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Finn et al. “Identification of novel inhibitors of methionyl tRNA synthetase (MetRS) by virtual screening.” Bioorganic & 6 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 1 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure l Primary screen on as 1,000,000 in silico compound fibrary: top compounds were selected based on normalized vidWattractive energy Secondary screen (A) on top 20,000 cmpds against muttiple protein against multiple protein conformations from crystallography Conformations from MD siniations Top 500 cmpds from (A) and (B) were subjected to chemical clustering with finai : 29 (529) 40 12 active cmpds against both E. coli and B. anthracis Nadds were identified and 3 selected for further study inhibitor-bahladd crystal structures d U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 2 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 2 8 M W WW W ------ W---- W--W--W W -W W WX MW W-8 W 25 - capa class 1 & A Cripd CiaSS. 3. OO - empch class 15 +- . WMXWWSM.888 & baMad D O 25 50 75 OO 25 50 75 200 eciad) U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 3 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 . U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 4 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 4 ecado inhibition 0.8 c; X. 0.8 ------, IC50 13 +/- 2 M 0.2 baNad) inhibition IC50 16+/- 4 M 0 1 2 3 4 50 SO, 0 80 SO M U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 5 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 5 A E In 2.5 s one 5 are O O -- 30 a 60 3 - OO ce B E 100 O 9. 2. 50 e s -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 1/NaMN (uM") U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 6 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 6 A / N 3. U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 7 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 F.igure 7 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 8 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 8 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 9 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 9 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 10 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure O U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 11 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 11 A cir'sh O C B Ors 103 IC50=33M 105 ICsoX200 Mre, 9 t "r's C 04 ICso=25M Bror C. H O C 113 IC50=170M / or " BrorH 9 "10 f 101 IC50=O 4M C 115 IC50=122uM cr's 2 Cso as 25pily --S. Cl R H 111 IC50=30puM C lazy... Cso : 3-33ity. " O 0. baMadd d ecado 3. 8 8 9. S 4. 0. 82 , 8 s S8 8 2. 48 s 8 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 12 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 12 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 13 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 13 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 14 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 15 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 15 Scheme 1 HN NH ONN84- ),N-NH O o sea- S. O HN1 O O "C) C -y NH C CS-a 1. 1021 a) benzene-1,4-dicarbaldehyde, ethanol, reflux Figure 16 Scheme 2 A. O NH2 e-Na1O ames A. O : O-1 H.b oaR^- o 2 3 4. O o, O 2N ^n HN OH OH x X -N-1 " x .. "2 case O -- 0 O O O O "Cc C C "Cc 6 7 8 a) water. b) succinic anhydride, DMF, 70°C. c) HBTU, DIPEA, DMF. d) TFACHCl e) Ethanol, 1N NaOH. U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 16 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 17 Scheme 3 OH HN N OH O2 oS-K)-ONN 4C - powers, " O o " -e-, O )- O HNO O "C N10 C NH a- (-y C 102.2 8 102.3 a) napthalene-l-carbaldehyde, ethanol, reflux. b)benzene-1,4-dicarbaldehyde, ethanol, reflux U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 17 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure 18 KS is as: S S is S S SS is 3S is sis iss: ississ $issa's U.S. Patent Jul. 22, 2014 Sheet 18 of 18 US 8,785.499 B2 Figure I s 3 & US 8,785,499 B2 1. 2 TARGETING NAD BOSYNTHESIS IN NadD converts NaMN, the first intermediate shared by the BACTERAL PATHOGENS most common de novo and Salvage/recycling routes, to nico tinic acid adenine dinucleotide (NaAD). Therefore, this STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY enzyme should be indispensable in all bacterial species that SPONSORED RESEARCH ORDEVELOPMENT 5 utilize one or both of these routes for NAD biosynthesis. This is consistent with gene essentiality data for a number of This invention was made with the support of the U.S. bacterial species (as reviewed in 3, 16). For example, the government under Grant Number AI059146 from the nadD gene was shown to be essential for Survival in Staphy National Institute of Health (NIH). The U.S. government has lococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae that are fully certain rights in this invention.
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