BULLETIN Serving Immokalee, Ave Maria and Eastern Collier County Vol. 52 No. 32 Thursday, August 8, 2019 Immokalee man arrested for recent vehicle thefts/burglaries An Immokalee man was arrested on arrest without violence. multiple charges Tuesday, July 30 in connec- Reports say around 6:40 a.m. Tuesday tion with a string of recent deputies were in the area of Westclox Street vehicle thefts and vehicle and Carson Road in Immokalee looking for burglaries in Ave Maria and a 2013 GMC Sierra 3500HD that had been re- Immokalee. ported stolen less than an hour earlier when Jimmy Andrew Smith, they spotted one matching its description. 18, 4646 County Route They attempted to conduct a traffic stop 850, is charged with three but the truck fled. The deputies pursued un- counts of grand theft auto, til the truck came to a stop in front of 740 two counts of grand theft, Crestview Drive, Building 9. The driver, later five counts of vehicle bur- Jimmy identified as Smith, fled. The passengers, lat- glary, three counts of petit Smith er identified as Toledo and Barrera-Gomez, theft, one count of fleeing ran a short distance before being taken into and eluding and one count of resisting arrest custody. Smith was taken into custody after without violence. being located a short time later emerging Submitted photo Two teens who were with Smith when he from a wooded area. Taste of Immokalee’s young entrepreneurs work on their next project. was apprehended also face felony charges. Through their investigation deputies Joel Toledo, 16, and Isaiah Barrera-Gomez, connected Smith to two additional vehicle 15, both of Immokalee, are charged with thefts and five vehicle burglaries and he was Taste of Immokalee earns approval grand theft auto, grand theft and resisting charged accordingly. by Florida Ready to Work Program IMMOKALEE – Taste of Immokalee, a gram apart from other career-readiness youth entrepreneurship program and busi- programs is its focus on not only classroom ness created and operated by high school learning, but also the ability to put that students, is proud to announce its partner- knowledge to work in a real-world business ship with Florida Ready to Work. Florida environment. Students begin in the appren- Ready to Work is an innovative education ticeship program where they learn about en- and economic development program spon- trepreneurship, professional career options, sored and funded by the State of Florida that and the fundamentals behind the business certifies that a Florida student/jobseeker has of Taste of Immokalee. Top performers then the fundamental job skills necessary to suc- earn a chance to grow into paid internship ceed in today’s rapidly changing and com- positions where they are actively involved in petitive economy. all areas of the business, including account- With this partnership, Taste of Immoka- ing, customer service, operations, HR, sales lee’s young entrepreneurs gain the oppor- and marketing. tunity to earn government-recognized cre- Throughout their internship, students dentials that measure both soft skills and have direct access to business professionals aptitude in crucial workforce skills including who provide guidance and help the young math, communication and problem solving. entrepreneurs build skills and learn to make Private and public employers statewide rec- sound business decisions. This collabora- ognize the program to identify qualified new tion equips students with valuable expe- hires. riences that cannot be attained through a “We are honored to receive approval to textbook, such as those shared by sales in- Courtesy Photo/Lipman Family Farms Facebook Page administer the Florida Ready to Work cre- tern Christina Manasse, a rising senior at Im- dentials in Collier County,” said Taste of Im- mokalee High School. “Taste of Immokalee Lipman Family Farms Backpack mokalee’s Executive Director, Marie Capita. made me realize that deadlines count, and “While we continually witness the impact missing deadlines can stop the team from Giveaway & Back to School Event that our program has in preparing our stu- moving forward.” dents to enter the workforce, we are thrilled “Huge thank you to all our exhibitors, sponsors, volunteers, and Lipman staff Taste of Immokalee provides high school to earn the confidence of the State, and students with a rare opportunity to be in- that made this event a success! We were able to hand out all 1,500 back- gain the ability to implement this valuable packs and 200 bikes, along with other fun and prizes, preparing the children volved in every aspect of a new product tool that will help our students earn state- launch and to experience the rewards of of our communities for another great school year ahead! The smiling faces wide-recognized credentials and provide from our children and families are what motivate us to do more for our com- that hard work, such as seeing their prod- our program with more formalized mea- ucts on the shelves of over 240 Publix stores munity. The unity we see at this event every year is unlike any other!” Above sures of success.” Lipman staff and volunteers help keep things moving. What sets the Taste of Immokalee pro- See Taste — Page 2 2 Immokalee Bulletin August 8, 2019 Taste FDOT announces website for Florida Continued From Page 1 citizens to engage over program in Florida. Students also gain the ability to Tallahassee - The Florida Department of Citrus County to Jefferson County explore various career options and discover Transportation (FDOT) is announcing a new • Northern Turnpike Connector, ex- where their passion and talents can be uti- website for citizen engagement with the tending from the northern terminus of the lized within a business. Florida Multi-use Corridors of Regional Eco- Florida Turnpike northwest to the Suncoast “Taste of Immokalee helped me find a ca- nomic Significance (M-CORES) program, Parkway reer path,” said Marthe Auguste, a rising se- www.FloridaMCores.com. “We are excited to launch the new web- nior at Immokalee High School who serves The M-CORES program has multiple site dedicated to communication and col- as the team leader for the human resources goals, including job creation, revitalizing laboration for the proposed corridors. The department. “After working in many differ- rural communities, and to provide region- ent departments, I realized that HR is what website is a great asset for sharing the latest al connectivity using technology to help information about the corridors and for an- I want to do.” Marthe’s colleague, Arturo enhance quality of life and public safety. Artiles, a rising senior at Donahue Academy, nouncing public meetings,” explains FDOT During the process, protecting the environ- Secretary Kevin J. Thibault, P.E. “It’s another recaps his first experience as a summer in- ment and natural resources will be a priority. forum for citizens to share their ideas. The tern in the accounting department, echoing The objective of the program is to advance the sentiment of everyone involved with the the construction of regional corridors that Department places public engagement as program: “There is no other place that does are intended to accommodate multiple one of the highest priorities and we wel- what Taste of Immokalee does.” modes of transportation and multiple types come public feedback throughout this of infrastructure including broadband, sew- initial thirteen-month evaluation process. FWC enforcement report age, water, and electric systems. Very soon, we will announce all Task Force The Department will form and use a task meetings and public workshops in various Special to the Immokalee Bulletin force for each corridor to make high level cities as we seek to hear the voices from all communities and stakeholders around the TALLAHASSEE — These enforcement recommendations for their respective areas and other actions were reported by the Flor- which include: state.” ida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commis- • Southwest-Central Florida Connector, Citizens can email the Department with sion from June 28 through July 11. extending from Collier County their questions and suggestions at FDOT at COLLIER COUNTY • Suncoast Connector, extending from [email protected]. • Officer Reams and Yurewitch were conducting late-night land patrol in Pica- yune Strand State Forest when they saw a CCSO TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT SPOTS vehicle enter the area after hours. When the Golden Gate Parkway and Santa Barbara officers reached the south end of the forest, By Collier County Sheriff’s Office Boulevard – Red-light running they saw a light and multiple gun shots were Monday, Aug. 12: Victory Lane at Palmetto Ridge High heard. They continued watching the vehicle, Collier Boulevard and I75 southbound and as it began making its way back they ini- exit – Red-light running School - Speeding tiated a traffic stop. The investigation deter- U.S. 41 North and Old 41 Road – Red- Thursday, Aug. 15: mined that the subjects were target shooting light running Davis and Lakewood boulevards – Red- with a pistol. The subjects were cited for be- Immokalee Road and Valewood Drive - light running Texas Avenue at Parkside Elementary ing in the state forest after hours, driving on Speeding School – Aggressive driving non-designated roads/trails, and not paying Tuesday, Aug 13: the appropriate state forest fee. Livingston and Pine Ridge roads – Ag- 111th Avenue North at Naples Park Ele- gressive driving • Community Oriented Policing: Officer mentary – Aggressive driving Rubenstein volunteered at the Everglades Friday, Aug. 16: Vineyards Boulevard – Speeding Airport-Pulling Road at Pelican Marsh El- Youth Conservation Camp held at the J.W. Radio and Airport-Pulling roads – Aggres- Corbett Wild Management Area, a protected ementary School – Speeding sive driving Vanderbilt Beach Road and Logan Boule- 60,348 acres located in Palm Beach Coun- Wednesday, Aug. 14: ty. Officer Rubenstein spent the week with vard – Red-light running Everglades Boulevard and Oil Well Road over 100 very motivated kids and helped Collier Boulevard and Manatee Road - the campers with fishing, kayaking, hiking, – Speeding Speeding snorkeling, archery and shooting firearms.
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