Special CAREERS Edition Supporting diversity in the workplace PO QR code ‘City of www.portlandobserver.com Volume XLVV • Number 8 Roses’ Wednesday • April 21, 2021 Committed to Cultural Diversity Ex Cop found Guilty Verdict sets off jubilation around city Former Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted Tuesday of mur- der and manslaughter for pinning George Floyd to the pavement with his knee on the Black man’s neck in a case that touched off worldwide protests, violence and a furious reexamination of racism and policing in the U.S. Chauvin, 45, could be sent to prison for decades. The verdict set off jubilation around the Minneapolis. People instantly flooded the surrounding streets downtown, running through traffic with banners. Cars blared their horns. Floyd family members who had gathered at a Minneapolis conference room could be heard cheering. The jury of six white people and six People in Minneapolis cheer Tuesday after a guilty verdict was announced at the trial of former Minneapolis police Officer CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Derek Chauvin for the 2020 death of George Floyd. PSU Proposes Race Studies Mandate Johnson said the proposal would require team, was recently quoted in the New York ‘This is something all undergraduate students to take two Times as saying ethnic studies is a remind- courses in race and ethnic studies and set er that education is an essential strategy for that is needed,’ up a committee to administer the curric- combating hate. ulum. If passed, the added classes would “We are reminded daily that racism is college professor says also build support for the creation of condi- not only a legacy of the past but a clear and BY BEVERLY CORBELL tions for a master’s degree program in the present danger,” she said in the March 31 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER PSU School of Gender, Race and Nations. article. “We must understand this history if Advancing the understanding of hate “We have a master’s certificate, but not we are to finally end it.” and committing a campus to racial justice a master’s program,” he said. Johnson hopes Portland State will fol- progress is being put to the test at Portland Johnson says a vote for the proposal will low this national trend, as the California State University. help fulfill a Senate resolution to promote state university system passed these re- A proposal coming before the PSU Fac- diversity on campus, not only by expand- quirements in 2016 and Oregon recently ulty Senate in early May would require all ing race and ethnic studies, but also gender passed a K-12 requirement for all students undergraduate students to complete cours- and sexuality studies. to take race and ethnic studies throughout es in race and ethnic studies. The idea behind the new courses re- their studies. quirement originated with the School of According to the National Education “This is something that is needed,” Ethan Johnson Ethan Johnson, chair of PSU’s Black Stud- Gender, Race and Nations in response to Association, early efforts a decade ago ies department told the Portland Observer. the Black Lives Matter movement, and to racial and gender studies can be even around ethnic studies were often met with “The university has touted itself as the most suggestions for curriculum that can enrich broader, according to experts. opposition, but have gained traction in re- diverse university in Oregon, and as one of the students’ learning experiences, Johnson California Board of Education Presi- cent years, and following California and said. the largest institutions of higher learning in dent Linda Darling-Hammond, who led CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Portland; it should lead in that area.” But the effects of broadening the access President Biden’s education transition Page 2 Special April 21, 2021 CAREERS Edition Jennifer Dinh, Beatriz Santiago Perez, Sophia Chin, Benson Catalina “Cata” Monteiro, Jiwon “Jina” Lim, David Douglas High School Grant High School Polytechnic High School Ida B. Wells High School Lincoln High School Eliyana Camara, Lilianna “Lili” Rosebrook, Madison “Madi” Cooper, Zemzem Hussen, Faith Isibor, Franklin High School Valley Catholic High School Central Catholic High School Roosevelt High School Leodis V. McDaniel High School Jillian North, Kayla Pierce, Natalie Mathers, Aundrea Brazile, Lucy “Rena” Marthaler, Lakeridge High School Jefferson High School Parkrose High School St. Mary’s Academy Cleveland High School Ushering In Rose Festival The 2021 Rose Festival Court presented by United Community Credit Union is now complete, comprised of 15 outstanding young women chosen from Portland metro-area high schools. One member of the Rose Festival Court will be named 2021 Rose Festival Queen during a coronation ceremony scheduled for June 18. April 21, 2021 Special Page 3 CAREERS Edition INSIDE L O C A L N EWS CAREERS See inside METRO page 8 Paul Knauls Alisha Moreland-Capuia Rose Festival Honors Esteemed doctor to keynote Paul Knauls salute Dr. Alisha Moreland-Capuia, Among the several business- for others. an esteemed OHSU physician es Knauls has owned in the King Rose Festival Honors will take and the 1988 Rose Festival Queen neighborhood of northeast Port- place as an uplifting, live-stream- when she was a student at Jef- land was the salon bearing his late ing event on Thursday, May 6, ferson High School, will emcee wife’s name - Geneva’s Shear Per- from noon to 1:00 p.m. The event when the Portland Rose Festival fection. In 2007, Knauls also rode is free, however it is a fundrais- Foundation honors Paul Knauls, in the Centennial Rose Festival er to support the Portland Rose PORTS page 13 a 90-year-old luminary from Port- Grand Floral Parade as one of the Festival Foundation, a 501c3 S land’s Black community. Grand Marshals. non-profit, and donations of any Sponsored by Wells Fargo, the Dr. Moreland-Capuia is a long- amount will be gratefully accept- upcoming event will be focused time friend of Knauls and his fam- ed, including donations made on support for women, and the ily. In 2016, she was honored by in honor of Knauls or More- positive impact of mentorship, former Mayor Charlie Hales for land-Capuia. something Knauls, known as the her accomplishments in the field Links to RSVP, to view the live Honorary Mayor of Northeast of psychiatric medicine, her com- stream, and to donate are at rosef- Portland, has been a steadfast sup- mitment to community and her estival.org/events/2021/rose-festi- porter. work to simply make life better val-honors. page 11 OPINION Direct Action March Breaks Windows Protest follows CLASSIFIED/BIDS pages 14 release of police shooting details People in a crowd calling for Established 1970 USPS 959 680 the abolition of police broke win- 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., dows as they marched in the heart Portland, OR 97211 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. of Portland’s historic African Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and American community on Monday will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. PO QR code All created design display ads become the sole property of the night, hours after authorities said newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or per- PUBLISHER: Mark Washington, Sr. that a man who was fatally shot by sonal usage without the written consent of the general man- ager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such EDITOR: Michael Leighton an officer at Lents Park last week ad. © 2008 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART Office Mngr/Clasfds: Lucinda Baldwin had an orange-tipped replica gun. WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The Portland The Portland Police Bureau Observer--Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication--is a Admin.Coord.: Quayuana Washington member of the National Newspaper Association--Founded made two arrests for criminal mis- in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amal- CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Paul Neufeldt chief after declaring the assem- gamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Windows were smashed at the nonprofit Blazers Boys and Girls Black Publishers Association OFFICE ASST/SALES: Shawntell Washington bly of about 80 people unlawful. Club next door to the North Police Precinct and several businesses CALL 503-288-0033 • FAX 503-288-0015• [email protected] Windows were broken at a U. S. along Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Monday night [email protected]• [email protected] during a protest against the police in the heart of Portland’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Postmaster: Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 historic black community. (KOIN photo) Page 4 Special April 21, 2021 CAREERS Edition Small Business Financing Help Good in the Hood Scholarships Offered Community youth encouraged to apply Applications are now available to apply for scholarships to be awarded by the Good in the Hood (GITH) Music and Food Multicultural Fes- tival celebrated each June in connection with the Portland Rose Festival. Graduating high school and current college stu- dents are eligible to apply. Scholarship Chairper- son Denise Millhollen is proud to announce that this year GITH will be giving out nine $2,000 for a total of $18,000, the most schol- arship awards in the festival’s history. Visit www.goodnthehood.org for details. The 27th year GITH Festival, June 26-27, is going virtual to stay in compliance with state pan- demic regulations. This fun filled virtual festival will keep you on your feet with great music, mar- ketplace, info village, kids’ spaces, prizes, commu- Representatives from BCA Culture, a cutting-edge technology company, have created an Internet app to help nity awards and special guests. minority business owners eliminate the mystery and intimidation around the credit building process.
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