Dave Peasley Director and Council Manager Civic Centre, Reading, RG1 7AE 0118 937 3737 Fax: 0118 937 2591 Councillor Ruhemann (Chair) Our Ref: N:\Plng Apps Councillors Ballsdon, Duveen, Eastwood, Cttee\Agendas\130306.doc Gavin, Hopper, Hoskin, Livingston, Maskell, Your Ref: Page, Singh, Stanford-Beale, Williams and Willis Direct: 0118 937 2112 e-mail: [email protected] 26 February 2013 Your contact is: Nicky Simpson – Committee Services NOTICE OF MEETING - PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE – 6 MARCH 2013 A meeting of the Planning Applications Committee will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at 6.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Reading. The Agenda for the meeting is set out below. Please note that with regard to the planning applications, the order in which applications are considered will be at the Chair’s discretion, and applications on which members of the public have requested to speak are likely to be considered first. AGENDA ACTION WARDS AFFECTED PAGE NO 1. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING - 1 APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE HELD ON 6 FEBRUARY 2013 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - - - 3. QUESTIONS - - - 4. POTENTIAL SITE VISITS FOR DECISION BOROUGHWIDE 15 COMMITTEE ITEMS 5. PLANNING APPEALS INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 18 6. TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 31 APPLICATIONS 7. NEW TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 34 CIVIC CENTRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION: Please familiarise yourself with the emergency evacuation procedures, which are displayed inside the Council’s meeting rooms. If an alarm sounds, leave by the nearest fire exit quickly and calmly and assemble at the Hexagon sign, at the start of Queen’s Walk. You will be advised when it is safe to re-enter the building. www.reading.gov.uk SMS Text 81722 DX 40124 Reading (Castle Street) 8. OBJECTION TO TREE PRESERVATION DECISION CAVERSHAM 39 ORDER AT LAND AT AND ADJACENT TO THE MILL POOL, MILL GREEN Planning Applications to be determined Item(s) Action Ward(s) Page 9 DECISION ABBEY 47 10 DECISION KATESGROVE 65 11 DECISION KENTWOOD 85 12 DECISION REDLANDS 109 13-14 DECISION WHITLEY 117 At this point, the following motion will be moved by the Chair: “That, pursuant to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) members of the press and public be excluded during consideration of the following Item on the agenda, as it is likely that there will be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to that Act.” ACTION WARDS AFFECTED PAGE NO 15. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION BOROUGHWIDE 147 QUARTERLY UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS BOROUGH WIDE SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE DETERMINED Planning Applications Committee – 6th March 2013 Abbey Ward Application Number 12/01956/FUL Item 9 Page 47 Applicant SK-Tec Ltd Address Queens Arms Ph Great Knollys Street Reading RG1 7HL Proposal Demolition of existing public house and erection of a single block of 13 apartments with parking below Recommendation Application Refused Katesgrove Ward Application Number 12/01713/FUL Item 10 Page 65 Applicant Mr P Sancra Address The Claddagh Ring PH 2 Pell Street Reading RG1 2NZ Proposal Change of use to Retail (A1) on ground floor and a 5 bedroom HMO (C4) on the first and second floors. New timber vehicular entrance doors, new residential entrance door to the north elevation, partial conversion of hard standing area back to garden space and car and cycle parking provision. Retrospective approval for demolition of outbuilding/garage and addition of en-suite shower / WCs to the bedrooms on the upper floors of the building. Recommendation Permitted, subject to a Legal Agreement Application Number 12/01714/LBC Item 10 Page 65 Applicant Mr P. Sancra Address The Claddagh Ring PH 2 Pell Street Reading RG1 2NZ Proposal Change of use to Retail (A1) on ground floor and a 5 bedroom HMO (C4) on the first and second floors. New timber vehicular entrance doors, new residential entrance door to the north elevation, partial conversion of hard standing area back to garden space and car and cycle parking provision. Retrospective approval for demolition of outbuilding/garage and addition of en-suite shower/WCs to the bedrooms on the upper floors of the building. Recommendation Application Permitted Kentwood Ward Application Number 12/01698/FUL Item 11 Page 85 Applicant Mr And Mrs A W And J E Davis And Hurst Grove Estates Limited Address Rear Of 59-67 Armour Hill Tilehurst Reading RG31 6JH Proposal Erection of three x 2-bed houses and four x 3-bed houses Recommendation Permitted, subject to a Legal Agreement Redlands Ward Application Number 13/00019/REG3 Item 12 Page 109 Applicant Reading Borough Council Address Newcastle Road Allotments Newcastle Road Reading RG2 7TN Proposal Removal of existing fencing and erection of a 2.4m high security fence Recommendation Application Permitted Whitley Ward Application Number 12/01430/FUL Item 13 Page 117 Applicant CEMEX UK Materials Limited Address Burghfield Landfill Island Road Reading RG2 0RP Proposal Development of a Leachate Treatment Plant Recommendation Application Permitted Application Number 12/01522/FUL Item 14 Page 131 Applicant St James Group Address Units 6 And 7 62 Merrick House Whale Avenue Reading Proposal Change of use of ground floor Units 6 and 7 to a crèche/children's daycare centre (D1); resubmission of planning application 10/01207/FUL. Recommendation Permitted, subject to a Legal Agreement KEY TO CODING OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1. Planning application reference numbers are made up of 4 parts. 1.1 The number begins with the year e.g. 11/ 1.2 This is followed by a consecutive number, showing what number the application is in any year (e.g. 11/00128). 1.3 The next, up to six, letters show what type of application it is. The following is a key: ADJ Consultation by adjacent authority ADV Advertisement CON Conservation Area Consent EXT Extension of time FUL Full Detailed FULTEL Full Telecommunications Approval LBC Listed Building Consent OUT Outline Application (Principle of development only) REG3/4 Regulation 3/4 (Council application) REM Reserved Matters (following an outline approval) TELE Installation of Telecommunications Equipment CLP Certificate of Lawful Development – Proposed Use CLE Certificate of Lawful Development – Existing Use HAZARD Hazardous Substance (Storage of Large Quantities) DEMCON Demolition Notice VARIAT Variation of Condition/Minor Material Amendment NMC Non Material Amendment SCO Environmental Assessment Scoping Opinion SCR Environmental Assessment Screening Opinion COND Appeal to DCLG against a condition ENFNOT Appeal to DCLG against an Enforcement Notice NONDET Appeal to DCLG against a failure to decide REF Appeal to the DCLG against a Refusal of permission 2. The following is a key to existing officers with their direct dial telephone numbers. DB - David Breeze 9372410 AB - Alison Bell 9372604 KR - Kiaran Roughan 9374530 LB - Lynette Baker 9372413 JW - Julie Williams 9372461 RE - Richard Eatough 9373338 AC - Andrew Chugg 9372458 JT1 - Justin Turvey 9372993 AS1 - Andrew Somerville 9374593 SB1 - Susanna Bedford 9372023 BP - Ben Pratley 9372417 SDV - Steve Vigar 9372980 GPC - Gary Crawford 9372446 LJJ - Louisa Johnson 9372087 CR1 - Claire Ringwood 9374545 CJB1 - Christopher Beard 9372430 SGH1 - Stephen Hammond 9374424 MDW - Mark Worringham 9373337 AJA - Alison Amoah 9372286 JM1 - Julia Mountford 9374741 RS - Richard Stimpson 9372441 SH - Sarah Hanson 9372440 KR1 - Kate Rodway 9374294 Keytocoding Issue 01.02.2013 GUIDE TO USE CLASSES ORDER and Permitted Changes of Use (England) Use Classes Use Classes Description General Permitted (Amendment) Order 1972 Development Order 2005 (Amendment) Order 2005 A1 Class I Shops, retail warehouses, hairdressers, Shops undertakers, travel and ticket agencies, post offices, dry cleaners, internet cafes, etc. Pet shops, cat-meat shops, tripe shops, No permitted changes sandwich bars Showrooms, domestic hire shops, funeral directors A2 Class II Banks, building societies, estate and Permitted change to A1 Financial and employment agencies where a ground floor display Professional Professional and financial services, betting window exists Services offices A3 Restaurants, snack bars, cafes Permitted change to A1 or A2 Restaurants and Cafes A4 Pubs and bars Permitted change to A1. A2 or Drinking Establishments A3 A5 Take-Aways Permitted change to A1, A2 or Hot Food Take-Aways A3 Sui Generis Shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs, laundrettes, taxi or No permitted change vehicle hire businesses, amusement centres, petrol filling stations B1 Class II (a) Offices, not within A2 Permitted change to B8 Business (b) Research and development, studios, where no more than 235m laboratories, high tech Class III (c) Light industry B2 Class IV-IX General industry Permitted change to B1 or B8 General industry B8 limited to no more than 235m B8 Class X Wholesale warehouse, distribution centres, Permitted change to B1 Storage or Distribution repositories where no more than 235m Sui Generis Any work registrable under the Alkali, etc. Works No permitted change Regulation Act, 1906 C1 Class XI Hotels, boarding and guest houses No permitted change Hotels C2 Class XII Residential schools and colleges Residential Class XIV Hospitals and convalescent/nursing homes No permitted change Institutions C2A Prisons, young offenders institutions, detention No permitted change Secure residential centres, secure training centres, custody centres, institutions short-term holding centres, secure hospitals, secure local authority accommodation or use as military barracks. C3 Single occupancy or single households (in the Dwelling houses family sense); No more than six residents living as a single household where care is provided; Permitted to change to C4 No more than six residents living as a single household where the building is managed by a local housing authority, a registered social landlord, a police authority, a fire authority, or a health service body. C4 Use of a dwellinghouse by between three and six Houses in multiple residents, who do not form a single household (in Permitted to change to C3 occupation the family sense) and share basic facilities (toilet, bathroom or kitchen).
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