Your Community Id leo itlc © m Newspaper Q S e u m nd Class mattar. April 14, 1945 GW at Newark,1 N Jtl o* March 9. 187». Vpl. ,38, N o. 48 BELLEVH4Æ , N . J., FIUDAY/itUBY 12. 19.V7 5c per copi 18,000 Witness Palatial LOCAL INVAUD AND FRIENDKILLED.IN Freeh Receives Check Golden Blatantly Rejects July Fourth Salute FREAK ACCIDENT Thousands More Peer From Other Vantage Points Nora Gilsenen, Mary Kelly Killed Instantly; Former’s Padula’s Parking Proposal « - 'As B elle v ille H old s G ala F ire w o rk s D isp lay week Belleville snjoy&d its greatest Independence Daughter Seriously Injured pay C&lebi'atioH \aa‘ spite is,0©p people witnessed * a I "B)fo ’4'bîiiem^bhe.an elderjjv Town Critic Labels Measiire fabblcras cfecilss.an^rifeewitflurdispteiy'Y^^ w®re iriiTlIMîv-tîrrin- COMM. SULLIVAN dium, M any tjtejjs^ds bf others observed1 the flrewoiks ataff oèôili Wednes^#- Something Of “Persqhal Advantage fl'om their yardt" n i oisher stidh vantage points. p r a ïTulieway jppjsh-.' TO INTRODUCE — ‘^Iteverend'AlW t V. Ja&WSon p f Grace Church, gave the ed into a.- coiïcreîô" embank-. Of Select Pew” At Tuesday Palaver iiM ^tioxr whiefe^teted the ewnihg portion of the day­ b ji H t . ' CLUB ORDINANCE long proSaSi.' TEoii|5rtD’Ay6lla vfo" served as. Mastar nf hThe qar,; pif| g-'b t o in"a hi c .tranàfei^kfoh^odeli-.hadtbe^n- Golden Submits'Request D u e ;^ th e fetbriny "protests of lapproxiriiately a dozen’ TefF'in W aàSih^tei: A-yeBug-jge»§priigi ; Mayor - Jy—Fadula- Bay began. There were relay races I wsîçmM; ànéicti. thp. Referring To Apparently p-romhlgated the possibility of a parking àùthPnty in order victihts acdHftiipl!^abit i K&e gaa to créât -a’parking lot adjacent to the Town. Hall, despite ceimt show with . eft- Heated Anonymous Letter and obstacles races for soya and the 'fiei^'protests’’trf James- R;--Goldeny- atf-Tuesday’s-Tow n_ fÄttsasm anditsw-aniig3t®i'K ‘WP8 fï''A;lpïrçl ■•pMseiger.'WM bsSly fxi- girls of veripus ages. This;, year i?L answer tb " ' questfooing Commission meeting. saw the -largest- partieipartien-.-in f-^rsd,. .. clòvf tod the ponies .«no hors®. the History of, the •event;. There ,- 'Dead were Mrs. ora Gflsepap.-: b y ■, James. R. 'Golden, Harry 'Ano«« hit of the g&tâtfwafl Hütte' ISO H®lleVillé: Averad'feand J. ■ Sullivan,- public safety di­ ;. v Golden "labeled the revelation as.^pm'ething to be used were so'.many 'yo.ung8ters#CQiJp;ii$“ Mss Mary Kelly, E5, of FWlad^r ing that all events yid tplbe rum rector*. .’..said an./ordisance as a personal advantage of a select few. _ in heats with the. Soys,, m yam phia. J-ftati ehamipion ship style m -baton , They ware-sitting-in-«the-:front: giving polibe powers of closer Saul Sm"o'M6ri;::rics 'phsiTmaii~'of ’ dash requiring 12 heats. Even the seat of a 'ear operated by Jam.es .feVMhig;: A h'Avelty dance act won girls relay .had to be, run in heats. regulation over private clubs the1 commission,- first took |h(B the latter the. day of the meeting. .childiren and grown-ups alike and Martin. 47, of 81; Brookdale Dai> floor for ihe landlords,',and in-1 The .Field Da" Events" were or­ aens, Bloomflela.^* ■' in;Belleville w ill be Introduc­ He' ewe®iie thrilled to the .daring of ganized by Mr. Rayxnond 0, Smith; troduced a Mr. Van, 155 Wash- dinance to hito;: three weeks pre­ the high pole and trapeze perform» .. Martin bad-parlfeflon BAymoM! ed in th e near future. ington A-veriue, .elected spokesman and Mr.. Michael Rosamelia. ivhd, Plaza near Pemir8|?ftctei' '-where' R? In a Town Commission . meeting vious,’ and -that he had xhada. ■era: 1 ' ' in turn, were- assisted by the en­ qf the town inerchante: He stated changed in it, and will inform' Ivi EojlGwing-; the circus, Mt. • -D’- Miss Kelly was to "board a. train for Tuesday, Golden" mentioned an that 'approximately -14 stores on | tire playground directors staff. Pffiladelphia.• She had been.'Visiting. anonymous tetter which charged the rest of the Commissioners d f' iAve®'’ introduced. .Gomuussteners Bob Cook, whb ¿coordinated the "Washington. Ayenue were closed, its cohtent bfefoxv? the next megt- • '©iV-h»', Sullivan an<J Smith and Mrs. Gilsenan, a ideal invalid, pp-" there is ^gambUxra in private .clubs andVtJie main problem is the ipark- c'eleibratiorL said.'that;every person lice said. - in- the Silver“ Lake section. The ipg, .He: rrevealed th’e- ¡possibiHty ! -then"'presented Commissioner El- ibvoiyed_;C[id.- hisVodrt to pertec- ing. He said that he wanted" some­ of the Parking* authority, pier S. Hyde whose -Recreation Be- •Police said MaxV.n got " ‘ot.V of tetter was apparently- written 11«: thing done; and wanted" to'what when- tionvplus.: a :litlTe_extra that made the : car, leaving, i t , in -geaçv Misa the • heat of -the Mtehael Le ?end; Goidon- v-elienietk-ly -ob-jeGtea, gtat- • §ai>tiipent ■ was. resjSbnsIble fpr the the event a pleasure to ' direct; "jiist What was dohe,. ._ v ihg flatly, “I don’t like your ’Pro­ pisGgifem. Commissioner Hyde in‘- Kcll/,;; -wK© 'haa. tbiesn aittapg next incident: LePônd, 18, of ,3®6 .Wat- Cook said -that a lot1 of credit is ter Martin;' -.itattld' %.. fcjpfe oub sessing. Avenue,Bloomfield,' was - Smelter then took the floor and posal of a parking authority, Mi\ ■Vtoducikl Boh. Cook 'the Superin.- duedhe" youngsters themselvies-for asked‘ what was1 done about a re­ Mayor!” of 'Recreation. hrough Martin’s.dô.ôïi'P'oüce said. : : the victim of a shooting on. June their Vhiy good behavior, . their . Her foot hit the gas sedal, shgbj^" -1 atliha-Lalte-mdeis:'Saciai. and port submitted to the. commis- “They- ^i'o •unl'y thinking of that#*. Next was the ealute to the f irie ' spoi'twganshio and their . ing. the car forward, d«&éti'vêÈ: Athletic Çlub. in Silver Lake.- He sloriëïls" “in March by ' thd'local oWrt- DWketHdOksi 'amd they" should ;Cdprs- rn- - which-- the--€ok>ii ^6uard wholesome-competitive spiritr “shxdr'ît ' tfôa««]®1 ■was-jfeleased from Colu-mbua—H&s- Eaa'king. Commission, a non-offteir ,tiiy--tQ....provide. jiu'- -themselyesjf« :S# <lh®' Younginger AJ'den Jr. Post In_the afternoon there were two etiibantonent on Riv^r Sfareet. 4'J.^i pital Saturday after recovering ah-advisory group. The report exi-| reiterated "the town critic. He- 275 g. F- "W-i American Legion Little League ball games played ft away. - Miss ksl®Md: from an operation to 'remove a tailed the création', of a. 299'by |-thought that it woiild be another Post Jp5, Barbope-Mosco Post 7 ■ at ‘ the; new Little...League Field seuen. were -Ml^*wîifuifiy. -Bullet from his brain. 105-foot imçtered 'parking lot for heavy binder upon the taxpayer. Xta!iah*Amerioan War-Veterans, in the Stadium and an. Essex Mrs,. Gilaenan’s. daiighter, ’îsirsi » Sullivan said "that" charges 3® 160 automobiles adjacent" to thei He said that lthe .new highway and their Auxiliaries took part County League game on the inam fièfen Gilhenan, 43,’ 'a.. registSibâ the tetter ot police protection for Town Hall. • Would eventually • take trade out Andrew Verhagen sing the “Star ; .'‘iB d w h ri' HojkVeg, dyjj-president of tbe'-Belleville ’Fire- diamond which saw. -the Belleville Departnxant Nurses, who had bsisa.' gambling are', “hot worthy of an The Mayor responded by stating of Bellc^ile, and ended py ask­ Epahped Banney” , and then came Orioles fresh from a morning vie» jn the; back Seat., sufMradMf-^ÿlÿS- man’s SgnhynTent As§ogikti0IT ptesenta final check to S. G. answer.,” However, 'he promisfed ing, ■ “A n you. going to. dump a tfe w n s a d o u r flrswortts display, tory- Over Montclair come roaring injuriè|.' She was "rePhrted. fix ‘tert- •that1' If -any club becomes—a- -nuia- :-c-o«jple: of htindredv-thousand -del- ■ © ft ¡bursting ibombe, beautiful' back to defeat the 'Nutley Colonels Freck, Director of Developirient of the Clara Makts Mem- ous condition at St. MichaePs Hos­ ance it will be closed. : he spoke of to id displays, rockets and the iri a close game. Plying the. morn­ pital. nrial Hospital fpr equipment to furnish a private room jn »... The commissioners ; also heard HR ing:1 there #efe two Recreation Martin's , ColIie Hog alsd ixi the ] the new hospital. .abjeetiohs made to a recommen­ Aerially the day "began at 9:30 Farm League ball caraes played af. bpck, was unharmed., - dation thatr a ' variance, allowing a.ni. with' theTflag raising by the the West Diamond.- , , Police said Martin will ; bel the home of;“ Frank Guadagniho Belleville Veterans organization! Commissioner . Elmer S. Hyde, iharged today with auto man­ at 101 .Malone Avenue, to be used ‘Little Red * Schoolhouse” Doomed after, which the Reverend ; Albert 'in summing up the long, day of slaughter. Clara Maass Makeg Cali For Volunteers For wickéijs o f JSt.,.;.o-Ffttèrfs Church games s^id rapes and . entertain­ save ftp e Invocation« .Deputy Com- ment, said that 'hfo only misgiying Work In Hew Hospital Opening Soon esidenee zone, (“ B” zone), pb- Ehadster, »damea R. Lampraan was that this. 195T' celem-ation -will jections were. to the effect that welcopied - the crowd and- the Field The Clara Maass Memorial Hospital Is agaia sending the move, would lower.. property CONFERENCEON | values -rand' that--tea- manyvari-, out a Call for volu n teers for w o r k in the new hospital which axices have, been"granted already. LO W FLYING BAN will open early ne’xt month.
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