vel. X2 as. 49 sXXt i*veTr;Hy as asty fcrka.sy. iriday. *a-y 2 v 1969 Fac.-Stud. Commission Begins Revisi ions - Proposals To Be Voted- On Agair I chosen from six specific areas By ISOBEL ADAM I and four chosen at large. There In an attempt to revise the would be one representative each defeated Faculty-Student Com- from the biological sciences, physi- mission proposals, the body has cal sciences and math, social reduced student representation sciences, fine arts and humanities, and increased that of the faculty College of Engineering and the on the proposed University Senate. Center for Continuing Education. Also under review at the Mon- Final discussion centered on day night session were the crea- the areas of promotion and ten- tion of certain faculty and student ure, faculty grievances and de- committees, and the hiring, re- termination of academic degree tention and promotion of non- requirements. It was decided teaching professional staff mem- that matters pertaining to these bers. After revision, these re- areas should be the responsibility written proposals will be voted of the faculty through the opera- on in a referendum presented to tion of the Senate Committee as the University Community. The described in Article VII, Section I. vote is set to take place later The proposals now -under re- this semester. - vision were defeated in the vote It was decided that within the which took place April 21 and 2. governance proposal, the faculty The governance proposal, the and student representation on a most important of those now University Senate would have to under Birsyistol, Has passed by be changed. This change would the student body, -both under- include a representation of 50 graduates and graduates; but it 10 defeated by the teaching and faculty, 30 undergraduates, with appro- was a faculty committee These two proposals were passed. faculty. The job- graduate students, and 10 non- priate student representation." non-teaching mem- security proposal and the pro-s teaching professional staff He also stated that those com- It was also decided that the posal to set up committees under- bers. mittees concerned with student proposal for the formation of a Don Rubin proposed "that all rules and regulations and codes ' Faculty Senate would appear in the Office of Student Affairs were academic degree requirements of conduct shall te prnarily the Aricle H,- Sectiowl. This--body both defeated solely by the vote be priinarilN the responsibility of responsibility -of the students. wouid -bbeees c psdf of Sea teachi aty. - Weinberg Will Leave SB; oSw. Delay... In~..* Tenure Is Cause * By ALAN J. *AX berg was pleased that a major- Weinberg said that it was too Assisat New Editor ity of those students who evalu- late for any student action on ated him felt that his exams his behalf. "However," he Stony Brooks outspoken Pro- provided them with a challenge. added, "students should see fessor Robert Weinberg has Weinberg will accept an offer that it doesn't happen again informed Statesman that he to some other instructor." will not be teaching here in made by Temple University in Septembeir. He said that the Philadelphia. At Temple, be delay on the part of the Faculty will be directorof -a new pro- Commenting on Dr. Weinberg's Committee on Promotion and gram of science courses for decision, Dr. Max Dresden of Tenure in deciding whether or non-science majors. He will the Physics Department, acting not to grant him tenure has also prepare underprivileged as the department's chairman rot. Mike Zweig anl Josep Self share a momet of agmer caused him to accept "a very high school students to become for the day in the absence of attractive offer." science majors even though Dr. Leonard Eisenbud, confirmed they have poor science back- the fact that the Physics Depart- Weinberg's department, phy-- grounds. S.B. Faculty Jailed For sics, recommended in Febru- ment had recommended Wein- ary that he be granted tenure. berg for tenure. He added that The committee has still not Charles Bacall, one of Wein- the whole issue is still under Of Court acted. In light of this, Weinberg berg's students in Physics 162, consideration and there has Contempt said, "I feel like a 'second-ecls observed, "This will be a great been no decision thus far for Steven Koch, citizen.' Had the delay not toss to the University Commu- various reasons which he did University mathematics in- Department and were inter- occurred," he added, PI would nity." He added, "I have never not know. structor Joseph Seif, 28, was English Instructor, were finished with not have looked elsewbere." seen one professor put so much arrested for contempt of the rogated. Both Grand Jury the same after- of himself in terms of enthusi- Grand Jury which is investigat- the In a student evaluation, Wein- noon. Also questioned was Ted asm, preparation and devo- ing the narcotics problem on berg rated as the best science Gorelick of the Art Depart- tion into a course the way Dr. campus. Also, Professor Mich- instructor and as 'the best ment whom Assistant District Weinberg does." ael Zweig of the Economics instructor in ' a large lecture. Attorney Henry O'Brien threat- Department was jailed Tuesday He 'Was seeking tenure on the ened with contempt. Gorelick when his appeal of an earlier sent- basis of his teaching ability was ordered to return on May Robert Rushing, a graduate ence failed. Zweig was jailed rather than his research. Wein- 13 when the jury reconvenes. Rob- teaching assistant in the course last month for contempt of the l ert Boikess, a former member - taught by Weinberg, agreed Grand Jury. - same of the Chemistry Department that teachers should be granted Both men were subpoenaed and now professor at a New tenure on the basis of their by the Grand Jury which asked Jersey institution, was also teaching ability as well as their questions of a nature which ordered to return on May 13, and See Inside for com- reb. An unidentified grad- would not prove either of Assostant Dean of Students John uate teaching assistant, also them guilty, but which might De Francesco was invited to plete transcript of Eaidig Weinberg, observed that implicate other persons. Both return on the same date. library sit-in trials. a teacher's teaching ability refused to answer these oho RN not be based solely on men Mr. Seif drew a ten day questions although they were student evaluations. The same sentence and a $200 fine. Zweig of the teachers Prof. Robert Weisberg granted immunity. re- TA noted" "Most is expected to have been in the Physics Department are Tuesday afternoon, Professor leased this morning on good Jack Williams of the Education behavior. - Alouy." - Pa ge 2 Statesman Friday, May 2. 1969 Page2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ---- Gov. Board Meets; Cllelt o~~~~~~~~~~ FDAY, MAY 2 Undergraduate Pyebological So- No Director In Sight city Lecture, Mr. SWgmd B yJBANNE _uM said Koeh, "Philosophy of Scene traton support. arb and bl eybop yt At the first oelicial e g od they "felt it was dangerous to the Stony Brook Uni Govn aecep"; Daltw added, '4Why Cinematographie Arts, New Came- Ing Board Monday, the prob2em sIuld they their pro- ma-Part II, 7, 9, 11:30 p.m. t - Afl~e dmmb InX 10nagAndlm aela MMak- m & fesdiooal careers?" Student Activities Board Concert, lector wa the major topic of There were two other major Chuck Berry, James Cotton topies _i at the maeting Blues Band, Legendary Slim Charles Dalton, acting di- Goldfar obed to the two Harpo, 7: 00 p.m. and 10: 0 p.m. rector of the Union, to leaving members teprbi ge Facul- Intervarsity Cbristian Fellowship June 30. Much of the Governing ty Assembly on the g ds that Debate, Professor Emouas J. Board's work i setting up pro- they were temporarily a _poited Altizer, Stony Brook, vs. Dr. cedires and "developing a while the constitution stipulates Walter Martin, 'Where Is God Master Plan" will have to be that they should be elected. Now? God Is Dead" done over the summer. Mr. They explained that they were Dalton noted that 'there Is no under the impression this was a SATURDAY, MAY 3 replacement on the horizon, " search committee for the dl- Student Activities Board Carnival although there is one possibility rector, and not the actual Govern- ing Board. They then agreed to Varsity Baseball for another temporary director rer from among SUSB personnel. re-explain the actual state to Stony Brook vs. Queens College Carnival,Black Culture .Ml their constituency and choose two 1:00 p.m. Home Dalton and student representa- This weekend, Stony Brook Ate Black Experien t v e James Goldfarb recently permanent representatives as kce at Stony quickly as possible. Cinematographic Arts will again celebrate its tradi- Brook." Events are planned to attended the Association of Col- New Cinema-Part I tional Carnival Weekend. The draw many resident s from the lege Unions International in It was decided to elect a 7, 9:15, 11:00 p.m. Physics Carnival will consist of 3X booths sur nding area for ran educa- Denver, whethey discussed temporary chairman until the lecture hall with a variety of games and food. tional, campus-wide 'experience. facilities and sodd out several selection of all members was compe- Student Activities Board Concert, The site will be the mall people '4prefessionally finalized, in order not to impede The Band, The Underbelly, tent" to take on the job here. the present progress of the Gov- facing the library, to the far ABl refus*d.- 7:00 and 10:00 p.m., Gym side of the construction present- erning Board.
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