University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-13-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-13-1914 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-13-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1143 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUEMQUE '.HORNING JTODTRN THIRTY-SIXT- H YEAR 1914,"" Dully by Carrier or Mail 71. EIGHTEEN ALBUQUERQUE, MEXICO, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, SECTION ONE-P-agcs 1 to 8. l.. XXX XIV. N. PAGESIN THREE SECTIONS. NEW J Month. Mnitl CoplM. Tiilte.1 ! StaW to vt.te ahull not be d Summary of War iPUDICTMAOTDIIPr SWEDES DISSATISFIED PROHIBIT! TD or abridged on account of sex. EE RMAN REPOR T DEVELOPMENTS During the day the council of one News of Yesterday UllllldllVlflJ IIIUUL WITH GERMAN ANSWER hundred, orptinlKed for united tem- perance educational work last year at MORNIKd JUUNNAI. BPirlAl l.f AtO WIKI) Columbus, O., While .flghl'iic !., liiit on both nr n held Its first anmiai '.'tin Kholiii I via London. Dec. 12. ML miIff n II UiJLULnnrnnirI BE VOTED OM BY meeting. Tho name In the i n't nun ihi' w Kt Hlollg (He ASKED BY II of the organiza- SAYS RUSSIAN POPE 11:34 p. answer t' I tion was changed to extend" d front , thci f Ih liltlu III the Ul If Ml IILuLIJI the National Tom. f t: t - Sweden's request . for an esplinilitloii Iterance council and plans considered Olficlal state tfl s cmi i! by the' vari- to establish a us .wa( ilcp.iritiK Mt ,i Imlicnio any of tin' laying of mines by Germunv national exhibit in llic definite Wetej HOUSE: WOMEN city. Ditniol Pollny, ot HohIoii, wis reiailt el tic balth lit favor BY by Which three Swedish vessels IIS AT LODZ i , IS I STARTLING elected president. LOSSES f eiihcr Mile REFUSED blown up, Is considered far from sat- - Petlln alinnjini-- i ti c ccupjlion by isfacuqy by the Swedish press, i,e- - ARGENTINE the G.nnan fines uf ilu. city of Pn- - AMBASSADOR nenysit, I'oiaiii. and adits that "while online to the .Wtonhludet. German ALSO NEW YORK WERE TERRIBLE this In Itselijis not Important, it G POWERS The answer denies that CHARACTER ST CS PIT H0N0REDJN that trti Mi'tmuiiM have begun ihic laid mines on Saturday or Sun- active oO.-nnl- ipciaiioiiH north uf day, last, tail siiys nothing concern- (he Visl ula." Tuis means a further ing previous days. It admit, that, ow- New York, Dec. 1 2. Presentation from (he north toward War- ing to Intention of Huwla to es- of a gold medal to Dr. Romulu S. advance the Rosolution to Be Pre- Tan-nenbe- rg, saw. ' Vatican Organ All ed tablish a winter naval German While Fighting Is Progressing llobson Naon, ambHHK.iil.ir of the Argentine Greatcr Defeat Than at Says li:i, , republic to the Cnlled States, was the Merlin also 'fieri, ins that the Rus- minis were laid In the Aland nrchl-- Dec, Is h in Both Fields, Each Side sented 22 and Fate feature of the sixteenth annual dill-ne- r East Prussia, in sian Iosmh In th f'tiksivcnictiu prior tions Addressed pclagn "later than Holiday." ofwhb of the Pennsylvania taking of t.odx, iiKijregated was notified Monday. That to Be Known at Early Date Socletv Early Days of When to the Suggestion Willi Most Cour- Sweden Claims Some Advantages War, I Mi nna. These Included rtn.iiuii prison- was after the Swedish ships were Governor H. Former Edwin Stuart ers. sunk. i Have It, Afterward, of Pennsylvania, In First Reverse Came. teous Consideration, Been Scored by presenting the The Austria lis have been repulsed medal, alluded to Dr. Naon us the diplomat "who, within the past week, ly the Servians to the south of SIMPLE CEREMONIES FOR unofficial on behalf of his Rovernment, haa iiccordlm? to a Nlslt SERVIANS CONTINUE SUFFRAGE CAUSE IS sought to define the rights of neutral BERLIN ESTIMATES report, and along the remainder of SEVERAL WILLING TO PATRIARCH'S FUNERAL OUT nations on principles of right and the front In Servla the Austrlnns are TO DEFEAT AUSTRIANS LIKELY TO LOSE Justice," governor ex- AS HIGH AS 150,000 SUSPEND HOSTILITIES the former in retreat MOMMINC JOUDNOl ! pressing T (MCltl Ullll the hope that these nitty Duenna Aires reports that the Independence, Mo., Dec. 12. Sim- have been the "llrst steps in the res- Dresden, one of the live at- toration of peace." cruiser plicity surrounded the preparations Hopes of Getting Eighty Thousand Prisoners tacked by the ttiitish warships In the Others Decline, and Tem- of Joseiihus Hmlth. General Offensive by Allies in Statesmen's Dr. Naon, In accepting medal, as for the funeral the s utii and the last of the reorgsnUed spoke at length on In Ar- Atlantic president of the Church, pre- Home for Holiday Season conditions Are Being Taken Into Ka- Is porary Peace During Hol- France and Belgium Is gentina, alluding In German squadron, ashore off the of Latter Day Haima, io ne nem nere particular to the report by - Announced problems arising from tho European iser's Cou'ntry; City Little port of GallcKlo. ,n earlier idays Would Have to Be tomorrow. President Hmith died dicted, but Movement Is Shattered war nnd the openinK made for the from Valparaiso xnid that the Dres- Thursday after lingering Illness. Her. Program of Majority, Introduction of American products on Damaged by Shells, den had taken refuge In one of the General, Plan Fails, vices will be held In neeordance with Expected to Be Cautious, a large scale Into his country. Three harbors along the const of Patagonia. the directions of the dead patriarch, things, ho sn id, were needed to obtain Six liritish warships have coaled who, lit tho days when ho lay between a market unijer the prevailing condi- Rritish colliers, fifty miles l ! WON from four MOMHIMC jmiUNAI. MICUL 'and death, calmly arranged for nNIN JOUONAI. CIAI. ( wihim jnumiti iftrui umu wimi tions, ci nipelent men, vessels and NINA JOUMNAL aMCtAL LBAaao Wink) lV MAIIO Wll life lllll) wiaii Panama and a Japanese 12 (!(? !nndnn, Dee. p. Wn.'diliiKloii, t'ec.'J!. The issues of banking facilities. Herlin, Dee. 12 (via Mndoir, X:S(l south of Rome, Dee. p. m.) The his burial. II (:Jo in.) o Is sold to be off the Chilein fir- - have very de- national irotnlUioii and woman P. til.) In the battle n round l,ndx. squadron Cibservatoie Romano, tho Vatican Thorn been no marked It is lielioveil that these two gnn, velopments In twenty-fou- r will bo placed squarely licfni" j in Russian Poland, (be Russians suf- coast. referring to the efforts of Pope the last will form a Junction. li dur- - hours, either In west- tin! house of represent itlvcs ns a fered greater losses than they did In foicca Jlenedict to bring about truce the eastern or ' governor of SHARE 1 Goctliabi. the bailies, so ns available, of action taken today by leiteWls" Jihclr defeat at Talinenberg, East Colonel !nir the ChrisimaH season among lh ern far official requested Washing- irisioii committee, when U de- (Prussia, according to n statement Canal Zone, has j warring powers, says: reports disclose, Although fighting of house rule dispatch destroyers to Panama. n more to report special rub's for tho by the German official " iiress ton to I "The august' pontiff In homage. or less violent character Is cided he Rives ho proceeding consideration of constitutional amend- Iburetiii today unnounciiig the evueu- - Immediately and nlthoiiKh faith and devotion to Christ, the Re- nlonu the two fronts. In subjects. Incidentally jation by Ruswlans of city of explanation of the reason for this re- deemer, whv Is the ITInce of Peace, ALL this, tho opposing headnmirtera claim ments on both F MM the the Washington AGAIN HAS put an end to all hop CS loiiz, tho statement renils: quest, it Is thought at and nlsii by reason of sentiments of the advantage fell to tho respective tho committee Goothuls hai found him- of nn extended holiday recess. "The evacuation of Ixidz took place that Colonel humanity and Vlty, especially towards armlet. to iheck the use of the An an to tho Representative Henry, chairman of score! ly in the middle of the night self unable the. families of tno combatants, offset Itussinn claim wireless jilunU of ships belonging to confidentially belliger- tif having checked the advance rules assorted tho rul and remained unnoticed by us n' the of the nnmmltK WHEAT CORNER the belligerent nation's within the governments to they ENGLAND III three of five Germun columns invad- on tho Ilohson prohibition resolution first, but it was the result of the pre- ent imcerlaln lirtw CM Ihree-inil- e limit. a. ing their territory, tho Germans state bo prosontol December 22, and vious threo days' hat lies. would receive the proposal of truce .would Kmperor William of Germany, today that their cavalry repulsed tho resolution after eight houri "In these engagements, the Rus- during such a solemn festivity ns has that whose Illness has been the subject of ; the Russian horsemen on the east of debate would b pressed to ft vote sians suffered severely from tho fire Christmas.
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