planning the event and of those in residence. Donnalee It’s hard to believe that it has commemorative journal to go Corrieri goes beyond verbal already been ten years since with it. support, she is hands on, always we established our synagogue The Talmud teaches us the con- there to encourage and help in within the Medical Center. cept of Hakart HaTov, being ap- any way she can. Without her We have great plans for this preciative to those who extend personal efforts, I doubt that year and I would like to this congregation would take the time to explain have grown so strong them to all our mem- and contributed so much. bers and readers of this I have said it many times newsletter. Much still and will not hesitate to has to be done to com- say it again – without our plete the Jewish aspect volunteer members, we of the Chapel. We have would have no program, set up a committee that no congregation and no will be responsible for chesed. Each one of them the improvements and contributes their time ritual items that will en- and unique talents to hance the chapel into a our synagogue program. fully functioning syna- They are, together with gogue. Dr. Lippe has graciously to us a kindness. On behalf of our residents and professional accepted the position as chair- the Congregation, I must thank staff members, the lifeblood of man of the committee. the Foundation for all its hard it all. Some of the items that we still work and dedication in getting To everyone who has contribut- need are a Ner Tamid, Parochet, the Chapel refurbished and its ed their time, efforts and funds, Shulchan cover and items to continued support of our exten- let me extend to you the bless- enhance our Sefer Torah. A de- sive program. ings of a healthy and a happy tailed list appears on the back Thanks to Herman Linden- new year and may we celebrate page of this newsletter. baum who took the plans and together all of our achievements We are preparing some gala made them into a reality. Her- in peace. events to be held in celebra- man continues to see to every Shana Tova U’Metuka. 4 Vol. V Issue I Bergen Regional Medical Center n behalf of the Administration of OBergen Regional Medical Center, Congratulations and continued growth and prosperity to the Congregation Ahavat Chesed as it celebrates its 10th Anniversary at BRMC. May this High Holy Season of Rosh Hashanah be extra special for all of you, Congrats! Joseph Orlando, Susan Mendelowitz and Ehud Fried o Rabbi Schneider and the members of Congre- lessings to Rabbi Barry Sch- Tgation Ahavat Chesed. May the blessings of the Bneider, the Congregation Aha- Almighty be yours in abundance as you celebrate your vat Chesed and Volunteers, as we tenth anniversary. of the Pastoral Care Department celebrate with you 10 years of wor- ship, fellowship and service at BRMC. May God Shalom, continue to bless you with many more years at BRMC as we serve together. Father John A Quill Catholic Chaplain, BRMC Bishop CV Singletary Pastoral Care Department 5 Tenth Anniversary Edition-5772 Congregation Ahavat Chesed Newsletter High Holidays 2011–5772 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 31rd of Tishrei, 5772, 2Fast of Gedaliah 53th of Tishrei, 64th of Tishrei, 5 P6re-Yom Kippur 7Erev Yom Kippur Y8om Kippur 5772 5772 7th of Tishrei, Service Chapel Kol Nidre 5772 2 - 3:45pm 911th of Tishrei, C10olumbus Day 1113th of Tishrei, 12 Erev Sukkot 13Sukkot I 14Sukkot II 15Sukkot III (CH''M), 5772 5772 16Sukkot IV (CH''M) 17Luncheon in the (18Sukkot VI (CH''M) 19Sukkot VII S20hmini Atzeret 21Simchat Torah 22Parashat Bereshit, Sukkah (Hoshana Raba) noon - 1:30pm 2325th of Tishrei, 2426th of Tishrei, 2257th of Tishrei, 26 28th of Tishrei, 27Service in the 28 Rosh Chodesh 29Parashat Noach 5772 5772 5772 5772 Chapel Cheshvan Rosh Chodesh 2:15 - 3:45pm Cheshvan September November S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 302nd of Cheshvan, 331rd of Cheshvan, 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5772 5772 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 25th of Cheshvan S3ervice in Chapel 47th of Cheshvan 85th of Cheshvan 2:15 - 3:45pm Parashat Lech-Lecha 6Daylight 7Mincha E8lection Day 912th of Cheshvan 10Service in Chapel 1114th of 1125th of Cheshvan, Savings Time Mincha 1:00PM 2:15 - 3:45 pm Cheshvan 5772 Parashat 1:00PM Vayera Ends Veteran's Day 1316th of Cheshvan, 14Torah Study 1158th of Cheshvan, 16 19th of Cheshvan, S17ervice in 18(12:00 AM - 12:00 (1912:00 AM - 12:00 5772 Group, Chapel 5772 5772 Chapel AM) 21st of AM) 22nd of 2 - 3:30pm 2:15 - 3:45pm Cheshvan, 5772, Cheshvan, 5772, (4:18 PM - 4:36 (12:00 AM - 12:00 PM) Candle lighting AM) Parashat 20(12:00 AM - 12:00 21Torah Study (2212:00 AM - 12:00 23(12:00 AM - 12:00 T24hanksgiving 2528th of Cheshvan, 2629th of Cheshvan, AM) 23rd of Group, Chapel AM) 25th of AM) 26th of 5772 Parashat Toldot, Cheshvan, 5772 2 - 3:30pm Cheshvan, 5772 Cheshvan, 5772 27Rosh Chodesh 28Torah Study 293rd of Kislev, 5772 304th of Kislev, 5772 Kislev Group, Chapel 2 - 3:30pm October December S M T W T F S S M T W T F S Torah Study Group in Chapel.
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