fA GUIDE TO EMPLOYMENT ~FOR BOYS ANI .IN GREATER Compiled, /;y tIlt LONDON REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNClL FOR JUVENILE EMPLOYMENT ~N~l...f~ CfYmIn Copyright h,,",,'; LONDON PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To be purcha.ed diRCtly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addreaaa: Adutral Houae, Kingtway. London, w.e.:!; no George Street. Edinburgh 2.; 2.6 York Street, Manchester 1:; t St. Andrew', Crescent, Cardiff; 80 Cbicheater Street, Belf•• t; or througb any bookeeller 1938 Price 2 t. oi. net CONTENTS Foreword Preface CoJrOlERCE. Clerical and Commercial Occupations Retail and Wholesale Distribution ... hl'DUSTRY. Bread and Confectionery-Biscuit Manufacture Building and Allied Trades ... Clotbing Trades Engineering and Allied Trades Factory Occupations (General) Film Industry-Photograpby... Furniture and Furnishing Trades Games and Sports Requisites Manufacture-Toy Makin Glass Manufacture JeweUery and Precious Metal Trades Laundry Trade-Cleaning and Dyeing Leather Manufacture-Made up Leather Goods-Boot Making Miscellaneous Trades (Brusb and Broom Making-Cigar Dental Mechanics-Horticulture-Neon Tube Signs­ Pipe Making-Umbrella Making) •.. ~aper Manufacture-Paper Bag. Paper Box and S Making . Piano and Musical Instrument Making Printing and Allied Trades Woodworkjdg Trades ... ~l«~ ~VICES. Domestic Work Hairdressing Hotel and Catering PuBuc SER.VICES. Boy Messengers (excluding Post Office Messengers) Civil and Municipal Services •.• Gas, Water and Electricity Supply ... Navy-Army-Air Force-Mercantile Marine Transport Services-Thames Lightermen and Watermen Zoological Gardens (Helpers and Keepers) ... APPEND[X A. List of Juveuile Advisory Committees working in co-operation the Ministry of Labour APPENDIX B. List of Classes in connection with certain Trades and Occurp'ation APPENDIX C. Note on Trade Boards and Learners' Certificates APPENDIX D. Choice of Career Series of Pamphlets APPENDIX E. Juvenile Employment Bureaux under ~ control of Local Education Authorities within I S miles of Charing Cross INDEX ... FOREWORD. When, ten yfears ago, "the first Guide. to Employm~n~ for "London Boys ('md Girls was published, It was. my pnvileg:e, "as Chainnan'of the London Advisory CounCIl ~or Juyenile ""Employment, ~ to commend it to those interested m Choice of Employment.; as the most reliable and up-to-date suryey of the whole field .. bf employment for London Juvemles .. Smce .1928, however../rhe outer districts of London have expenenced mten­ sh<'lfilldustrial development. New trades, ~ew processes have come into being and new problems have ansen. The chanl;"es which have taken place have rendered imperative the reVISIOn of the original Guide, a task which is now completed. It is hoped that the New Guide will be of considerable assist­ ance to those who are responsible for advising boys and girls who are about to begin their industrial ca'eers. Too frequently does it happen that these juveniles, only vaguely a ware of the opportunities open to them, accept the first employment offered to them without enquiring into its suitability. The Local Com­ mittees for Juvenile Employment, whilst fully alive to the pres­ snre of economic considerations in far too many homes, endeavour to combat this attitude wherever practicable, and should find the Guide of the utmost help to them in this essential work. The thanks of the Council are due to the Ministry of Labour for arranging for the publication of the Guide, and for placing at their disposal officers fully qualified for the task of collecting and summarising the considerable amount of information ap­ pearing in this volume. The Council are also indebted to those employers, members of the appropriate trade organisations, and technical experts who have offered their :wide knowledge and experience for utilisation in the Guide. \Vithout their co­ operation, the Guide would not have that practical value which it undoubtedly possesses. MAX J. BON)!, Chairman of the London Regional Advisory Committee for Juvenile Employment. June, 1938. A 2 GUIDE TO EMPLOYMENT FOR GIRLS IN GREATER LONJl PREFACE. A handbook giving a description of the range· . os open to boys and girls in London was compiled t of occupatidon Advisory Council for Juvenile Employment and ly the}:;?n in I928· Many changes have taken place in the interveL pub"""ed de. there has been increasing industrial and residential d~ ~in.~Jecaxnen:, of the Metropolis beyond the London County Council bo~~R,rtaT\ and the Advisory Council formerly restricted to the A~ trative County of London has given place to the London Regional AdVISOry Council for Juvenile Employment covering an area within approximately IS miles of Channg Cross. In view of these chaIiges, and of the need for bringing up to date the details relating to occupations, the Guide to Employment has been completely revised. The field covered by the new handbook is broadly that of Greater London, and the employment conditions described are those obtaining in that region. The types of occ1fu':ons open to boys and girls educated at Elementary (inclu· Central) Schools have been considered: careers for Secondary School {>upils are ~e subj~t of pamj>h1ets iss1;led in the " Choice of Career" senes published by H.M. Stationery Office and these . have been excluded. The statutory school leaving age at the time of the compila­ tion of this haIidbook is I4 years and it will be noted that refer­ ence throughout is made, as appropriate, to that legal minimum a&e for recruitment. Application of the Education Act, I936, will result in the school leaving age being raised to I5 years in I939. When this change takes place the age of entry into occupations for which school leavers are now recruited at 14 years will be affected. The rates of wages quoted throughout the handbook are those current at the date of compilation. Wages, whether governed by Trade Boards or not, are subject to change; cur­ rent information on employment conditions, including wage rates and hours,· can be obtained at the Juvenile Departments of Employment Exchanges or at Juvenile Employment Bureaux. Changes have taken 'place in the distribution of the population on account of rehousmg and migration, and there has been considerable movement to the outer districts of London. In • The Factories Act. 1937. reduces the maximum number of. hours of work of boys and girls between the ages of I4 and 16 to « per week. This clause becomes operative in July 1:939. 234 APPENDIX A. ]UVBNJLE. ADvISOR.Y COIIMtTI'EES APPOINTED BY THE Mm!sTRY 0 .. LABOUR. Battersea J .A.C., Employment Exchange, Beechmore Road, Battersea Park Road, S.W.n. Bermondsey J .A.C., Employment Exchange, Brunei Road, Rotherhithe, S.E.I6. Borough J.A.C., Employment Exchange, 236, Wa.lwoIth Road, S.E.I1. Brixton J .A.C., Employment Exchange, 372, ColdhaIbotu' Lane, Stock­ well, S. W.9. Camberwell J.A.C., Employment Exchange, Collyer Place, ·Peckham, S.E.I5· . Camden Town J.A.C., Employment Exchange, 104-6, Kings Road, Camden Town, N.W.I. Chelsea and Fulham J .A.C. (Walham Green E.E.), Employment Ex- change, Wyfold Road, Fulham S.W.6. Chelsea Sub-Office, Hall of Remembrance, Flood Street, Chelsea, S.W.3. Dagenham J .A.C., Central Hall, Heathway, Dagenham. Deptford and Greenwich J .A.C., Employment Exchange, IS, Deptford Bridge, S.E.S. East Ham J .A.C.. Employment Exchange, 473, Barking Road, East Ham, E.6. Finsbury and Holloway J.A.C. (King's Cross E.E.), Employment Ex­ change, Bamsbury Road, Penton Street, N. I. Gt. Marlborough Street J.A.C.. Employment Exchange, 155'151, Gt: Portland Street. W.I. Hackney and Stoke Newiogton J.A.C., Employment Exchange. Spurstowe Terrace, E.S. Holloway J .A.C., Employment Exchange. Medina Road, Seven Sisters Road, N.7. Kingston.on.Thames J.A.C.. Employment Exchange. Water Lane, Kingston-on-Thames. Surrey. Lewisham J .A.C., Employment Exchange, HolbOach Road. Catford. S.E.6. Poplar J.A.C.• Employment Exchange. Bnrdett Road, Limehouse. E.14. Romford J .A.C .• Employment Exchange. North Street, Romford. St. Marylebone and Paddington J .A.C. (Edgware Road E.E.). 26-21, Castlereagh Street. Marylebone. W.I. Shepherds Bush J .A.C.. Employment Exchange. Sulgrave Road. Hammersmith. W.6. Shoreditch J.A.C.• Employment Exchange. 57 •. Kingsland Road, Shore- ditch. E.2. Stepney J .A.C.• Employment Exchange, Settles Street. Commercial Road, E.I. Sutton J .A.C., Employment Exchange. Manor Lane. Sutton. Surrey. Tooting J.A.C .• Employment Exchange, 220. Upper Tooting Road, Tooting. S.W.11. Westminster J.A.C .• Employment Exchange. 25. Marsham Street. S.W.I. Wimbledon J .A.C.. Employment Exchange. 192. Merton Road, Wimbledon. S. W. 19. Woolwich J.A.C.. Employment Exchange, Spray Street. Woolwich, S.E .•S. 235 SPECIAL COMMITTEES WORKING IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR. The After·Care Association for Blind. Deaf and Crippled Children. 2. Old Queen Street. S.W.I. London Association for the Care of Mentally Defective. Shell Mex House. Strand. W.C.2. London Central Schools Employment Committee. Employment Exchange. 1-3. King Street. Snow Hill. E.C.I. Secondary Schools Head Masters' Employment Committee. Queen Anne's Chambers, Totbill Street. Westminster. S.W.I. Secondary Schools Head Mistresses' Employment Committee. Queen Anne's Chambers. Totbill Street. Westminster. S.W.I. APPENDIX B. CLASSES IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN TRADES AND OccUPATIONS. The list attached shows v.mous types of Classes in connection with most of the trades and occupations referred to in the Guide. All the schools and institutes mentioned are situated within IS miles of Cbaring Cross and the addresses aze given below. Generally speaking. the day COUISes are preparatory to entry into definite occupations. while evening classes are for persons already at work. Further information about classes should be sought either from the Heads of the Schools and Institutes concerned.
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