SCIENTIA MARINA 76(4) December 2012, 741-752, Barcelona (Spain) ISSN: 0214-8358 doi: 10.3989/scimar.03543.15B Reproductive biology of the sea cucumber Holothuria sanctori (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) PABLO G. NAVARRO 1,2, SARA GARCÍA-SANZ 2 and FERNANDO TUYA2 1 Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas, Ctra. Taliarte s/n, Telde, 35200, Las Palmas, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] 2 BIOGES, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017, Las Palmas de G.C., Spain. SUMMARY: The reproductive biology of the sea cucumber Holothuria sanctori was studied over 24 months (February 2009 to January 2011) at Gran Canaria through the gonad index and a combination of macro- and microscopic analysis of the gonads. Holothuria sanctori showed a 1:1 sex ratio and a seasonal reproductive cycle with a summer spawning: the mean gonad index showed a maximum (3.99±0.02) in summer (June-July) and a minimum (0.05±0.04) between late autumn (November) and early spring (March). Females had significantly wider gonad tubules than males. First maturity occurred at a size of 201 to 210 mm, a gutted body weight of 101 to 110 g and a total weight of 176 to 200 g. Holothuria sanctori shows a typical temperate species reproduction pattern. These results could be useful for managing current extractions of H. sanctori in the Mediterranean and in case a specific fishery is started in the eastern Atlantic region. Keywords: Holothuria sanctori, sea cucumber, holothurians, reproduction, life-cycle, maturity, Canary Islands. RESUMEN: Biología reproductiva del pepino de mar HOLOTHURIA SANCTORI (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). – Se estudió la biología reproductiva del pepino de mar Holothuria sanctori durante 24 meses (Febrero de 2009 a Enero de 2010) en la isla de Gran Canaria, mediante el índice gonadal y una combinación de análisis macro y microscópicos de sus gónadas. Holothuria sanctori presentó una relación de sexos de 1:1 y un solo ciclo reproductivo anual con desove en los meses estiva- les: el índice gonadal medio presentó un máximo (3.99±0.02) en verano (Junio-Julio) y un mínimo (0.05±0.04) entre finales de otoño (Noviembre) y primeros de primavera (Marzo). Las hembras presentaron túbulos gonadales significativamente más anchos que los de los machos. La primera madurez tuvo lugar con una talla de 201-210 mm, un peso eviscerado de 101-110 g y un peso total de 176-200 g. Holothuria sanctori presenta un patrón de reproducción típico en especies de zonas templadas. Estos resultados pueden ser útiles para gestionar las capturas actuales de H. sanctori en el Mediterráneo y en el caso de que una pesquería específica empezase en la región oriental del Atlántico. Palabras clave: Holothuria sanctori, pepino de mar, holoturia, reproducción, madurez, Islas Canarias. INTRODUCTION (beche-de-mer or trepang) in Asian markets (Sloan 1985, Richards et al. 1994, Conand 1989, 1997, Her- Holothurians, known worldwide as “sea cucum- rero-Pérezrul et al. 1999, Guzmán et al. 2003, Toral bers”, are marine organisms found in almost every et al. 2008, Purcell 2010). A sustainable exploitation marine environment of the world. Ecologically, hol- of this resource necessarily requires a description of othurians play an important role due to their benthic the reproduction cycles of the different species that bioturbation activity (Hyman 1955, Pérez-Ruzafa may potentially be exploited to implement a harvest 1984, Richmond et al. 1996, Uthicke 1999, Mangion season and a closure during the spawning (Guz- et al. 2004). Many fisheries are, however, overex- man et al. 2003, Abdel-Razek et al. 2005, Muthiga ploiting the stocks of these echinoderms as a result 2006, Toral and Martinez 2007, Gaudron et al. 2008, of the large demand for food and medicine purposes Kohler et al. 2009). Estimation of size at first matu- 742 • P.G. NAVARRO et al. rity (Conand 2006a, 2008) is also necessary to limit capture sizes, which has a biological justification in maximizing the yield per recruit, allowing individu- als to spawn before harvest. However, studies deal- ing with the reproduction of holothurians have usu- ally been implemented when a fishery has already started, or even when the populations of a specific species are overexploited. Holothuria sanctori (Delle Chiaje 1823) is a sea cucumber distributed in the eastern Atlantic, includ- ing the Biscayan Gulf and Portugal, the Azores, Ma- deira, the Savage Islands, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Santa Helena (Entrambasaguas 2008). In the Mediterranean, this holothurian is a common spe- Fig. 1. – Situation of the study area in the eastern Atlantic (right) and cies and is occasionally consumed and used as fishing study sites in Gran Canaria island (left). bait (Entrambasaguas 2008). In the Canary Islands, as in most of the eastern Atlantic, there is currently no MATERIALS AND METHODS specific sea cucumber fishery. However, the number of Asian businessmen asking at fishermen’s associa- Area of study and sampling tions and harbours about the peculiarities and abun- dances of holothurians found across the archipelago This study was carried out between February is increasing alarmingly (author’s pers. obs.). In order 2009 and January 2011 at Gran Canaria, Canar- to have reliable data before a possible start of a sea ian Archipelago, Spain (28°N, eastern Atlan- cucumber fishery, it would be ideal, at least, to de- tic Ocean) (Fig. 1). Three sites between 3 and scribe the reproductive biology of the most common 10 m depth were selected: Risco Verde (RV) sea cucumber found in the archipelago: Holothuria (27°51’25.16”N, 15°23’15.90”W), Playa del Cabrón sanctori. This species usually lives on rocky bottoms, (PC) (27°52’14.84”N 15°23’2.31”W) and Sardina del from 0 to 70 m depth, particularly in high-complexity Norte (SN) (28°9’9.87”N, 15°41’53.18”W). Three reef habitats (Espino et al. 2006, Tuya et al. 2006). collections in each season (winter, spring, summer and Holothuria sanctori has a markedly nocturnal behav- autumn), evenly spaced by about 25 to 35 days, were iour, hiding in crevices during daylight (Pérez-Ruzafa carried out at each site. On each sampling occasion, 1984, Pérez-Ruzafa and Marcos 1987). As many other about 5 to 10 individuals were randomly collected by species from the Holothuroidea class, this is a dioe- SCUBA-divers at night with the help of underwater cious species and does not have sexual dimorphism lamps. A minimum separation of 10 m was left be- (Pérez-Ruzafa 1984). tween adjacent individuals (Dart and Rainbow 1976). The reproductive system of sea cucumbers has lost Each individual was introduced in a zip-loc bag and, the pentamerism associated with other echinoderms. once out of the water, immersed in a plastic container Holothurians have a single gonad consisting of one with sea water and anaesthesia (MgCl2). In the lab, all or two tufts of tubules (Conand 1989). The gametes individuals were kept at 4°C for 12 to 24 hours. Dur- are released into the water through a gonopore located ing the first 12 months (February 2009-January 2010) at the dorsal mesentery (Pérez-Ruzafa 1984, Conand all three sites were sampled, whereas during the last 1989). The gonads tend to fill almost the entire interior 12 months (February 2010-January 2011) only PC body cavity at their maximum maturity stage (Pérez- and RV were sampled because of logistic limitations. Ruzafa 1984). In general, the pattern of reproduction of sea cucumbers displays a seasonal cycle (Smiley et Gonad index al. 1991). Temperate species generally have discrete spawning periods in spring and summer (Cameron and Animals were taken out of the fridge the follow- Fankboner 1986, McEuen and Chia 1991, Hamel et ing day after collection, and left for 2 to 3 minutes al. 1993), while tropical species reproduce for longer in a plastic tray to drain. The total length (TL) was periods throughout the year (Pearse 1968, Ong Che and measured, from mouth to anus, with a metric tape to Gomez 1985, Conand 1993). the nearest 0.5 cm. Each individual was then weighed In this study, we aimed to investigate the repro- with an electronic scale to the nearest 0.01 g (TW). ductive biology of H. sanctori at the island of Gran The ventral part of each animal was dissected and the Canaria. Specifically, we studied the annual reproduc- entire gonad was removed, including the germinal tu- tive pattern through the gonad index, and created a bules, and then towel-dried and weighed to the near- macro- and microscopic scale of the different maturity est 0.01 g (GW). Following removal of the internal stages of female and male gonads in order to assess the organs and excess of coelomic fluid, the gutted body sex ratio of the species and the size and weight at first weight (GBW) was determined to the nearest 0.01 g. maturity. The gonad index was subsequently calculated using SCI. MAR., 76(4), December 2012, 741-752. ISSN 0214-8358 doi: 10.3989/scimar.03543.15B REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF HOLOTHURIA SANCTORI • 743 the ratio between the gonad weight and the GBW through the formula (Conand 1981, 1993b, Ramofafia et al. 2001, Asha and Muthiah 2008, Gaudron et al. 2008, Kohler et al. 2009): GW GI =×100 GBW All gonads were fixed using 10% formalin and stored for later macroscopic and microscopic analysis (Shiell and Uthicke 2005). Macro and microscopic analysis of gonad tubules Maturity stages were established according to the physical characteristics of the tubules (length, diam- eter, colour and branching). We used the following maturity stages (modification by Shiell and Uthicke 2005 of Conand 1981): - Stage I: Resting or indeterminate tubules. - Stage II: Growing tubules.
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