Town of Northfork P.O. Box 760 Northfork, WV 24868 March 17,2014 Ingrid Ferrell, Director Public Service Commission 201 Brooks Street, P.O. Box 812 Charleston, WV 25323 RE: Case No. 14-0073-W-C Oliver Bright v. Northfork Municipal Water Department Dear Mrs. Ferrell: The Northfork Municipal Water Department would like to answer to the above case. The complainant stated that the Water Department has been under a Boil Water Order for over a year. This is a false accusation, the water department has been under a Boil Water Order since July 1,2013 due to a condition where discolored water is present. (SEE ATTACHED BOIL WATER ADVISORY NOTICE) This is due to fact that the filters and the sand inside the water treatment plant needs to be changed. The Town of Northfork has notified different agencies and Political figures to try to get assistance or funding to help with the cost of correcting this problem. Jim Weimer with the Public Service is well aware of this problem and has been working with the Town to try to get assistance. (SEE ATTACHED QUOTE, and letters to Political individuals). The complainant also stated that a water board has been formed, this is true; the Chairman of the water board is Mr. Curtis Spencer. As relief, the complainant requested that running water be immediately restored, that the monthly water bill be adjusted, that the complainant be reimbursed for the purchase of drinking water, paper plates and other assorted eating utensils and for the disruption to his quality of life, and requested Emergency relief. The Town would like to state that on January 29,2014 the town workers delivered water to the residents without water and Mr. Bright was one of these residents. Mr. Bright was charged only the flat fee for water services during this month. The Town of Northfork received this complaint by regular mail on February 26,2014. This complaint was given to the Chairman of the Water Board and was presented to the Town Council during the March 6,2014 regular council meeting. The Town contracted BEBE ENTERPRIZE, Inc. on January 30,2014 to bring his backhoe to help repair a leak in in the road at the Town Hall, during this time he also repaired a leak at the section of Elkridge (Brown ) residence. On January 31,2014 he came back and also on February 4,2014 to repair leak at Old Fashion Full Gospel Church and we received a invoice of $800.00 for this contractor. (SEE ATTACHED INVOICE). The Town notified WV Rural Water on February 4,2014 to get Mr. Mike Hershman to come help us locate leaks he advised he could come on February 11,2014. On February 11,2014 Mr. Hershman called and said he couldn’t come due to fact he was sick,he advised he would be here on February 19,2014. On February 19,2014 Mr. Hershman was here and went with the workers to try and find more leaks. On February 20,2014 Mr. Jim Weimer with the PSC was here and he went to check the water plant along with the Mayor, Council and worker William Porterfield, Jr. also he went to several houses in the Clark Hill section. The Northfork Municipal Water Department will continue to maintain the upkeep of our water system to the best of our ability, until the McDowell County Public Service District can acquire and operate the Northfork System. Our customers are our Top priority, we are residents here ourselves, we are included in the water problems as well, and we try to provide the best services we can. Any future correspondence should be addressed to Curtis Spencer, Water Board Chairman. Sincerely, Michelle Hargrave,Recorder .. .. Water Leak Repair Log: I I I Water Leak Repair Log: I I I 1 I I I I Water teak Repair Lug: STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES BUREAU FOR PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Earl Ray Tomblin Rocco S. Fucillo Governor Cabinet Secretary BOIL WATER ADVISORY NORTHFORK WATER WORKS PO BOX 760 NORTHFORK, WV 24868 MCDOWELL COUNTY PWSID #33O2413 JULY I,201 3 -- A boil water advisory is being issued for Noehfork Water Works. This advisory is being issued due to a condition where discolored water is present. - While this advisory is in effect, consumers are advised to boil their drinking water (a full rolling boil) for at least one minute prior to drinking, using for cooking, or hygienic purposes such as hand washing, bathing or tooth brushing. Issued by: Resiinded by: Engineer Environmental Engineering Division Environmental Engineering Division Date: Beckley District Office 100 East Prince Street Beckley, West Virginia 25801 Telephone: (304) 256-6666 FAX: (304) 256-6672 Controt Equipment Company, inc P.0, Box 862 Salem VA 24153 uote -- Phone: (800) 572-3220 Fax: (540)444-0459 Customer No.: NO124868 Quote No.: 9002 Quote To: Tom of Northfork Ship To: Town of Northfork P.O. Box 760 WTPlTown Hall Northfork, WV 24868-- 1 Friebursch Avenue Northfork, WV 24868 Customer Phone: Customer Fax: - 1 tM!!- Shio Via F.0.B.. -..Terms 1 07/29/13 Best Way Destination Net ?O I Purchase Order Number Sales Person Rewired I Charles P. Parker 07129f 1 3 Item Number DescripHtm Unit Price Amount R 0. Filter Media : 8324.44 8324.44 Sands & Anthracite 232 Cu. Ft. of Anthracite ES I.&I .2 116 Cu. Ft. Fiiter Sand ES 0.80 - 7.2 mm 116 Cu. Ft Filter Sand ES 0.45 - 0.55 mrn - Delivery Appmx. 2 Weeks ARO Delivered Pricing Thank you for the opportunity to quote. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office. c. Pat ParkerBetty Tiedemano Quote subtotal 8324.44 Quote total 8324.44 New catalog available at wwwxec-oniine.com. ,: .- Thank .You 5 November, 2013 Bill Maloney Cow Run Energy LLC P-0.Box 18007 MorgmtownYW Dear Mr. Maloney: We are pra--e& and &ax&% for your internst in donating a water pump €or the town of NorthforiE's water plant Attached am invoices fkom our contractor, Paul canterbury, who recently replaced water pumps, deep well motors, and electrical components. Delegate ClifMoore @- McDowelI) kept me informed of the possibility of your wntributim to our efforts to maintain this aging water pbtwhich serves over 425 residents, including churches, businesses, and agencies- W& winter &st approaching wirh anticipated power outages and resulting electticaI surges, as Delegate Moore implied, "it's good to have a extra pmnp just in tax?"' In this short histow of the town's water plant, we notethatthe f?hrationsystem has not been changed since 1998, and there wem two major floods in 2001 and 2002. fn May, 2012 residenks voted to relinquish this water system with deteriorating pipes to McDowell. P-SD. to bum8 safe wafer supply for consumers. 7n July, 2012 the wabx plant completely fSed after a wind shear episode that required FEMA interver&ion in southern West Virginia Wakr pumps and electrical c0mpo~~ntSwere repladto get &e plant Operating again. A year Iabrthe deep well pumps had to be replaced. Now weneed about $8,000 to changethematerialinthefiltmionsystem,WestViaRual WaterAssociationhasbeenlooking for ways to fimd this nee& We are u~sureas to when McDoweB P.S.D. WiII assuine mnld of our comer * base to pipe in water hanother somce, But right now the economy is so mpdbtable. We want to apprise cheat Lake Rotary Club of our dikmrna, and ask for additional help, if possible. The Stration system has needed materid for sevdmonths now. Weme using au extra- ordinary amount of chlorine in order to keep the water'clearpn$l a source of fimding is found. If able to help, we reward the Ratary Club with recogniition so richly deseined for conhfiiutkg to fhe health and wellness of the elderly, children,and other who use water hem. Again, we are gratefut fbr your donationto our smdtown. Just let us kn~wwhat we can do to help make this happen. Our telephone number is (304) 862-3414 and Zany Porteifield or Michelle Hargrave will respond. Cc: SiWi.mmer7 WV Rural Water Association Delegate Cliff$Ayore -> 'i The Town of Northfork P. 0. Box 760 32 Friebursh Street Northfork, WV. 24868 TeieMax (304) 862-3414 townof northfork@frontierne~~et March 10,2014 The Hanorable Senator Truman Chafin Room UIM, Building 1 State Clapitol Complex Charleston, West Virginia 25305 RE: Nedfor Water Filtration Material Dear Senator Chafm: Not since 1998 has the Town of Northfork’s water filtration material been changed. As a result resident& in our town have endured critical water issues recently. As you know., in 2001 and 2002 there were two major floods that compromised the town’s water plant, and there have been numerous water problems.,one of which was a caused by a windstom in 2012 which affected the entire southern West VirginiEa region. Our town received support from the McDowell County Commission when our water pumps failed amd fi-om the Federal Emergency Management Agency when our motors and e€ectricaisystem failed due to the windstorm. Now, after complaints from residents on water discoloration, and comdlb-tion with officials from the Public Service Commission and our certified water plant operator, we unders#md that $1 0,000 is needed to correct deficiencies. With a cQmminent from your office, the McDowell County Commission will loan the town of Northfbrk the funds necessary to correct this immediate problem. P am asking if it is possible for you to send a lletter to me that can be presented to the McDowell County Commission expressing your commitknent in helping the Town of Northfork procure funds to replace this overused water filtration materid and to complete necessary electrical work.
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