THE CELEBRATION OF EVENING PRAYER FROM THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST VIGIL OF INSTALLATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF HIISS EMINENCEMINENCE JJOSEPHOSEPHWWILLIAMILLIAMCCARDINALARDINALTTOBINOBIN, ,C.S C.SSS.R..R. SSIXTHIXTHAARCHBISHOPRCHBISHOP OOFF NNEWEWARKARK ✠✥ CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART CCATHEDRALN BEASILICAASILIWARCKA, NOFE WTHEJE RSSACREDAECYRED HEARTEART NNEWARK,, NEWEW JJERSEYERSEY THE MEMORIAL OF SAINT JOHN NEUMANN, BISHOP FRIDAY FBRIDAYEFORE BEFORETHE SOLEMJTHEANUNSAITYOLEMNITYRY OF5, THE201 OFE7PIPHATHE NEYPIPHANY OF THE LORD JJAANUARYNUARY7:00 6,6, P M 2017 2:302:30 PM Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart Newark, New Jersey The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart is considered to be one of the most spectacular cathedrals in the country. Situated on the highest peak in Newark next to Branch Brook Park, the French Gothic structure covers 40,000 square feet, an area equal to that of London’s Westminster Abbey. It is larger than the renowned St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Sacred Heart Cathedral was built over a 55-year period, beginning at the turn of the century. The land was purchased in 1871 for $60,000. The cost of the edifice, initially estimated at $1 million, rose to $18 million. Most of the funds were raised through large donations and church collections throughout the Archdiocese. It was dedicated on October 19, 1954. The Cathedral Basilica features hand-carved decorations of wood, stone, and marble imported from countries around the world. Its stained-glass windows, crafted in Munich, Germany, are considered among the finest in the world. The fourteen bells in the west tower were cast in Padua, Italy, and tested by Vatican bell experts. The sanctuary’s carved woodwork and pews are Appalachian oak. Both a state and national historical landmark, the structure boasts massive bronze doors, imported from Rome, and an altar carved from Italian Pietra Santa marble. The five ambulatory chapels arching the main sanctuary are designed to reflect the ethnic groups which made up the Roman Catholic Church in New Jersey at the time of the construction of the Cathedral: the Irish Chapel honoring St. Patrick, the Italian Chapel honoring St. Lucy Filippini; the German Chapel honoring St. Boniface; the Slovak-Magyar Chapel honoring St. Stanislaus; and the Chapel of St. Anne, which honors saints of Hispanic, African and Asian heritage. Behind the altar is the most impressive chapel of all. The Lady Chapel, dedicated to Our Lady of Grace, has an altar crafted from Cararra marble and three brilliant chandeliers of hand-cut crystal. A little-known fact about Sacred Heart Cathedral Basilica is that five of the former bishops of Newark are buried in its crypt. The thirty-four foot rose window, in the gallery over the main entrance, is the second largest such window in the Western Hemisphere. The granite exterior was lighted on Christmas Eve in 1986, making the Cathedral visible on the night horizon. With its 232-foot twin towers, taller than Notre Dame in Paris, and its great copper spire, soaring 260 feet sky-ward, the Cathedral Basilica represents a beacon of hope to all who look upon it. Pope John Paul II visited the Cathedral on October 4, 1995 and presided at Evening Prayer. He is the first Pope to visit New Jersey and his presence in this church was a tribute to all who sacrificed to make its completion a reality. It was during his visit that the Holy Father designated the Cathedral a Minor Basilica. On October 4, 2014, Miriam Theresa Demjanovich, a Sister of Charity of Saint Elizabeth of His Holiness Convent Station, was beatified in the Cathedral Basilica. Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDV, representing the Holy Father, Pope Francis, presided. This was the first beatification to take place in Pope Francis the United States of America. ThTeh eC Cooata to of Af Armrms so of f HHisis E Emminineennccee HHisi sE Emminineennccee J oJosesepphh W Wilillilaiamm C Caardrdininaal lT Toobbinin, ,C C.S.Ss.sR.R. JoJosseepphh W Wilillilaiamm C Caardrdininaal lT Toobbinin, ,C C.S.Sss.R.R.. AArcrhchbbisihshoopp o of fN Neewwaarkrk SSixitxhth A Arcrchhbbisihshoopp o of fN Neewwaarkrk, ,w wasa sb obronr nin i nD Detertoriot,i tM, Micihcihgiagna,n o, no nM Maya y3 ,3 1, 915925,2 t,o t oM Maraieri eT eTreerseese TTheh eC Cooata to of Af Armrms so of Jf oJosespehp hW Williilalimam C Caradridnianla Tl oTobibni nis i sa ac ocommbibniantaiotion no of hf ihsi sp epresrosonanla cl ocoata to of af ramrms sa sa sa a KeKrewrwini na nadn dth teh ela ltaet eJo Jsoespehp hW W. T. oTboibni.n .H He eis i sth teh eo lodledsets ot fo tfh tihrtiretene nc hcihldilrderne.n . bibsihsohop pa nadn dt hteh ec ocoata to of af ramrms so of tf hteh eA Arcrhcdhidoiocecsees eo of Nf Newewarakr.k. JoJsoespehp hT oTboibni na tatettnednedde dH Holoyl yR eRdeedememere rE lEelmemenetnatrayr yS cShcoholo iln i nD Detertoriot,i ta, nadn dth tehne ng rgardaudautaetde dfr formom S tS. tJ.o Jsoespehp’hs’s HHisi sp epresrosonanla cl ocoata to of af ramrms,s r, erperperseesnetnetde do on nt hteh er igrihgth ts isdied eo of tf hteh es hsiheiledl da sa so onen ev iveiwews sit ,i tc, oconsnisitsst so of f PrPerpeapraartaotroyr yC Cololellgeeg,e E, dEgdegretrotno,n W, Wisicsocnosnisni,n i,n i n1 917907.0 .H He ec ocnotnintiuneude dh ihsi se deudcuactaiotino na ta Ht Holoyl yR eRdeedememerer thtrhere ee leelmemenetnst:s :a aC Crorosss sb ebtewtweene na ap eprecrhc hw withit ha as psopongneg ein i nb ebnedn da nadn da as psepaera rin i nb abra, rs, uspupoportretde db yb ya a CCololellgeeg,e W, Wataetrefrofrodr,d W, Wisicsocnosnisni,n ,r e rceecieviivnign ga aB aBcahcehleolro ro fo Af Artrst sd edgergere ein i nP hPihloilsoospohpyh yin i n1 917957.5 .H He ea tatettnednedded mmoounutn to of tf htrhere ec ocoupuepaeuaxu xv evretr t( g(rgerene)n, )b, ebfeoforer ea na na ragregnetn t( s(islvilevre/rw/whihteit)e )f iefiledl;d t; htrhere eo oaka kle laevaevse so on na a MMouonutn St aSianitn At Alplhpohnosnussu sS eSmeminianrayr yin i nE sEospoupsu,s N, Newew Y oYrokr,k w, whehreer eh eh ee aeranrende dth teh ed edgergerese so fo Mf Masatsetre rin in fiefiledl do of af zauzruer e( b(lbuleu)e, )a, nadn da af leflueru rd ed eli sli so on na af iefiledl do of gf ugluelse s( r(erde)d, )a, as ysmymbobol ol of tf rtarnasnpsapraernecnyc,y j,u jsutsictiec ea nadnd ReRleigliigoiuosu sE dEudcuactaiotino n(1 (91797)7 a) nadn da aM Masatsetre ro fo Df Diviivniintyit yin i nP aPsatsotroarla Tl hTehoeloolgoyg y(1 (917997)9.). trturtuht.h. JoJsoespehp hT oTboibni nm madaed eh ihsi ste tmempoproarrayr yp rporfoefsessisoino no fo rfe rleigliigoiuosu sv ovwows sa sa sa am memembebre ro fo tfh teh eC Conognrgergeagtaiotino no fo tfh tehe TTheh ec rcorosss sb ebtewtweene nt hteh ep eprecrhc hw withit ht hteh es psopongneg ea nadn dt hteh es psepaera, rt, hteh em moounutn tr erperperseesnetnintign gt hteh ee veevnetn to onn MMosots Ht Holoyl yR eRdeedememere r(R (eRdeedmemptpotroisritsst)s a) nadn dp epreprepteutaula vl ovwows so no nA Auguugsuts 2t 12,1 1, 917967.6 H. He ew wasa so rodradianiende dto t oth tehe thteh eG Goolglogtohtah aa nadn dt hteh ev evretr t( g(rgerene)n )c ocololor r erceaclalilnlign gt hteh eh ohopep ea nadn dv ivritruteu et htahta th oholdlsd su su sin i nt hteh ep iplgilrgimrimagaege prpierisetshtohodo do no nJu Jnuen e1 ,1 1, 917987.8 .B eBtewtweene n1 917997 9a nadn d1 918948,4 F, aFtahtehre rT oTboibni ns esrevrevde da sa sa sassoscoicaitaet ep apsatsotro ro fo Hf Holoyly totwowaradr ds aslavlavtaiotion nc ocomme efr foromm t hteh ec ocoata to of af ramrms so of tf hteh eC C.S.sS.sR.R. (. R(Redeedmemptpotorisritsst)s )C Coongnrgergeagtaiotion nto to w whihcihch ReRdeedememere rP aPraisrihs,h D, Detertoriot,i tw, whehreer eh eh ee negnaggaegde din i nb obtoht hp apsatsotroarla ml miniinsitsrtyr yto t oth teh eL aLtaintion oc ocmommmunuintyit ya nadn dy oyuotuhth HHisi sE mEminiennecnec eb ebleolongnsg.s. mminiinsitsrtyr.y .I n I n1 918948,4 h, eh ew wasa sn anmamede dp apsatsotro ro fo Hf Holoyl yR eRdeedememere rP aPraisrihs.h .H He ea laslos os esrevrevde din i na an unmumbebre ro fo df idoicoec-e- sasna na sassisgingmnmenetnst sw withitihni nth teh eA Arcrhcdhidoicoecsees eo fo Df Detertoriot,i ti,n icnlculduidnign gE pEipsicsocpoapla Vl Viciacra, rm, memembebre ro fo tfh teh eP rPersebsybtyetrearlal TTheh eo oaka kle laevaevse sc ocomme efr foromm t hteh ec rcersets to of tf hteh eT oTobibni nfa fmamilyil.y .I n I nh ehrearladlrdyr,y t, hteh eo oaka kis i st hteh es ysmymbobol ol of sf tsrternegntghth CCouonucnicl,i la, nadn da na no fofficfiicaila iln i nth teh eM Metertorpooploitlaitna nT rTibriubnuanla. l. nenceecsessasrayr yto to fo follollwow t hteh eW Woordr do of Gf Good dto to r eraecahc,h a, ta t hteh ee nedn do of of ouru rp iplgilrgimrimagaeg eo on ne aeratrht,h t, hteh es aslavlavtaiotion no of f oouru rs osoulusl.s T. hTeh ea zauzruer e( b(lbuleu)e )f iefiledl ds ysmymbobolizliezse st hteh es espeapraartaiotion nfr foromm t hteh ew woorldrlldyl yv avlauleuse sa nadn dt hteh ea sacsecnetn to of f FrFormom 1 91909 0u nutnilt i1l 91919,1 h, eh es esrevrevde da sa sp apsatsotro ro fo Sf tS. tA. Alplhpohnosnussu sP aPraisrihs hin i nC Chihciacgaog,o I,l lIilnlioniosi,s a, ap apraisrihs hs tsatfafeffde db yby thteh es osoulu tlo twowaradr dG Good,d t, hteh ec ecleelsetsiatila vl ivritruteuse st htahta tr ariasies eu su sfr foromm t hteh et htihnignsg so of tf hteh ee aeratrht hto twowaradr dt hteh es ksyk.y.
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