— NBS 465 Measurement of Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors An Annotated Bibliography Covering the Period 1949-1967 OF p*»t ,** \ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 2rf Z ''El. National Bureau of Standards o \ •*.*CAU Of : : NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS 1 The National Bureau of Standards was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1901. Today, in addition to serving as the Nation's central measurement laboratory, the Bureau is a principal focal point in the Federal Government for assuring maxi- mum application of the physical and engineering sciences to the advancement of tech- nology in industry and commerce. To this end the Bureau conducts research and provides central national services in three broad program areas and provides cen- tral national services in a fourth. These are: (1) basic measurements and standards, (2) materials measurements and standards, (3) technological measurements and standards, and (4) transfer of technology. The Bureau comprises the Institute for Basic Standards, the Institute for Materials Research, the Institute for Applied Technology, and the Center for Radiation Research. THE INSTITUTE FOR BASIC STANDARDS provides the central basis within the United States of a complete and consistent system of physical measurement, coor- dinates that system with the measurement systems of other nations, and furnishes essential services leading to accurate and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry, and commerce. The Institute consists of an Office of Standard Reference Data and a group of divisions organized by the following areas of science and engineering Applied Mathematics—Electricity—Metrology—Mechanics—Heat—Atomic Phys- ics—Cryogenics 2—Radio Physics 2—Radio Engineering2—Astrophysics 2—Time and Frequency. 2 THE INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH conducts materials research lead- ing to methods, standards of measurement, and data needed by industry, commerce, educational institutions, and government. The Institute also provides advisory and research services to other government agencies. The Institute consists of an Office of Standard Reference Materials and a group of divisions organized by the following areas of materials research: Analytical Chemistry—Polymers—Metallurgy — Inorganic Materials — Physical Chemistry. THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY provides for the creation of appro- priate opportunities for the use and application of technology within the Federal Gov- ernment and within the civilian sector of American industry. The primary functions of the Institute may be broadly classified as programs relating to technological meas- urements and standards and techniques for the transfer of technology. The Institute consists of a Clearinghouse for Scientific and Technical Information, 3 a Center for Computer Sciences and Technology, and a group of technical divisions and offices organized by the following fields of technology Building Research—Electronic Instrumentation — Technical Analysis — Product Evaluation—Invention and Innovation— Weights and Measures — Engineering Standards—Vehicle Systems Research. THE CENTER FOR RADIATION RESEARCH engages in research, measurement, and application of radiation to the solution of Bureau mission problems and the problems of other agencies and institutions. The Center for Radiation Research con- sists of the following divisions: Reactor Radiation—Linac Radiation—Applied Radiation—Nuclear Radiation. 1 Headquarters Laboratories and at Gaithersburg, Maryland, unless otherwise noted ; mailing: address Washington, D. C. 20234. 2 Located at Boulder, Colorado 80302. 3 Located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE C R. Smith, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS • A. V. Astin, Director NBS TECHNICAL NOTE 465 ISSUED NOVEMBER 1968 Measurement of Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors—An Annotated Bibliography Covering the Period 1949-1967 W. Murray Bullis Electronic Technology Division Institute for Applied Technology National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 NBS Technical Notes are designed to supplement the Bureau's regular publications program. They provide a means for making available scientific data that are of transient or limited interest. Technical Notes may be listed or referred to in the open literature. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C, 20402 - Price 60 cents Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Organization and Use of the Bibliography 4 3. Key Word Index 5 "+. Author Index 18 5. Bibliography 25 . , Measurement of Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors - An Annotated Bibliography Covering the Period 1949-1967 W. Murray Bui lis About 300 papers concerned with the measurement and interpretation of carrier lifetime in semiconductors are listed together with key words and a brief comment for each. Eight types of entries are included: Description of Methods, Analysis of Results, Standard Methods, Experi- mental Results, Theoretical Models, Auxiliary Procedures and Data, Reviews, and Books. Emphasis is placed on methods of carrying out measurements of carrier lifetime. Hence complete coverage was attempted and nearly two thirds of the entries appear in the first three cate- gories. A large fraction of the papers listed describe the photo- conductivity or photoconductive decay methods. The other most popular methods are based on diode characteristics or the photomagnetoelectric effect. In all, 35 methods for measuring carrier lifetime are repre- sented by entries. In addition, representative papers which describe various models for recombination are included together with a number of papers which discuss the influence of surface recombination and trapping phenomena. Auxiliary procedures such as surface preparation, formation of ohmic contacts, control of temperature, and the like are described in some of the entries. Two indexes, a Key Word Index and an Author Index, are provided together with a classification of the various methods for measuring carrier lifetime Key Words: bibliography; diffusion length; diode recovery; excess carrier lifetime; measurement methods; photoconductive decay; photoconductivity; photomagnetoelectric effect; recombination of excess carriers; semicon- ductors; surface photovoltage. 1. Introduction Minority carrier lifetime is a material The methods which are included in the parameter of fundamental interest in the bibliography are listed in Table I. These operation of many semiconductor devices methods are classified, somewhat arbitrarily, including transistors, switching diodes, into seven groups. radiation detectors, and solar cells. As a result, considerable effort has been ex- The first of these contains the pended in the development of methods for conductivity decay methods which, by far, measuring lifetime and in the interpretation are the most widely utilized methods for of the results of the measurement. evaluating the carrier lifetime of commercially used materials. In these This bibliography is primarily concern- methods the conductivity of a specimen is ed with methods for measuring lifetimes of increased by excess carriers which have excess carriers in semiconductors. It is been produced in some manner, and the ensu- the result of a survey of the literature on ing decay of this excess carrier population lifetime measurement which has appeared is observed by measuring the conductivity during the past 20 years. In addition to after the production of excess carriers is papers describing the procedures and abruptly terminated. In the most familiar decay), the excess analyses appropriate to various methods , a form (photoconductive selection of papers which cover theoretical carrier population is produced by a pulse with a turn-off time much shorter models of the recombination process , experi- of light mental applications of some of the methods than the lifetime to be measured. The and auxiliary procedures and information photoconductive decay time can be determined are listed. Several review articles and from direct observation of the specimen books which treat various aspects of resistance as recommended in»the standard excess carrier behavior are also included. methods issued by both the American Society Reference is made to both forms of the for Testing and Materials and the Institute standard procedure for the determination of of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or carrier lifetime by the method of photo- by other less widely used techniques. A conductivity decay. fundamental limitation of conductivity : . : TABLE I. METHODS OF MEASURING CARRIER LIFETIME Conductivity Decay Methods: Junction Methods: 1. Photoconductive Decay 15 Open Circuit Voltage Decay - Direct Observation of Resistivity 16. Reverse Recovery - Q Changes - Microwave Reflection 17. Reverse Current Decay - Microwave Absorption 18. Diffusion Capacitance - Spreading Resistance - Eddy Current Losses 19 Junction Photocurrent - Steady State 2. Pulse Decay - Decay - Direct Observation of Resistivity - Microwave Absorption 20. Junction Photovoltage 3. Bombardment Decay 21. Stored Charge 22. Current Distortion Effects Conductivity Modulation Methods: 23. Current-Voltage Characteristics 4-. Photoconductivity - Steady State Transistor Methods: - Modulated Source - Infrared Detection, Steady State 24. Base Transport - Infrared Detection, Modulated Source 25. Collector Response - Q Changes - Microwave Absorption 26. Alpha Cut-Off Frequency - Eddy Current Losses 27. Beta Cut-Off Frequency - Spreading
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