CWEMSON UNIVERSITY LlfeRA*^ *OUTH CAROLINA ROOM APR 1 B 1970 April IS, 1976 CD A announces cancellation of April concert by Steve Matthews "There will be a CDA next year," Leitch "I think that we ought to get the money News Editor said. "A poor attendance might keep other stated in a more positive tone, "We're promoters from bringing other shows," because CDA does its best to serve all the Editor's note: Thursday afternoon, CDA going to do everything we can to con- students," Edwards remarked. "Most announced that they had suffered still Leitch remarked. "A promoter might say tinue." he continued. that there is no market for concerts at students would rather it go to us than some another concert cancellation, that of the One major problem of CDA has been Clemson, as the last three concerts would Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and the Earle that of securing Littlejohn Coliseum for other organization that they've never have failed because of lack of student Scruggs Revue. It had been scheduled for performances. "We could have had heard of," he contended. Tuesday night, but because of poor ticket interest," he said. America and James Taylor if the coliseum Cox, when contacted by the Tiger, sales was cancelled. The following article Leitch said that he could not understand had not been previously booked," Leitch related that he has not considered in- was written before the cancellation was why ticket sales were so low, as the Nitty dividual items approved by senate yet. announced. Gritty Dirt Band was listed in the top 20 said. Because of the coliseum's Last December the Central Dance unavailability, next Tuesday's concert "We are going to put together the best performers students wanted to see in programs for students," he said. Association (CDA) held a bluegrass concert, according to a poll conducted by was scheduled for a weekday. concert attended by less than 500 persons. CDA last semester. Another Problem that CDA is an- This semester, February 3, the CDA- Tuesday's concert is being promoted by ticipating is that of Cox's not approving the If CDA does receive the appropriation sponsored event featuring Jimmy Buffet Ace Bowie, a man who stands to lose up to $15,000 expenditure allocated for next year for next year, "It would make a real big and Harry Chapin was cancelled days $20,000, if the event fails miserably, by student senate. "We have had our difference," Leitch stated. "The before it was scheduled to occur. CDA Edwards remarked. advisors talk to Cox, to try to convince him promoters would be willing to invest more president John Leitch was "mad as hell." CDA has had trouble securing contracts to give us our money," Leitch commented. if we put up some of our money for a Still later, Leitch went before Student with promoters this semester. It refused to These persons include Harold Price, study concert. Thus, we would be able to get Senate requesting emergency funding. deal with Beach Club Promotions after it body president, Art Hartzog, program bigger name performers more easily," he CDA was then allocated $10,000 by the cancelled the Chapin-Buffet affair days director for the Student Union and Butch said. senate. There was a catch, however: the before it was to occur. Trent, director of the University Union. expenditure had to be approved by Dean Another big-name promoter, Alex Cooly, Walter Cox, vice president for student will not promote concerts at Clemson, affairs. The money was never approved, because of an understanding he has with much to Leitch's dismay: Cecil Corbett, who heads Beach Club Now CDA's problems have increased Promotions, Edwards stated. "He (Cooly) again: the organization is having difficulty is kind of a partner to Cecil — they've each securing promoters for next year, the got their own territory, and they don't 15,000 approved by senate for next year cross each other's," he said. may not be approved by Cox, Leitch Thus Clemson was fortunate in believes, and the concert set for next .arranging a concert without the help of Tuesday appears like it may be a dismal eithef Cooley or Corbett. "This is an im- failure, according to Leitch and CDA portant concert with CDA. It's the first secretary-treasurer John Edwards. major one we've done with another promoter besides Beach Club," Leitch commented. "If we don't get any promoters, Other promoters will look at the success CDA will die and there will no of this concert in determining whether to longer be any major concerts at back concerts next year, Edwards Clemson." — John Edwards, remarked. "If we don't get any promoters, secretary - treasurer of CDA. CDA will die and there will no longer be any major concerts at Clemson," he contended. "If the students want concerts, they're As of last Wednesday less than 200 going to have to show they want them," tickets had been sold on campus, Edwards Edwards said. Stadium expansion approved by Trustees Ibrahim is very pleased with the planned by Bob Douglas the south stands along the side lines. plenty of seats to purchase on the day of a Athletic Director Bill Mclellan explained expansion of the playing surface. He did game, that's when they'll buy them. If it's cite the fact that there is a hump in the Last Saturday, at the Clemson Board of why the double deck was more feasible, bad weather or something they won't Trustees meeting, the go-ahead was given "If we closed in the west end zone we middle of the field, but feels his booters come, therefore ticket sales drop. If people will overcome it. Ibrahim said he will miss to the Athletic Department for the ex- would stop the flow of air through the think they won't be able to buy a ticket the pansion of some of its facilities. The stadium. The players would be very hot the closeness of the fans, but hopes the day of the game, they will buy advance stadium will encourage higher attendance. facilities to undergo expansion will include and the fans uncomfortable. Also we would tickets, then if they don't care, sales will Memorial Stadium, more tennis courts then have more end zone seats. Then not decrease," said McLellan who went on The board also approved the addition of and 850 roll away seats in Littlejohn sideline seats as for the hill, we will never to say, "A two and nine season doesn't help thirteen new tennis courts. The courts will Coliseum. change it." sales, but I don't look to have any more of be located around the Sloan Tennis Center. The board also approved an increase The Athletic Department being self- those." Work on the new courts is expected to from $35 to $40 per student for semester supporting will sell bonds to raise the 2.2 Another innovation to take place will be begin very soon. The courts will be without medical fees. Clemson's student health million dollars for the new seats. Bond modification of sideline walls. Right now lights at first, but the construction will service, by law, must be self-supporting. owners will be paid back from the money people sitting on the bottom row in the allow for them to be put in later. A total of 13,400 new seats, at a cost of 2.2 gathered through ticket sales. It will cost corners of the stands cannot see what is million dollars, are planned for Memorial Additionally, the floor of Littlejohn thirty cents more on the dollar to pur- going on in the far opposite corner of the Coliseum will be filled with 850 new Stadium. Choices of where to put the new chasers of tickets. Students will still field. By straightening out the walls and seats were to close the west end zone rollaway seats. The seats will take the receive free tickets. eliminating the corner seats, this would place of the bleachers now on the floor and competely to make a horseshoe, put stands Supply and demand will play a large widen the field enough for the playing of on the hill to add another deck. The seats will allow a reserved seat for everyone in part in determining when the new stands soccer inside the stadium. the Coliseum. will be placed in the form of a deck above will be built. "If people know there will be Head Soccer and Track coach I. M. This letter provides, hopefully, better purposes, did I begin to Athletic expansion Letters the proper perspective on the feel better. When I found out that Parking is the money was going to help conclusion of Greek activities for bribe 6 high-school All American the year, and it would be ap- For students A hassle baUplayers and 36 Chinese ping- preciated if you would include pong players to to come to this this letter in your next issue. Before last week's Board of Trustees^ ujeeting, University, I went right out and Sincerely, plans for more seats in Memorial Stadium were In the last two years I have got myself a fifteen dollar ticket Tony Saad, President nothing definite. With the board's approval last been a loyal and devoted member I would like to commend those Interfraternity Council Saturday, the seats are almost a reality. Nobody of the student body here at totally uncorrupted campus Clemson University, but certain policemen whom have done their GSA election knows for sure when construction on the upper deck events during this time have will begin, but with the approval of the board, the part in keeping this University To be held caused me to re-evaluate my tops in NCAA sports.
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