March 12, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E429 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE FAIRFAX COUN- lice Officer First Class Donnacha Fay, Police our time: freedom of speech, freedom of reli- TY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2003 Officer First Class Tom Hulse IV, Officer Me- gion, freedom from tyranny, equality, liberty, VALOR AWARD RECIPIENTS lissa Jones, Officer Jonathan Bobel, Master self-determination, and democratic self-gov- MARCH 11, 2003 Police Officer John Bracco, Police Officer First ernment. Class Bradford Avery; Bronze Medal of Valor: MARCH 10TH STATEMENT HON. TOM DAVIS Officer Joseph Wallace, Police Officer First Our sincere greetings to our fellow Tibet- ans in Tibet and in exile and to our friends OF VIRGINIA Class Katherin Luppino, Police Officer First and supporters all over the world on the oc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Class Kin Vanderveld, Sergeant James Cox, Lieutenant Tor Bennett, Police Officer First casion of the 44th anniversary of the Tibetan Tuesday, March 11, 2003 People’s Uprising of 1959. While there were Class Michael Gibbons, Police Officer First positive developments on the overall issue of Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I Class Holly Hinkle. Tibet, we remain concerned about the con- rise today to recognize an extraordinary group Mr. Speaker, in closing, I would like to take tinuing marginalization of Tibetans in their of men and women in Northern Virginia. Sev- this opportunity to thank all the men and own country and Chinese actions on the eral members of the Fairfax County Police De- women who serve the Fairfax County Police human rights and religious freedom of the partment were honored at the Fairfax County Tibetan people in the past year. Department. The events of September 11th The 16th Congress of the Chinese Com- Chamber of Commerce’s 25th Annual Valor served as a reminder of the sacrifices our munist Party ushered a new era in China by Awards. Each year, the Chamber recognizes emercency service workers make for us every- smoothly transferring the leadership from individuals who have courageously dem- day. Their constant efforts on behalf of Fairfax the third to the fourth generation. This is a onstrated selfless dedication to public safety. County citizens are paramount to preserving sign of political maturity and adaptability. These outstanding men and women have security, law and order throughout our neigh- The reforms, initiated by Deng Xiaoping and played an intricate role in building a better borhoods, and their individual and collective continued under President Jiang Zemin, have brought about great changes in China, community. This hard work and determination acts of heroism deserve our highest praise. I especially in the fields of economy, trade and has earned several members of the Fairfax ask that my colleagues join me in congratu- in the conduct of international relations. I County Police Department the highest honor lating this group of extraordinary citizens. welcome this development since I have al- that Fairfax County bestows upon its public f ways drawn attention to the need to bring safety officials—The Valor Award. China into the mainstream of the world com- There are several Valor Awards that a pub- HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA munity and have spoken against any idea of lic safety officer can be given, Lifesaving ON TIBETAN UPRISING DAY isolating and containing China. Unfortu- nately, in sharp contrast to these positive Award, a Certificate of Valor, or a Gold, Silver, aspects, such a pragmatic and flexible ap- or Bronze Medal of Valor. During the 25th An- HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK proach has been lacking when it comes to nual Awards Ceremony, 88 men and women OF ILLINOIS upholding the basic civil and political rights from the Office of the Sheriff, Fire and Rescue IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and freedoms of its citizens, especially with Department, and Police Department received regard to those of the so-called minorities one of the aforementioned honors for their Tuesday, March 11, 2003 within the People’s Republic of China. We were encouraged by the release of sev- bravery and heroism. Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, I request the at- eral Tibetan and Chinese political prisoners It is with great honor that I enter into the tached copy of the annual statement of His of conscience during the past year, Among RECORD the names of the recipients of the Holiness the Dalai Lama marking March 10, them Tibetan prisoners such as Takna Jigme 2003 Valor Award in the Fairfax County Police 2003 as the 44th anniversary of the Tibetan Sangpo and Ani Ngawang Sangdrol who Department. Receiving the Lifesaving Award: Uprising of 1959 be included in the CONGRES- spent years in prison solely for daring to ex- Public Service Communicator III Lorraine SIONAL RECORD. press their views on Chinese policies in Tibet Fells-Danzer, Lieutenant Amy Lubas, Police On March 10, 1959, the people of the Ti- and in particular on Tibetan history and who represent the courage and determination of Officer First Class Michael Grinnan, Police Of- betan capitol of Lhasa surrounded the summer the Tibetan people inside Tibet. ficer First Class Jason Riechel, Police Officer home of the Dalai Lama in a brave effort to I was pleased that the Chinese government First Class Andrew Pytko, Lieutenant Erin protect him from the Peoples’ Liberation made it possible for my envoys to visit Bei- Schaible, Police Officer First Class Richard Army’s guns that were trained on his com- jing to re-establish direct contact with the Theal; Certificate of Valor: Police Officer First pound from across the river. These heroic Ti- Chinese leadership and to also visit Tibet to Class Dale Clark, Police Officer First Class betans refused to leave even after the Chi- interact with the leading local Tibetan offi- cials. The visit of my envoys last September John Hartle, Officer Lee Redenbo, Master Po- nese artillery fire began failing. The Dalai to Beijing provided the opportunities to ex- lice Officer John Flinn, Master Police Officer Lama eventually fled into exile in a futile effort plain to the Chinese leadership our views on Peter Masood, Police Officer Steve to protect them; thousands died during the the issue of Tibet. I was encouraged that the Mihelarakis, Sergeant Robin Davis, Officer Mi- Chinese assault on the city, and thousands exchanges of views were friendly and mean- chael Comer, Second Lieutenant Thomas more died as the PLA moved to suppress a ingful. Vaclavicek, Master Police Officer John Brocco, nationwide uprising against their increasingly I had instructed my envoys to make every effort to pursue a course of dialogue with the Lieutenant Mark Rogers, Second Lieutenant repressive occupation of Tibet. leadership in Beijing and to seize every op- John Naylor, Police Officer First Class Peter Under the leadership of His Holiness the portunity to dispel existing misunder- Kwak, Police Officer First Class Charles Dalai Lama, Tibetan people inside and outside standings and misconceptions in Beijing Wolfert, Police Officer First Class Mike Kazlk, Tibet continue their non-violent struggle to pre- about our views and positions. This is the Officer Angela Griffiths, Officer Kyle Kunstel, serve their unique cultural, linguistic and reli- only sensible, intelligent and human way to Officer Daniel Lauta, PSCA III Scott Pierpoint, gious heritage. I am proud that the U.S. Con- resolve differences and establish under- standing. It will not be an easy task nor can PSCA I Maile Jones; Silver Medal of Valor: gress is a beacon of support for the Tibetan it be accomplished within a short period of Lieutenant Timothy Hoover, Second Lieuten- struggle. I hope that His Holiness’ statement time. However, it provides the Tibetan and ant Christopher Cochran, Sergeant Brian Hall, will inspire all of us to re-double our efforts in Chinese peoples a unique and crucial oppor- Master Police Officer Michael Twomey, Police support of a peaceful resolution to this tragic tunity to put behind them decades of bitter- Officer First Class Ron Estrella, Sergeant situation. As the lead sponsor of the Tibetan ness, distrust and resentment and to form a Kevin Andariese, Police Officer First Class Policy Act, I was pleased to see the Congress new relationship based on equality, friend- Richard Mattison, Police Officer First Class come together last year in support of a dy- ship and mutual benefit. Successive Chinese leaders have acknowl- Donald Kline, Police Officer First Class Mark namic U.S. policy on Tibet. This year, as we edged and promised to respect with under- Dale, Police Officer First Class Edward War- implement this landmark legislation, we must standing and tolerance Tibet’s distinct cul- ren, Police Officer First Class Chad Mahoney, continue our historic support for a movement ture, history and identity. In reality, when- Police Officer First Class Steven Carroll, Po- that embodies the values of our nation and ever Tibetans demonstrate allegiance and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:33 Mar 13, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.023 E12PT1 E430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 12, 2003 concern for their own people the Chinese au- The reality today is that we are all inter- virus each year qualifies it as a public health thorities resort to their usual ‘‘policy of dependent and we have to co-exist on this threat that is likely to be with us for years to merciless repression’’, whereby they are small planet. Therefore, the only sensible come.
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