BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIIFIIED BUSIINESS LIISTIINGS S E Y C H E L L E S I N V E S T M E N T B U R E A U Y O U R I N V E S T M E N T F A C I L I T A T O R SEYCHELLES INVESTMENT BUREAU TThhee ffirirsstt ppoinointt ooff coconnttaacctt ffoorr inin vvesestotorrss inin SeSeyychcheelllleses 2nd Floor Caravelle House Manglier Street P.O. Box 1167 Victoria Mahé - Seychelles Telephone: (+248) 295 500 Telefax: (+248) 225 125 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sib.gov.sc SEYCHELLES BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010-2011 PAGE 01 Together, We are ready for the Future... SEYCHELLES BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010-2011 PAGE 02 CEO - SEYCHELLES INVESTMENT BUREAU M E S S A G E Our ultimate aim is to have every business in Seychelles listed. We will have some new features in the next edition. Between now and then, we welcome any feedback for improvement. A very warm welcome Finally, I would like to thank everybody who to all of our readers! made this year's publication a success, inclu- ding my hard-working team at SIB, who devo- ted a lot of their time. AA fter four very successful years, I am pleased to launch the fourth edition of the Here's to hoping our publication serves you Business Directory – a key tool for local and your business in 2010! businesses and overseas investors. Sincerely, The Business Directory is a very important part of the range of promotion services Seychelles Investment Bureau provides to the Business community: through our embassies Sherin Renaud and honorary consuls, we distribute it to a Chief Executive Officer number of countries; we also include the directory in our promotion packs at road- shows. In what we hope will be good news to the Business community, we will have an online version of the directory up later this year, resulting in even more exposure for the business contained within it. SEYCHELLES BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010-2011 PAGE 03 H O W T O U S E T H E DIRECTORY The directory is divided into five main sections: ................. 21 - 23 Index of Compan ies InThisde xsection of Com listspa alln theies companies in alpha- betical order. ....................... 24 IInnddeexx PPeerr CCaattegegoorryy This section lists the products and services by category, in alphabetical order. ......... 26 Index of Busin ess Listin gs This section lists all the companies with their respective full colour advertisements. ........................ 27 - 75 Busin ess Details BuThissin sectioness D providesetails detailed information on the individual businesses. The businesses are listed in the alphabetical order of their respective business activities. .......................... 77 - 79 Useful Con tacts UThissefu sectionl Con taprovidescts contact details of all government ministries/departments, paras- tatals, authorities, business-related associa- tions, resident embassies and consulate representatives in Seychelles. his Directory Tfeatures only those businesses that have expressed their interest to be listed in it. All entries/adverts therefore represent specific information provided by the businesses themselves. Whilst all efforts have been made to ensure that the information in the Directory is accurate, we do apologise for any mistake that have escaped scrutiny. We will ensure that they are corrected in future editions. The Directory is also available on www.sib.gov.sc SEYCHELLES BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010-2011 PAGE 04 MINISTER FCOR NOATIONNAL DTEVELEOPMENNT T S Message: CEO - SIB 3 How to Use the Directory 4 Seychelles: An overview 6 - 12 Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industry 15 Investing in Seychelles: Business Opportunities 17 About SIB 18 Why Invest in Seychelles 19 Index of Companies 21 - 23 Index Per Categories 24 Index of Business Adverts 25 Index of Business Listings 26 Business Details 27 - 75 Useful Contacts 77 - 79 N O T E his publication provides information in good faith, but does not Tprovide warranties whatsoever, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any of the information supplied. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Seychelles Investment Bureau, is not in any way responsible and has no legal liability in respect of the contents. ........................................................................................................ Compiled, Processed & Published by: ette publication fournit des informations en toute bonne foi, mais Cne fournit pas de garanties du tout, ni assume n’importe quelle SEYCHELLES INVESTMENT BUREAU responsabilité légale ou responsabilité du tout, pour l’exactitude, la P.O. Box 1167 - Victoria - Mahé - Seychelles perfection ou l’utilité de n’importe laquelle des informations fournies. 2nd Floor - Caravelle House - Manglier Street Cette publication pourrait inclure des inexactitudes techniques ou Tel: (+248) 295500 • Fax: (+248) 225125 des erreurs typographiques. C’est en aucune façon responsable et Email: [email protected] • www.sib.gov.sc Y O U R I N V E S T M E N T F A C I L I T A T O R n’a aucune responsabilité legale dans le respect du contenu. SEYCHELLES BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010-2011 PAGE 05 A N O V E R V I E W O F SEYCHELLES A Brief History DISCOVERY he Republic of Seychelles was first mentioned in the Arab manuscripts of the 9th century (810 A.D.) and 10th century (916 A.D.). In the 14th and 15th century it Tcarried the name of “Zarin” (Sisters) in the work of Majd-alNadji. Aldabra, which is today a World Heritage site, wa 'Al-Khadra or 'Al-Dabaran'. On the Portuguese maps, later, however, Seychelles first appeared under the name of “As Sete Irmas (Seven Sisters) or “Os Irmaos” (the brothers). Vasco da Gama is credited to have discovered the “Amirates” in 1502. In 1609, a Briton, John Jordan, of the East India Company reported the first landing on the archipelago. FRENCH EXPLORERS It was only a century later that the French explored the island. Lazare Picault made two (2) expeditions in 1742 and 1744 and he named the main island after the French Governor of Mauritius, Bertrand Mahé de La Bourdonnais. PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA COLONISATION AND SETTLEMENT In 1756, Seychelles formally became a French posses- sion, when a deed was signed and a “Stone of Possession” was placed at La Poudrière by Captain Corneille Nicholas Morphey. It was probably named after the Minister of Finance of Louis XV, Jean MOREAU des Séchelles. In 1770 the settlement of Seychelles began when French settlers arrived with their slaves on Ste Anne island. The rivalries between the 'superpowers' of that time, Britain and France, saw the transfer of Seychelles to Britain under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1814. One historian described the early British period in Seychelles as one of 'passive imperialism'. It was only towards the end of the 19th century that some economic and social changes came about. In 1864, regular visits by the shipping line “Messagerie Maritime” brought the country out of its isolation. In 1893 Seychelles made telecommunication history when it was linked to Europe, Asia and Africa. CROWN COLONY In 1903 Seychelles became a British Crown colony. From then on it was administered directly from British instead of the British colony of Mauritius. In the First World War (1914-18), Seychelles had to sacrifice its youth when some 1007 left for East Africa and many never returned dying from various diseases. A few 'significant events' included the introduction of electricity 1923 and the introduction of the Seychelles rupees as the official currency in 1934. THE STRUGGLE FOR SELF-RULE The first Seychellois lawyer to demand 'reforms' for Seychelles was Mr. Charles Evariste Collet, the General Secretary of the League of Coloured Peoples in Britain. The list was presented to the British Government in 1937. Was he ahead of his time with calls for land redistribution, free medicine, free education for the poor and a rise in labourers' salary? SEYCHELLES BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2010-2011 PAGE 06 The Second World War (1939-1945) greatly affected the lives of the Seychellois. The 'Seychelles Pioneer Corps' contributed with their lives to the North Africa campaign while their families back home knew only hardship, rationing, coupons and total restriction of their movements. In 1943, a programme of development for Seychelles was again presented to the Colonial Office by Collet who became the first non white Attorney General of Seychelles. He was also the leader of the 'Seychelles Progressive Association'. In 1964, after the creation of the Seychelles Islanders United Party, two (2) political parties were launched: the Seychelles People's United Party (SPUP) led by lawyer Mr. F.A. René and the Seychelles Democratic Party (SDP) led by Mr. J.R.M. Mancham. The SDP wanted integration with Britain while the SPUP was for self-rule leading to independence. POST INDEPENDENCE ERA FIRST AND SECOND REPUBLIC The Independence of Seychelles was achieved on 29th June 1976 under a coalition government led by Mr. James R. Mancham as President and Mr. F.A. René as Prime Minister. Was overthrown on 5th June 1977 and replaced by a socialist government led by Mr. France Albert René. His regime invested a lot in the social development of Seychelles with emphasis placed on free education for all, free health services, a comprehensive social security system. The economic development of the country was based on the diversification of its economy from years of dependence on the traditional copra and cinnamon industry. In 1978, the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone was declared and the granting of license for tuna fishing came in 1979. The setting up of the Seychelles Fishing Authority followed in 1984, while a major processing plant, “Conserveries de l'Océan Indien” was built in 1987. The Fishing industry (principally tuna) became on par with the Tourism industry which was affected by incidents such as the attempted mercenary invasion spurred by the Seychellois opposition in exile in 1981, the Gulf War..
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