PLURALITY IN ACADEMIC TRADITION: The Case of Lecturers’ Educational Background at the Graduate School Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta from 1982-2014 Thesis A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Islamic Education By: Masayu Mashita Maisarah 21141200000017 Under the Supervision of: Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, MA GRADUATE SCHOOL SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 1438 H / 2017 M ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This book initially was a research which is completed and submitted to the Graduate School Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Islamic Education. The idea of the book originated primarily from a reality that diversity occurs in all educational levels. For the UIN cases, the phenomena of diversity can be noticed from its academic community; whether it comes from different social or religious organizations, educational background, cultural or ethnicity, countries or even religions. Hence, as a unique institution which produces a distinct tradition of Islamic studies, the UIN provide lecturers with different scholarly tradition; either graduated from the Eastern, Western or local universities. To that end, I performed a research and focused merely on lecturers’ educational background to understand further how they dealt with differences, in particular concerning the impact on students’ work. I presumed that lecturers struggled with internal conflicts since the background has different educational tradition. The Western, Eastern and local educational traditions have been explored further in this book chapter to help readers understand these different entities respectively. By exploring the notion of collaboration which closely related with conflict resolution, I ended up with a conclusion that the East-West tension nowadays have been melted, although not entirely. I argued that lecturers’ collaboration not only can be traced through the intrapersonal or interpersonal aspects. The need to combined those two levels with an additional aspect, the epistemological dimension; become substantial. This statement can be verified since the epistemological dimension of lecturers’ educational background becomes the basis on both side to work collaboratively. This general finding indicated that two salient factors that support the process of lecturers’ collaboration, including their background as a pesantren graduates and their participation to promote the Indonesian Islam. By having a team-work, they construct the idea to promote the moderate culture amid academic community. With this finding, I reaffirm a general statement which declared the Graduate School UIN Jakarta as a smelting place. My hope that these findings will give a positive contribution on discussion toward research on East-West relationship, diversity and equity, lecturers’ collaboration, and professional communities. In view of that, I realized that this research to some degree is a collaboration of so many people whom I cannot mention their names one by one proportionally in this acknowledgment. For this reason, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to all of people who have assisted me in completing my study and in particular in finishing this research. First of all, I would like express my deepest gratitude to the Graduate School, which delivers to the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA; the Director of the Graduate School, Prof. Masykuri Abdillah, MA; and to both Chairpersons of Doctoral and Master degree, Prof. Didin Saepudin, MA and JM Muslimin, PhD. My deepest gratitude also delivers to my thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, MA whose sharp criticism and insightful comments have made this work much better that I could predict before. The choice of the Graduate School as the focus of this study also owes much to his constructive comments on my earlier proposal. Thanks to share the idea and encourage me during every phase of my study. My deepest appreciation also goes to all my lecturers who have shared their knowledge and experiences during their lectures and personal conversation with me. I owe much to Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA; Prof. Suwito, MA; Prof. Iik Arifin Mansurnoor, MA; Prof. M. Atho Mudzhar, MSPD; Prof. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo, MA; Prof. Yunan Yusuf, MA; Prof. Zainun Kamaluddin Fakih, MA; Prof. Abuddin Nata, MA; Prof. Abdul Mujib, MA; Prof. Murodi, MA; Fuad Jabali, PhD; Yusuf Rahman, PhD; Muhammad Zuhdi, PhD; Dr. Abd. Chair; Ahmad Luthfi Fathullah, MA; Asep Saepudin Jahar, PhD; Ayang Utriza Yakin, PhD; Ahmad Dardiri, MA; Suparto, PhD; Usep Abdul Matin, PhD; Dr. Gazi, MA. I also like to extend my gratitude to Prof. Quraish Shihab, MA; Prof. A. Malik Fadjar, MA; Prof. Ahmad Aziz Dahlan, MA; Prof. Zaitunah Subhan, MA; Prof. Yunasril Ali, MA; Prof. Nasaruddin Umar, MA; Prof. Husni Rahim, MA; Bambang Suryadi, PhD; Yeni Ratna Yuningsih, PhD; Nurlena Rifa’i, PhD; Didin Syafrudin, PhD; Din Wahid, PhD; Ali Munhanif, PhD; and other lecturers. Their patience, feedback, and comments were remarkable in guiding my study. To have had the opportunity to learn from each of them is my privilege. My deepest gratitude also goes to Dr. Shirley Baker from Alliant University, California, USA; Prof. Dr. Margareth Gfrerer from DAAD Scholarship Program, Germany; and Prof. Andi Faisal Bakti, MA; who taught me the way to create a good academic writing. Although in this study the author is still a beginner, yet this thesis become the first work which developed in English language. I am grateful to them for allow me to join in their classes as a Master student representative among the Doctoral candidates of the Graduate School in which I learned so much. In addition, I would like to give my sincere thanks and appreciation to PPIM UIN Jakarta. Special thanks deliver to the directors: Saiful Umam, PhD; Dadi Darmadi, PhD; and Ismatu Ropi, PhD; who provide lots of events related with the research on Islamic Studies, such as seminars, conferences and even references in which I collected the materials needed for writing this thesis. Other thankfulness delivers to STFI Sadra with similar events in Islamic philosophy. Special thanks go to Pak Dani Nur Fajar and Kak Rintis Mulya; who always inform and delivers invitations for those events. By participating those events I gain lots of information to enhance my knowledge in Islamic studies. Not less importantly, I also owe much to Bu Zulfa Indira Wahyuni, M.Psi; as the secretary of my thesis supervisor. Thanks for facilitate and arrange schedules for my meeting with the professor. I also owe much to the Research Library of the Graduate School, from which I collected the materials needed for writing this thesis. Special thanks to Bu Alfida, Pak Imron and Mas Rofiq. Furthermore, the completion of this study would not be possible without support and help from members of the Graduate School. I am really indebted to Mas Arief, Mas Adam, Kak Vhemmy, Kak Ima, Kak Nisa, Kak Haula Noor, Kak Windy, Pak Nanang, Mas Jayadi, Mas Ikin, Mas Tony, Pak Anin, Mpok Siti, Pak Rodian, Pak Muhali, Pak Opih, Pak Teguh, Pak Zul, Pak Nisan, Pak Odang, Pak Rojalih (alm.), and other members of the Graduate School. My gratitude goes next to Yayasan Al-Mas’udiyah, Sukabumi. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the asa>ti>dh and santris at the Pesantren Miftahul Huda Al-Mas’udiyah, Rindu Alam, Sukabumi. A place where I was raised and educated with the religious sciences. A place with a tranquility which stimulate me to learn more about ad-di>n and pursue further for a higher degree in learning. My deepest gratitude delivers to Abah Didi (KH. Syeikh Ibnu Mas’ud Rd. Didi Djajadinata); Drs. Ade Suwardi Mufti Al-Huda; Ibu Hetty Munigar; H. Abdulrohman; Drs. KH. Mustafidin Ahmad; Ust. H. Abdul Madjid, SM, MM.Pd (alm.); Ust. H. Rahmat Saleh, S.Ag. In particular, to my former college, STAI Al-Mas’udiyah; as a place for me to express my notion in which I dedicated with. The completion of this study would not be possible without the support from the member of this institution. I would like to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to Ust. H. Ahmad Bisri Musthafa, MA; Ust. Dr. Ahmad Izzan, MA; Ust. Ade Djuanda, M.Ag (alm.); Ust. Drs. Soheh Abdurahman, M.Pd; Ibu Euis Andriani, M.Pd; Ust. Hoerudin, MA; Ust. Zarqoni Heryanto, SE; Ust. Ariza Ajiwinata, SHI; Umi Khaeratunnisak, S.Ag; Ust. Yudi Ruswandi, S.Pd.I; Ust. Asep Rijwan Suhendi, S.Pd.I; Ust. Entis Sutisna, SHI; and other academic staff and lecturers. Other thankfulness also delivers to Pesantren Al-Bayyinah, Muara Sanding, Garut; as the first place at Indonesia that introduced to my family and stayed before transferal to Sukabumi. My deepest gratitude delivers to Abah Anwar (KH. Anwar Musaddad); Abah Yusuf (KH. Yusuf Tauzirie); and to their family KH. Cecep Abdul Halim, Lc and Ibu Hj. Lilis Nurjanah. My gratitude also delivers to Jemaah Salam Singapore and Jemaah Al-Kautsar Batam; specially for mama Haslinda, uncle Jailani, uncle Hamzah, uncle Jamaludin, and to all jemaahs. Thanks to become my family in this world and the next. Their support and pray from the beginning to the end of my study was extraordinary. My thanks also deliver to my tutors and friends in the foreign languages: to Mr. Harris, Herr Sonny, Yusuf Altuntas abi, Ibrahim Terzioglu abi, Mr. Arthur Gubaydullin, Monsieur Abdelaziz Abbaci, Mr. Abo Bakr Chalifa Amtar Ali, Simona Sienkiewicz, Jameela Musorma, Farzona Saidova, Siti Maleekah, Siti Jannah. To my classmates, from the Doctoral candidates in the year 2014/2015: Bu Rosdiana, Bu Rubiyanah, Bu Yuke, Bu Suryani, Bu Nikmah, Bu Husnul, Bu Nisa, Bu Yanti, Pak Mahmud, Pak Ayyub, Pak Hanafi, Pak Farhan, Pak Marsaid, Pak Fauzani, Pak Afwan, Ust.
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