E290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 23, 2021 the Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors I offer my prayers and condolences to the HONORING THE LIFE AND CAREER and Chamorro Land Trust Commission, and victims and their families who still feel the very OF HEATHER SCHAFE Staff Attorney to former Senator Don Parkin- real effects of this heinous crime against hu- son of the 17th Guam Legislature. Dem- manity. onstrating her sharp mind, capacity for excel- March 25th officially marks the beginning of HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. lence, and disposition of fairness for almost the genocide in Bangladesh. OF NEW JERSEY two decades in law, Judge Sukola established The brutality unleashed by the Pakistani IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES herself as a champion of justice and respected army and the targeting of Bengali Hindus sim- pillar of our community. In 2002, Governor ply because of their religion must be strongly Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Carl T.C. Gutierrez recognized these out- condemned as religious freedom is one of the standing qualities and appointed her to serve most sacred of human rights. Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I rise to as a trial court judge at the Judiciary of Guam, It has been 50 years since the genocide in pay my respects to Ms. Heather Schafer, wherein she handled a diverse docket ranging Bangladesh, and the survivors and their de- former Chief Executive Officer of the National from family violence cases to complex civil liti- scendants are still fighting for recognition; they Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). She passed gation. In addition to her various court assign- are still fighting for an apology from Pakistan, away unexpectedly on March 15, 2021. ments of General Jurisdiction, Mental Health as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh formerly Celebrating its 45th year of service, the Court, Family Court I, and Juvenile Drug asked her Pakistani counterpart as recently as NVFC is the leading nonprofit association rep- Court, Judge Sukola also brought new mean- January of 2021; and they are still fighting for resenting the interests of the volunteer fire, ing to the mission of making justice accessible justice and for closure. EMS, and rescue services. Ms. Schafer began to all as a Co-Chair of the Judiciary’s Juvenile On March 28, 1971, Archer K. Blood, U.S. her career with the NVFC in 1993, and within Justice Reform Focus Area on Evidence- Consul General stationed in Dhaka, East Paki- one year of service became the NVFC’s Exec- Based Practices and 2016–2019 Strategic stan, present-day Bangladesh, during the utive Director and CEO. Plan Focus Area on Access to Courts and De- genocide, sent a cable back to Foggy Bottom livery of Services as well as the Subcommit- Madam Speaker, I know you are well aware with the subject reading ‘‘Selective Genocide.’’ tees on Pro-Se Litigation and Criminal Jury In- of my passion for supporting our firefighters structions. In his cable, the Consul General informs his and emergency services personnel. They are Throughout her career and in her judicial superiors at the State Department that ‘‘Here our first responders to all disasters. They face service, Judge Sukola has built an exemplary in Dacca we are mute and horrified witnesses daunting challenges which require high levels legacy of compassionate service and under- to a reign of terror by the Pak military,’’ and of training and specialized equipment. standing through professionalism which doubly that the full horror of its atrocities ‘‘will come They need strong voices at the local, state, emanates from her courtroom. Recognized for to light sooner or later.’’ and national levels to ensure that their needs her interminable advocacy for the welfare and That is why I rise; to remember and ac- are addressed by government officials. Heath- best interests of Guam’s children and their knowledge that history so that victims and sur- er Schafer provided such a voice, always ad- families while specifically advancing the Sys- vivors of the Bengali Hindu Genocide know vocating forcefully for our volunteer fire- tem of Care and Wraparound in the Juvenile that the people of the United States stand in fighters. Her passion for nonprofit work led her Court System and promoting cultural sensi- solidarity with them. to the NVFC and her bold leadership and vi- tivity, Judge Sukola received the icareguam sion grew the organization and advanced the 2017 Goodwill Ambassador Award. Judge f interests of the volunteer fire service and the Anita Sukola served our island with incredible health and safety of its members. IN RECOGNITION OF JILL SELLERS distinction and continues to inspire many As we celebrate National Women’s History members of our community. Madam Speaker, Month, let us remember women like Ms. I rise on behalf of the people of Guam, offer- HON. JOHN JOYCE Schafer who serve as role models for young ing my greatest appreciation for Judge OF PENNSYLVANIA women seeking careers in professions tradi- Sukola’s commitment to justice for all on our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tionally occupied by their male counterparts. island. Her dedication to our youth and fami- The fire and emergency services is one such lies, fidelity to justice, and unwavering integrity Tuesday, March 23, 2021 profession. is commendable, and I sincerely thank her for Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- her many years of service, congratulate her on Ms. Schafer leaves behind a legacy of great er, I rise today to congratulate Jill Sellers on a well-deserved retirement, and wish her the accomplishment over her 27 years of stead- her new role as the Executive Director of Main best as she embarks on a new chapter in life. fast service managing the NVFC. And her Street Gettysburg, a non-profit organization contribution to a more equitable society for f committed to the preservation and revitaliza- women and all Americans is surely among her IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE 50TH tion of historic Gettysburg. greatest achievements. ANNIVERSARY OF THE BENGALI In this new role, Jill will collaborate with On behalf of the Congressional Fire Serv- HINDU GENOCIDE community leaders and volunteers to steward ices Caucus, I extend my deepest sympathies the mission of Main Street Gettysburg. Since to Ms. Schafer’s family, friends, and staff for HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE first visiting Gettysburg two decades ago, Jill the loss of a remarkable and talented leader has been a passionate advocate for this town OF TEXAS of our nation’s volunteer fire and emergency and community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES services. Jill has extensive leadership and manage- Tuesday, March 23, 2021 ment experience. Prior to moving to Adams f Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise County, Jill founded a public relations firm and in sad remembrance of the 50th anniversary served as the President of the Weston County PERSONAL EXPLANATION of the Bengali Hindu Genocide, and celebrate Hospital in Wyoming. Earlier in her career, she and honor the lives of the more than two mil- served as an intelligence officer with the De- lion Bengali Hindu persons who were system- fense Intelligence Agency as a program man- HON. JOSEPH D. MORELLE ager for Northrop Grumman. Jill is a graduate atically killed by the Pakistani Army when it OF NEW YORK launched an offensive into East Pakistan, of the Middlebury Institute of International present-day Bangladesh, thus beginning the Studies, where she earned a master’s degree IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in international policy. 10-month reign of terror known as ‘‘Operation Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Searchlight.’’ Jill Sellers will be an incredible partner to Over that time, approximately 2 to 3 million small businesses and the tourism community Mr. MORELLE. Madam Speaker, I regret- people were killed, over 200,000 women were in Adams County. I congratulate Jill on this tably missed Roll Call vote 86 H.R. 1620 The raped in organized rape camps, and over 10 new chapter, and I look forward to working Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act million people were displaced, most finding alongside her to serve the Gettysburg commu- of 2021 on March 17, 2021. Had I been refuge in India. nity. present, I would have voted YEA. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Mar 24, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23MR8.004 E23MRPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS March 23, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E291 RECOGNIZING THE SIGNING OF A contain more than 0.5 percent alcohol-by-vol- IN RECOGNITION OF ST. GEORGE DECLARATION OF INTENT BE- ume, subjecting the industry to onerous excise GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL’S TWEEN THE JEWISH ADOPTION taxes. But kombucha drinkers do not choose CELEBRATION OF THE BICEN- AND FAMILY CARE OPTIONS AND the product because of its alcohol content, TENNIAL OF GREEK INDEPEND- THE STATE OF ISRAEL MIN- they choose it as a healthy beverage option. ENCE ISTRY OF LABOR, SOCIAL AF- FAIRS AND SOCIAL SERVICES My legislation would increase the alcohol- by-volume limit for kombucha to 1.25 percent, HON. RICHARD E. NEAL OF MASSACHUSETTS properly categorizing the product and allowing HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the kombucha industry to continue its growth. OF FLORIDA Tuesday, March 23, 2021 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House and Senator WYDEN in the Sen- Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, I would like to Tuesday, March 23, 2021 ate to provide this relief as soon as possible. take this opportunity to congratulate St. Mr. DEUTCH. Madam Speaker, I rise today George Greek Orthodox Cathedral on their in support of the Jewish Adoption and Family f celebration of this, the Bicentennial of Greek Care Center’s declaration of intent agreement Independence.
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