iAUIC'I~~fH. • NEPAL INVESTMENT BANK LTD. 'Tru{y a :Nepa{i !Ban~ Editorial SPOTLIGHTFORTNIGHTLY Vol.: OS No.-18 Mar. 30-2012 (Chaitra 17,2068) [f recent StatementS of prime minister <tnd polltie<tl leadc r1> <trc any indication, they .'>cern to be h~:ading towan.ls an agrcunent to extend the tenure of Constituent Assembly throup;h the new amendment in the con~lituuon. A.., lc~c; than 4i days remam bel ore the tenure of ( \to end, poltucal parties, whteh arc yctlo scule the mo.~jnr issues related to peace prou..,.., and eonc,utution '' nung. katkrc, nl poiJUG.d p..lrtiC'> sc~:m to be heading LO extend the tenure .IS ,,n ca'Sy \vaynut \lcanwhdc,theSuprcmct ourl rdusnlto rc\11.:\\ ll'> c..1ri1Lr dct t'>tOn lor the cxten!>.ion of the ( \term \ stnglc: lxnc h nl SC J U'>t icc "amal Narayan [)as Cover Story: INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE: An Uphill Task t'><;ucd Ll1l nrdcr Ln tht.'> dlc~:l ln'>Lead ol going lx:htnd an un<.~:nam pn lt tJeal cnur'>e, \\l have dcctded to take up the tnlcnution.ll mount.un conluen~:c <t'> a our nwcr SLOI) l)~:.,ptlc sc\ er,d eommnn.dtlles Jmong the mnuntai11 t•ount ncs around the world in LLnns nl ceo '>)''>Lcm and resource~. the\ ,m. \'t:llo com~.: doo,cr I rom \nde'> FACE TO FACE: Ntcole Menage 24 to lltndku'>h rcgwns and Africa, 2 mnu ntain countncs arc more vul nerable NEWSNOTES BUSINESS BRIEF 3 tndtm.llcchangc than mhcrwunLrtC.<; COMMENTARY : Yubaraj Ghimire 4 \l J llmL when rt'>tng lcmper..llure FACE TO FACE: Prachanda/ Kamal Thapa 6 eonLJnue'i lt1 all!.:ct Lhe overall ceo BOOKWORM: Blpln Adhikarl 7 '>)'Stem of the hill...,, inc:rcasing h•mJship ENCOUNTER: Krishna Gyawall 10 13 to the.: ltlc of Lhc pcnpk. lnLcrnauonal FORUM: Dinesh Chandra Devkota -Goldberger 15 <.onlercnccol ).!ounL..Iin l ounLnc-.on INTERVIEW: Hanan Goder ARSENIC :A Silent Killer 16 milestone. We look ( .hm.lLc <. hangc i.,a DELHI DIARY : Abijit Sharma 17 ..It vanous aspects nlthc con lcrcncc und ENTERTAINMENT 18 It~ llllPI'l'rance in the.: presenL context TOURISM : Good Start 19 20 in the wvcr stOI) ~tnce Nepal ha., been ARTICLE :Pratyush Nath Uprett 21 in the forcfront nl rai !-ting the issue of VIEWPOINT: Dr. Aruna Upreti EDUCATION : Dr. Baburam Pokharel 22 mounlain counLncs, ho~Ling DISASTER: Training Manpower 23 mlernallonal conference ol mnuntain TRENDS : Shradha Gyawali 26 wuntncs ts anothcnmporL..tnl \tcp for KOBOLD WATCH: Made In Nepal 27 Nepal. HEALTH: Buddha Basnyat, MD 28 De hll Editor and Publisher: Keshab Poudel. Sen1or Editor: Alok Tumbahangphey Senior Correspondent: Sa•ot Da~al Correspondent: Uma Kania Khanal. (Jhapa) AbiJ•l Sharma (New Reporter: Debesh Adh1kan Marketing Manager: Madan RaJ Poudel. Tel. 9841320517 Nab•n Kumar MaharJan Tel: 9841291404, Photographer: Sandesh Manaodl1ar Cover Design/Layout: Hari Knshna Bastakotl, 9841456791 Editorial Office: Tel: gn-1-4430250 E-mail: [email protected], P.O Box: 7256 Office : Kathrr.ando, Nepal PrintiWI Pioneer OOset Prinrers (P.) Lid., Ohapasi, Kalhmandu Ph 4363624 Ka1hrnan<kJ OAORegd. No 14&'1L00'64, Postal Regd. No.~ US Library of Congress Catalogue No. 91-905060. tSSN: 209Hl711 (Print), ISSN: 209Hl754 (On~ne) NEW SPOTLIGHT NEWSMAGAZINE' Mar. 30, 20121 1 NEWS NOTE Bangladesh National Day Press \teet and Ho'>ting ol Reception equivalent to approximately 4 ,.329,006 Observed fhe morning 'iC'iSI On included .\cpalese Rupees to K.hurkot Sub-Hcalth Hanp;lac.Jcsh Embassy m \.cpal hoisting of the \ation.tl I lag, paying Post in Sindhuli District. By utili::ing thi o; obsavcc.J the ..J.Ist homage tn the grant, Khurkot Suh llcalth Post will lndepenc.lcnce valiant freedom i mpl ementthe PrOJCCt for Constructing anc.J f\;alional [)u y fi~hters and a RuUdingfor Khurkot Sub-Health Post of Banghu.lcsh on 'hiranganas' in Sinclhult Di strict. This financi al 26 tvlarch 2012. ln l'vlcssages frnm the assistance is ex tended under the Grant President of orc.Jcr t~1 Assistance lor (r rass roots lluman !Ltngl.tt.lc'ih, ~.:nrn mcmomtc the Security Project '> ( Cr( rP) scheme of the c.l.l) the I mha~s) Prime \lmi~ter Governmen t ol Japan tn Japan's Fiscal dre\V up progr.um and the I oretgn Year 2011 ~ 1mtc,tcr were read in Lhn:~.: layer'>, Deputy A!>sistant Secretary Al yssa out \torn mg ~cssmn, Ayres Vbits Dr. Alyssa;\ yrcs, the Deputy Assistam Pa1<istan National Day Observed Indian Embassy Honors U, l9 SecretMy lor South and Central Asia, I mhassy ol Pakistan in Nepal Cricketers arrived in Ne pal for a five clay visit. In obscrvcu the nat ion a Icla y o [ Pakistan on The Fmbas'!y ol lnd 1a honored the Kathmandu, Dr. Ay res meLwith senior Marc h 2 ~ holding a rceeplinn in th e national team that completed the hat government offi c ml ~ and civic ac ti v i st~. even mg It began wi th the playtng or trtek at ACl l l II.) \-\ 'omen's She traveled to 11okham to visit va riou~ \.,lllnnal An them'> or both '\epal and ( hampionsh tp wllh ,, t \\O year bu-;incs'> and ctvil o;ocicty leader'> , Pakt~t.tn anti atld rcss by <. hargL d ol '>Cholarshtp worth Rc, 'i,nnn per month lol lowcd hy adtc.,euc,Mon on youth i'><>Ues PaktMan htghllghung Pakbtan \.epal I he 14 member team tncludcd wi th studcntc,at the American ( orner 111 rclaunns slo ppcr Rub1n a Chh ctry, ~hradd h a Pokhara. Dun ng the evening rece plinn, the 1\ryal, lndu Bc rma, Shilu R1j al, 1\abita Dr Ay res <l'i'> Um cd her duttes a'> \ 'ile ( l r e~> id e nt ol Ne pal was the C. htel C;aut am, Saraswali I<um an ( .haudhary, De: put y Assistant Sc:c retaty for South and ( ouest Speaker ol Ne pal's Consutuent Mamta l<umari , Snnu l< hadka, Aarati Central A'iia 1n /\ugust 2010 She has 1\s.~c mh l y, lnrmer Prime Vlim'>ters nl Bidari , Drnpati l< un war, Prutikshya ex tensive cxpencncc working on south Nep.d, mtntsters, MP8, political leaders, H a.sy;.~ l, Santnsh1 Kum uri CIHtudhary, a nd ce ntral As 1.111 issues 111 both memhersol the diplomaticcommunity, ~.tngcc t a (oauchan, 1\nu radha government .md pnv<tLc sector career'> • pr<lmtnent JOUrna li sts and medta C haudhary and Sara'>\\all pcr'>nnncl, 1\rtn) ( hief anc.J •\rmed Pnllll \l,tp;ar ( htcl were present Ambassador Yang Iloulan ( h.trgc tic afram; a 1 /\hmar Isma il nl Opens Photo Exhibit Pa l\t.'>t..tn hntstcd the naunnal Il ag nl ( .h1n csc Ambassador Y.t ng (lak tstan at t he embassy prc mi sl.:'i. lloulan was invited tn Nepal;\rl llalostant ex patriates in 1\Je pal a nd ( .oun cil to inaugurate the I; rn ha~'>Y stal [s attended t he ceremony. photography cxhih1llnn lltled E l JT ean1 Calls On Govt, Political "A Candid Portrmt", ,md 1111tlate Party Leaders the websi te ol WW\\ ·1he I uropcan L nion hac, .1c;ked the photogr<tphynepal com government .tnd pohucal partie'> ol In his address, Yang -..ud Nepal (or raptd conclusion of the peace that '\epal is a count f)\\ tth riLh procc'>'> and early agreement nn hic,tory and culwrc lie be lieved constitUti On t hat suc h photogra ph y ·1 he visi t ing delegates ol the ex hibitions wo uld allow more Eu ropea n [xtern al Action Se rvice people to see anu know about (1·1 AS) led by \'iorellsticioa.ia Budu ra, the unique tradition ol 1\Jc pal, lolk1w ing political consultations wi th and lurchcr promote t he the government and major political development of art and cul ture parlles, urged all stakeholders in \.epal 111 "epal. to forge cooperation towardseonclutling Japan's Assistance For t he peace process at t he earltest and Khurkot Sub Health Post wnu nga new democratic and inclusive The Government of .J apan h a~ constitution within the stipulated decided to extend finan cial dead lin e. assistaneeo£54,867 US Dollars; .... NEW SPOTLIGHT NEWSMAGAZINEI Mar. 30, 20121 2 BUSINESS BRIEF 'Nepal Airlines Received 21 Ministers But Not A Single Airplane," "No Condition To Provide Loans" PABITRA KU\11AR KARKI MANOJGOYAI l'rc,ident of Nep:~J As>OChtttOn ofTo ur und Travel At;CIII' (NAT'TA) Chicl EXL'CUti wOrfiL-er of Clean Eucrgy Ckvdopment llank a11d pt·e,icJcnt of DevclopuJcnlllankct'<' t\ <~ociatiou Nepal (Dlli\N) After celebrating Visit epal Year 1998, the number of tourists B•tlancc sheets of all the banks were very bad, increased the following year. \t\'hat are the chances of seeing a why? similar increase now? There are Lwo reasons fort hat First when there rhe main achievement of Nepal1 ourism \'car (ND') i'> increase in wa<; excc<;s liquidity, Trea'>Ur)' htll's rate came down public awareness. I he number of tourists increased in 2000 after less Lht1n a percent. But, the rates provided hy bunks celebrating VtsiL Nc ral Yea r in l998. We arc O[)timistic that the cllccts had still not fallen. Along wrt h the ri se in liq uidity, of NTY 2011 wi ll be seen in years 2012 and 2013. The carryover cl feeLi s bank's cost also increases strnu ltancously Loans were already seen by the number o( tourist arrival-; in the firsLLWo month'! of not invested properly.
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