IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA VENEZUELA SE RESPETA MARCH 2014 IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA Download our publications: www.minci.gob.ve VENEZUELA SE RESPETA IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA Nicolas Maduro Moros President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez Minster of the popular power for Communication and information Printed for the first time in the Republic Bolivariana de Venezuela March 2014 BolivarianThe VENEZUELA SE RESPETA EDITORIAL BOARD TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH BY EMBASSY OF THE MS. ANA CAROLINA RODRIGUEZ JORDAN BISHOP AND CHARLES HETT BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF DE FEBRES CORDERO VENEZUELA IN CANADA [email protected] PRINTED 32 Range Rd. Ottawa, GILMAR HERNANDEZ K1N 8J4. CANADA. JEAN CARLOS DU BOULAY G COMMUNICATION VISUELLE [email protected] Telephone: 6132355151 www.Misionvenezuela.org MORGAN BELLO [email protected] [email protected] 2 VENEZUELA SE RESPETA Democracy under threat The physical disappearance on the 5th sudden counter-revolutionary explosion of march 2013 of Comandante President During the second half of 2013 unscru- Hugo Raphael Chavez Frias, maximum pulous businessmen and merchants led by leader of the Bolivarian Revolution who led the employers organization Fedecamaras Venezuela during 14 years in a victorious and with the active participation of Con- political process of recovery of the national secomercio and Venamcham carried out dignity and the construction of social jus- continuous and indiscriminate price rais- tice- was seen by the Venezuelan people ing in all areas even reaching increases of as an irreparable loss of historic dimen- 2000%, as well as gong on to the hoarding sions.The kind loving man and at the same of essential goods. As well as this there time fighter who guided venezuelans with was a brutal attack against the national his well aimed words in the transition be- currency, carried out through electronic tween two millennia and who could raise portals based in Miami where they “calcu- society to a higher level as far as meeting lated” a false type of exchange on par with their needs in spite of the immense obsta- the raise in exchange which served as a cles, suddenly he was not there to steer the reference for the fixing of prices. route of the nation. The measures had the aim of encour- The Venezuelan people, in the middle of aging feelings of rejection towards the their pain for the irreparable loss of the co- government amongst the populace and mandante decided to continue continue the move them against the president to revolutionary road and on the 14th of April whom the measures, the problems gener- chose Nicolas Maduro as president. ated by the conspiracy were attributed in a But one day after the presidential elec- systematic campaign. tion, followers of the opponent Henrique The government of president Nicolas Capriles took to the streets obeying the Maduro responded to the economic war call to release the pent up rage and sowed with a plan of inspections carried out death and destruction in the opposition in thousands of businesses in all the strongholds governed by right wing mayors. country, with the aim of obliging them to A new phase of the conspiracy began lower prices and sell the merchandise ac- then, the economic war, which following cording to norms established in the Vene- the golpista script, this would act as a wave zuelan ordinance which prohibits usury and of pressure to provoke an accumulation of speculation. frustration in wide sectors of the population The slow fuse of this ongoing coup which they would trigger after a while with a was supposed to reach the point of 3 IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA The guarimbas block traffic and have become traps causing various deaths 4 VENEZUELA SE RESPETA exploding on the day of the municipal power.The ample victory in the municipal elections of the 8th December 2013, elections of the revolutionary forces, whose which the opposition would dress up as votes beat the opposition with a difference a plebiscite. Throughout the campaign the of more than 11 percent, cooled the fuse leaders of the right repeated that a defeat and allowed Venezuelans to enjoy a peace- of chavismo in the popular vote of the 8th ful Christmas.President Maduro won the Dec would bring a quick end to the govern- “plebiscite” of December and the country ment of Nicolas Maduro, preparing in this ended the year with a truce which did not way for an uprising against the constituted last too long. 5 IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA 6 VENEZUELA SE RESPETA 7 IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA Who really is Gene Sharp? Channels foreign interference against “danger- ous” countries to maintain the hegemony of the USA. Supports the expansionist policies of Washing- ton and finances intelligence work. The American Enterprise Institute gives advice and direction based on the theories of Sharp and his soft coups. Deposes governments which operate on differ- ent or uncomfortable lines. Exercises political power through the major means of communication and social movements which are false even though they may be based on real demands. Impose neoliberalism where his geopolitical interests require it. -dominate energy sources. -control the routes of the drug trade. -re-establish colonialism disguised as democ- racy. -Achieve USA military dominance over China and Russia. -Strengthen the USA military presence in the middle east. -assure USA control of strategic businesses and resources. www.revoluciontrespuntocero.com 8 VENEZUELA SE RESPETA Franchising Terrorism : The method of Gene Sharp Gene Sharp is an ex-military of the USA, anti-communist and anti-populist prejudic- and now professor of political science es: pushing publicity campaigns defend- in the University of Massachussets, ing freedom of the press, human rights, founder of the Albert Einstein institu- and public freedoms; accusations of to- tion and is the author of an essay titled talitarianism and narrow thought; a broken From dictatorship to Democracy, which political-ethical system. provides a political and pragmatic analy- sis of supposedly non violent action as 3.HeatING UP THE STREETS: promot- a method of undermining established ing mobilization in the streets: the elabo- constitutional power. ration of a platform for the struggle This work, translated into more than 30 lan- which broadens the political and social guages, describes methods for overturning demands: generalizing of all types of governments which are divided into three protests, showing up government; failings main stages: the protest: non- cooperation and errors: organization of demonstrations, and intervention, which are always applied blockades and seizing of public institutions following elections. These three phases (disrespect for the institutions) which radi- are divided into five stages which, as will calize the confrontation. be shown, have been rigorously applied in Venezuela following the non-recognition by 4.COMBINATIONOF DIVERSE FORMS the opposition of the results of the presi- OF STRUGGLE: organization of marches dential elections of 14 April 2013. and taking of symbolically significant institutions; with the aim of monopoliz- 1.SOFTENING UP (use of the 4th gen- ing them and converting them into publicity eration war) development of matrices platforms; the development of psycho- of opinion based on real or potential logical warfare operations and armed failures; riding on conflicts and promoting actions to justify repressive measures and discontent; promotion of factors of discom- create a climate of ungovernerability; initi- fort, amongst which some are prominent ate rumour campaigns within the armed as: shortages, criminality ,insecurity, forces and aim to demoralize the security manipulation of the dollar, lock outs, organizations, promotion of internal iso- denunciations of corruption, promotion lation and an economic blockade. of sectarian intrigues and breaking up unity. 5.INSTITUTIONAL BREAKDOWN: on the basis of street actions, and by the taking 2.DE-LEGITIMIzatION: manipulation of of institutions and military pronouncements 9 IN DEFENSE OF VENEZUELA Destroyed and burned a train service pending surface transportation. 10 VENEZUELA SE RESPETA the president is forced to resign. edly youth (some of them over 40 years If this fails pressure is maintained in old) who have made student representa- the streets and action moves towards tion in the universities a way of life and who armed resistance and preparation of the have followed interminable studies in their ground for a military intervention or the institutions, as is the case of Gaby Arellano development of a prolonged civil war. and Vilcar Fernandez, experts in destabi- This coup protocol has been applied lization thanks to the counsel received in repeatedly across the world with varying training sessions given for the execution of success against governments which op- a soft coup by Gene Sharp. These are the pose the dictates of Washington. It is clear “students” who at the end of January 2014 that in Venezuela the plan is in its fourth began simultaneously in different regions of phase at this time, the most dangerous of the country a series of supposedly protest all in that it includes violence with armed actions which changed to violent acts close actions and permanent provocation of the to the selected universities to start the police with the aim of promoting repression. heating up the streets phase of the coup The principal protagonists of this script for plot.The “manitas blancas” had received subversion in Venezuela are the members the mobilization order from the right of a diverse group of students known as the wing leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Ma- “manitas blancas” . white hands, made up ria Corona Machado in a strange press principally of young members of the radical release on the 23rd of January, which at right mostly being students in the private the time was viewed by analysts at the universities. On this point the students the time as an inopportune and politically students in the public venezuelan universi- incomprehensible action.
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