Russian Entomol. J. 16(1): 109–114 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2007 Review of Mexican species of the genus Itoplectis Först. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) with description of four new species Îáçîð ìåêñèêàíñêèõ âèäîâ ðîäà Itoplectis Först. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) ñ îïèñàíèåì ÷åòûð¸õ íîâûõ âèäîâ D.R.Kasparyan Ä.Ð.Êàñïàðÿí Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.-Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Зоологический институт РАН, Университетская наб. д.1, Санкт-Петербург 199034, Россия. KEY WORDS: Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae, Itoplectis, Mexico, new species, taxonomy, identification key. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae, Itoplectis, Мексика, новые виды, систематика, определительный ключ. ABSTRACT: A key to 6 Mexican species of the ge- UAT — Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, División nus Itoplectis is given and illustrated. Four new species de Postgrado e Investigación, UAM Agronomía y are described. New data on the distribution of I. conquis- Ciencias, Insect Museum, Cd.Victoria, México; itor (Say, 1836) in Mexico are presented. UANL — Universida Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico; РЕЗЮМЕ: Дана иллюстрированная определи- ZISP — Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sci- тельная таблица 6 мексиканских видов рода Itoplectis. ences, St.-Petersburg, Russia. Описаны четыре новые для науки вида. Приводятся In the Material section, Spanish words are cited like новые данные о распространении в Мексике I. in labels. conquisitor (Say, 1836). Genus Itoplectis Foerster, 1869 Townes & Townes, 1960: 282 (description; key to eight Introduction nearctic species); Porter, 1970 (review of five species of South America); Каспарян, 1973: 667 (key to 17 palaearctic species); Yu & Horstmann, 1997: 827–831 ( bibliography to 30 species of Genus Itoplectis belongs to the tribe Pimplini (Pim- the World fauna); Gauld et al., 1998: 135–136 (key to 4 species plinae). It is a moderately large genus with about 35 of Costa Rica). species in World fauna [Yu & Horstmann, 1997; Gauld Type: (Ichneumon scanicus Villers) = maculator Fabricius. et al., 1998; Kasparyan & Niño, 2004]. Most of the Designated by Viereck, 1914. species are in the Holarctic Region; the genus is un- KEY TO MEXICAN SPECIES OF ITOPLECTIS known from Australia. All members of the genus are 1. Submetapleural carina distinct. Thorax entirely black....2 idiobiont endoparasitoids. Their usual hosts are pupae —Submetapleural carina absent. Thorax black, often with of different Lepidoptera, but for some species of Itoplec- mesothorax predominantly red or pale..........................3 tis parasitism in cocoons of Hymenoptera (Tenthredi- 2. Hind tibia broadly fuscous at base and apex with about noidea and Ichneumonoidea), very rare in puparia of submedian 0.4 white (Fig. 11). Abdominal tergites with Diptera is also known, and for Itoplectis mexicanus distinct white band on hind margin (the band brownish Kasparyan & Niño, 2004 parasitism in pupa of Chry- laterally). Ovipositor sheath about twice as long as first somelidae (Coleoptera) is recorded. Only two species tergite (or about 1.1 as long as hind tibia)....................... has been recorded before for Mexico. By studying the ……...............................................1. I. conquisitor (Say) ichneumonid collections of Texas A & M University —Hind tibia predominantly white, weakly fuscous at base (USA) and Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon (Mex- and apex (Fig. 12). Abdominal tergites with very thin pale band on hind margin. Ovipositor sheath 1.1 times as long ico) four new species of Itoplectis have been found. as first tergite (or 0.67 as long as hind tibia)................... The holotypes are deposited in Department of Ento- .................................3. I. mexicanus Kasparyan & Niño mology of Texas A & M University, College Station, USA. 3.Body entirely black (thorax with hind corner of pronotum, Following abbreviations are used for collections tegulae, apex of mesepimeron, and apex of postscutellum containing types of Mexican species of Itoplectis: white; in holotype apical 0.35 of scutellum reddish). Fore TAMU —Texas A & M University, Department of En- tarsal claws of male with a basal tooth (Fig. 9).............. tomology, College Station, Texas, USA; .......................................................5. I. nigrithorax sp. n. 110 D.R.Kasparyan —At least mesothorax predominantly pale (red or pale polished, impunctate, except for some anterior fine setifer- brownish yellow).............................................................4 ous punctures in upper corner and along the boundary with 4. Thorax and propodeum very pale brownish yellow (Fig. propodeum; hairs denser and longer on upper division of 1). Abdominal tergites 1 and 2 predominantly black with metapleurum; submetapleural carina absent. Propodeum with pale yellowish pattern, subsequent tergites reddish brown very fine and sparse punctures and with rather long hairs; its with whitish yellow pattern (Fig. 1)............................... median dorsal carinae entirely absent. All tarsal claws with .........................................................4. I. multicolor sp. n. distinct basal tooth (Fig. 2). First tergite distinctly convex, —Mesothorax predominantly red (Figs 2, 3 ). Abdominal polished and almost impunctate; its dorsomedian carinae tergites black with white hind margin............................5 absent, dorsolateral carinae distinct only at extreme base and 5. Mesopleurum red with black mesepimeron (Fig. 2). Terg- at apical 0.3. Third tergite 0.7 times as long as wide; tergites ites 2 and 3 almost impunctate on median elevation. Tergite 2 and 3 with moderately coarse but very sparse punctures on 7 laterally with reddish mark in the male (Fig. 5)........... median elevation, all tergites polished and with very fine and ..........................................................2. I. gonzalezi sp. n. sparse punctures approximately in posterior 0.4. Ovipositor —Mesopleurum red with black speculum and mesepimeron sheath about 1.0 as long as hind tibia. white at least at apical 0.25 (Fig. 3). Tergites 2 and 3 with Head black, palpi white. Antenna blackish-brown dor- moderately dense and rather coarse punctures on median sally, brownish ventrally; scape black, pedicel and flagellom- elevation. Tergites 2–6 with white epipleurae, lateral parts eres 1–3 reddish-brown ventrally. Thorax red and black as of tergites 6–8 brownish red..........6. I. specularis sp. n. on Fig.2. Prothorax black with lower margin of propleurum and dorsolateral margin of pronotum whitishyellow; tegula 1. Itoplectis conquisitor (Say, 1836) white with posterior 0.4 brown; prescutellar groove entire- Fig. 11 ly red. Mesepimeron, metapleurum and propodeum entire- Say, 1836: 232, $ [Cryptus; type: $, USA, Indiana (de- ly black. Fore and mid coxae and trochanters whitish yel- stroyed)]; Morley, 1914: 32 (Apechtis; key, description, $ #; low; fore and mid femora and fore tibia reddish yellow; fore Mexico: Omiltemi at 8000 ft); Townes, 1940: 319–320 (biol- tarsus dirty whitish. Mid tibia dirty reddish with dirty ogy summarized); Townes & Townes, 1960: 282, 287, 621 whitish elongate posterior spot, fuscous at extreme apex [Itoplectis; key, description, distribution, synn., fig.; hosts (about and with blackish median spot dorsally; mid tarsus dirty 60 spp., mainly Lepidoptera); Townes & Townes, 1966: 22 whitish yellow with all tarsal segments brownish at apex (bibliography); Ruiz et al., 2002: 645 (Mexico). (wider ventrally). Hind coxa, trochanters and femur reddish MATERIAL. Mexico, Tamaulipas: El Carmen, 11 X 1985 (R.A. Domínguez), 1 $; Guemez, CNIEC, naranja-follaje, 18 I with yellowish marks, hind tibia and tarsus dirty whitish 1991 (E. & J. Ruiz C.), 1 #(UAT). USA: New York (Shokan, with fuscous marks as on Fig. 2. Pterostigma brown with Horton, Hancock etc.) 13VII–4VIII1935 & 1936 (H.K. blackish brown margins. Abdominal tergites black, tergite 1 Townes), 3$ 1#; McLean Bogs Reserve, 8–16 VII 1939 (J.G. with small pale apical median spot, tergites 2–7 with white Franclemont), #; R.I., Westerley, 1VIII 1936 (M. Chapman), # band at their apical 0.15–0.20. Sternites 2–5 white with (ZISP). large median and two lateral brown spots; hypopygium completely brown. 2. Itoplectis gonzalezi Kasparyan, sp.n. Male. Fore wing 6 mm long. Antenna as long as fore Figs 2, 4–7 wing, with 22 flagellar segments. Tarsal claws simple, with- MATERIAL. Holotype: $, México, Chiapas, SanCristobal, out basal tooth (Fig. 7). Structurally and chromatically very Res. Cerro El Huitepec, tr. Malaise, 7900 ft, N 16°46´06´´, similar to female, but fore and mid legs paler: coxae, trochant- W92°41´04´´, 2–14VIII1997, CIB 97–072 (A. Gonzalez ers entirely, femora and tibiae anteriorly white; femora and Hdz.) (TAMU). Paratype: 1 # with same data as holotype fore tibia posteriorly yellowish; mid tibia white with small (paratype in UANL). subbasal fuscous dorsal spot and fuscous dorsally at apical DESCRIPTION. I. gonzalizi differs from other species 0.35; hind trochanters yellow, trochanter I blackish dorsopo- with pale mesothorax in having entirely black mesepimeron steriorly at basal 0.6. Tergites elongate, third tergite 1.2 times and almost impunctate tergites 1–3 or sparsely punctate as long as wide. Median part of tergite 7 laterally with (tergite 3). reddish spot (Fig. 5). Female (holotype). Fore wing 6.8 mm long. Antenna REMARKS. The species is named in honour of Dr. with 22 flagellar segments; first and second segments
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