Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1935 Campus Comment, March 22, 1935 Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 8 Number 12 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1935). Campus Comment, March 22, 1935. 8(12). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/52 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CCAMJPlJ§ COMMENT STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, BRIDGE\V.A.TER, ~'lASS. VOL. VIII, No. 12 FRIDAY, ~lARCH 22, 1935 Five Cents IVlallY N oted ~t\..ctors s. C. A. Ele~ts Officers for Next Year MOOlllit Garden To COllIe in April Four 1Vew Officials Are Introduced For T. C. Social Campus Comment introduces the ern books, and enjoys meeting with Clare Tree Major presents Mabel new officers of Student Cooperative "the gang" and going over the events As it is still a little too early to Taliaferro and the Children's Theatre Association: of the day. Of course, it is under­ stroll in the garden, T. C. or the Gar­ Company in the "Prince's Secret" by den Club plans to transform the Al­ BARBARA ALBRET:- stood her studies take a large shal'e Clare Tree Major and Katrina Hincks bert Gardner Boyden Gymnasium into "Poised mistress of herself on all of her time. April 23 at 3.45 p. m. in our '~A Garden in the Moonlight," on the on occasions" is a term that anyone The Barbara in action, whom many auditorium. evening of March ,29. The moonlight knowing her for even half an hour of us meet in her role as chairman The Student Council is sponsoring would not be complete without stars would apply to Barbara Albret, Pres­ of Decorations Committee or leader this production in order to increase -the twinkling type and otherWise­ ident-elect of Student Cooperative of the Orchestra, as Class Secretary the Auditorium Equipment Fund, or, 'So in keeping with the atmosphere Association. Everyone on the Campus or Secretary to Miss Rand, convinces to be more specific, to raise the music will be played by "The Band ()f has had an opportunity to appreciate us that her splendid leadership in these amount necessary to purchase a radio the Silver Star". Barbara's artistic side. Those who fields will carryover into her higher for our auditorium. Mary Campbell, president of the have not seen her works displayed in office and give us a President \vho will M:ystery, thrills, comedy, colorful club, is general chairman, and the either Mr. Reynold's or Miss Nye's lead us on to even greater heights. dances, and a Spanish setting lead us other committees are: Audrey Tripp, room, have thrilled to one of her violin RUTH CRONIN:- to believe that we are to have an hospitality; Esther Leppala, decOl'a­ periornlances. Weare all acq"lainted with Ruth afternoon of the finest entertainment. tions; Helen Linehan, clean-up; Mu"­ Barbara has many more interests as the possessor of the almost lost As usual, the costumes and settings riel Moore, orchestra; Theresa Do­ than are generally known. Some art of blushing, and as an entertainer have been planned with the greatest herty, tickets; Constance Nash, pub­ kno,vn only to her intim!!tc friends­ of the first rank. Equally well known care in details. licity; and Anna Tripp, refreshments. her fondness for babie'S, chewing gum is she in the capacity as leader of a The cast contains such notables as Mr. and Mrs. Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. (in the privacy of her boudoir) and group of mischief makers, or of a Mabel Talioferro who has set a Huffington, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, and licorice. She loves reading good mod- (S. C. A., continued on page 3) standard both on the stage and in Mis'S Pope are to be patrons and motion pictures for the sensitive in­ patronesses of the evening. terpretation of youthful roles. She "Shoes 011 SUl1day" Le Cercle Frallcais T. C. invites all to come and brush has also won wide acclaim for her up on their astronomy! portrayal of Shakespearian heroines N Ow ill Rellearsal; To Holel COlltest (Actors, continued on page 4) Presellted April 5 Sllalcespeareall .Dranla "Le Cercle Francais" is sponsoring "Sh()es. on Sunday," a musical play. a c~nt7~~iE:_v.r,l:!c:b __3:. chgiqe P901< .o~ _~gJ?e Givell J\iay 10 10 be presente(l-1Jy-Campus Comment-;~enCli quotations will be given for Social Calel1d.ar "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is April 5, is being rehearsed. The cast, the greatest number of well-known to be presented by Dramatic Club on under the direction of Mary Roberts, allusions from French literature. The March 22-Fraternity Dance. May 10 as its last performance of the March 29-T. C. Social. is as follows: Miss Fisher, a typical purpose of this contest is to compile school teacher, Lemira Smith; Bill, a an alphabetical list of such allusions year. Members of the dancing class April 5 - Campus Comment and six men of the college are assist­ Musical Comedy. special 'Student, John Bates; Kathleen, for reference use in the French de­ best-loved girl on campus, Thelma partment. When the list is ready for ing the club. The cast is as follows: April 26-Glee Club Concert. Theseus, duke of Athens Gundersen; Robert, a senior with con- use, translations will be made upon May 3-Alpha Dance. Dorothy Gleason flicting ambitions and socially minded request. May lO-Dramatic Club Play. Egeus, father to Hermia May 17-Freshman Social. traits, Edward Skahill; Annabelle, all The following rules have been drawn Helen Robe~1;'Son May 24-Campus Carnival. that a co-ed should be, Virginia up to govern the contest: Lysander, betrothed to Hermia . May 29-Memorial Day Recess. Boutchie; David, a protecting but 1. The contest is open to the en- JaneCap'oll innocent freshman, Gordon Parsons; tire student body. June lO-Senior Prom. Demetrius, once suitor to~~le:q.a, Lois, a tomboy, Constance Nash; June l3-Faculty Reception. now in love with Hermia Gerry, a quiet and dignified junior, 2. Each allusion must be short Mary Shea; Wendell, every bit a soph­ and contain not more than . Rut~l . ;tv.r,~n~~pn (Play, contmued on Page 4), "L'IllustratiOll" omore, Gail Cosgrove; Owen, a co­ twenty words. worker, Raymond Cook. 3. The source of each must be.' To Be Classified (Rehearsal, continued on page 4) (Contest, continued on page 3) New Social ROOIllS For Day Studellts , In order that the entire college may Todd Lectll,rer Dr. E. L. Thorndike, ',ii receive the utmost benefit from "L'Il­ ff ill Speak Here Wednesday, April 10 Work on a new social room and lustration", articles in back numbers kitchenette for the women day stu­ ---~.------ are being classified under main sub­ Dr. Edward Lee Thorndike, eminent teachers colleges throughout Massa­ dents of our college has rece~tly been jects. The magazine comes bi-weekly psychologist at Teachers College, chusetts. The fund which makes these started with the encQur~gement {)f to the French department and is a Columbia, and author of numerous lectures possible was started by a rich Miss Pope and Dr. Scott. .,' storehouse {)f valuable material {)n books on that subject, will speak to merchant named Henry Todd. He left It is hoped that these rOOlris~ Which many subjects. the members of the college and their a sum of money for the normal schools were formerly equipped for the teach­ Any department, teacher, or stu­ friends on Wednesday, April 10, at in Massachusetts which lay idle for ing of domestic science, will afford an dent should feel free to call upon the 2.30, as a presentation of the Todd a great number of years. Finally, the opportunity for the women daY-stu­ French department for material which Lecture Fund. His subject, "Recent Sta.te Department decided to use the dents to enjoy social intercourse and. may be found in "L'Illustration". Discoveries Concerning the Learning income of this money, which had been relaxation in surroundings which are Subjects under which articles have Process," indicates that this lecture accumulating, as a means of obtaining restful and attractive. been catalogued are the following: will contain the results of some con­ a lecturer for the normal schools once An opportunity to prepare food :fOI' architecture, art, chateaux, costumes, temporary investigations in the field· every year. This procedure began as parties will be oiferedin the kitchen~ interior decoration, education, history, of psychology. Of late, Dr. Thorndike nearly as can be determined in 1927 ette, leading fro111 the social room, by philosophy, science, amusements, has set 'forth a number of startling and each year thereafter a "Todd the in'Stallation of new equipment such sports, the old provinces of France, views on issues in this field which Lecture" has been presented in each as a gas range, blue porcelain sink, and travel. were quite generally considered settled of the State Teachers Colleges and lal'ge work tables; The French department will be glad in differing ways of thinking, and his throughout M assach usetts. The tentative color scheme of these to look up and translate articles on message should be of some signifi­ rooms is yellow, with accents ,of blue, Dur~ng the past few years we have the above subjects, and other subjects, cance to us. black, and silver. Edna Royster and heard several well-known persons of as desired. Those who enjoy reading The Todd Lecture Fund, which al­ Conceda Amoroso, 9.irectedhY •. Mi'Ss Modern French will find a supplement lows us this unusual opportunity {)f our country, among them Professor Nye, are working on the plahl:;: : Albert Bu.shnell Hart, historian of to each numbert "La Petite Illustra­ hearing Dr.
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