NlR)' aH 1-2-a. Hi mplf• aH flo-rP-mi. IJ('aru Ill<' ABO; of HntTiHonhnrg, tm gc• 17. the !opinion ..... 11 I A&E ........... ti reeze Sports ....... ·?.i James Madison University's Student Newspaper Yolum1 84, Issue I ~ugUSl 27, 2007 Driving laws set different standard Olll to for VIrginians IY l4UlGit MAllEI tmt4itel Frimcls Dtllll C,uot nnd Nnly • Shafapb ba\'!' • 1<11 in rommtJII They'ne both wnlora The)· boch bve off ca.mpu And W) boch ba•~ .. _row C31'$ at chutol llu,.~•'t!r. if tbr) _ "tl'e both pulll'd en·, r for ~kli»~ or agresei"" dr!vln11 In Vltzlnla, SIUlfugaU's fin~ "'ould bt> h\lndrecls o( doll:orJ mnn: UptllSI'O! lhao Gaunt's. The conlfO\rl".. l abo&w•1Hin•· Ina (et"S, rffrtllw Jul) 1. 2007, ooly apply to dri\t'n r• .ps~recl in \'lrgmla. 1llt ,,.... ranr• from $75o to $3,000 for drivers ron•icted ut ~kle58-drivmll dwy,e, herordlnt~ to 11r«' Wcuhrnqton l'olt \'ifllnlan Shafa~~AII doesn't thmk w r-."' r.1r "I think that If""' 11'1' drlvin& on VillJDII roeda th<- nslrs Ahould apply to )'OU, ~YJ~rdlt'lll o( wluch ltltP )'0\1 live m ." ahuaid • i\ krt ol 5peeding or dr!vln& ~$sues are nut caused by Viramia l'l'lridt'ntt hut out-or·sbl<rl who'~ and n:ru... tofollowruk" Caunt akl that the fin<es an: too much and Is &bd they wouldn I applytohtr "I thin\. tbat'l a ritiiCUiom pr1c:e to plY," ahe ...111. "Oriven1 thuuld obey tbP lmwli, but ~'\fecyotll' nwkr• mistakes from tim~ tutim<'. • The dromatiraUy iDCTI'IIS!'d Campus construction makes way for current and future students abuw.-..drivn (l'f!l Wftt: iol ~!'d to m..'\kt tlw roetb tafu b) t.arvt· Ina r«kl- dn"llll ..ttl.. raiJ.ina ~-uue Cor \'l!11nl3 COD!lJ'Udlon ~•n h11 RICk form.,tiow CNni..Jibrary projt'CIIIWIII.jtt'I,IJ!Iid Stttt Poll«lltl•t'd 100,000 reddca oear fiber and p ronduiu. •wr "'m1 ..h<'<lulto • drivin11 citatioN latt ~ear and local 1'hc villd1trt ~ around South uum..c, lite ,i.Jd~. thrlt'bral')"~ dc>p&rtmenlll hQ\'t' IMU.C<I tbouuml• Mnln Stm't ba, atllten a liJI ofMtt·ntoli'l "••>tnlrtklll tu_, '"~ m .lied muth t>f nn more, a«ordlnf~ l u thco l'ust 1111 it.reot\otruc1~01 h.aaau.-1 ptrt rJt Jn<'(KI'1"n•Pn.oc f'ortmlf'..- around illl aik Tht" Pr>ft ol"" n'JIOrtt'd tlur the bur-lanoo .,....,.. to>~ mluet'd '" ..,,.. ·w..<!dukd ..... o1 the"*' more llwl 1:;'<1.00\1 JIO'OIIIc h.nt' soot.bboun<l "'""and anr 11<111hbnun<l ......t. and od...,...., '""" ~" si~td an onhn<' ptlll~>n to lt'Jio1'91 liule Lub 0\n thillp... >Wtlmd'so thl\t IJ>mo th<' Ltw ami 11 lr.IA thm: .-rk­ \\'hllethr~ar1l<C'I"ffh~ ·• '"'"ld bt> IIQ """"" tr.dlir pmblml.. baw sued tl1t lilt! to cbalkn~<' cornpldlun It n•lllld~t-dukd w1tll June ('ronk1111hl · u,~"'• there will br• tb<- lll.atul~'• ronJitrtmionahiV ,.. 20(19, \IK' <"'tltt•r'• J~lriUn& l!"l';ltc•. "hlrh f..w mttrnll•liotLt"" ~.- n•mrk1r the LlW!iultt fOC'UI on thr t!XI!Illptlou of oprned ln .July, will oliO! 500 ol' 8oo Ll~pl~~& but Iw..•lti"Jli'CI notl•h•K non-Vir&mla motori<U purl<llli81XJl' Lo n~nmuli~JA &UtknL<. j)fum~j<JrnJII ~~J?klrtlw~Q(tl••• Senior Oovld Morrow sud that P,sle IIOlid. I.'QIIoltrul1""' OJt·hl'dule reoJ!Ie .t1011ld lw trt'alecl l'qU.Ily {'oo.tnJ<'biJil (IQ lht odwr '<ilk l'llns b two III'W reNtlentwl hAll• u~rtht'llw ofClllllpll.'llt alto ronbnulna, "'lth and an lllldJhunal domn~ luD OCJ the .,.., "Wbtl't' dO HJU draw the lintf' romplo:tlon (t( tit~ ca:11 C3JJlllUS 111..., •or camsJUal .."' K""" ~3, , 1M b. asked •If wht'l't' )•>«fno from pbnnt'd Cor thr mel o(Apnl20(18 ~t"'l h.,IJ WJll off,,. a tc1t.ll400 hrdl appllet hi "l•·n: )<Ill fltlnd umkr 1be Lbra.111 wtr. ftu1uture and ocht• lllld the duu"" lull ...n b.o'~ 700 ~otJ1.5 thr law ..... .,. back In whero w~ openllionAitMrntlab Will Ill' lliCM'd 1n Au fmm '"''J'IT t•onstmrtion, thr wrrc so or 6c! )eAra dgu.· CM:r tbe llll.lllnl"r for 1l.s op&.'llln~ lo llll' unlwmUy llo.UJ lnrtillti'I.I.WUIIlltlllalh'r Junior Rnrh11l Stt'\'enJOn I• fall I"''Jl'ct•. lnrhtdfnlt th1• lt'llOYIItlnns Crom Oebwul', u.nd wbik abr 18)' "Wt )1;1\ Ill n.'t.IJ.o1U CCII~"<tnll·tlun CJt ""'lt'<ICOO•·m~ huilc.lm;.and the w sympnthb<-1 Wltb Vi111Jnia . shl' ·-wtuth 11M brm Ill* to.,....... n-pl.lmu.111 nf thr ..,nn..~ around 11n' t ... COD<tmecl whro sht ftrb ~~ •lhr) t'Oil... up," Oob ~ Ubr.l"' F,&Joe "'id. into her car "I don't f<-.:1 rfT,.,_1<'d b) hat all." ,..uw ,.... ,J1\Il emb<trks 011 ,ix Crisis Communication Plan year <\XJ>a.Jlsion }>lan released by JMU committee AsthutuoJeot pop<tlahOBPIJ"I. Number of students to thl-c:ampu~ """ txp~~nd al<!na will! 11 A roupkoflltw arecumntly under h~'!aid reach 21,500 by 2013 corutructioo, inrludml! thr IW" !!alit JMU'a .c-~trt' \ft'llthrr lin:JU. loc>at C<lmsJUS lJlrmry 11.nd tht nt'wtunnel ('(! un top of CISA"I' i\·t, llumtS llall, Slluww Hall ~nd Din&lalln~ HaD, will projKt, wblcb wiU Ill' ~nell t h Sol1th Students 11'\UIRIIIJIIU JMU thl• "l't'k 1Y WQUII£ (OUbOYI:l nuwpla)'prt'-rtaJrdt-.1 n~ that MaiD Strtoct, etl)e 113ld 1'hc tunnel ,.,u OMICC m:ID) n~w bwldinp on cam bt lwrd M)"'M~ on t'llmpul. hutnl<1• ,............. wdl mnn«t thr Qu.ld 111 the ('eutrr I'll bot 1~ mar noc boo , .... re or thr ma on (ut lilt' Ptrl<JtmiJI• lt.JU Al.o on th" I ·h•nd lh·· .,..~ne rhanps made b) thfo JtUd"'b w11at tu •ko durlna an ms~ Th~rc; alscl be loud JMU IS nmrnll) "orlunst on a'tt'ITI 11de or c:amrw , eddltinnal Ulll\t"Nh to ti\>Ur. •tud• nt <afl1) ,.,n A IIX-)ciiU pnl)'r(11<lft to I'XJ)Iocl itA l'f' ldmct' and clmm1 lulb will ..on JMU'~ F.nw~t·ncy R.t1t"Jl0n>" and ~~adde-d to """'"" cara for "' nu~r vi tudtnlli tu 0\er 21,500 "Jinn&up ltrtU\'CI) 'l'<·am, rUinJx,...;\ of t" rl~< pUJ1>011C$- by2013 Although th~ Ultht•MIY lJ l!fiiW• ntlnuni""-ru'""'· puhlw lli•fel> omrLIIJ In nddlllun hl tl1c 'ltt'lll,Atud~nts •nd -n~ Wlh~l'»lty 3Ml1UIIy illl'OII e11n hi& tn lilA'. thrro I• nnl' thin& thnt and rarolty r.vr.~utothl'S, mel twi« focultv aub!lniiW' to .-1~ ~ "'"~'~' tent with 11.1 C\lrl1'nt rnrolln>l!llt." 111'11<') t'\'ll pbonl' ale-rt- ~1.1 r-<ampus or mUJI be Ul~rMuud by .tudCIIIa: ~ "'"'" 0\l't thr ummtr to OJJ<Iatr J ESS Subknbt>" pf0\-1clc \bar «'II Don "'"' tin· dlrt\'t(>r of publtl '1br u.ohvl"lliY Ia nell tntn-estecl k\'tlfll\ mc.L\urt" o111cl crNI.e a Crub .tfaira. "' ~ llll"'t'YI'r thr unht'r 10 ~~ •1wdhy (or quanuh, ('tommunK'IItiOII Pun ~ on thf "'"'"" tnlonnabon and Uf then oot•· Rrd by tltbtt >Clift' DialI Oftat 11-ac', 11) allo (t'(;t.o it has • rapon• I'.Jl ~ll.lld plan. tht' """~"'ltv b.u upt:racit'd Jlbiht) to th~ rommonwt'alth tn Solllt' tuolc·ntl, hu>o,,.,.r, qu..- th<-lr hf\btn•na tl• trctlun ~m~s. rl1'­ when an ,,m~rv~ ituahun Lu.lly, lht' F.m~"ll•·nl') ~and lllfti thf' arow•na uwnbt-r of toll..~t tlon tbr dum&" nt.,.J an rmcra~ner 1·rll phont altrt bound ~d~nt• • 'I think JMU nl't'<ls to be ~t:r) <\'1\tt'IJ'I. and a·t UJl a bla•t e·mnlhn& Rtro\-el') l't1m ""''·""'~~ a ~thad •>I f In Clfdrr to otrc!OnllliOCI.!I<' till' rArrful in h<l\f the-y approach the 11(11'\ict- rill clt·~laol'd tu '"~'tlup •ndinl! out hlll•t m•11l• to All Cii'Jmu &10"1h, "''"' funds. priYlltt fund~. Ull•tllSlUII btlt·au.., it 'ery tab· tlw flow of turorm.nion on t':lmpu•. edu D«''W.IIS Wbll;: tltc old m;1s.. ml"!­ lu.ttlun and ,tudrnt (c:d> will all pro· tl~ could be a J'Ot'lll>o· or neast'"' Wbll< thrn: "r"' • lilt ()( llll&in& S)~t'IJ'I wllladll be IISl'<l, tltt'rr It • •liMo Ill<' "'"'~~~~ to fund thr rn>l ~pclnAaa. · acruur l"'!lkkrot rnl•U<lr 1·h:ln,:•., to JMU'a .a(t'f\• plnn th• bDilt on tbr number of riN.ib it can llmll ~ . ~e~kl St.d!M-1 WenJer ..1.1 "Hm..-...- I t<'olm rxpan•lrd on llfii~Uit'S tlwt <>ut at • hm< l'l'!!llllma on • "'" hour "'-1 tant Vo«' Pt:etrdrnt fnr do think the-y an! do~na all they nau .lll't':ldt l'li!ll dtlay oo timd\ ot•llfi<'lltioDII, F.Jic ...,icJ No"' 20,000 l"m.1d C'An llC' ...-nt out at Blldjr,t1 Manajlrnl<tlt Oilloo !; t~mp to make 11 a wond• rlul adthllon to """btR' .
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