
Vol. XIX. -No- 58. VIRGINIA, MEVAJ3A; WEQNEB DAJ. i JXJHE^IB.:: 1881;' :i35 Ofe^ER?jWBEgi;g.,,,,, THBI AMD HOYf. <g»ciitiia (filjrtmitlt. AmnBemenUi Household SnppUes, Stsceilfliieons; Htlcrlal Rotlree. The Able Ohio Hcpu .Mean Editor. VIBOIN1A CITT. BUY. ana Bo.coe Conkling. tmUittea -KYEHT AFTEBBOoa, t Chicago Times i _ , if".?^^'?!.-'-^^? ' KSondoTS excepted.) Mr. Conklin^i opinion of tbe human PIPER'S OPERA-HOUSE, I7-ST0P OROAHS.' IrpedadvertliCTnentsaiwDoJiMoas^ U roductof Ohioknawu ns the Buckeye iniBlcdtSth*ETOiiaCBltOiKu.'.n_ mar" .wntf. - Block'. Unlldini. Yajloi E not likely to be amended, unless by FOR TWO NIGHT8 ONLY fa. a(Uiswooa, iod UdiCatT •_ lb* plod to " ilfcei. Beosnrt User be&w « deepening ma oonarming, upon s V COUPLER, TODS I sets Seeds, Sftj, te^.'i'IIfJLBfes?.'!". perossl oj lb. lUpnblioon organs of tbst WEDNESDAY and THUBSDAY, iDMCurno! Mm- Btnte and controlt of their utteiance* J.&J.B.Malloii anenl him mide lilllo less than a year o BtMn/Votcnriu, 3E>_____kZBroiS, Por Bale npj To UL 1 ago, Hols now bandied by the able Jane IB aad ita fi "'2ll!.n. " Three EWIIMI •text ie Basil at. caiuiwmla Baiidlns, glfSflw-"*-- --T»ea.,^l»0enu ipnVlican edilots witb a great variety I] and upmrds, mtt on iriil. OUlopu fl«l.ft-<aai-trtU.St™ H*ua*UirrH.^. 61 epithet, wicked snd arousing. Ho HATINBB ON TnEHSDAV I tnMsadeiiidBiUlDceiaaln . -JhE.yaEKiiY dimoKidii i. ability fs tWQceded him. Heiss"bsby "Einti JJlttX Tuodiy momtag, "d cootoliaiUI elephant," * Suit*, an sdulterer, mean, DANIEL V. BEAITr, S ; ITednesdsy Even Ian ;.,,.. Jane is Gtt5GERl^,>I|0YlSiQNE. CROCKERY Kotm - * ^w7lb. prwedlos »«*• Ao tepedol malicious, infsmoui, traitorous. A year ^^atiTwctBiBcSei**/ IM/flWa All th. Eminent Coac<Uio, .- WeeAeli JTtte( Ckiia'Bejs S^d Ftiath Wublntton, H. 3. ESj. ".«•« YUsiiJsOll., !«•"<"•• ooia- sgo when he came inln-tbo 8Uie itnmp- • .ml tttais, tUiit Canuest-Flsu *T-^l«a of Herod* BUU nm. birth!, mar- [ng for the Chicago nominees, ho was Md (ndnlkn «{.• kit. dtaited tm sortii end (IB street,- uettUr.••,:--:' •!*-- JJ^SSl* st*. .ui fc, found "ii 111 balled by the same able editors ss a col- JOHN T. RAYMOND I l^.i'iboure.oblT fits nUnules'. mlk froo own. Ln Intellect, a patriot of tbe moit Intm am Biern 'mn «i Kjltl "KnVwrtol lb. UnJlcJ BiUes*. Canada, lonebfng devotion, a itatesman of pre­ fit* iKTfii-AHTbbmAtTUt TVk-m * I**.to S.VrSr lo &riand. Inland orttoT eminence, a Republican held and BBOOES & DIOE:BO±T •jwixTBe &t Xiifij'woi^s X nUbnl bouse of M room*, (Hoi wltbH paypig roOmnrA tt Hated st Un cetnii bt DSO5'^ '<¥±->~\ --. ?li Ssoiplloo! em be i** try mon*y Jhoo_ders aboro them all. His march inA.o.auHia^E'a Ot.th* nrftQiiilllr eolr, Biwdr, Sort md BEATTV'S CABINET flRCANS^l ihetty Hlni tur i -'•'///•'-' •M-. D streets, snl g^CT^'tt'S.BTnT.Pnbliihr.. to jongh tbe State was a triumph. His ._.,.-..»ava> ..iiffn, ttyis-U fishiest wish val lsw, Tbs Buckeyes FRESH, THE AMEBlfcAli!) irtniaft"<l>» Evening Ohronlcl*^ ollbe tma brerd knelt down ^nd adored , ,,, ,- , tt. cn\faqif,' OHAPKL Jim piiioSt.] bim. StTcfpilalaat .mbtalkeraaBfoin ^A I!r^£tt^ ' * • f-~ Lostfthd*rtij^i.^RgN _.w • ,„,..„,_^...,..ob» v - Bopporteel by Wl ownijn. York Oompsoj. was thrown in tbe shade. He was •£SoV*"^."-."* '•"••*! baniihed to tbe book towns, while tbe rirdroi- OIL» AND OANDLE8 ; Ub;tMT^ArLIBCBAllb-&l-l 1 BB4TXYH PIANOFOBTEB, . irard mtn be'tsJd tot ths return Ml turkey gobler il totted through the Abbj B» Sufc-COiohd'Oioiir-Lld" • • -v highway. If a facetiou. Democrat Mo­ Toe Baa owl Welrur imrpct* 7. We ofler Hit " ^.yti^iSb^viaa him bMionpi: (BtfodulstlCTBoba-tolhls. T. HopUm tored any allusion to Nirriganaelt pier ribttot tfioot si.4 Lowiionara u they r. I.tiXhtt Vhuslsy Eresln .iVt.;.- —..-.Juns'li and Sprague's ibotgun he was frownod Mfc.lMffibBiTanr put rfthi DolieS at'ind ruoMeiu fai- fobs Emus BWetf'pSrttibtob HUUyind. Hints' ou'th. ; ilnryHoun Hosiel r npon ass contemptible witling wbo in Hirk.Tiral^Coinedr, ftKBifod^j«i*!!s Out, rbMitay ota ,-• is .^': 'V-.;5'.^!wild.'a-Jii :.-•;-;«-,''-• , W.B.E1— could not sppri^ate maaiirenes* of r in. Apep faflitUiM Bwr (OOlf.elUwsfA Bm ItoriitWriU, _*uirofcCo_j ....IL 11. Oelllerel* tellootOr deration to country, flow Absolutely Pure. rronchnoorlb* BMLBIUI aeUinnUS ot ob- OROiSa «0,i*UMtn 'oaSa-^KU-ai H P. Oior COLONEL ffeuLERSi (alotur naaWhABA GOODS, delivered free lAHOa.flBnpto'tt.eOO.^KmiMlrai .to*.---- cbingid it all ii DOT I There im Isli Ohio Of ehsnts'il Ibo «nlo™toWijiliiloo. io^VWiJ oOold w Goll d BID. inr wimnted. Sent on tHiL~'Banbfol n journa)*io poor as to do Lord Roicoe I. k'J.B. MALLOW ... oted 7CaUkif u|_. and I'BtetbFlits. xoim lj- «H rtontvs a tbenl reosrd hrhlTta^ - Tolimr-V. .*."."." i'.'n. Bldurdi Colond UulDerrj Bellm.'/plW T. kiTHOHti : Tlqttoti, Hendo. , dibber Bros reverence. He wbo did beitrido the K'^KiS,"'* laV™*^ *»r Btort. rS-.'-.y,' Blrw 'jmf, UUh... lev ol Ibe UU rtaoltlos from htavj 1 Iholl 'dtsIiioE to Iniyar^nnaa^ lo vUt' ..Ctt Striitberger Western Reserve like s colosnu li now. food. Bold ;oo!y in cout, by ill ......H. P. Blimlu OATISEE-FHESB, tl|B AHtBICAV, my (odor/hfere; snd sefelJ-'Uie faitaBMnl •-- In tha op'nion of talented . Buckey edi tan, the mem t pygmy, Yei Conkling Addneeortolloo .j ; : Fh. il tlm anq BmwM MweHt.— bos not changed in tbe slightest. He ii r,' ni ... B. p. Smith to-day 'uit what be waa a year igo, i.lleiyJ OOoTjOrw*.- ..Oi»r a ootiini DE. M. ROCEHAtt.^A •/. Wm Henry a msn of nobonoded talents, [mperiotu. •clfiib, sad relentless, XJltTBlCTAH; EDBOBOS, iOTOPCIIKnB." : PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE. NEW CIGAR STORE JTi.. OatlW. aod';Aui«.y.0«ces4.Blsdi1i.-; -.-,' bull4ln«.eoroiuuutuao.coru.1t 0 ond btlor Mnets: :'0«es-\. .'_' hour.: ftomSI COURT EXCHANGE fridari Saturday uid Sundsy Evenings, K™™.#—«•_,». _.._diiosr.ttjiiMi-- •"-;• ig Dtl'V EIPKBIHE.IT* lune IT, 18 and 19. ROMAN & QRABNER DR. P. T. HIBBY,' • f,, «J lluprivilfjn t_l the mloorily. Therai] OT COUHTT PHTBlOliif.l.OFFicBiV r bribSU nutbt Bl »»• to »30 s round, 36 North 0 Street, GRAND LADIES' MATfflEE SATURDAY AVE OPENED A- BKAKCH (HOAR ind reridmo. tmnttW Bt. limit's, onr-'_",- is3 Hon' l'*«l Itsl Honri llrtDUildirtll wherever lliclr M ii««, h< Elate si: -'.. yTj...'-• •- Lth. PortoOce,..nert door to lbs > EntiniW': • n.nlds'l Est •ver ioulobiloui lh. I callij mij be, ood wi Ooronolion EDjPftinent ot tbe H Bnlldlng. g atreet, TV_telo C»y. ^ ltf-lm .Vc - |Wllhlngtoo SIU-1 It tbecnll uilioed lo Uum,h —i.trdaln ^lUST RECEIVED! Ivc ta hHllh iml vlr^ir. lltdlcol Klenca Ii Q0B. THEDE, Snperintendeat. Ho. iS.Soottid'Btreflt, Ooe of Uoramiiiioiier Lo Duc'i ROYAL FAVORITESI " • H^BEBI^TEINip.^;v:^:.y hu-o'cr.cemi to tbe "li of lh» litter, lull loBocfto's TheIr"Oi_ni__s Cinranleed peri minis io connection with his mgar . ua. IIiTlngniadeipec'!) oiTii_rane-'- tutor Irom lorghura has never been Pur Own Potchate When 'jHTBicuH AHD" BOBOIOK. 'bmcji^*s 1" illBS FISE^r BH*KDS OF WIRES, wilh.one ot th. Ipest manabctnisn In I— . Ka.UHorlhOrtnsl.oaoe bow tnsn-li sude Inown. This wu the loltin. (bid lull 111 fork and SuFiudiUUuiy are prepund to Uqaor. ond (_(_!• aim jl oa hon-L Cool Faatoi^^a-^lltitHiL Jtag r. a. ... i . ..; i mjitin ;.,. ladnsckiogawBy under ground of tbe •r Irom livorite Initn DOWnjtliyeriiiont. Mil Don* but tbe l_et Ofti* and Tobit^b. Cull •ne Lunch Kt ev.rj d.v. All tbe laical Md try our Btw Bimd! and MS locyoursdie). Itfuio itstti of sorghum, Irom which n botuilci »lti* rt Attorneys at I_.w^; thi jutes hid been prcs.ed by thi ,-iionihiitib'B Hu A 1 d ..telle Tlhla I ind rtmcdjlor lhi Lb. nn tf p. lion. JeMf MASTODON Ml|STRELS w mitXl bj •• ip^ mioiato, lhe lou GENUINE HAVANA CI6ABH rollrr ol tbo rn .ir mill, lor the purpoic Dlrsct Irom their BrftllUt Tfrtomph ol Purest-Maple, Sugar ol Bilking tone feed. Not only woi heit, over ricrtloi nm* wiLcr. at anj Almr. on ho.d. leSti AF.ISSH. ., ^iSi'WMO-'V. A ill tbes.iliibliipice sllottod for ex rtttr'i Blomoch Bll- GONSECUT1VE-200-PEJ.FOSMANCE8 i EVER RECEIV.0 OH T.^ COAST. pcfimenul vegetable growth sown will 1EWI4 A. HEAft HINK'S SALOON, .-...ST. 4) KUgbain 'eed, bat s Isrso fsrm woi K TUB -?IEST 'JUDICIAL DBTRIOT Oooil, Cbnnly ol Mom, BUt* ot Hindi, I TIOattBY»AT-tAW. ^!*W^-*TO'>jft tinted in Virginia, sereril miles from for. C snd Bmlih Sir cell. Ber Hslesly's TheateiVLeadoa, Kng., ( ! X IfiDou'i store, uat dopr.t. the Bu* *.V* '•:: etblni Short ef I'nmlitshshle Bene Jithnoslterpt '-'"-'- ' "- •'— "- Lit ^-'io i»m Ibil nit, ood ibest 100 scrca plouUi! MAPL.)E SYRUP Under piUotiigoctlbtlr|tepllllgbncBci, wilb lhil crop. Hereral building, Opposite National Guard Hall. lii Paxrels and Tina at •tn .reeled oa lhe lioe of I) itreet .-aid urifijul ud nulntila lh. npaioili TBE PE1NDB AHD PS1 .(tMS OF WALES. JOHH K. J?0WH,^ -' roolb, i itesm boiler, eogine, snd very 1. miuiui IBJTJS il ti « HIKE HAS OPENED TH8 ABOVE HATCH BH'OTHER8' itlon bsebi pnilFsforonotdival »liol uptniire michineiy let up, including IOUM in ilri -clue .Ivle. Lorcn ol Ihe The tlreatet Minslr«i OrganUatlon telltuass.ol ulddfmdut,for Ihepur- he but vtftubli illcnlivs, tiled Boik. Boca, Ullw.nlee, aodlulict Family Or. eery Store, S i mill for preiiing tbe jnico from tbt In Eititcsce. poeei Ihtirln «t IOTUL' II Is UwretOn ordend Attorney-at-Law and Notuj.' * illhU ijunod Boer, coa be aommraoditcd ot by Uo *M Court thot all the petsoni Interested •talks, boiling tanks, tl decolor, evipnr- lhil homo.
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