Orchestra. Along with most ROTC students and instructors, three deans, president and Mrs. Pel- letier, there were some non-ROTC couples. The evening was high- lighted with the five candidates for queen and their dates walking under the crossed swords and the crown- vol. xcm, NO. lk, May 19, 1969 ing of the Queen of the ROTC Ball, Connie Boudiette. The Ball finished approximately at THE BANQUET AND THE BALL 12:00 p.m. by Roger Klotz and John Taylor oi Meadville's finest, who reiayeu to them directions to keep the noise ET PlaysOpen Last Friday two major events of down. It was little more than a the spring took place simultaneous- warning^ caused by a few com- ly -- the planned ROTC Ball and plaints and did not dull the atmos- on I hursday the impromptu Beggar's Banquet. phere in the slightest. "Orpheus Wrecks," an ori- As the Ball began inside South The high point of the evening was ginal play by Jim Fernandes, Dining Hall at approximately 8:30 the crowning of the "Beggar and "The Wasteland," a drama- p.m., the Banquet's beggars began Queen". A voice vote from among tization of the famous poem by to gather outside on the lawn. The the all-male candidates proclaimed T.S. Eliot, will be presented by Banquet, billed as the antithesis that Marco, from the Harmonsburg SET May 22, 23, and 24 at of the Ball, made no effort to dis- Farm, was the Queen. Crowned 8:15 p.m. Admission is 25?. rupt the ASG funded event. The with a floral wreath and coronated When Eliot's poem first ap- beggars lolled, sprawled, sat, ate with "For He's A Jolly Good Fel- peared it was denounced as a and danced on the grass, and in low," Marco was hoisted on shoul- much too pessimistic work. The no way tried to halt the activities ders and fell to laughing with the adaptation may be expected to going on inside the building. rest. convey a sense of its overwhelm- A large number of those who at- The evening came far from ex - ing hopelessness. The people tended the Banquet were spectators hausting the Beggars, who from involved in this task include who came because of the rumor that time to time splashed in the patio Larry Meysenberg, Marie Rama, some fraternities and groups of in- fountain and rolled in the grass. Teresa Campbell, Jackie Wad- dependents had charged fire exting- The group dispersed around 10:30, dell, Sherry Wright, Carl Lev- uishers and planned to attack the many going to the CU^ where a lawn enson, and Rachel Wynn. Robert party was in progress. "hippy-peace-freaks". As the SET CONT<-P. 4 gathering increased, an air of un- While the Beggars frolicked out- easy tension remained, especially side, the ROTC Ball swung to the as groups of obvious "outsiders" music of Barney McGlacte's began gathering on the periphery. A few beggars tossed a Frisbee, Faculty Demands Recruitment but the rest hovered uncertainly in small groups or clung to the by J. R. Covert brick wall in front of South Cafe- Expansion teria. An informal group of thirty longer attracting the disad- professors seeking increased vantaged and the The arrival of a pop group com- minority 9tu- disadvantaged and minority group dents it posed of bill Bly, Sam Watson, once did because the enrollment at Allegheny decided Tom McHale and Chris Campbell, programs that were involved in Wednesday night to ask the Pres- helped ease the tension. As their these areas have broken down. ident to set up an ad hoc com- music filled the air, the beggars No agreement was reached, how- mittee composed of faculty, stu- began to relax and feel more at ever, on any solution. One pro- dents and administration to look ease. The group began to swell and posal which met with only limit- into the situation. soon the happening was In full ed agreement would place a black The ad hoc committee, ex- swing. member on the Admissions board. plained Mr. John Reiss of the The professors who met Wed- Small groups of Greeks remained Economics Department, would nesday pretty much represented during the evening, proclaiming assemble information and then all points along the political spec- contempt and/or amusement. make specific proposals. Mem- trum and the concerns and the However, it was noticed that no bers of such a committee would proposals for this situation, Reiss matter how much they claimed the be chosen by the President him- said, were nothing radical, even activities disgusted them, many re- self. by (possibly ) Allegheny stan- mained to the end. No effort to Mr. Reiss reported that most dards. Thus, he said, he saw break up the banauet ever de- of the discussion centered around a good chance for some posi- veloped. tive action in this area. The Beggars were visited by one the fact that the College is no £D1T0RIF\L In spite of opposition from reactionaries in his own party and tra- ditional animosity from Democrats, Pennsylvania Governor Raymond P. Shafer has maintained courageous positions on many issues impor- tant to the welfare of the Commonwealth. Editor Les Ziskind To supplement past efforts, the Governor has proposed several new measures and expansion of some old measures to further social Managing Ed. Warren Kaplan equality, extirpate substandard living conditions, and improve educa- News johnTaylor, Roger Klotz tion--measures fundamental to his program for Pennsylvania. To Features Jan Slusmon finance these programs, Shafer requested the General Assembly to Sports Dale Radcliffe enact an income tax. The Assembly has replied by cutting the bud- Copy Paul Gleason get and refusing to levy the tax, even proposing that the present no- Composition Dawn Vrooman toriously high and grossly unfair state sales tax be expanded in place Diane Slitter of the more equitable income tax. Shafer has stood his ground in Ruth Irvin opposition to such unacceptable measures. Production Jim Cowden Governor Shafer has long been a strong supporter of higher educa- Business Mgr Kathy Jason tion. He has steadily opposed moves to modify and restrict the state Photography .....Jim Castle scholarship program which presently grants money with no strings Advertising|..r..T.....Ken Heckar attached. A firm supporter of liberal arts education and a believer in FORUM the value and unique status of the college campus, Shafer blocked mea- sures in the General Assembly with great popular support to repress There will be no Wednesday campus dissent. Forum this week, but the regular Thus, lacking vocal popular support and faced with mutiny in his own Wednesday morning chapel party, Governor Shafer has remained committed to the best interests schedule (classes at 8:00, 9:20, of the state: better schools, better roads, social equality, aid to the and 11:20) will be followed. needy, law and order with justice. For these courageous stands, the CAMPUS congratulates and supports him. For his concern, we thank him. Bust? For the last few weeks the ru- -» mor has been circulated that tf n —— • _ •-*» President Pelletier has given state 1 C3 narcotics agents permission to 1 /° ——h come on campus. In a recent in- terview Dr. Pelletier set the re- irSr cord straight, saying while he had \ HERE informally discussed drugs with the state police, he had never re- quested them to come on campus. He went on to say that if narcotics Mis agents wanted to search the campus, they would have to bring a search warrant. Last year, when the narcotics agents came to the campus, they presented Dean Ragan with a search IPHi warrant. (President Pelletier was not on the campus at the time.) In- terest concerning a possible raid was aroused when two weeks ago the narcotics agents raided an apart- ment of non-collegians in downtown Meadville. State Trooper Phillips, the local narcotics agent, stated N — •> that he had no knowledge of an im- minent raid, but said also that, f ) normal registration- **If I wanted to search the campus, all I need to do is get a search war- It was < get a thing 1 wanted! rant." 1 didn't Third Term Marked by Reform by John Taylor Students will now De able to take and senior women. Doors will be more courses, including all physi- locked at 11:00 p.m. at Brooks President Pelletier*s approval cal education classes, on asatis- Hall with a receptionist present of the proposals to eliminate wo- factory-unsatisfactory basis. to admit women after that hour. men's permissions and to extend CLEAR laid the groundwork for Under the intervisitation proposal, dorm intervisitation may be to a surrey by the ASO Educational students will be able to have up to some the high point of campus re- Affairs Committee, in which each four open houses a week, not ex- form, but these are only two of professor was evaluated for each ceeding a weekly total of 24 hours, the many reforms which have either course he conducted. The results In otter areas, ACE has restruc- come about or been initiated during will be published in a booklet as tured and expanded its program. this term. an aid to students planning their Under the new president, Dave Fel- The reforms have been so nu- schedules. der, ACE hopes to reach more peo- merous and have come in such ra- An effort to increase diversifi- ple in the Meadville community and pid succession that many persons cation in the student body has the student body. The College Union perhaps do not grasp their great brought about an increase in the has revised its policy and will now scope and importance.
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