KLEMM knowskids. Fun Places for Kids recommended by the Agents & Staff. #1 for Selling & Renting Fine Country Properties! KLEMM REAL ESTATE Inc PREMIER BROKERS Lakeville/Salisbury 860.435.6789 > Litchfield 860.567.5060 > Roxbury 860.354.3263 Sharon 860.364.5993 > Washington Depot 860.868.7313 > Woodbury 203.263.4040 www.klemmrealestate.com www.klemmrealestate.com Animal Encounters Candlewood Lake – Squantz Pond Boat Sharon Board of Recreation & Youth - Launch Route 39, New Fairfield 860.364.1400 Action Wildlife Foundation, Inc. ct.gov/dep Sherman Park & Recreations - 337 Torrington Road, Goshen 860.354.3629 860.482.4465 actionwildlife.org Lake Lillinonah Boat Launch Route 133, Bridgewater Silo Cooking School at Hunt Hill Farm - Arethusa Farm 203.364.4002 ct.gov/dep hunthillfarmtrust.org 556 South Plains Road, Litchfield 860.567.8270 arethusafarm.com Lake Waramaug Boat Launch Soccer Extreme Inc. - 203.758.3777 North Shore Road, Kent Soccer PLUS Camps - soccerpluscamps.com Audubon Sharon ct.gov/dep 325 Cornwall Bridge Road, Sharon Spirit Sports Camp for Girls - 866.711.1186 Twin Lakes Boat Launch 860.364.0520 sharon.audubon.org Summer at CHASE Collegiate School - East Twin Lake, Salisbury chasecollegiate.org Highwire Deer and Animal Farm 860.424.3000 ct.gov/dep 66 Park Road, Woodbury 203.263.7500 Summer Soccer School - soccerextreme.com Washington Boat Launch on Lake Waramaug Kids Time Route 45, New Preston Taft Summer Basketball Camp - 208 Rte 44, Millerton, NY waramaugassoc.org/rec.html [email protected] 518.789.9643 kidstimeplayplace.com Top Flight Camp - topflightsportscenter.com Camps Lee’s Riding Stable Triarts Sharon Playhouse - Youththeatre 57 East Litchfield Road, Litchfield ACE Baseball Camp - Programs - triarts.net 860.868.0054 or 860.355.0397 860.567.0785 windfieldmorganfarm.com/lees Village Center for the Arts - Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy ARTS - 860.354.4318 villagecenterarts.com Duck Pond Road, Litchfield The After School Arts Program (ASAP) - Washington Montessori School Camps - 860.567.2062 lrwc.net 860.868.0740 860.868.0551 Maritime Aquarium Boulder Ridge Day Camp - boulderday.com Washington Parks & Recreation - at Norwalk & IMAX Theater Bridgewater Recreation Commission - 860.868.1519 maritimeaquarium.org 860.355.9133 White Memorial Conservation Center - Mystic Aquarium & Institute Bucks Rock Camp - Performing and Creative whitememorialcc.org for Exploration Arts Camp - bucksrockcamp.org Woodbury Parks & Recreation - 55 Coogan Boulevard, Mystic Camp Awosting - Boys Camp - awosting.com 203.263.3113 860.572.5955 mysticaquarium.org Camp Chinqueka - Girls Camp - YMCA Camp Mohawk - Southwind Farms chinqueka.com campmohawk.org 223 Morris Town Line Road, Watertown 860.274.9001 southwindfarms.com Camp Half Moon - camphalfmoon.com Clubs Trevor Zoo Camp Invention - campinvention.org Bull’s Bridge Golf Club Millbrook School CAMPUS Kids - campuskids.com 71 Bull’s Bridge Road, South Kent 131 Millbrook School Road, Millbrook, NY Camp Sloane YMCA - camp-sloane.org 860.927.7135 bullsbridgegolfclub.com 845.677.3704 trevorzoo.org Canterbury School Basketball Camp - Lake Waramaug Country Club Athletic Clubs 860.210.4201 22 Golf Links Road, New Preston 860.868.2333 lakewaramaugcc.com The Litchfield Athletic Club Cornwall Park & Recreation - 860.248.3009 599 Bantam Road, Litchfield Easter Seals Camp Hemlock - Litchfield Country Club 860.567.3510 litchfieldathleticclub.com eastersealscamphemlocks.net 256 Old South Road, Litchfield 860.567.8383 litchfieldcc.net The Mayflower Flanders Nature Center - 118 Woodbury Road, Washington flandersnaturecenter.org New Milford Tennis & Swim Club 860.868.9466 mayflowerinn.com Fox Crossing Equestrian Camp - 93 Aspetuck Ridge Road, New Milford foxcrossingequestrian.com 860.354.7876 nmtsc.com New Milford Sports Club 130 Grove Street, New Milford Institute for American Indian Studies - Norfolk Country Club 860.350.1003 newmilfordsportsclub.com birdstone.org Golf Drive, Norfolk Joel Ross Tennis and Sports Camp - 860.542.5606 norfolkcountryclub.com Phys-Ed Health and Performance joelrosstennis.com Sharon Country Club 10 Still River Drive, New Milford Kenmont/Kenwood Camp - 2 Golf Club Road, Sharon Klemm Real Estate was established in 1986 and 860.355.4354 phys-ednm.com kenmontkenwood.com 860.364.5964 has built a reputation both nationally and Kent Park & Recreation - 860.927.1003 internationally as the #1 leader of luxury Beaches Stonybrook Golf Club Lake Waramaug State Park Kent School Summer Camp for Creative 263 Milton Road, Litchfield property sales and marketing throughout Writing - kent-school.edu 860.567.9977 Litchfield County, Connecticut, serving all 26 North Shore Road, Kent Kids! International Cooking Summer Torrington Country Club towns and villages from our offices in Mt. Tom State Park Camp - thesilo.com Washington Depot, Litchfield, Lakeville, Rt. 202, Litchfield 250 Torrington Road, Torrington Litchfield Parks & Recreation - 860.567.7569 860.491.2440 torringtoncountryclub.com Sharon, Roxbury and Woodbury. Morris Beach 3 East Street, Morris Morris Beach & Recreation - 860.567.7436 Twin Lakes Beach Club Litchfield County is approximately 80 miles 860.567.7436 New Milford Parks & Recreation - 268 Twin Lakes Road, Salisbury 860.835.7655 twinlakesassociation.org north of New York City and is a scenic Sandy Beach 860.355.6050 weekend “escape” area for many families. Bantam Lake, East Shore Road New Milford Tennis and Swim Club - The Washington Club Morris/Litchfield litchfield.bz/id433.htm nmtsc.com 10 Golf Course Road, Washington Warren Town Beach North American Hockey School - 868.868.0166 washingtonclub.net Year after year, KLEMM dominates northamericanhockeyschool.com luxury property listings and sales and Lake Waramaug, Warren Woodridge Lake Association Pilobolus Dance Theatre - pilobolus.com sustains #1 market share. Washington Town Beach Woodridge Lake, Goshen Lake Waramaug, Washington Pratt Center - prattcenter.org 868.491.3424 woodridgelake.com 860.868.1519 Fully Licensed In Connecticut and New York and Roxbury Recreation Commission - 860.354.9938 County& Area Fairs Co-Brokeraging throughout the world. Boat Launches Rumsey Hall Summer Programs - Bethlehem Fair Sept. 9, 10 & 11, 2011 Bantam Lake Boat Launch rumseyhall.org Bridgewater Country Fair Photos by East Shore Road, Morris Aug. 19, 20 & 21, 2011 Walter Kidd/The Litchfield County Times & Metro Seven Angels Summer Theatre Camp - Candlewood Lake – Lattins Cove Boat sevenangelstheatre.org Creative Connection unless otherwise noted. Goshen Fair Sept. 3, 4 & 5, 2011 Launch Forty Acres Road, Danbury Shepaug Swim Team - 860.355.2479 ct.gov/dep Harwinton Fair Oct. 1 & 2, 2011 www.klemmrealestate.com Litchfield County 4-H Fair Aug. 6 & 7, 2011 March Farm Movie Theaters 160 Munger Lane, Bethlehem Litchfield Grange Fair Aug. 26, 2011 203.266.7721 marchfarms.com AMC Loews Litchfield Jazz Festival Aug. 5, 6, 7, 2011 61 Eagle Road, Danbury Marble Valley Farm 888.262.4386 amctheatres.com/Danbury Riverton Grange Fair Aug. 20, 2011 170 Kent Road, Kent 860.592.0020 Bank Street Theater Riverton Fair Oct. 7, 8 & 9, 2011 46 Bank Street, New Milford Terryville Lions Country Fair New Milford Plow to Plate Farmers 860. 354.2122 bankstreettheater.com Aug. 26, 27 & 28, 2011 Market Saturdays 9-12 pm, May-October Town Green Bantam Cinema Warren Fall Festival Oct. 8 & 9, 2011 in New Milford 115 Bantam Lake Road, Bantam 860.567.0006 bantamcinema.com Winchester Grange Fair Aug. 13, 2011 Painter Ridge Farm Wolcott Country Fair Aug. 19, 20 & 21, 2011 94 Painter Ridge Road, Washington Cinerom Torrington 860.868.2743 89 Farley Place, Torrington 860.489.4111 cinerom.com/ Family Entertainment The Smithy Store 10 Main Street, New Preston Regal Cinemas Brass Mill Stadium 12 & Theme Parks 860.868.9003 thesmithystore.com 495 Union Street, Waterbury 203.757.1621 www.regmovies.com Catamount Adventure Park Starberry Peach Farm 3200 State Highway 23, Hillsdale, NY 47 Kielwasser Road, Washington Museums 518.325.3200 catamounttrees.com 860.868.2863 CoCo Key Water Resort Barkhamsted Historical Society Stonewall Vegetables Barkhamsted barkhamstedhistory.org 3580 East Main Street, Waterbury 328 Kent Road, Cornwall Bridge 203.706.1000 cocokeywaterresort.com 860.248.3070 stonewallvegetables.com Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden Bethlehem ctlandmarks.org Digital Network Arena Swanson’s Farm 15 Water ST, Torrington 236 Baldwin Hill Road, Washington Carousel Museum of New England 860.618.0052 digitalnetworkarena.net 860.868.2848 Bristol thecarouselmuseum.org Fun Factor Vaszauskas Farm Hunt Hill Farm 1106 Federal Road, Brookfield 519 Middlebury Road, Middlebury 44 Upland Road, New Milford 203.546.8470 funfactorusa.com 203.758.2765 860.355.0300 hunthillfarmtrust.org 950 Southford Road, Middlebury 203.528.0118 funfactorusa.com Waldingfield Farm Imagine Nation Museum 24 East Street, Washington Bristol imaginenation.org Fusion Zone 860.868.7270 waldingfieldfarm.com 380 New Hartford Rd, Barkhamsted Institute for American Indian Studies 860.379.ZONE (9663) fusionzonect.com 38 Curtis Rd, Washington Libraries 860.868.0518 birdstone.org Grand Prix New York - Go-Cart Racing Bridgewater - Burnham Library - 333 North Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, NY burnhamlibrary.org The Litchfield History Museum 914.241.3131 gpny.com 7 South Street, Litchfield Cornwall - Cornwall Library - 860.567.4501 litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org Lake Compounce Theme Park cornwalllibrary.org 822 Lake Avenue, Bristol Peabody Museum of Natural History at 860.583.3300 lakecompounce.com Goshen - Goshen
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