СПИСАНИЕ НА БЪЛГАРСКОТО ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКО ДРУЖЕСТВО, год. 76, кн. 2–3, 2015, с. 35–49 REVIEW OF THE BULGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 76, part 2–3, 2015, p. 35–49 The post-collisional Upper Thracian Rift System (Bulgaria) and the formed exogenous uranium deposits. Part 1 – Lithostratigraphy and tectonic Kamen Popov, Dimitar Velichkov, Petko Popov University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, 1700 Sofia; E-mail: [email protected] Постколизионната Горнотракийска рифтова система (България) и формираните екзогенни уранови находища. Част 1 – литостратиграфия и тектоника Камен Попов, Димитър Величков, Петко Попов Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“, 1700 София Резюме. В алпийския Балкански ороген, в централните части на Южна България, се обособява Горнотракийската рифтова система. Тя се формира през средноеоценско-кватернерните постколизионни екстензионни процеси, като преработва по-ранните колизионни структури. В рифтовата система е отложен бартон-кватернерен комплекс, в който се обособяват бартонско-приа- бонска, приабонско-долноолигоценска, горноолигоценско-средномиоценска, горномиоценско-плиоценска и кватернерна групa, които се отделят c дискордантни или дисконформни граници. В тези групи се различават поредици от литостратиграфски свити или задруги. Отделните единици са съставени от теригенни континентални, по-малко морски наслаги, с ограничено участие на карбонатни, органични и вулкански материали, както и с въглищни пластове. Въз основа на геоложките и геофизичните проучвания и интерпретацията на сателитни стереоизображения се установява сложна разломна мрежа, определяща структурата на Горнотракийската рифтова система. Обособени са разломи с ИЮИ, ССЗ, ССИ и ИСИ, рядко с меридионални или екваториални направления. Изток-югоизточните структури са определящи и надлъжни спрямо Балканидните, а ССЗ и ССИ са диагонални. В рифтовата система като второразрядни се отбелязват Пловдивският и Загорският грабен и Чирпанският праг. Като третосте- пенни структури в Пловдивския грабен се различават Моминският и Маришкият грабен, Стрямският хорст, както и Пловдивското и Брезовското стъпало. В Загорския грабен са отделени Опанският грабен, Източномаришкото стъпало, Светиилийският хорст, Тунджанското стъпало с Елховското структурно понижение, Симеоновградският хорст, Хасковският грабен и др. В Чирпанския праг се отделят 3 стъпала, разделяни по ИЮИ до субекваториални разломи. В границите на Горнотракийската рифтова система се обособява Горнотракийският уранов руден район. Той е представен от уранови екзогенни находища, формирани в терциерните седименти, които ще бъдат описани в следващата статия. Ключови думи: Горнотракийска рифтова система, бартон-кватернерен комплекс, разломи, второстепенни и трето- степенни структури. Abstract. The Upper Thracian Rift System is differentiated within the frame of the Balkan orogeny, in the central parts of South Bulgaria. It is developed during the Middle Eocene–Quaternary post-collisional extensional processes which remake the earlier colli- sional structures. Bartonian–Quaternary complex is deposited in the rift. The Bartonian–Priabonian, Priabonian–Lower Oligocene, Upper Oligocene–Midle Miocene, Upper Miocene–Pliocene and Quaternary Groups are delimited within the complex, and they are separated by discordant and discomfort boundaries. Numerous lithostratigraphic formations are distinguished in the groups. The particular units are composed from terrigenous continental and less marine sediments, with limited presence of carbonaceous, organic and volcanic deposits, as well as with coal beds. The geological and geophysical investigations and satellite stereo-images interpretations show a complex fault network, which deter- mine the structure of the Upper Thracian Rift System. The differentiated faults are ESE, NNW, NNE and ENE, rare with meridional or equatorial directions. The ESE structures are determinant and longitudinal towards the Balkan system, and the NNW and NNE structures are diagonal. The second rank structures of Plovdiv and Zagora Grabens, and Chirpan Step are noted in the rift system. Numerous third rank structures as the Momino and Maritsa Grabens, Stryama Horst, the Plovdiv and Brezovo Steps are distinguished within the Plovdiv Graben. The Opan Graben, East Maritsa Step, St. Iliya Horst, Tundzha Step with the Elhovo Structural Depression, Simeonovgrad Horst, Haskovo Graben and others, are noted within the Zagora Graben. Three steps divided by ESE to subequatorial faults are formed within the Chirpan Step. The Upper Thracian Uranium Ore Region is formed within the frame of Upper Thracian Rift System. This ore region is represented by exogenous uranium ore deposits formed in the Tertiary sediments, and they will be described in the next paper. Key words: Upper Thracian Rift System, Bartonian–Quaternary complex, faults, second and third rank structures. 35 Introduction metamorphic rocks, Paleozoic granitoides and Upper Cretaceous plutons, volcanics and sediments. To The Alpine Balkan Orogenic System covers the cen- the South it is observed along the northern slopes of tral and southern territories of Bulgaria and includes Rhodope Mountain, compound mainly from meta- the Balkan, Srednogorie and Morava-Rhodope zones morphic, granitoide and young volcano-sedimentary (Dabovski, Zagorchev, 2009). This system originates rocks, and more eastern it reaches to the northern along the active southern margin of Eurasian paleo- slopes of Sakar Mountain and Dervent Heights. To the continent towards the Vardar paleoocean. The series West the structure narrows and reaches to Belovo sta- of geotectonic events leading to paleoocean closure, tion. To the East the East Maritsa and Elhovo lower- collision between continental blocks and building of ings are included in the rift system as their construc- the orogenic system are realized during the Alpine tion and development coincide to the understanding evolution (Hsu et al., 1977; Yanev, Bahneva, 1980; of Upper Thracian Trench (lowland) by Jaranoff Воуаnov et al., 1989b; Popov, 1996; Dabovski et al., (1960), Bončev (1961, 1971), Panov (1962), Petkov 2002; Dabovski, Zagorchev, 2009). The last studies and Čunev (1971) and others. The elevated Sveti Iliya mark the Maastrichtian–Middle Eocene collision, as and Manastira Heights remain within the depression Upper Illyrian fold-overthrust structures were formed frames. The rift structure is connected to the Karlovo in the Balkan zone and high grade metamorphism Graben along the Stryama River valley, and it is wide- and Maastrichtian–Middle Eocene granitoide plutons ly opened to the East Rhodope lowering between the were manifested in Morava-Rhodope zone (Kamenov, towns of Asenovgrad and Dimitrovgrad. The structure Dabovski, 2009). The extensional conditions deter- boundaries variate as they depend on the vertical fault- mining vertical fault-block type segmentation of the block movements of the surrounding mountains. tectonic system and the forming of the present post- collisional orogeny are imposed during the post-col- lisional processes from the beginning of the Middle Lithostratigraphic characteristics Eocene (Bartonian) (Popov, 1996). The character of the orogenesis is determined by the gravitational Thick complex of various sediments is accumulated conditions also, as the granitoide saturated zones and in the Upper Thracian Rift System during the time thicker core are lifted up while the zones with basic from Bartonian to Quaternary. This rock complex magma and metamorphic rocks possess the relative represents the uppermost post-collisional structural sinking tendency. Series of mountain chains and su- stage of the Alpides. It is formed mainly by terrig- perimposed grabens are formed as a result. enous continental and marine deposits which comes The biggest negative structure within Balkan from the surrounding mountains, with the carbonate Orogenic System covers the Upper Thracian low- and organic matter participation, and volcanic mate- land. First Bončev and Bakalov (1928) determine rial from the Rhodope Mountain. Five lithogenetic that it represents graben between the Rhodope and stages are clearly distinguished during the evolution Sredna Gora Mountains. Bončev (1940) notices that of Upper Thracian Bartonian–Quaternary complex. the pointed lowlands are with post-orogenic sedi- The separated rock assemblages are differentiated as mentation. Jaranoff (1960) defines the depressions groups including particular lithostratigraphic forma- in Upper Thrace, represented by Plovdiv Depression tions. The groups are separated by clear discordant or and Maritsa Lignite Basin, detached by Chirpan Step. discomfort boundaries. According to the stratigraphic Bončev (1961, 1971) defines this structure as “Upper range the differentiated 5 rock assemblages are formed Thracian Trench”. By 3 deep wells Panov (1962) stud- during the Bartonian–Priabonian, Priabonian–Early ies the Tertiary sediments stratigraphy and clarifies the Oligocene, Late Oligocene–Middle Miocene, Late Plovdiv and Zagora lowerings and the Chirpan Step. Mio cene–Pliocene and Quaternary stages (Figs. 1, 2). Petkov and Čunev (1971), Savov (1971) and others de- scribe the superimposed depressions, overlying Upper The Bartonian–Priabonian Group includes the Cretaceous structures, referencing Upper Thracian, rocks from the basement of Bartonian–Quaternary East Maritsa and Elhovo Depressions (lowerings). complex. Their subdivisions are differently nominated Numerous geological explorations and geophysical in the individual areas. Breccia-conglomerate, clayey-
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