LEBRATIN CE G FRANCIS N CO SA 40YEARS P O LIC E W O S M ER EN OFFIC c Official Publication Of The C SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION This Publication was Produced and Printed in California, USA ✯ Buy American ✯ Support Local Business VOLUME 47, NUMBER 7 SAN FRANCISCO, JULY 2015 www.sfpoa.org “Enough!” The Anti Law Enforcement Bandwagon is Overcrowded Scapegoating the Police for Society’s Ills Takes the Heat off Politicians and Bureaucrats By Martin Halloran as well as in the Public Defender’s Of- women of the SFPD are reviewed by African American youth from the Bay- SFPOA President fice. The common denominator is that both civilian and government enti- view/Hunters Point on a trip to West we are all human and prone to make ties. I believe that accountability and Africa to learn about their ancestral As the anti law enforcement rhetoric mistakes. The question is can we learn responsibility rest not only with the heritage. Known as Operation Genesis, continues to flood the media print and and advance from those mistakes? SFPD but with all members of our the program was primarily funded by airways in this country, and as certain When problems have arisen with community. These include faith-based the Department and the POA. Also, groups and politicians are jumping on the SFPD, our Chief has taken swift leaders, community activists, elected Officer Todd Burkes of Mission Station this bandwagon to bolster their own action. The Chief has demonstrated officials, and yes even those accused of recently escorted a youth group from status or posture for a possible better more transparency, and has been more violating the law. Even suspects have the Mission District to Washington political position, some police associa- forthcoming with information than the responsibility to follow a lawful DC to learn about American civics. tions and responsible individuals are any Chief in the past 30 years. This is order from a peace officer. The venue This was also funded by the Depart- saying, “Enough is enough.” not necessarily true with other agen- to challenge that authority lies not on ment and the POA. The POA is also Now in San Francisco, a labor orga- cies throughout the country. Perhaps the streets of the City; it lies in court an annual and major contributor to nization (San Francisco Labor Coun- that is why we are seeing resolution of law. Operation Dream, SFPAL, The Wil- cil), a political organization (Demo- after resolution from certain organi- Having served as POA Treasurer derness Program, Hanna Boys Club, cratic County Central Committee), zations and politicians. They attempt for nine years, Vice President for a Helpers of the Mentally Retarded, and Gavin Newsom-appointed District to lump our department in with every year, and as President for over two Make a Wish Foundation, Omega Boys Attorney George Gascon – who was agency that are dealing with some years, I can unequivocally state that Club, SF Youth Fishing Program, and also a seat-warming Chief of Police for extremely controversial issues. They we (SFPD and SFPOA) are committed the UCSF Pediatric Ward. All of these a few months -- have either introduced paint all of the SFPD with a broad to the community and have taken a groups serve some of the most vulner- ill-conceived anti-law enforcement brush then, try and grab their 15 min- level of responsibility for those who able individuals of our community. resolutions, or have organized a task utes of fame on the backs of the hard we serve. The personal involvement I wish that those politicians and force to investigate alleged “systemic working, dedicated, and committed of our members in concert with the organizations who vilify, chastise, and racism in the SFPD.” members of the SFPD. fiscal contributions to worthy non criticize what we do and how we do As a labor leader I’m saying, Recently, I was compelled to re- profit organization, in predominately it would publicly acknowledge what “Enough!” spond in writing to the DCCC regard- under privileged or low income neigh- this department and this association Let me be the first to say that there ing their Racial Justice Committee borhoods, clearly demonstrates our has done and continues to do for our are problems within the SFPD. Name resolution. After requests to meet with hope and aspiration for the youth, community. Get off of your bandwag- an organization of over 2200 members them to discuss the resolution were the elderly, and minorities in these ons and get as involved as we. When that has zero problems. You can’t, denied, I had no recourse but to send neighborhoods. Let me name a few: it comes to compassion and charity, simply because they do not exist. If a formal opposition letter to every Recently, Officer Jason Johnson of there can never be enough! the Public Defender and the District committee member. As of this writing, Bayview Station chaperoned a group of Slainte! Attorney believe that there is explicit this resolution has yet to pass at the and implicit bias among police of- DCCC. On the other hand, The San ficers, then they must also concede Francisco Labor Council was willing that they too have these biases, as do to meet with the POA and the Chief “This incessant drumbeat against the police has resulted in what their employees. There are problems to discuss their resolution. A healthy St. Louis police chief Sam Dotson called the “Ferguson effect.” within the District Attorney’s Office, dialog took place where much of the … Not surprisingly, homicides in [St. Louis] surged 47% by early Adachi 9 point plan was refuted, and November and robberies were up 82%.” an amended resolution was put for- ward with no objection from the POA. (Read more about the New Nationwide Crime Spree on Page 13) I also felt obligated to send a letter to every assistant district attorney at the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office demonstrating the support of the POA for his and her tireless work More from the President’s Desk … on behalf of the residents of this great • President Halloran chastises the authors of the Racial Justice Commit- city. They are the attorneys that deal tee for its ill-conceived resolution that appeared before the Democratic directly with the rank and file of the County Central Committee. Page 21. SFPD, and they are the ones who work • The SFPD is not the only group of folks who must suffer the dalli- countless hours ensuring that the vio- ances of George Gascon. On Page 15, President Halloran expresses his lent and harden criminals, who have appreciation for the patience and hard work of the unsung corps of victimized the people of San Fran- Assistant District Attorneys who must wear a straight face around their cisco, are held accountable. The ADAs elected boss. have proven themselves in court, and they have earned that respect regard- • Mayor Ed Lee is also standing behind our dedicated members. He less of who their boss might be. rejected a request for additional funding of the DA’s “Corruption Task There is, and should be, account- Force” in favor of saving important resources and relying upon the ability on all levels of the SFPD. Few many layers of police oversight currently in place. President Halloran expressed his appreciation to the Mayor in a letter reprinted on Page 5. Periodicals postage paid at San Francisco, #882-320) (USPS CA American law enforcement agencies have more oversight. The men and Page 2 POA Journal July 2015 Minutes of the June 17, 2015 SFPOA Board Meeting* 1. Sergeant at Arms (SA) Val Kirwan was forwarded in an e-mail to POA 15. Vice President’s Message. None. called the meeting to order at 1200 members earlier in the week. 16. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Joe hours. 10. President Halloran and Gregg Valdez handed out the monthly 2. SA Kirwan led the board in the Adam, POA Attorney, discussed expense report. Pledge of Allegiance. Following the the 2016 Reed Amendment. Adam 17. New Business. Representative Joe pledge, he asked for a moment of handed out literature describing McCloskey (Tenderloin) recently silence in honor of police officers the pension reform plan and ex- returned from POA-sponsored and military personnel killed in plained the adverse effects it could training. He spoke about the chal- the line of duty. President Martin have on both current and future lenges many cops from around the Halloran asked for a moment of members. country are facing with regard to silence for Inspector Marty Bastiani 11. President Halloran advised the social media postings as well as text (ret.) who recently passed away. board that the POA is seeking a and e-mail messages. 3. Secretary Mike Nevin conducted decision from the City with regard 18. Representative Gerald Lyons (Bay- roll call. to the 1st Day sick note. The POA view) described a situation where 4. President Halloran announced believes that this is in conflict with an officer returning from DP may that Chief Suhr would be unable Martin Halloran and Edie Lewis the civil service rules and Depart- be unable to use time banks before ment General Orders. to attend the meeting due to his behalf of our members by organiz- June 30 because they are now going attendance at City Hall for budget ing the “Bring Your Child to Work 12. The POA is waiting for a response through re-entry. President Hal- hearings. He will be invited to the Day.” from the Department in regard to loran asked for more information July meeting. the annual 50-hour SP cash out.
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