149 HAWAIIAN ItILANDS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS VOL. 59 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, MAY 16, 1960 NO. 42 desire to see the work advanced and A New President --- Pacific Union Conference quickly finished. Let us join in praying that the Lord On Monday, May 2, 1960, by a will richly bless this new leadership in unanimous vote of the Pacific Union the Pacific Union Conference that Conference Executive Committee, Elder unitedly—laity and ministry together— R. R. Bietz was elected to the presi- we might face up to the task before us dency of the Pacific Union Conference. and not be overwhelmed by mounting Elder Bietz has accepted this respon- problems but challenged by the unlim- sibility and thus assumes the important ited opportunities and possibilities that position made vacant by the death of are all about us. W. J. BLACKER. our esteemed president, Elder F. W. Schnepper. Spirit of Prophecy Day Elder Bietz brings to the presidency of the union a rich background of de- May 21 nominational experience that had its The Reformation of the fifteenth beginning in North Dakota, his home century in Europe made rapid progress state. He entered the work there in because publications were circulated June, 1929, and today many rejoice in everywhere which the people read the fellowship of the Seventh-day Ad- avidly. The books published in Ger- ventist Church as a result of his min- many in 1518 were 71 and by 1523 istry. After several years of pastoral and the yearly number of titles was 498. evangelistic work Elder Bietz became People everywhere read widely about Educational and Missionary Volunteer R. R. Bietz the Reformation doctrines, and as a re- secretary of the Colorado Conference, sult converts to the movement sprang twenty-one senior academies, two major and later served as pastor of the churches up everywhere. Reading of books on mission activities for the North Ameri- on the western slope in that same con- the spiritual themes of the Reformation can Indians, six conferences and one ference. Following that he carried the writers was in large degree responsible mission, and other activities too numer- responsibility of the Educational and for the spiritual revival which spread ous to mention, but of significant im- over a large part of Europe. Missionary Volunteer departments in portance and value. Reading is also a significant part of the Michigan Conference, and then in the Christian's life. The Apostle Paul the Lake Union Conference. The work is growing, and immediate projects are the building of a hospital exhorts Timothy to "give attention to Fellow workers and denominational in Hawaii and a hospital at Monument reading." In his clay there were few committees recognized in Elder Bietz Valley, the expansion and strengthen- books, and those which did exist were clear and positive administrative capa- ing of both of our colleges, a growing hand-written. Early copies of the Gos- bilities, and after only two years in de- and tremendously potential publishing pels and Espistles were in the form of partmental work in the Lake Union program, providing additional secondary what we call manuscripts today. They Conference he was asked to become educational facilities for some three were read to the churches by appointed president of the Texico Conference, hundred youth every fifteen months, readers. From this reading came impor- then the Southern New England Con- television and radio opportunities, and tant spiritual growth. In fact, the Apos- ference, and following that the South- other possibilities that are unlimited— tle Paul declares that "faith cometh by ern California Conference, where the all of this in the face of mounting ten- hearing, and hearing by the Word of work has prospered under his direction sions on the national and international God." (Romans 10:17.) John, in the for the past ten years. horizons. first verses of Revelation, stated: Now Elder Bietz takes up the work We are happy to have a man like "Blessed is he that readeth, and they of leadership in this large union with Elder Bietz take the leadership at this that hear the words of this prophecy, its 74,494 members, two senior col- time — young, energetic, experienced, and keep those things which are written leges, three major medical institutions, with strong convictions and a .burning (Continited on page 3) 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER Pacific Union Recorder VOL. 59 NO. 42 La Sierra College r7 MONDAY, MAY 16, 1960 Books Commencement Weekend Official organ of the Pacific Union Con- Speakers Announced (')iir Prinerries ference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box The president's office this week an- 146, Glendale, California. Israel was instructed to teach the nounced the names of speakers for the Published weekly at Angwin, Calif.; fifty children diligently, morning, noon, and issues a year. commencement weekend and their night. The Lord has given us a pre- topics as follows: cious heritage—our children, but He Address: Pacific Union Recorder, Box CONSECRATION—Elder Wilber Alex- has also placed a great responsibility on 36, Angwin, California. Notice of change ander, "The Real and the Ideal." our shoulders. God asks a searching of address should give both the old and question through the prophet Jeremiah: BACCALAUREATE—Dr. D. R. Loutzen- the new address. "where is the flock that was given thee, hiser, "Split-level Thinking." Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year thy beautiful flock?" COMMENCE 1t ENT — Dr. Richard B. Many parents are failing to shoulder Lewis, "Who Are You?" the responsibility of leading the little W. J. BLACKER Editor ones in the paths of righteousness. The Mrs. MARGARET FOLLETT . Assistant Editor cares of this life, coupled with the sun- R. R. BIETZ Assistant Editor Ninth Annual Collegian- La Sierran Reunion Held dry forms of worldly entertainment, have taken precedence over religious Over one hundred former members training. Children often must turn to Entered as second-class matter Septem- of the Collegians and La Sierrans re- ber 3, 1927, at the post office at Angwin, the school and church for spiritual lead- turned to the campus for the Alumni California, under the act of Congress of er ;hip. What a challenge to the teacher! I lomecoming weekend festivities Mav March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at Yes, today more than ordinary effort the special rate of postage provided for 6 and 7. The chief event of the two-day and training is required to meet the in section 412, Act of February 28, 1925, conclave was the concert presented to authorized September 3, 1927. needs of our primaries. However, with the public and alumni by former singers no other group are the results more sat- and instrumentalists in College Hall on isfying. The primary age, seven to ten, Saturday night. Professor Hamilton is truly a golden age, for during these Sunset Table conducted the massed chorus of seventy- years the child is usually open minded, (Daylight Saving in California and Nevada) five voices, and Professor Walters con- very impressionable, and uninhibited by Friday, May 20 ducted the symphony orchestra. A large self-consciousness. He also memorizes Angwin 8:19 Oakland 8:16 audience was on hand to hear perform- easily and responds quickly to love and Arlington 7:48 San Diego 7:44 ers of yesteryear and to catch the spirit Chico 8:20 San Jose 8:14 attention. of homecoming. Eureka 8:32 Phoenix 7:26 Teachers, leaders, and pastors, if you 8:11 Fresno 8:04 Reno are interested in saving the souls of our Lodi 8:13 Salt Lake City 7:43 New Teacher Joining primaries, to you we recommend this Loma Linda 7:48 Honolulu 7:05 Los Angeles 7:52 Hilo 6:51 Music Department wonderful new book, Our Priceless Mr. Moses Chalmers of Monterey Primaries. Perhaps you need a fresh approach, more preparation, or a bet- Friday, May 27 Bay Academy has accepted the position of voice teacher and director of the ter understanding of the primary child. Angwin 8:25 Oakland 8:22 Arlington 7:53 San Diego 7:49 college choir and will assume his new New mediums for catching the child's eye, holding his attention, and teaching Chico 8:26 San Jose 8:20 duties in the fall. Mr. Hamilton, who Eureka 8:39 Phoenix 7:30 formerly held these posts, is devoting him to "do-it-yourself" will be of great Fresno 8:10 Reno 8:17 value. Greatest of all will be the soul- Lodi 8:19 Salt Lake City 7:49 more of his time to public relations for the college. winning challenge presented by the au- Loma Linda 7:53 Honolulu 7:08 Los Angeles 7:56 Hilo 6:54 thor, William J. Harris. College Speech Production This is an Author's Award book. The Sponsored by Churches price is $4. Teachers of primaries, you IKE A . will never regret the purchasing of this The Bellflower and Eagle Rock excellent book. Order from your Book churches jointly sponsored a perform- and Bible House or through vOur church OICE ance of the Diary of Anne Frank in missionary secretary. SE. LL SUNDAY Pasadena Civic Anditorium on Sun- day night, May 8. Dr. W. F. Tarr, head A Tireless Ministry Invite Others to Listen of the speech department of the college, THE VOICE OF PROPHECY SERMON TOPICS was the producer and coach for the Pith forTodall project and the cast and crew consisted INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO "The New Jerusalem"—May 22. entirely of students. A large crowd was WATCH EACH SUNDAY "Bible Questions Answered" — May on hand to applaud this most worth- See your Local TV Guide 29.
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