17 T ‘Bugsy Malone’ Dress Rehearsal FUTURE DATES CALENDAR Spring Term 2 020 18 W 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. U13 Lacrosse County Pack wood Please refer to the live calendar on the website for the most up-to-date Training @ Moreton Hall (Away) SY11 3EW Summer Term 2020 Boarders – Wednesday 22nd April information. We are always pleased to see parents at matches Shrewsbury High Prep Cross Country (Away) from 4.00 p.m. Haugh (2.30 p.m. start unless otherwise indicated) and at Sunday services. SY3 9AH Day Children – Thursday 23rd April The School Uniform Shop and Second Hand Shop are open every Junior Sixes Netball at 8.20 a.m. Wednesday 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. in term time. 19 Th ‘Bugsy Malone’ performance to school 1st Exeat: 7th - 10th May U9 Rugby Festival at Birchfield WV7 3AF Half Term: 22nd - 31st May JANUARY 2.30 p.m. Moreton Hall U8 High 5 Netball (Away) Common Entrance: 2nd - 5th June SY11 3EW 2nd Exeat: 19th - 21st June Calendar WEEK 1 20 F 6.30 p.m. First Performance of ‘Bugsy Malone’ Sports and Prize Giving: 4th July 8W 3.30 p.m. New boarders arrive 21 S 2.00 p.m. 2nd Rugby v Oswestry School (Home) Term Ends: 4th July Spring Term 2020 4.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Boarders return 2.00 p.m. U11 & U9 Rugby v Rydal (Home) 9T Day Children return by 8.20 a.m. Autumn Term 2020 Boarders – Sunday 6th 1.00 p.m. Packwood U11 Lacrosse Tournament Packwood Haugh School 10 F September U13A & U13B Netball v Moreton Hall (Home) Ruyton XI Towns, Shrewsbury SY4 1HX 11 S 1st XI Football v Oswestry (Away) SY11 2TL 2.00 p.m. U10B & U9 Netball v Rydal (Home) Day children – Monday 7th September www.packwood-haugh.co.uk All in weekend for boarders 6.30 p.m. Second Performance of ‘Bugsy Malone’ Boarders’ Silent Disco 22 Su 9.30 a.m. Church Service (Junior Choir) 1st Exeat: 25th - 27th September Half Term: 16th October - 1st November 12 Su 9.30 a.m. Church Service (Girls’ Choir) 10.00 a.m. U13 Northern Counties Lacrosse Telephone numbers 2nd Exeat: 20th - 22nd November 11.00 a.m. Preece Cup (Fathers v Sons Football) Tournament (Away) School: 01939 260 217 3rd Exeat: 4th - 6th December Boarders’ Cinema trip (JL) Boarders’ Mixed Cricket (GW) Bursar: 01939 260 120 Term Ends: 16th December (after Carol Service) School Nurse: 01939 261 135 Boarders’ Throw a pot (PRD) Boarders’ Fishing (MAF) Boy Boarders: 01939 262 060 Boarders’ Party Games (RE) ––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––– –- –– –- –––––––––––––––––––––––– Boys’ Houseparents: 07891 822 823 Spring Term 2021 Boarders – Wednesday 6th January –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––– –- –––––– –- –– –- ––––––––––––––––––––– WEEK 11 (provisional) Day children – Thursday 7th January Girl Boarders: 01939 262 050 Girls’ Houseparents: 07800 743 672 WEEK 2 23 M Year 7 Roman morning with Titus the Centurion 1st Exeat 22nd - 24th January School Uniform Shop: 01939 260 217 13 M Year 3 Roman experience with Titus the Half Term 12th - 21st February Centurion 2nd Exeat 12th - 14th March E-mail addresses 14 T Little Poppets Nursery visit to Reception 24 T 4.30 p.m. Junior Concert End of Term 26th March (3.30 p.m.) Headmaster: [email protected] Years 5, 6 & 7 Swimming Gala v Prestfelde Senior Sixes Netball PA to the Headmaster: [email protected] (Away) SY2 6NZ 25 W U9 Lacrosse v Prestfelde (Away) Bursar: [email protected] 15 W 4th, U11A, U11B Football v Abberley (Away) School Office: [email protected] U13 & U11 Netball v Yarlet (Home) Boys’ Houseparents: [email protected] WR6 6DD Packwood Cross Country Girls’ Houseparents: [email protected] 1st, 2nd, 3rd & U11C Football v Abberley 26 Th 2.30 p.m. Spring Charity Fair School Nurse: [email protected] (Home) 3.30 p.m. End of Term Matrons: [email protected] U13A & U13B Lacrosse v Prestfelde (Home) School Uniform Shop: [email protected] 27 F Rosslyn Park Sevens U11 Netball v Birchfield (Home) 4.30 p.m. Geography Worldwise Quiz at Head Boy Harry Woolfenden Moreton Hall Head Girl Mathilda Jones-Perrott 16 Th Swimming squad restarts 17 F Malvern College Rugby & Netball coaching Monitors Claudia Barnfield Sophie Mason session at Packwood William Cornes Kiko Munakata Musical Theatre Workshop at Shrewsbury Oliver Edwards Ton Ton Namchittai School Robert Main Grace Young 18 S Sixes Lacrosse 19 Su 9.30 a.m. Church Service (Boys’ Choir) Boarders’ Cupcake ‘Eggs-travaganza’ (EN) Boarders’ shopping activity (AL) Boarders’ yoga activity (HJ) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– —–––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––– –- –– –- ––––––––––––––––––––––– WEEK 3 U11 Rugby v Eversfield (Home) U12 Boys’ Hockey v Birchfield (Away) WV7 3AF 4W U10 Rugby Festival at Shrewsbury School (Away) 20 M Pupil Attitude Online Tests (PASS) begin U13 Lacrosse North Schools @ Queen Margaret’s U13A & U13B Lacrosse v Moreton Hall (Away) SY3 7BA 21 T (Away) YO19 6EU SY11 3EW Packwood U11 Rugby Sevens Festival 22 W 3rd & U11B Football v Shrewsbury High Prep U11 Netball v Eversfield (Home) U11A, U11B, U9A & U9B Netball v Prestfelde U11 Shrewsbury School Netball Festival (Away) (Away) SY3 9AH 2 Su 9.30 a.m. Church Service (Girls’ Choir) (Away) SY2 6NZ SY3 7BA 1st, U11A & U9 Football v Shrewsbury High Prep Abberley Cross Country Relays (WR6 6DD) 13 Th IAPS Swimming St Mary’s Hall (Away) BB7 9PZ 2.45 p.m. U13A, U13B & U13C Netball v Sedbergh (Home) Boarders’ Ten-Pin Bowling (JEJW) 3.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. Year 6 – 8 Classics Reading (Home) U13A & U13B Lacrosse v Lucton (Away) HR6 9PN Boarders’ trip to Manchester City Ladies v Arsenal Competition, Judged by Mr Paul Fitzgerald, Head 5 Th 2.15 p.m. - 3.15 p.m. Reception 2020 Transition U9 Netball v Birchfield (Away) WV7 3AF Ladies (SAR & SJR) of Classics at Shrewsbury School Come & Play Session 23 Th Girls’ Lady Taverners Cricket at Oswestry School Boarders’ trip to CBSO concert (‘We got rhythm’) at No swimming squad 6F 9.15 a.m. Acorns Open Assembly (Away) SY11 2TL Birmingham Town Hall (SB) 14 F 3.30 p.m. Half-Term begins ASSESSMENTS 2 U10 & U9 Tag Rugby v Moreton Hall (Home) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––––– –- –– –- –––––––––––––––––––––––– Year 5 Parents’ Meetings 7S Packwood U13 Rugby Sevens Festival 24 F 2.45 p.m. Year 7 Parents’ Italy Trip talk (CB) WEEK 5 ––––––––––––––––– —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––– –- –– –- ––––––––––––––––––––––– U13 & U11 Lacrosse v Malvern St James (Home) Year 7 Parents’ Meetings 3M 3.00 p.m. Packwood Acorns Year 1 Parents’ 23 Su Half Term ends 8 Su Sloppy Sunday 3.30 p.m. 1st Exeat begins Meetings (by appointment) Boarders may return between 5.30 p.m. & National Prep Schools Cross Country @ Malvern 25 S 4T 3.00 p.m. Packwood Acorns Reception Parents’ 8.00 p.m. or Monday by 8.15 a.m. College (Away) WR14 3DF 26 Su West Midlands Epee Championships (Home) Meetings (by appointment) ––––––––––––––––– —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––– –- –– –- ––––––––––––––––––––––– Boarders’ trip to Chester Zoo (NRJ & NS) U10/U12/U14 3.40 p.m. U13A & U13B & U11 Netball v Adcote WEEK 7 Boarders’ Scottish Dancing (HR) Exeat ends (Home) 24 M 3.00 p.m. 2nd Rugby v Oswestry School (Away) –––––––––––––––––––––– —––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––– –- –– –- –––––––––––––––––––––––– Boarders may return between 5.30 p.m. & 5W 1st, 3rd, U10A & U10B Rugby v Prestfelde (Away) SY11 2TL WEEK 9 8.00 p.m. or Monday by 8.15 a.m. SY2 6NZ 25 T Packwood Acorns visit Chester Zoo 9M Exams begin for Year 8 and 7H –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –- ––––––– –- ––––– –- –––– –- –– –- ––––––––––––––––––––––– 2nd, U11A, U9A & U9B Rugby v Prestfelde (Home) 26 W U11 & U12 Sevens Festival at Sixways (Away) 3.40 p.m. U13A, U13B & U11 Lacrosse v Moreton WEEK 4 1.00 p.m. U10 Packwood Netball Tournament WR3 8ZE Hall (Home) 27 M 3.40 p.m. U9A & U9B Lacrosse v Moreton Hall 6 Th ESB Exams: Year 2, 4 & 6 12.00 p.m. U11 Prestfelde 7-a-side Netball 10 T Years 4 – 6 BHS ‘Henry the Horse – Be Safe (Home) 2.15 p.m. Reception Parents and Children Arts and Tournament (Away) SY2 6NZ Around Horses’ Presentation 8W & 7H SATIPS General Knowledge Crafts Afternoon U13 Netball v Prestfelde (Home) 11 W U11 & U10A Rugby v Old Hall (Home) 28 T Packwood Primary Schools STEAM day 3.00 p.m. Packwood Acorns Year 2 Parents’ U9A &U9B Lacrosse v Prestfelde (Home) 1.00 p.m. Packwood U12 Netball Tournament 29 W U10A & U10B Rugby v Terra Nova (Away) Meetings (by appointment) 27 Th 12 Th 8W Science trip to Bateson Centre, University CW4 8BT 3.40 p.m. U11A & U11B Lacrosse v Moreton Hall 28 F of Sheffield 1st, 2nd and U11 Rugby v Terra Nova (Home) (Home) 29 S OPEN DAY Y6 Darwin Science competition at Shrewsbury U13B/C Netball v Moreton Hall & Prestfelde 3.40 p.m. U9 Netball v Adcote (Home) U11 Terra Nova’s Sevens Festival (Away) CW4 8BT School (Away at Moreton Hall) SY11 3EW 7F Shrewsbury School Big Band day U11A & U11B Netball v Moor Park (Away) SY8 4DZ 3.40 p.m. U9 Netball v Old Hall (Home) U9 Lacrosse v Prestfelde (Away) SY2 6NZ 8.35 a.m. 4L Open Assembly U13A, U13B & U13C Netball v Abberley (Away) 3.40 p.m. U10 Netball v Adcote (Home) 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. U13 Lacrosse County 8S 1.00 p.m. U13 Packwood Lacrosse Tournament WR6 6DD 13 F Lunchtime concert at St Chad’s, Shrewsbury Training (Home) (Home) 2.15 p.m. French Elocution Competition Final U11A & U11B Netball v Prestfelde & Old Hall U11A & U11B Netball Triangular v Moor Park & MARCH 3.30 p.m.
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