26456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE August 2, 1972 ORDER FOR SENATE TO RETURN statements limited therein to 3 minutes, William H. Meckling, of New York, vice TO LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS TO- at the conclusion of which the Senate will Emanuel R. Piore, termed expired. William A. Nierenberg, of California, vice MORROW go into executive session and proceed to Richard H. Sullivan, term expired. the consideration of the SALT Treaty, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Russell D. O'Neal. of Michigan, vice Robert I ask unanimous consent that it be in Executive L, 92d Congress, second session, S. Morison, term expired. on which there is a time limitation with Joseph M. Reynolds, of Louisiana; reap- order tomorrow, at any time prior to a pointment. on the adoption of the resolu- respect to debate on the treaty, debate final vote on the adoption of the resolution of U.S. Am FORCE tion of ratification, for the distinguished ratification, consideration of any reserva- The following officer to be placed on the majority leader or his designee to return retired list in the grade indicated under the consideration of legislative tion, understanding, or amendment to to the any reservation or understanding. It is provisions of section 8962, title 10 of the business. not anticipated that the Senate will reach United States Code: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without To be general objection, it is so ordered. a final vote on the treaty tomorrow. The final vote on the treaty will occur on Gen. Jack 0. Merrell, 224-52-6328FR Friday. However, there may be votes (major general, Regular Air Force) U.S. Air on reservations and/or understandings, Force. QUORUM CALL The following officer to be assigned to a or amendments to reservations and/or position of importance and responsibility Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, understandings tomorrow. There also requiring the rank of general, under the pro- I suggest the absence of a quorum. may be votes on the interim agreement visions of section 8066, title 10, United States The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk or any other business which the majority Code: will call the roll. leader might wish to call up before the Lt. Gen. George B. Simler, 210-09-0937FR The second assistant legislative clerk Senate concludes its business tomorrow. (major general, Regular Air Force) U.S. Air proceeded to call the roll. Force. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, U.S. Aaaly I ask unanimous consent that the order ADJOURNMENT TO 10 A.M. The following-named officer to be placed for the quorum call be rescinded. on the retired list in grade indicated under Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, the provisions of title 10, United States Code. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without. section 3962: objection, it is so ordered. if there be no further business to come before the Senate, I move, in accord- To be lieutenantgeneral ance with the previous order, that the Lt. Gen. Alexander Day Surles, Jr., 578-48- Senate stand in adjournment until 10 9955, Army of the United States (major gen- APPOINTMENT BY THE VICE eral, U.S. Army). PRESIDENT a.m. tomorrow. The motion was agreed to; and at 8:24 U.S. MARINE CORPS The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. p.m. the Senate adjourned until tomor- The following named officers of the Marine HUMPHREY). Pursuant to Senate Concur- row, Thursday, August 3, 1972, at 10 a.m. Corps for temporary appointment to the rent Resolution 63 of the 92d Congress, grade of major general: and on behalf of the Vice President, the Samuel Jaskilka Robert H. Barrow Chair appoints the Senator from Nevada NOMINATIONS Edward S. Fris Herbert L. Beckington (Mr. CANNON) to the Joint Committee Thomas H. Miller, Jr. to make arrangements for the inaugura- Executive nominations received by the The following named officers of the Marine tion of the President-elect and the Vice Senate August 2, 1972: Corps for temporary appointment to the President-elect, to the same rank and in RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD grade of brigadier general: lieu of the Senator from North Carolina James L. Cowen, of Illinois, to be a Mem- Clarence H. Schmid Kenneth McLennan (Mr. JORDAN), resigned. ber of the Railroad Retirement Board for Edward A. Wilcox Joseph Koler, Jr. the remainder of the term expiring August William L. Smith George R. Brier 28, 1972, vice Howard William Habermeyer, Arthur J. Poillon PROGRAM resigned. NATIONAL SCIENCE BOARD CONFIRMATIONS Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, The following-named persons to be mem- the program for tomorrow is as follows: bers of the National Science Board, National Executive nominations confirmed by The Senate will convene at 10 o'clock Science Foundation, for terms expiring May the Senate August 2, 1972: a.m. After the two leaders have been rec- 10, 1978: ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ognized under the standing order, the Wesley G. Campbell, of California, vice Thomas F. Jones, Jr., term expired. Dixy Lee Ray. of Washington, to be a mem- distinguished senior Senator from Vir- T. Marshall Hahn, Jr., of Virginia, vice ber of the Atomic Energy Commission for a ginia (Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR.) will be Charles F. Jones, term expired. term of 5 years expiring June 30, 1977. recognized for not to exceed 15 minutes, Anna J. Harrison, of Massachusetts, vice U.S. DISTRICT COURT following which there will be a period for Horton Guyford Stever, term expired. Marshall A. Neill, of Washington, to be a the transaction of routine morning busi- Hubert Heffner, of California, vice Athel- U.S. district judge for the Eastern District ness for not to exceed 15 minutes, with stan F. SpIlhaus, term expired. of Washington. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, August 2, 1972 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. spair as we seek to solve the pressing Without objection, the Journal stands The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, problems of these trying times. approved. D.D., offered the following prayer: Guide Thou our President, direct our There was no objection. Speaker, and lead our representatives as Your faith should not stand in the wis- dom o1 men, but in the power of God.- they endeavor to preserve and to pro- mote those principles which make for I Corinthians 2: 5. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 0 Thou who hast made Thyself known national unity and world peace. as one who is always ready and able to Humbly and heartily do we pray in the A message in writing from the Presi- renew our strength and to restore our spirit of Christ. Amen. dent of the United States was commu- souls, grant unto us a realization of Thy nicated to the House by Mr. Geisler, presence as we wait upon Thee In prayer one of his secretaries. and as we prepare ourselves for the work THE JOURNAL of this day. our faith in the power of The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- May MESSAGE FROM'THE SENATE righteousness, the strength of justice, ined the Journal of the last day's pro- and the influence of good will never be ceedings and announces to the House his A message from the Senate by Mr. dimmed by doubt nor destroyed by de- approval thereof. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced.
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