THE LACLEDE ELAD3 to come ana plant himself in the al 33 of privilege at Smith's desk end. - EAT A AND HOLD TTTrTV"! JOHN SMITH BLUFFS CRAFTY BANKER GETS "Well, son j . you've got the animals ' stirred up good and plenty, at last," OF; SUFFICIENT WORKING CAPITAL TO GO AHEAD he said, when he had found the "mak cigar lie Heal VyiTH THE GREAT IRRIGATION DAM PROJECT Ings" and was deftly rolling a t'i ette his one overlapping habit reach- ing back" to. his range-ridin-g youth. "Dick Maxwell got a wire today from Synopsis, J.. Montague Smith, cashier of Lawrencevllle Bank and his kiddle's grandpaw and my own Flan : company, engaged Mchlander, Trust society bachelor to marry Verda respected. daddy-ln-Ia- w Mr. Hiram By heiress, knocks his employer, Watrous Dunham, senseless, leaves him Falrbairn; you know him the lumber for dead and flees the state when Dunham accuses Smith of dishon- king." ' ' " FRANCIS LYHDE esty and wants him to take the blame for embezzlement actually com- Tm listening," said Smith. mitted by Dunham. Several weeks later, Smith appears as a tramp' "Dick's wire was an order; instruc . at a town in the Rocky mountains and gets a laboring job in an irriga- tions from headquarters to keep hands tion ditch construction camp. His intelligence draws the attention of off of your new company and to work ' Williams, the superintendent, who thinks he ean use the tramp, John ' strictly in cahoots 'harmony' was the GREAT BIG MONEY sflffT Smith, in a more Important place. The ditch company is in hard lines word he used with Crawford Stanton. Producing and Refining V B.MJ financially because Eastern financial Interests are working to under- Oil prices booming. Stocks soaring; Thou How does that fit you?" - mine the local crowd headed by Colonel Baldwin and take over valu- sands drawing- dividends from small invest- The financial secretary's smile was ments In ground-floo- r shares of IllntntUsi UW1H MTEM property. finally accepts appointment sec-- ' reliable oil It able Smith as financial the face-wrinkli- and refining companies. Writ at once for retary Baldwin's company. He has already up pleasant of struck a quarry foreman who has seen BIS FREE BOOK OF PHOTOS AND OIL FACTS Baldwin, of the acquaintance with Corona the colonel's winsome daughter. his. hitch hold to land the big about blg, ,2 crafty banker tackle substantial, Copyright by Cnaa. Scribaer'a Sons He goes to interview a while the financial enemies plan stone safely the top of the pit. oil and refining company (governed by board company. at of bankers) owning ruin for Baldwin's going to do about II conservative 45,000 CHAPTER IX Continued. "What Is Maxwell acres of valuable oil leases deposited In it?" he asked. bank, all paid for and certified by law, in Oklahoma and Texas, the world's richest oil "Dick Is all wool and a yard wide; region. Big now "That Is precisely what I was minutes. Where in the name more difficult well drilling. Dozen wells last ten and it was even to refuse and what he signs his name to Is what to be drilled soon. Modern Oil Refiner? tn h at. Our banker can't run with the jumping Jehoshaphat did you get your of the proffered hospitality at the week he is going to stand by. You won't lose erected. Positively fair and square hare and hunt with the hounds. You'll your nerve, boy? You made him be- end. did quick opportunity (free from humbug or But Smith refuse it. him, but the wire shows us Just about fakir's methods) to buy 11 nar aharea Nnw excuse me if I say you haven't got backing honestly-manage- d, fast-growi- that lieve we'd outside from It was not until after Miss Corona where we're aiming to put our leg Into In company. been altogether fair with Timanyoni somewhere." OSA0E OIL IENNIN0 City. driving to town with her father, as she gopher hole and break it, doesn't C- O- Oklahoma Okla. Ditch, or with Colonel Baldwin, Mr. did the "I didn't say anything like that, frequently did had thrice visited the - Kinzle. A friendly banker doesn't it?" I?" new offices that Smith began to con "I'm not borrowing any trouble. Mr, help sell You know ; out his customer. "No but you opened the door and he gratulate himself, rather bitterly, to colleagues are that, as well as do. Still, you did Falrbairn and his Just I walked in." be sure, upon his wisdom In staying too StarbUck. It." I'm not respon few minutes late.. JF yam are analog ka. let w teU you bow you no lo "That's all right; away from Hillcrest. For one thing, We've got our footing inside of the crauc Tour income aelllftt Auwricu Liihtioe Pilots, Kinzie threw up his hands and tried sible Mr. Klnzie's imagination. Portable Laaipa, Lantern, etc OM wU koown product for he was learning that Corona Baldwin corral." Eaajly old. work all or spare tine. No compttitloa. to defend was a straight a ad- Ooly email capital requires. himself. "It We were obliged to have little rose-colore- d. aot aaceiury. was able to make him see The who was now Exclurir territory nuarlera. business transaction. Mr. Smith. As vertising we couldn't turn a to capital; When she was not with him, he was a well up on the middle rounds of for- AMERICAN CAS MACHINE CO, long as we're In banking business, me in touch kit. lUkm LM, Miaa. the wheel without it Put man in daily peril of meeting the ladder, shook his head doubt we buy who comes good lawyer, and I'll tune's and sell for anybody with a business sheriff. But when she was present, fully. along." legal machinery. Then you W. N. U.f KANSAS CITY, NO. 42-19- 17. start the calm sanity had a way of losing its "Don't you make any brash breaks, "No, we don't, Mr. Kinzle; we pro can get into your car and go around grip. John. Mr. Hiram Falrbairn and his tect our customers first. In the pres-en- and interview your crowd, man by A pretty girl Is upt to be less Inter- Miss fourth to can swing twenty millions to instance you thought your cus- man. I want to know exactly where Corona's visit the crowd esting than the bank account of a of offices" over your old dollar and a half, tomer was a anyway, so we stand with the old stockholders be- handsome suite the one little homely maid. dead one. it Brewster City National chanced to they're not going to leave any of wouldn't make much difference if you fore we make any move in public. Can and fall upon a Saturday. Her father, the pebbles unturned when It comes to Unfair Question. should throw another shovelful of dirt you do that?" - president of the new company, as be savins- their investment in the Esca- - or so onto the coffin. Wasn't the .Baldwin lifted his hat and shoved his "I'll never ask Jlbway to lend me an- that had been of old, had a private of- just thought I'd way of It?" fingers through his hair. the Iante. That's all; I other cent!" fice of his own, but Miss Corona soon drop In and tell you." The president fairly pushed to "I reckon I can ; there are only sixty "Did he hurt your feelings?" was out railed-ol- f ropes, or seventy 'em. And Bob Stllllngs drifted to the end of the Smith went to his rooms in the hotel "I should say so! I asked him to the and he showed it. of room, sec- Come the cor larger where the financial few minutes later to change for din lend men dollar until Monday and "Answer me one question, both , of Is your lawyer. around he retary had his desk. ner. He tne linen arawer in nis you," he snapped. "Are you big enough ner and I'll Introduce you." found asked me, 'What Monday?'" 'Colonel-dadd- y tells me that you are dressing-cas- e overflowing. Opening to fight for your own against Stanton's coming out to Hillcrest for the week- another, he began to arrange the over- crowd?" CHAPTER X. A Poor Financier. end," was the way in which she in flow methodically. The empty drawer "You'll see; and the sight going ne We'll have to give up our in is terrupted the financial secretary'i n8 lined with a newspaper, and a sin to cost you something," said Smith, The Rocket and the Stick. tended trip. My account at the bank brow-knittin- over a new material gle headline on the upturned page and the oil For a full fortnight after the pre Is already overdrawn. blandest could have been contract. "I have Just wagered him a sprang at him like a thing living and no smoother liminary visit to the Brewster City She Oh, John, you a than his tone. nice fat little round iron dollar of my venomous. He bent lower and read are such "Is right, National bank Smith was easily the wretched financier. Why you that Dexter?" allowance that you won't. How about the underrunnlng paragraph with a don't "That's the way looks to me. busiest man In Timanyoni county. Es- keep your account In a bank it it?" dull rage mounting to his eyes and that has Dave," said the ranchman capitalist, tablishing himself In the Hophra plenty of money? Smith looked up with bis best-n- a serving for the moment to make the who, whatever might be his limitations House, and discarding the working khaki only because he was shrewd tured grin.
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