FR iD A ir,; Yesterday aftaraooo the girls of dCa Rutchlnsoa; registrar, Mn. Gardasr strost. Tbs esreaumy took tho Textile Shop, Manchester Trade D.A.HOmCERSHERE James Nichols; historian, Mies Ida Wiro LAST NOVEMBER place November U , 1*84, at 8L AVERAOB DAILY CUBODLATION ABOUT TOWN school, held an auUng at Coventry Holbrook; librarian, Mrs. Phoebe Bridget's church here, with Rev. POOD SALE far tba laoath of Maar, 1$$S TUB WBATHE8 Lake. A frankfurt and marshmallow Carrier; auditor, Mrs. Herbert Robb; William Judge officiating, at the S e t, Jam 8. Starting at 10 A . M. Fereeast of 0. B. Weather The time of the Brownie Bevel at roast together with swimming and ARE ELECTED AGAIN board of management, Mrs. Clifford ANNOUNCE IT TODAY 7 o'clock mass. Daughters ot Liberty, B a rtfa r« Camp Norton, Manchester Green, boat riding were enJoyed by all. R Burr and Mrs. Lucitu Fostsr. - Mr. Rohan Is a carpsatsr ia ths L. U O. L., No. 118. 5.519 Saturday, June 8 has been changed Mrs. Loomis succeeds M ra Harry employ of Knofla Brothers. Mrs. 787 Blala St, State Theater Bldg. Those who attended were: Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Lewie Continues Nsosber of Iks Audit Alice V. Volquordscn, the Misses Rheel and Miss Hutchlncon succeeds Marriage of Misa Edna Fritch Rohan has been a private nurse in Soda Bread, Potato Bread, Seoteh Cloady toalght oad Boaday; not from 2:30 to 3 o'clock. Bareaa of OIreaiatieas lEtJTtting lipralb Doris V. McCollum, Mable Hack, as Regent— To Observe An­ Mrs. Frank Spencer. Other officers and Charles Rohan, Jr„ Is Manchester sines she completed Beeaee. Oakee, Ptee, Btoeults. much change in temperature. Alfred Bacon o f the Manchester Olga Soave, Edith Chapin, Alm a niversary on Thursday. were re-elected. Announced Today. three-year course at St Francis EHcctric Company, a member of NovelU, Victoria Zelewltz, Ruth Ma­ Hospital In Hartford. Thsy will re­ On 'Thursday, June 13, Orford Sphinx Patrol, A. A. O. N. O. M. 3. side on Maple street after July L VOL. U V „ NO. 218. ( ClasaWlsd AdvoiHalog sa Page 10.) honey, Hazel Johnaon, Jane Tedford, The annual meeting o f Orford Cbdpter will observe the 40th anni­ Cyril Fritch of Torrington today of Hartford will attend the Wash­ Gladys Lamprecht, and Oeraildlne MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Parish Chapter, Daughten of the versary of the founding of the chap­ announced the marriage ot bis ington, D. C, convention opening Roberts. daughter, Miss Eklna Fritch of this Monday in addition to the group American Revolution woa held yes­ ter at 3:80 p. m. in the Center Local 3127 win bold a meeting in Church House. The local 'chapter town, to Charles Rohan, Jr., son of mentioned yesterday, The Center Flute Band will take terday afternoon in the South the Union ball on Oolway etreet to­ CARD was organized in May, 1899 by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rohan of 314 LUCKY part In the annual fleld day o f the morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Methodist church. The program was Willard Cose with twelve members, Emperor Reviews His Fighting Strength nio Woman’s Foreign Missionary Royal Typewriter - Company in BOARD CLEARS given by the following pupils o f the LAVAL’S POWER STAR society of the South Methodist Hartford, tomorrow on the grounds four of which are still living in PARTY INCREASE IN TAXES - 4 8th grade, under the direction of Manchester. TUESDAY, JUNE II NEXT MOVE ON NRA Jffade by Frankfort! church will meet tonight at 7:30 at of the Royal Typewriter Company. Miss Elizabeth Clark: Amelia Agoa- TRAVEL BY BUS SIMPLE SIMON the church, The band will take part in conteata The celebration will take the form HOSPITAL GROUNDS A Blend tlnelli whoze aubjnet was "The Con­ New York— THORNTON ON IS LIMITED TO sponsored by the Royal Typewriter of an entertainment consisting of SANDWICH SHOP necticut Homes"; Florence Mc- Admiaalon 88c each. Fife and Drum Corps. Members ot four tableaux depicting outstanding •3.80 (O.W .) $4A0 (B .T.) Sale of Home .Made Foods sad Mrs. M. J. Burke of Woodbridge Caughey, who spoko on "Churches Q P E 'r'I AT GOVERNMENT’S AIM 5 0 c 1-2 pt. .'itrect and Mrs. Frank Diclantls of the band are requeoted to be at the events In the work of the chapter. Boston $3.38 (O.W.) $4.08 (ILT.) Band Wrought Pottery. UP TO THE SENATE; In Early New England"; Peggy Tor­ Providence— SUNDAY DINNER—«5c. SANMRDERS North street left this morning to at­ Center Saturday afternoon at 1 There wUl be duels by Mrs William (I f rainy «iU be held nt Y. M. MONETMYAaS $1.00 Pint o’clock for transportation to Hart­ rance, 'T h e Constitution of Con­ Engel and Mrs. A. C. Wassail of $3.00 (U.W.) $$40 (B.T.) C. A.) tend the convention of the State As­ necticut" snd Ruth Hunt, "The Con­ Tomato Juice or Clear Soup sociation of tho Moose to be held in ford. Hartford. Pareo equally as lew to other Reports Say Stiff Gift and $1.90 Quart necticut Charter." Beoet Beef or Roast Lemb Ansploee of Memorial Hospital Waterbury today and the Field Day pointe. ____________ Mrs. Thomas Lewie was re-elected Leverett Belknap, S. A. R. will Mashed Potatoes linen Auxiliary. SAME OLD FIRM, Town Treasnrer WaddeD’s HOUSE PASSES BILL to be held In that city tomorrow. A Eliza A. Macoy Court, O. of A. will New String Beans or Spinach French Premier Wins An- Regent of tho Orford Parish Chap­ give an illustrated talk on "Old special bus for members,of the observe visiting Matrons and Pa-' F ILM S—So BoD, Developed, JelUed Salad Inheritance Tax Will Be ter at the election of officers. Other Hartford." Silver Crest Moose will be at Depot Square at tmns night Monday evening. Royal Strawberry Sbortcake, Graham Statement That Books officers elected were: vlce-Rcgent, ~A social time will follow. The af­ CENTER IS ON thority by Premising Not Matron Mrs. Rachel Hilden of Chap­ mcl 9:30 tomorrow morning and will fair will be in charge of Mrs. J. M. Cracker Pie, Chocolate Coke or Proposed at Next Week’s man Court will fill the station of Mrs. Charles Sumner; secretary, TRAVEL BUREAU Manchester Dairy lee Cream JAPS GIVE CHINA Democratic Leaders Conh- leave the Home Club, Brainard Place GIN Mrs. Arthur Loomis; treasurer, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Herbert Robb and ^ o w e d No One Farored i at 10 o'clock sharp. Members will Prelate and the Royal Patron John At tfce Center Phone 7007 Coffee Read The Herald Ad?s. to Attempt Economic Re­ Distilled London Dry Trotter the station of Historian. Herbert House; chaplain, Miss Em- Miss Alice F. Dexter. Parley. BALDWIN G0V;T dent It Will Go Through I attend the State Convention , and Field Day tomorrow In M|atcrbury. Is Suffident for Selectmen »I.»S form Through Edicts. 3 DAYS TO BOW Upper Branch Next Week; Manchester Camp. Ro^al Neigh­ Iwashlngton, June 8.— t A P )— The British Press Sees Little bors will conduct a food sale tomor­ Waranoke Straight administration's tax program for CJonvinced that uie Manchester Paris, June 8.— (A P )— The Senate TO ULJIMATUM row in' the Hale store basement at Jiis session of Congress will be dis­ Sand nnd Gravel Company had not Measure Extends NRA for I 10 a. p. The committee In charge of Real Change from Cabinet approved Premier Pierre Laval’s de­ WHISKEY ! the sale is: Mr.s. Agnes Messier, cussed in a conference within the been given the bulk of the town's cree powers to protect the franc by I Mrs. Rachel ,Mun.«ie and Afrs. Eliza­ next few days by Secretary Mor- business to the disadvantage of the genthau. Chairman Harrison of the Shakeop; Baldwin Starts the overwhelming vote of 233 to 15 Mast Withdraw Troops from * *'2 K d i W t 1-2 pi. beth Duffy. Donations will be re­ Alexander Jarvis company, the today after the emergency measure ceived at the store at 9:30 a. m. De­ Senate finance committee and Chair­ Th«J.WHALCco man Doughton of the House Ways Board of Selectmen last night de­ had been grudgingly passed by the North Chioa, Bob Bhe- Resisration Accepted. liveries will be taken care of by call­ 59c Pint Under Whites To and Means committee. Bnildmg of Fences. cided not to ask the state highway Chamber of Deputies. ing 6744 or 4036. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend A Manchester’s Best Already word has seeped through department to cancel the remainder The powers, withheld from others, $1.00 Full Quart Wear With White . (Congressional ranks that the ad­ of the order which is being filled by were granted within 24 hours after Washington, June 8,— (A P ) —The Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen and Dressed Girls Are the Manchester Sand and Gravel Laval took the helm of the govern­ shirts, Give Recognition! ministration may propose stiff gift London. June 8.— (A P ) —Prime I next move on N R A is now up to GREEN RIVER I family of 69 Pleasant street have FASHION SHOWING and inheritance taxes but there were company. ment. The premier, the third to Minister Stanley Baldwin started the Senate— and certain members o f moved to 109 High street. Selecting These Smart report today President Roosevelt Wednesday night after Mr. Jar­ face the Chamber in eight days, to Manchoukno. of Tulane building politicly fences today for WHISKEY was studying a much broader rev­ vis and his attorney, William J.
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