-:-.,. ~ .., ~1 ~ - n C!.A .. ~tpOg ., CoO~ < G" .0 ~ 0- """"l-- J: C (\"0. i ,..", 4 " ll"'i c ~ ell C' ... (\0 .. It < it rIA "'~ ~ ~ ~ 0 r- ~ :s I· . ~c1 c:~ ~ ..." "t) III~0 " ~. ! -g -o-g ) .... ".° 0 ..a ( 11.~ ~ 01"1$2 ': ... f} " .. G" Y It! '-0 C3G:lQO ' ', 'JUNE' 19,4- VOLUME 2.' NUMBERS" ., st# GENERAL MANAGER HAL LEE OFFICE ~ANAGER PEGGY HELANDER 1°J.7 SPECIAL PROJECJS ' OAVID MACDONALD OPERATIONS MANAGER CHUCK REINSCH PRODUCTION MANAGER PATCHMAN PROGRAM DIRECTOR BOB FRIEDE MUSIC TOM BERGHAN As of this writing, half way through Memorial KRAB is a non-commercial l' ~~ rted DAVE BENNETT Day weekend, KRAB'S live coverag~ of the.3rd FM radio station in ~Seatt~:,~ ~ In's BOB GWYNNE Annual Northwest Regional Folk-Llfe Fes.tlval goal is to broadcast prot,_ J 01 -., • y RAY SEREBRIN appears to be a complete succe ss. In the ~2 and diversity, music ~hich is elsewheL~ SPOKEN ARTS PAMELA JENNINGS ~ ears ' of its existence, KRAB has never before unperformed, opinions which generate debate, PUBLIC AFFAIRS ANDY GARRISD'N. engaged in a production of this dimension: public events which go unreported, news NEWS 'JE'FF MICHKA technically as elaborate and sophistica~ed, events which may otherwise be suppressed, ENGINEERING GREG BROWN and programatically with such spontaneity and , drama and poetry which, but for KRAB, may NORM AHLQUIST s wch high a quality. By the time Monday night ,. never be heard in Seatt le. PHIL BANNON rolls around we should have brought to you at . You now have before you a KRAB Program Guide. BEN DAWSON least 30 hours of live music from at least 50 I Pe ruse it carefully. Yow a"·e apt to find a CONSTRUCTION JEFF JOHNSON diffe rent performers. This has been an inten- • number of programs of interest to you, which LEGAL RELIEF PHIL WILLIAMS sive training program and learning experie nce , yo u could never hear elsewhere. This monthly for us here at the station; I hope you've • guide is s e nt FREE to p~ople among our 'THIS t10NTH' S CONTRIBUTORS enjoyed it as much as we. In the ' comin g months ' lis tene rs who have financially supported the you will he ar many more live programs like thiS , ! sta tion. KRAB r ec e ives no money from ro ver­ las t one. I would like to tha~k . all those ( a t : tis ers we h.av e no commercials and will not tlARIS KUNDZINS • • • lt1ACHINE" •• • 2 least 25 different peo ple partlclpated through- i s e ll a Ir t~m e . We r e l y on contributions out t he weeke nd) wh o have don ated time and fr om our s ubscribe rs to pay the bills and MARIS KUNDZINS ••• "LINES'.' •• • •• 8 energy to mak e th ~ Folk-Life broadcasts 1 ke ep our fin e programm i ng go in g . possible . • DAVID VALITON • •• "BIRDS" •• • • •• 6 Chuck- Rej n s c h ,lUDY ZITO • •• "TW) GIRLS". '':''.:.' ':':'.2:n~~,-;::;~?V~ yofunteers COVER: l MA GE PHI L ANDRUS FREDERICKA FOSTER ROSWELL CAPTAIN BALTIC CECELIA FUNG ALI SAN PHIL BANNON ' JON GALLANT WENDY SCHOFIELD PAUL BARWICK LEI LA GORBMAN RAYMOND SEREBRIN SHANTHA BENEGAL JOHN GULLSTAD BRUCE SHAPIRO DAVID BENNETT BOB GWYNNE HAL SHERLOCK SUE BENNETT CARWS HAGEN DOCTOR SPIDER CHRIS BOSE DAVE HANSEN ERIN STEVENSON DAVE BROWN PHIL HARMONIC HERB SUNDVALL GREG BROWN KEN HELLER DAWOD SWEILEM JOE CAIN HOMER HETRODYNE DAVID TILTON DIXIE CALDWELL ~ PEGGY HICKOX MIKE TOENNESSEN DAVE CHADDOCK JEF JAISUN MICHAEL TURNSEN CLINT CHAPIN DICK JAMESON DAVID UTEVSKY JOHN CLARKSON riA VID JOHNSON MARK VACCARO GREG COGHLAN FRANK KRASNOPfSKY . SEL MA WALDMAN CLARE CONRAD EUGENE LAI BOB WALLER JACK COOK RI LL LITTLE CAROL WALLER GILBER T CRA VEN BOB MCKINLEY FW WARE GARY DllNZL JIM PARADIS SERN WATT JAN DARGER PATCHMAN BI LL WEAVER ELMER DIXON SAM PA TTERSON BURT WEBB PAUL DORPAT STEVE PATTERSON GREGG WHITCOMB IRENE DRENNAN PAMELA PIFFLE TON MORRIS vlHITE JOE DUEMER VI CKI PIOTTER PHIL WILLIAMS MI KE DUFFY VIC PINETA CARLA WULFSBERG DAN ESKENAZI MA RK PITCHER KIM YEE FRANK FERREL MICHE LE ROSEMAN ALLEN YONGE changes JEFF FOLLETTE HAIM ROSEMARIN E.AR NEW SERIES. NEW TIMES, NEW DAYS RESPONSIBILITY SUNDAY I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO THE OUDS, LUTES, 4 PM BIWEEKLY ASPECTS OF ETHIOPIAN MUSIC SAXOPHONES, POLYPHONES, POETRY, BIRDSONGS J UNE 16, AND MICROPHONIC ODDITIES ON KRAB. I 30 WANT TO' SUPPORT THIS RADIO FREE SPIRIT 6 PM MONTHLY MEN'S RESOURCE CENTER PROGRAM WITH ITS REPUTATION FOR AND LOVE OF JUNE 2 VERSATILE AND EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO ART. 7 PM WEEKLY FIVE-PART WOUNDED KNEE SERIES MONDAY HERE'S MY TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION TO NOON WEEKLY THE NORTHWEST'S ALTERNATIVE SOUND : WOMAN POWER NON-COt1MERCIAL RADIO KRAB-Ft1 1 PM WEEKLY THE WOMAN'S SURVIVAL KIT 7 PM WEEKLY KRAB NEWS ~ (now Monday thru Thursday) 0$25 FAtULY - ONE YEAR TUESDAY ONEW 5:30 PM BIWEEKLY PHOTOGRA PH I CA . 0$15 INDIVIDUAL - ONE YEAR JUNE 11, 25 o RENEWAL 0$ 2 FOR NEXT MONTH 7:30 pr~ MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT TO THE LISTENER JIINE 11 (PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT KRAB IS UNABLE WEDNESDAY TO BILL YOU MONTHLY. STAY WITH US.) . 8 PM WEEKLY THE WEDNESDAY EVENING MUSIC SPECIAL NAME.__ ~ ___________ 9:30 PM WEEKLY FIVE-PART HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY SERIES ADDRESS FRIDAY 8 PM WEEKLY 1973 C~AREMONT MUSIC FESTIVAL CITY SrATE JUNE 7, .14 ~----- ZIP _______ WEEKLY FIRST ANNUAL HORSESHOE BEND BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL JUNE 21, 28 NOTE: We have again had to res~uffle our weekday afternoon schedule to allow for our planned complete coverage of the Nixon impeachment hearings, which, should they ever be held, we intend to broadcast in toto from 10:00 AM every hearing day, Tuesday-Thursday. All our feminist programming is now on Mondays. Please keep writirig and letting me know . how you feel we're coming along I C;;i2'Y7/ '. ~ €6o Friede, p.O. 2 ~atur ay 1 5:30 GUiNE.I\~8ISSP,U: THE awn'l OF A i'IATION A history of GoJinea-C'issau, end Por"tugClI 's 8:00 MORNING MUSIC - Osvid Utevsky Monday ' 3 rel=,tionship to its ::lccupied African colo­ 1:00 EARil-l MUSIC - David Bennett nies. The Tope discusses the growth ar.d de­ 6:30 t·1CRNING ~1USIC - Tom Berghan Time to Fly >J(~lopm8nt;:lf the PIGC, t~e r'evolutionary 10: CO EAR,11-I fvlUS I C 4:00 KING BISCUIT TIME m':-'1c,ment of Guinea--Bissau, the p,e-coup I I :55 PROGRAM NOTES With Steve Patterson & Jack Cook Portuguese government's actions, and the 1.2: CO Wm·1AN PO\~ER 6:00 FII_MS - Dick Jameson & f(athleen ~urphy comroorc i a I ties and rni I i til r': CI i rJ from Women in hteresting, new r-oles. 6: 15 WORI_D OF BOOKS E~opean nff~ ions and ~he U.S. 'Spot 0' tea, anyone?' Organ i zing an impeachment ra I I Y at the 6: 00 ARfl.B I C ~1US I C 6:30 ONLY ONE ElIR11-I, part eight opening ,of Expo '74: an in+erview with ' Vi i th f)al>lcd S"le [ I em Georgia Lockman. Produced by Chr-is Bose. Severa I speakers, ircluding David Brower of 6 : 55' PF:OGRA ~I NOTE!: Friends of the Earth Internationa I, talk o,f I :00 THE WO~W, 'S SUR'IIVn KIT 7:00 11-IE NEVIS - Jeff 1,1ichka The Lesbian Ferrinist Radio Collective a concern for wi Id life equa I to that of humans. 8:00 BLUEGPNS CONCEF:T 7:00 LUIGI BO.CCHERINI: QUINTET NO. it in D minor 3:00 BEOWULF - A DRAMATIZATION, pad I "The Se Idom Scell&":' John Starr ing, guita r The f[ rst of two earts, this stor,/, de:1ls Performed by Narciso Yepes guitar with the a~d voca Is, Hike Au : dridge, dobr-o and, 'locals, M9los Quartet. VIVALDI: SON/IT!I. IN G M!NOR with Beow"! f a s a young mar. in the :,a II ,John Duffey, Mandolin an d vocals, Tcn Gray, of tile Os nes, 9 r~a t Heorot. In th i s p r-o­ FOR LUTE AND CONTI NUO, performed by J u I i an Brea m, be s s il n d vrJC a h, and BEl n E I d rid ge, ba n j 0 lutenist and George Malco lm, har-psichord ist. gram,' Beowu I f grapp les wi th Grende I and and vc::als',. i~ a conc2,-t 'fT"lm I'lasning'ton D.C. C.P.E. BACH: SONATA IN G MAJOq FOR HARP, per­ tre vicious she-monster. I ~arrator: P3mel2. wj-t~ 03ui"ohar;:>isT BI-yan ~~owe r s, plav i ng, singing Jennings, Guard: James Accrd, Beowulf: formed by Mar i e-C I ai' re J amet. CASTELNUOVO,­ and commenting 0:1 h i s 'ilor-~< as r·e goe~ along. Ed c Ne l sor' , Hrothgar; J. Wh i tr.ey. Tra ns­ TEDE'SCO: CO~ICEfn: O FOR, TVIO GU I TARS A\lD ORCHES TR A, 9:30 GREAT ATLANTIC RADIO CONSPIRACY lated and adapted for radio by James Acord. performed by guita~ists Sergio an d Eduardo Ab reu 11-IE OBSOLETE PERSON II. A rook at "the ag30 in with the El1g Ii sh Cha rn be r Orc hestra con duc ted by ProdL:ced by Pamela Jennings. Part 7 China; the mi'i b ntaged in, /\meri<;il; some ne;<t \,eek. Enrique Garcia .~sen s i::l.
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