U07HEI05 Appe.Pdf (3.812Mb)

U07HEI05 Appe.Pdf (3.812Mb)

Appendix E. Flora of the Bridger-Teton NF, with cross-reference to ranks and distribution Compiled from Fertig 1992, Hartman and Nelson I 994, Hartman 1995, and subsequent collections; using spreadsheet of Fertig 2002 and nomenclature in Dorn 2001 ., ,' GRaiit SRanJc-,. { •• .;I'iack?': · Qist, . ,;, '.?:: . ,.:?,,_'., .. ' Pin Abies lasiocarpa Subalpine fir Abies bifolia GS S5 w Nyctagin Abronia mellifera Hoary-scented sand­ G4 S2 p verbena Acer Acer glabrum Rocky Mountain maple Includes var douglasii & G4GS S4S5 w var glabrum Acer Acer grandidentatum Canyon maple G4 S2 p Aster Achillea millefolium var. Common yarrow Incl. var. alpicola & GS SS w lanulosa occidental is Poa Achnatherum contractum Contracted ricegrass Oryzopsis contracta; 0. G3G4 S3S4 R hymenoides var. contracta Poa Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass Oryzopsis hymenoides; GS SS w Stipa hymenoides Poa Achnatherum lettermanii Letterman's ricegrass Stipa lettermanii GS S4 w [Lettemrnn's needlegrass] Paa Achnatherum nelson ii Nelson's ricegrass Stipa nelsonii var. dorei; G5TS? SS w var. dorei [Nelson's needlegrass] S. occidentalis var. nelsonii Poa Achnatherum nelsonii Nelson's ricegrass Stipa nelsonii var. GST5 SS w var. nelsonii [Nelson's needlegrass] nelsonii Poa Achnatherum occidentale Western ricegrass Stipa occidentalis, A. GS S2 y w (Western needlegrass] occidentale ssp. pubescens Poa Achnatherum pinetorum Pine forest ricegrass Stipa pinetorum G4 S3 w [Pine needlegrass] Poa Achnatherum robustum Sleepy ricegrass Stipa robusta GS S2 D (Sleepy needlegrass] Poa Achnatherum swallenii Swallen's ricegrass Oryzopsis swallenii G4 S2 y R Ranuncul Aconitum columbianum Columbian monkshood Includes var. G4G5 S3 w columbianum & ochroleucum Ranuncul Actaea rubra Western red baneberry A. rubra ssp. arguta GS S4 w Lami Agastache urticifolia Nettle-leaf giant-hyssop G4G5 S4 w Aster Agoseris aurantiaca Orange-flower goat­ Includes vars aurantiaca GS SS w chicory & purpurea Aster Agoseris glauca var. Pale goat-chicory Incl. var. agrestis G4GST SS w dasycephala ? Aster Agoseris glauca var. Pale goat-chicory G4G5T SS w glauca ? Aster Agoseris glauca var. Pale goat-chicory G4GST S5 w laciniata ? Aster Agoseris lackschewitzii Pink goat-chicory G4 S3 R Poa Agropyron cristatum var. Crested wheatgrass Agropyron cristatum ssp. GS SE cristatum j:Jectinatum Poa Agropyron cristatum var. Clustered wheatgrass Agropyron desertorum GST? SE desertorum Poa Agropyron cristatum var. Siberian wheatgrass Agropyron fragile GST? SE fragile Poa Agropyron triticeum Annual false wheatgrass Eremopyrum triticeum G? SE Poa Agrostis capillaris Colonial bent Agrostis tenuis G? SE Paa Agrostis exarata Spiked bent GS S4 w Poa Agrostis humilis Mountain bent G4 S3 w Paa Agrostis oregonensis Oregon bent G4 -Sl? y p Poa Agrostis scabra Rough bent Agrostis hiemalis GS SS w Paa Agrostis stolonifera Spreading bent · Agrostis alba GS SE [Redtop] Paa Agrostis thurberiana Thurber bentgrass Included in A. humilis by GS S3 w some authors Poa Agrostis variabilis Alpine bent GS S3 w 1 Appendix E. Flora of the Bridger-, Teton NF, with cross-reference to ranks and distribution Compiled from Fertig I 992, Hartman and Nelson 1994, Hartman 1995, and subsequent collections; using spreadsheet of Fertig 2002 and nomenclature in Dom 2001 :.Family::, •·· 1::::_~~~aeL Polemoni Aliciella leptomeria Sand gily-flower Gilia leptomeria G5 S3 w [Great Basin gilia] Alli Allium acuminatum Taper-tip onion GS S3 w Alli Allium brandegei Brandegee's onion G4 S3 w Alli Allium brevistylum Short-style onion G4 . S4 w Alli Allium geyeri var. Geyer's onion G4G5T S3 w tenerum ? Alli Allium schoenoprasum Wild chives Our variety is A. s. var. GS S4 w sibiricum Alli Allium textile White wild onion GS? S5 w [Textile onion] Betul Alnus incana var. Speckled alder Alnus incana ssp. G5 S3S4 w occidentalis [Mountain alder] tenuifolia Poa Alopecurus aequalis Short-awn meadow­ GS S4 w foxtail Poa Alopecurus arundinaceus Creeping meadow­ G? SE foxtail Poa Alopecurus bore al is Alpine meadow-foxtail Alopecurus alpinus GS S2 w Poa Alopecurus pratensis Field meadow-foxtail G? SE Brassic Alyssum alyssoides Pale madwort G? SE Brassic · Alyssum desertorum Desert madwort G? SE Amaranth Amaranthus blitoides Mat amaranth Amaranthus graecizans G? SE* Amaranth Amaranthus powellii Green amaranth G5 S3 w Ros Amelanchier alnifolia var. Saskatoon serviceberry Includes var. cusickii GST? S5 w alnifolia Ros Amelanchier alnifolia var. Dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier pumila GST? S3S4 w pumila Ros Amelanchier utahensis Utah serviceberry G5 S3S4 w Aster Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly-everlasting G5 S4 w Primul Androsace filiformis Slender-stem rock­ G4 S3 w jasmine Primul Androsace septentrionalis Pygmy-flower rock­ Includes ssp. puberulenta GST? S5 w var. subulifera jasmine & subumbellata Ranuncul Anemone lithophila Little Belt Mountain Anemone drummondii G4 S2 w thimbleweed var. lithoohila Ranuncul Anemone multifida var. Red windflower Includes var. hudsoniana, GST5Q S4 w multifida sansonii, & saxicola Ranuncul Anemone parviflora Small-flower G5 S2 w thimbleweed Ranuncul Anemone patens var. American pasqueflower Anemone nuttalliana, GST? S4 w multifida Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida Ranuncul Anemone tetonensis Teton thimbleweed Anemone multifida var. G4GS S3 w tetonensis Api Angelica arguta Lyall's angelica GS S3 w A.pi Angelica pinnata Small-leaf angelica G5 S3S4 w A.pi Angelica roseana Rock angelica G4 S3 w Aster Antennaria anaphaloides Tall pussytoes GS S4 w Aster Antennaria aromatica Scented pussytoes G4 S2 w R Aster Antennaria corymbosa FlaHop pussytoes G5 S4 w Aster Antennaria dimorpha Cushion pussytoes G5 S5 w Aster Antennaria howellii Small pussytoes Antennaria neodioica, A. G4GS S3 w neglecta var. howellii. Includes ssp. howellii, neodioica, & petaloidea. Aster Antennaria lanata Woolly pussytoes GS S2 w 2 Appendix E. Flora of the Bridger-Teton NF, with cross-reference to ranks and distribution Compiled from Fertig 1992, Hartman and Nelson 1994, Hartman 1995, and subsequent collections; using spreadsheet of Fertig 2002 and nomenclature in Dorn 200 l Aster Antennaria media Rocky Mountain Antennaria alpina var. G5 S4 W pussytoes media Aster Antennaria microphylla Small-Ieafpussyoes G4G5 S5 w Aster Antennaria monocephala Pygmy pussytoes Antennaria monocephala G4G5 SJ y D ssp. angustata Aster Antennaria parvifolia Little leaf pussytoes GS S4S5 w Aster Antennaria pulcherrima Showy pussytoes G4G5 S.2S3 w Aster Antennaria racemosa Hooker's pussytoes G5 S4 w Aster Antennaria rosea Rosy pussytoes Included in Antennaria G4G5 S5 w microphylla by many authors. Includes ssp. arida, confinis, pulvinata, & rosea. Aster Antennaria umbrinella Brown-bract pussytoes GS S5 w Aster Anthemis tinctoria Golden chamomile G? SE Apocyn Apocynum Spreading dogbane G5 S4 w androsaemifolium Ranuncul Aquilegia coreulea Colorado columbine Includes var alpina, G5 S4 w cerulea, & ochroleuca; A caerulea Brassic Arabis glabra Tower-mustard GS S5 w Brassic Arabis hirsuta var. Hairy rockcress G5T? S3 w glabrata Brassic Arabis hirsuta var. Hairy rockcress G5T5 S3S4 w pycnocarpa Vise Arceuthobium Lodgepole pine dwarf­ G5 S3 w americanum mistletoe Vise Arceuthobium Limber pine dwarf­ Arceuthobium G4 S2S3 w cyanocarpum mistletoe campylopodum var. cyanocarpum Vise Arceuthobium douglasii Douglas-fir dwarf­ GS SI y p mistletoe Aster Arctium Iappa Greater burdock G? SE Eric Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Red bearberry G5T? S3 w var. adenotricha Eric Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Red bearberry G5T? S4 w var. stipitata Eric Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Red bearberry GS S4 w var. uva-ursi Caryoohyll Arenaria serovllifolia Thvme-Ieaf sandwort G? SE Aster Arnica amplexicaulis Streambank amica G4 SI p Aster Arnica chamissonis var. Leafy leopardbane Amica chamissonis var. G5T? S4 w foliosa andina Aster. Arnica cordifolia Heart-leaf leopard bane G5 S5 w [Heartleaf arnica] Aster Arnica fulgens Shining Ieopardbane GS S4S5 w Aster Amica Iatifolia var. Slender leopardbane Amica gracilis G5? S3 w gracilis Aster Arnica Iatifolia var. Daffodil Ieopardbane Amica Iatifolia G5 S3 w Iatifolia Aster Arnica Iongifolia Spear-leaf Ieopardbane G5 S4 w Aster Arnica mollis Cordilleran Ieopardbane Incl. Amica ovata GS S4 w Aster Amica parryi Nodding Ieopardbane GS S3 w Aster Amica rydbergii Subalpine leopardbane GS S3S4 w Aster Amica sororia Twin Ieopardbane G5 S4 w 3 Appendix E. Flora of the Bridger-Teton NF, with cross-reference to ranks and distribution Compiled from Fertig 1992, Hartman and Nelson 1994, Hartman 1995, and subsequent collections; using spreadsheet of Fertig 2002 and nomenclature in Dom 2001 10~.:..,1,I.'.h,C/r,,' 1 ii,T- ·.- ,n;,;,c ,}i, '.;\'.'a ,,~.. -::, • .:-.. __.,., •. SiRomni /::\,"c.· - ·,,"'.:\i't\it!}~{ n ,.. ,.· I l'TK~Tl~i <rt~{,~~1:'"; !~~~1,,:::;!'.;·~;:;r5fi(;,', \'.'.?'~i~~ti~:{:f 't//,·\' h" ,;vS ,t~~;::_.::~·,(~ii;:}\ ••·· ,.,;; ;t~r I~l 1 ·,,>f·';\\ .. {/fi.f;j{: ·'-C::~/•'·'.;';·";,-, c.,{::~?<>, .·/(:::;\,:." ..· r;.~;}~:rr, . ... ltrt;:() .. ; Poa Arrhenatherum elatius Tall oatgrass G? SE I Aster Artemisia arbuscula var. Dwarf sagebrush Seriphidium arbusculum G5T? S2S3 p arbuscula Aster Artemisia arbuscula var. Dwarf sagebrush A longiloba; Seriphidium G5T4 S3 w longiloba arbusculum var. longilobum; Not distinguished from var. arbuscula by Cronquist, 1995 Aster Artemisia biennis var. Biennial wormwood G5T? S4 y w biennis Aster Artemisia campestris var. Pacific wormwood Artemisia borealis G5T5? S2 p borealis Aster Artemisia cana var. cana Coaltown sagebrush Seriphidium canum G5T4? S4S5 w [Silver sagebrush] Aster

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