JANUARY 1945 THE IMAGERY OF C HESS (SuP~l t J) 35 CENTS Subscription Rat e 'NE YEAR $3 N O. 35 or No. 36 MO LD E D CHESSMEN S t ude nt Si ze in Display Box These beautiful chess men are made of The c h e~s men pictured belo\\' arc of ;l genuine Terlllite and arc ideal for hOllie Ilse. sl i);hUy 'liffCI'cnt design ;u1(1 are made by All pieces and [lawns arc St;lIl1lton pattern. anothel' manufactm 'cl', They are avai lable Sturdy nlld practical, they Il'ili sland hard only in the StalUJani Size in mottled Ivory usage. and iJ1lld., T hey present a pleasing. mal'hle· like "i!pcal'ancc. NO. 80 ( S lack &. Ivory) or N o. 81 ( Red &. Ivory : Com. plet e set of s tandard s i~ e c hessmen, fe lt ed, in durabl e, two section, c lot h_covered case. K ing height 2%"; base squdiameteares r _1_5/16"__ ______, F__or____ us__e _o____n bo__ ar__ds__ _______w ith _1%"_____ or__ __2" _ $6.95 Standard s ize ches!\ No. 35 ( Black & Iyory) or No. 36 ( Red & IY ory) : Com. set No. 85 Iliet ured plet e set of student size c hessm e n. fe lted, in cardboard box. King height 2%" ; base d ia met e r 1 3/16". For use on above. ThQ Knight boards w it h l Y2" or 1%" sq ua res ___ ____ ____ ___________ _ $3.50 and King of thl!\ ~et are illustratel] at No. 85. Mottled Iyory & Bl ack only : Co m plet e set of right and 'II far left. ct andard size c hessmen (same size as Nos. 80 & 81 ) in t wo·sect ion, embossed, sim u lated le ather case ______ ___ _ $6.00 CHESS BOARDS I·'OI.DING ilOAIWS (Com'll) SOLID WALNUT BOARDS These bo!tl'lls. nOl Ilhl!1trnted, are I' Folding boanls 221. 222 and 223, listed of solid walnut, U " thick. , be lo\\', aro? !\imila" to boards 203 and 205 bUl rmlde by a different manufaeturer'. UnJ:.;hed, with buff colored l" Best Quality. Covering ,H1<1 che ssbo,lrd printed hy Hi lk·s''I"een pl" oces~ . black cloth. Dh'iding lines between black ~qua,.e~ natura! walnut. A"ailable and buff sq uares. follow ing si;<;es: No. 207-].1" x 1·1" with 114" No. 209-IW' x 18" with 2 "s'': :':::::u ,;:= No. 221 1%" squflr'es. Closed s iz e 7 \4" x ].j 11.1" . Unusual yalue at $1.50. COM P O·S ITE BOARD This unbreakable. waShable board No. 222 I ~" s qllfll·es. C losed size 3\4" made of orOll'n i\ lasonite with x 16lh". O NLY $2. ~'Iuare >! impl'luted by s ilk,screen ':':,::';,: No. 223 . 211." s qllfll·es. Closed !:' ize 9\4" Plastk ,mated to reduce wear. J! 1 FO LDI NG BOARDS x l~~". ONLY $2.50. ,·orners. s mooth edges. OpposIte side be used for ba ck~am illo ll. Overall I NO. 200-St;[nd"I",1 qu;[lity board. covere d I\i lh" with 1%" squares. Only in brown cloth with cloth hinge on ,wll ]'AIWI~ FOLDING nOAH]) inside. (:1II"IS5bo:1I"1, green and buff, print· 1"1<1 on heavy, IIm'a ble kraft. 2" squares. W e IW" e just reeeil'ed a s mall <juantity Ol'erall closed ;;I 1. e S'4 " x 11.%.". As of the !inest quality board descr'ibed be· supplied with our Christnlils Chess' I·Ut. low. One to a customer. Order now. A bargain at only $1. No. 204 . S pecial. dOllble weight board with 2 \r, " >!q llares . Co,'ered In black doth. No. 203-Best quality board. Covering this heal'}' weight bO;l nl is lj," thick. Gold lind che!lsboanl full dked grain cloth. dil'iding line>! between black and buff Di viding lines betll"een buff and black ~ quar c~. C losed size 10%" x 20" - $5. squares. Overa II closed size 8"}'s" x 17 ~". 2" squa res, Big yalue at $2.50. No. 205_Same quality as No, 203 but No. 215 with 1%" bllff and blac k squares. Ol'e rall CHESS REVIEW closed si ze 8\11"xI 6"- $2. 250 Wes t 57 th S treet, Ne w York 19, N. Y. $1.50 READERS' CHESS Headers are Invited to use these columns fO I' thell' comments on matters of interest REVIEW FORUM to chessiliayers. VOL. 13, No.1 January, 1945 ADJOURNED GAM ES with the umpire on tbe ml,rits these oil ly Mrs. Gresser's origin· Sirs: of biB decision. al letter is an olUright defence of consultation. Six ot the re­ INDEX We here in Milwaukee bave The accepted way In all s ports long recognized tbe evils of tbe Is to have all official whose duty IImining letters utlerly opposed FEATURES IIdjourned ga me and have at· It Is to call the play to the cons ultatioll and of these tbree Cheumen of Tomorrow ____ 3 tempted to eliminate It by best of his a bility and to entorce were written by New YorkeJ"ll The Soviet Sehool of Chen adjudicating games after a. cer­ the rules to the best of his and t wo by Chicagoans. Perhaps by Mikhail Botvln nlk _____ 7 tain amount of playing ti me has Rb ility and his decision must be thelle New Yo rkers travel by Soviet Champio nship Gamel _ 8 ela psed. accepted by the plnyen regard· bus or taxi. Games From Recent Event • • '6 lell s or what they feel the fact to A fin al word In defe nse of An adjoul"lled game. regard­ ten second chess. Disregarding Interview with Alekhlne ___ . 13 less of how honest the players be. \V e have In tennis, for ex· ample. the acceptance of an el'· tile question of spectator appeal mill' be, Is no longer a chess SERiALS rOI" on the pnrt ot the I'efm'ee fOl' the moment Jet us remember Let's Play Chen! __________ 29 gllme worthy of the name. In the without Qu estion by tile plnyel' thut the skill of Capablanca IlI'st place, a player cannot help Flohr. Hesilevllky and Fine was The Two Knights' Defense __ 28 but turll the game over In his II"ho hands buck the point to ills opponent on the next play by developed to a large degree by mind and thlll alone changes the theh' experience at skittles. If DEPARTMENTS game becaulle it provides extra deliberately throwing the point Chen Briefs ________________ 12 away. It Is a known fact that these are to be counted among Ch en Movies ______________ 14 time fOI' considering the position. those who "have smeared this A chess game in a sense Is an the best referee wlll make errOrs Chess Thrillers ___________ __ 23 In any sllort, but It Is also II. honornble sport with the atmoe· Chessboard Fanta-In ______21 examination testing within time phere of il craps g:tme". then IImltll what a student knows fact that a teCeree wlll make Game of the Month _________ 10 just as lllany ert·ol'S In favor or the IIPOt·t can stand mO/'e smear. Postal Chess ________________ 24 about chess. Imagine how ridic­ a player as against him. ing. Problems ___________________ 22 ulous a student would appear Chess, In a plte of Its long REV. J. D. GARHART Readers' Gamel __ __ ___ _____ 33 who would ask his college pro­ New Haven, Conn. Solitaire Chen ____________ 35 fessol' ror permission to take history, Is only a very minor hili examlnlllion paper home s port in America today whereas NEVER? with him and finish It next day it has the capacity to become Sirs : EDITO RS &. PUBLISHERS or el'en a week later. the leading sport In number of acti ve eontestants of any sport Captain Davldson'S scholarly L A. Horowitz, Kenneth Harkncl8 There Is another point wortby dissertation in the November of cOII sidemtion. Many players In America today. It never wlll POSTAL EDITOR attain Its true place until tbe Issue (Can a Dope Become a J ack St raley Batte ll will give up material for an Denker·?) was a rhododendron of a ttack knowing that the de· playing time Is limited wU h a deciSion at the end of that play­ rhetoric-but, I confess, not too ASSOCI ATE ED ITORS fender must work 80 hard to convi ll ci ng. Des pite bls " pully Reuben Fine, Irving Cherney, defend properly that he will lug lime. Experts will argue a nd blocks," despite memory, Albert S. P i n kus, J . W . Collins, come to the end ga me so Ured agalust that because they feel Ilatie ll ce, Imllgery. associative Kenneth S. H oward tlmt he will be s ure to blunder If the game goos long enough l'CasOll ing et. aI., there never the game away. Adjournment the expert will win, but chess was, and then! never will be, a will never reach Its true pillce CHESS HEVIEW I. fm bll , hed of the g~ l me cbanges the picture blockhead 011 the chess throne. mont hl y O<: lol)., r 10 )'I IIY. bl· enU rely and robs the gambit liS II popular s port until we stop monthly Jun e to &!ptemoor (total catering to the expert plnyen If we but apply the hind. of te n lsauea per year) by C HJ:;SS player by permitting the de­ Si ght, which all of UII POssess­ REVIEW.
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