RemovingRemovingRemoving thethethe VeilVeilVeil PriorPrior LakeLake BaptistBaptist ChurchChurch FebruaryFebruary 20102010 Muslims . It’s Their Turn! SessionSession 11 IfIf AllahAllah bebe God,God, followfollow Him!Him! If Allah Be God? follow Him! SoSo AhabAhab sentsent toto allall thethe peoplepeople ofof IsraelIsrael andand gatheredgathered thethe prophetsprophets togethertogether atat MountMount CarmelCarmel. 1Kings 18:20 1Ki 18:21 AndAnd ElijahElijah camecame nearnear toto allall thethe peoplepeople andand said,said, "How"How longlong willwill youyou gogo limpinglimping betweenbetween twotwo differentdifferent opinions?opinions? IfIf thethe LORDLORD isis God,God, followfollow him;him; butbut ifif Baal,Baal, thenthen followfollow him."him." AndAnd thethe peoplepeople diddid notnot answeranswer himhim aa word.word. AA similarsimilar contestcontest isis beingbeing heldheld today:today: If The LORD is God, follow him, but if Allah, then follow him. Is Allah God? DoDo MuslimsMuslims andand ChristiansChristians worshipworship thethe samesame GodGod ?? IsIs AllahAllah TheThe GodGod ofof thethe Bible?Bible? MoonMoon GodGodOr GodGod ofof thethe BibleBible TheThe evidenceevidence revealsreveals ,, WhileWhile namename ofof thethe Moon-godMoon-god waswas Sin,Sin, hishis titletitle waswas al-al- ilah,ilah, i.e.i.e. ""thethe deity,deity,"" meaningmeaning thatthat hehe waswas thethe chiefchief oror highhigh godgod amongamong thethe gods.gods. ""TheThe god”god” al-ilahal-ilah waswas originallyoriginally thethe god,god, whichwhich waswas shortenedshortened toto AllahAllah ININ PRE-ISLAMICPRE-ISLAMIC TIMES.TIMES. Conclusion: TheThe NameName AllahAllah isis merelymerely thethe ArabicArabic namename forfor thethe oneone SupremeSupreme GodGod ItIt waswas wronglywrongly takentaken byby MuhammadMuhammad andand appliedapplied toto thethe religionreligion ofof IslamIslam Islam is A REVIVAL of the ancient Moon-god cult. ItIt hashas takentaken theirtheir symbols,symbols, theirtheir rites,rites, theirtheir ceremonies,ceremonies, TheThe namename ofof it’sit’s GodGod isis reallyreally “SIN”“SIN” TheThe namename AllahAllah waswas wronglywrongly assignedassigned byby MuhammedMuhammed TheThe Muslim'sMuslim's claimclaim thatthat AllahAllah isis thethe GodGod ofof thethe BibleBible isis refutedrefuted Al-Kindi,Al-Kindi, anan earlyearly ChristianChristian apologistapologist againstagainst Islam,Islam, pointedpointed outout thatthat Islam’sIslam’s godgod diddid notnot comecome fromfrom thethe BibleBible butbut fromfrom worshipworship ofof thethe Moon-godMoon-god andand hishis daughtersdaughters aa trinitytrinity ofof godessesgodesses al-Uzza,al-Uzza, al-Latal-Lat andand al-Manatal-Manat (( TheThe SatanicSatanic verses)verses) The Satanic Verses an-Najman-Najm 53:19-2253:19-22 ForFor trulytruly diddid hehe see,see, ofof thethe SignsSigns ofof hishis Lord,Lord, thethe Greatest!Greatest! HaveHave yeye seenseen Lat.Lat. andand 'Uzza,'Uzza, AndAnd another,another, thethe thirdthird (goddess),(goddess), Manat?Manat? TheseThese areare thethe exaltedexalted cranescranes (intermediaries)(intermediaries) WhoseWhose intercessionintercession isis toto bebe hopedhoped for.for. What!What! forfor youyou thethe malemale sex,sex, andand forfor Him,Him, thethe female?female? Behold,Behold, suchsuch wouldwould bebe indeedindeed aa divisiondivision mostmost unfair!unfair! (an-Najm(an-Najm 53:19-22)53:19-22) Is Allah God? It’s a matter of character JEHOVAH GOD - VERSUS - DoesDoesALLAH GodGod doesdoes notnot AllahAllah ofof IslamIslam GodGod change.change. changes.changes. II Yahweh,Yahweh, SurahSurah 2:2: 106106 IfIf WeWe ChangeChangedodo notnot change.change. supersedesupersede anyany verseverse ?? MalachiMalachi 3:63:6 oror causecause itit toto bebe Jesus Christ is the same forgotten,forgotten, WeWe bringbring yesterday,yesterday, today,today, andand aa betterbetter oneone oror oneone forever.forever. HebrewsHebrews 13:813:8 similarsimilar JEHOVAHJEHOVAH GODGOD -- VERSUSVERSUS -- ALLAHALLAH GodGod cannotcannot lie.lie. AllahAllah deceivesdeceives.. TitusTitus 1:1: 22 InIn SurahSurah 8:8: 30:30: IsIs GodGod hopehope ofof eternaleternal TheyThey plotplot andand Deceptive?Deceptive?life,life, whichwhich God,God, plan,plan, andand thatthat cannotcannot lie,lie, Allah,Allah, tootoo promisedpromised plans,plans, butbut thethe best of beforebefore thethe best of deceiversdeceivers isis worldworld began;began; Allah.Allah. JEHOVAHJEHOVAH GODGOD -- VERSUSVERSUS -- AuthorAuthor ofof GodGod ALLAHALLAHisis notnot TheThe bestbest ofof TemptedTempted byby nornor schemersschemers isis Evil tempstemps anyoneanyone AllahAllah Evil S.S. 3:54:S.3:54:S. 13:4213:42 withwith EvilEvil Scheme JamesJames 1:131:13 (c.f.(c.f. in Arabic is PsalmPsalm 5:4-5;5:4-5; makara, a HabakkukHabakkuk 1:13)1:13) deceiver, a schemer.. JEHOVAHJEHOVAH GODGOD -- VERSUSVERSUS -- GodGod loveslovesALLAHALLAH AllahAllah isis IsIs GodGod everyone.everyone. tempermental.tempermental. Loving?Loving? JohnJohn 3:3: 16:16: SurahSurah 32:32: 13:If13:If wewe soso ForFor GodGod soso willed,willed, wewe couldcould havehave broughtbrought everyevery soulsoul lovedloved thethe itsits truetrue guidanceguidance butbut worldworld thatthat HeHe thethe wordword fromfrom meme gavegave HisHis onlyonly willwill comecome true:true: ‘I‘I begottenbegotten willwill fillfill HellHell withwith JinnJinn andand mankindmankind Son…Son… allall together.together. Conclusion:Conclusion: TheThe evidenceevidence confirmsconfirms it;it; thethe GodGod ofof thethe Qur’anQur’an isis notnot thethe GodGod ofof thethe Bible.Bible. TheThe namename ‘Allah’‘Allah’ isis ArabicArabic forfor ‘The‘The SupremeSupreme God’God’ notnot forfor thethe GodGod ofof IslamIslam inin specific,specific, butbut borrowedborrowed byby MuhammadMuhammad toto givegive credibilitycredibility toto Islam.Islam. WeWe needneed toto individuallyindividually callcall MuslimsMuslims toto theirtheir ownown MtMt CarmelCarmel experience.experience. DemonstratingDemonstrating throughthrough ourour liveslives asas ElijahElijah diddid throughthrough hishis WhoWho GodGod isis .... AllowingAllowing MuslimsMuslims toto compare,compare, toto proveprove toto examine,examine, toto determinedetermine whichwhich GodGod isis trulytruly God.God. TheThe GodGod ofof Islam(Sin)Islam(Sin) oror thethe GodGod ofof YahwehYahweh ((יOהוLהיOהוLה)) thethe BibleBible JehovahJehovah IfIf SinSin (called(called AllahAllah byby thethe Muslims)Muslims) bebe ((יהוהיהוה)) God,God, serveserve Him;Him; ButBut ifif JehovahJehovah Yahweh,Yahweh, bebe GodGod thenthen serveserve Him.Him. TodayToday GodGod callscalls YouYou toto youryour ownown MtMt CarmelCarmel .. .. .. WhatWhat GodGod dodo youyou serve?serve? Money?Money? Fortune?Fortune? Fame?Fame? Success?Success? Self?Self? IfIf thethe LordLord bebe God,God, ServeServe Him!Him! IfIf TheThe LordLord BeBe GodGod follow follow HimHim !! TheThe “Crazy“Crazy Eddie”Eddie” David,David,storystory II Can’tCan’t .. .. .. .. .. .
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