Monday No help seen IRA account Hoagy Carmichael Specials for SS, page 2 series, page 8 dead at 82, page 4 fRAIN Register The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 104 NO. 156 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1981 25 CENTS Food and medicine lacking in Poland By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pregnant women and the elderly and the sick The radio, monitored in Western Europe, will be receive 8.8 pounds of each commodity quoted a Home Trade Ministry announcement Poland's martial law regime began its third per month, it said, and manual workers will be as saying extra imports — "especially from the week in power by cutting monthly meat and exempt from the cutbacks. Soviet Union" — helped the government meet butter rations for most Poles and predicting Meat and butter rations were cut off com- December rations but failed to secure enough worse food shortages in the new year. pletely for farmers with more than 1.2 acres of meat to cover ration arrears. Western reporters in Warsaw said anti- land, the state-run radio said, presumably be- Last August, rations were cut for a month biotics and medical supplies also were in from 7.7 pounds per person to 6.6 pounds, but drastically short supply. even then supplies were still so scarce that It was food shortages that provoked the Poles had difficulty buying the meat and butter nationwide strikes in Poland 16 months ago that Poles learning to adapt to which they were entitled. spawned Solidarity, the first union in the Soviet A London Times report from Warsaw pub- bloc independent of government control, and to martial law, page 5 lished yesterday said recent visits to Warsaw ration cuts last summer spurred a string of hospitals revealed a tragic shortage of medical Solidarity strikes. supplies.' The latest cuts in the already depleted Polish cause farmers have access to their own food Normal communications have been cut la menu were announced yesterday by Warsaw stocks. Poland and Western reporters mult file dis- Radio, which predicted that next year the situ- The radio said the military council "appeals patches through government censors. Both of- ation "will be worse than this because of con-, to individual farmers and to state and coopera- ficial and unofficial reports are difficult to veri- siderably lower imports and lower poultry out- tive farms to expedite (food) deliveries..." fy put." Western correspondents in Warsaw have said Uncensored dispatches filtering out of Po- The radio said the martial law regime was Poland's private farmers — the backbone of its land said Poles are beginning to txprosi Unlr trimming January's butter and meat rations to food production — have held back shipments of opposition to martial law in doieni of imall Giants in; Jets out 5.5 pounds a month for most Poles. Children, some foods to protest martial law. See Food, page S New York Giants' quarterback Scott Brunner smiles at newsmen in team's dressing room following yesterday's wild card playoff victory over the Philadelphia Eagles, 27-21. Meanwhile, the New York Jets were eliminated from the National Football League playoffs by Buffalo, 31-27. Stories and pictures on page 9. Polish talks still possible WASHINGTON (AP) - Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev is not completely closing the door on further discussions with the United States about the military crackdown in Poland, Colts Neck sailor dies a Reagan administration official says. President Reagan said yesterday that he had received a response to his warning to Brezhnev of reprisals against the Soviets if repression as car rams into tree continues in Poland. Speaking to reporters while en route to Los By PAMELA JAMS Three passengers in Wemett's car, including Angeles, Reagan declined to reveal any details his 16-year-old sister, Kristin, were also ad- about the letter, which was received by the COLTS NECK — A local sailor home on mitted to Riverview, where they were trans- White House late Friday. But asked if it was leave was killed and three others were injured ported by the township First Aid Squad. A positive or negative, Reagan said, "With them, as a result of in automobile accident on Heyers hospital spokesman said last night that condi- it's always negative." Mill Road late Saturday night. tion reports for the three were not yet available. Later, an administration official, when According to police, 21-year-old naval Police said, however, that Kristin Wemett asked how negative Brezhnev's letter was, re seaman Scott Andrew Wemett, of Provincial sustained a fractured ankle and lacerations of plied: "He did not completely close the door on Place, died at Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, the face and chin. Passengers David Novak, 18, further discussions on this matter." The official early yesterday morning, less than two hours of Brisbane Hill Drive, here, sustained a frac- asked not to be Identified. after the car he was driving struck a tree near tured jaw and lacerations of the face and hands, Last week, Reagan announced economic the intersection of Heyers Mill and Prothero and, Scott Kayser, 18, of 247 Jackson St., sanctions against Poland and warned the Soviets Roads. Matawan, suffered a fractured kneecap. that he "will have no choice but to take further Police said Wemett, who was stationed on Police said the accident occurred at approx- concrete political and economic measures affec- the l.rss Piedmont in Norfolk, Va , was home on imatelty 11:35 p.m. Saturday, when roads were ting our relationship" if the repression con- leave at the time of the accident. wet and visibility impaired because of rain. tinues. No other vehicles were involved in the acci- The Soviet news agency Tass has accused dent Reagan of engaging in "disgraceful In- Freehold man dies According to police, Wemett's car struck the terference" in Poland's internal affairs. tree when he failed to negotiate a left curve in Undersecretary of State Walter J. Stoessel the road near the intersection as the car trav- said Sunday that the United States' European in Philippines fire eled southbound along Heyers Mill Road. allies have indicated that they may take some Police said the seaman was pronounced dead kind of action against the Polish government or MANILA, Philippines (API - U.S. military the Soviet Union. authorities today identified the two U.S. Air at Riverview at approximately 1:15 a.m. yester- "There is a good prospect of having a unified NO RESOLUTIONS — President Ronald Reagan puts his hand to his ear as he answers Force officers killed in an apartment fire near day. stand with the allies on these questions," questions during a brief visit with members of the press aboard Air Force One enroute to Clark Air Base as 1st. Lt. John David Snyder of State Trooper Daniel Corgese is investigat- Stoessel said during an appearance on CBS' Los Angeles yesterday. When asked if he had made any New Year's resolutions, Reagan Killeen, Tex., and 1st Lt. David Costeira of ing the accident, police said. "Face the Nation." replied, "Only to make no resolutions." See story, page 5. Freehold, N.J. Wemett was born in Rochester, N.Y. and "They are interested in doing various The U.S. Embassy in Manila said authorities lived there with his family before moving here things," Stoessel said, declining elaboration. "I the oqe thing that a communist government -were still "in the final stages" of identifying six years ago. He attended Marlboro High have a summit meeting next year. Brezhnev has think it remains to firm up those plans." cannot allow." the body of an American women civilian killed School and joined the U.S. Navy three years ago. said recently that he is still interested in such a Stoessel said the United States is considering Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. with the two officers in the Saturday morning During that time, he served aboard the USS meeting. bringing the Polish situation before the U.N. said there is "much evidence" to show that fire that gutted their apartment. LaSalle during the Persian Gulf crisis last year Questioned by reporters from several news- Security Council and General Assembly and the paper groups, Reagan was asked Wednesday if martial law in Poland is not succeeding. "Pas- Clark spokesman Col. Alan Sabsevitz said as well as on the Piedmont. Human Rights Convention meeting in Geneva, he believes Solidarity had gone too far in asking sive resistance in my view will continue. And it the woman was believed to be the girl friend of In addition to his sister, he is survived by his Switzerland, eai !y next year. for a nationwide referendum in Poland, a call will be aggravated by the consequences of eco- one of the officers and had come to the Philip- parents, Correl and Beverly Wemett, two But he declined to spell out the adminis- that is believed to have been one of the triggers nomic stagnation and social economic priva- pines to spend the Christmas holidays with him. brothers, Kyle and Reid, all at home; his pater- tration's plans if the Soviets do intervene in of the current martial law. tion." Snyder, 25, was a pilot of the 3rd Tactical nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Poland. "I think that is the sort of thing that "I'm not going to say that," the president In an interview published in Sunday's edi- Fighter Squadron based at Clark, 50 miles north Wemett, of Lima, N.Y., and his maternal grand- you don't list in advance," he said. answered. "I would defend the right of the tions of The Washington Post, Haig said Soviet of Manila.
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