University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 4-8-1967 Kabul Times (April 8, 1967, vol. 6, no. 13) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (April 8, 1967, vol. 6, no. 13)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1457. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1457 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - _:! - r ,, . , , , " .I L, \ t ~ PAGE 4 THE KABUL"!l'JMES APRIL 6, 1967 , \ E~AfE Bakhf4r News,,",", Delefiate$ Censicl,er: I .. ~.'\.~' w~n' \,j ~ .. More, Commodify Agroe'"~nts :- rteCidlS, 7 J' .. TOKYO, Apiil Go' (Rueter).­ llftss The world might be moving towards a tragic confrontation bet­ Tour't, ,, . ween the rle<h nations of the north and the developing countries of By oj{ Stall Writer , Price M. J' the south, .relegates at the general meeting of the United Nations KABUL, 'April 6 -During our sta3' Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) were In Londort 'we visited the', Reuler warned Wednesday. 'News Agency, the DailY Mirror, the The MalaYSian delegate, Com­ Ove year development plan aimed India offices, the British Museum, merce al d Industry MInister, Lim at a higher growth rate With a bet· and British Parliament, Abdul Swee Aun, said M"ala.> SIB was deep ter balance between dUTerent sec Hamid Mobs~ez, thc' President of Iy concerned oVer Its deterioratlOg tors of the economy Bakhtar Agency, told a Kabul Times financial posItion caused 10 large Dr Kitamura called on developed reporter ~his morning and developmg countries to try to p:'!rt b) the failure to estabhsh an Mobarez returned from a 25-d.ay ll"lternatlOnal rubber agreement reach agreement m 'selected and trip of the Umted KingdOm last .. He declared when the developlOg rather limited fields' of trade week The press delegation vlslt1n8 through d,lspasslonate negotiations , countnes en: out Cor mternatlOnal Britain Included tbe Peputy MiIiJB­ cl)mmodlty agreements several de~ Progress so far ImplemnetJng re ter of Information and Culture " vploped <.ountncs answer but others commendations of the Untted Na­ Mohammad N.jim Arya as Its head even refuse to take part' tions Conference on Trade and De­ and Mob.rez and Gul Ahm.d Farld, velopment (UNCTAD) had been The dcveloplOg countnes do not the president of libraries In the MIn­ seek exhorbltant price rises What 'extremely slow or almost lackIng " Istry, as members the) want IS fair pnces Cor thell" he sal<.l 'The BBC momtoring department. The South Korean delegate, Com· prlmar) products whIch Is one ot the oldest Bnd most merce and Industry Mmister Choong Can we Infer Crom thiS refusal experienced in the worltl, was of to take part In mternatIonal com­ Hoon Park, said South, Korea's first special interest to us," Mobarez said modlt) agreements that the pollcy five year plan paved the way for a Bakhtar News AgencY hope. to im­ rapid and conhnuous economIC 01 these developed countries is to Prime Mhtiste'r Mohammad Hashim Maiwandwal speaking at the National Press prove its present monitoring depart­ depress the prices of pnmary com­ growth Industrial production had Club luncheon in Washington last week. ment modltie,s? doubled and exports IOcreased eight· , - The moilltorlng department of the I Dr LIm said If. thiS were the fold while prices remained relative­ British Broadcasting Company. bas ly stable and an unprecedentedly " attitude 01 the nch then the poor agreed to train some personnel of high rate oC capital formation was Relocation MlUwandwal Deputy Public Health MinISter Dr. Abdul Rahman Day countt"les would be Con:-ed to group USSR Wants UN Peacekeeping the Bakhtar Agency in the tleld, Hakimi speaking at the Public Health Institute auditorium Seatcd beside Health Minister Kubra Nounai in the together and IOstlttue preferential achieved (Contd fTom page 2.) Mobarez said ~aves I this morning at a gathering held/to mark World Health front row are Princess Khatol and Princess Maryam. treatment for each other and against The aircraft we have deployed Decisions Left To Council Highlights of the VI81t to Parlia­ US the developed countries In Western Europe, particularly World Briefs MOSCOW, April 6, (AP).­ ment were the question and answer The Thai delegate Pate Sarasin those moved from France and period In the House of Commons,. C~:~~:~~:~E LONDON, April 6, (Reuter)­ The Soviet Union accused the United States Wednesday of trying Tomorrow SYRIA CLAIMS 5 ISRAELI called em member countnes to take Defence chIefs of the Central the Umted KIngdom, are C-130 the various annexes of the House Cotton Raisers, marc energetH' action and cooperate to destroy the United Nations Charter In order to see the UN NEW YORK, April 8 -Prime Mirr­ Treaty Organtsatl.On (CENTO) aIrcraft SimIlarly the aucraft mcludmg the llbrary, and the House ister Mohammad Hashim Malwand~ KUNDUZ, and JALALABAD, at reglOnal tind sub reglOnal level Wednesday ended a two-<lay fOI whIch the bases were estab­ flag over American military operations of Lords, Mobarez saId April 8, (Bakhtar).-The slle for the MIRAGE JETS SHOT DOWN The steps could IIlciude sub re­ A March 16 memorandum to UN wal Friday .ttended. luncheon SpiI1lZar Company meetmg here m preparatJon for ltshed for reconnaissance purpo­ WhIle In Wales, the Afghan dele-­ Chardara bndge ne.r here was DAMASCUS, April 8, (DPA).-­ gIOnal groups to llberahse trade and members made public here Wednes­ reception in hIs honour and talked the alhance's annual mmIstenal ses 111 Franee were short-range gatlOn VISited the local newspaper chosen Thursday last night claimed to have killed 70 Israelis and destroyed the settmg up of an ASian Institute day, warned that any Charter before the BUSiness CounCil of Inter· S) na sesslOrl In London on Apnl 25 aircraft offices and the Thompson Founda­ national Understanding Deputy MInIster of Publlc five Mirage jet fighters, two armoured cars and two tractors in Sign AgreeJment o[ Technology change to allow the General Ag-. and 26 Those we moved to the UnIted Home News In Brief tion there The Foundation has Malwandwal w.s honoured.t Works Eng Ghausuddm Mat'n Frlt!1)'s ground and air battle. He went on another Significant Kmgdom were long-range recon~ sembly to decide upon peace-keep­ agreed to accept four tramees from and MSlfitenace Department Pre~ KANDAHAR. April 6, (Bakh­ noon at a luncheon by the Asia So­ rhe latest Synan commumque pondt:i1ts a[ .. bneflng that the out­ problem IS that the domestic mar LONDON. Apnl 5, (AP)­ nalSsanCe all craft the F 4, hav­ mg operattons would be resisted by Afghanistan durmg thIS year for sldent Eng !VIer.luddln Noult se­ KUNDUZ. Apnl 8 (Bakhtar)­ kets are often tou small to permit tar) -Deputy EducatIOn Mlms­ the SOVIet UOlon clety and m I.ta afternoon at a re­ aDnounced over Radio Damascus, <. Qmc of the fightlOg should show Amencan, Bnllsh and West Ger­ mg replaced AF-IOl s whIch m further trainmg In journalism lected the locahon for lhe 90­ I\n agreement was signed between expansion to the econorny scale ter Dr Mohammad Akram lett Peacekeepmg IS now under the ception by the Society'. Afghaills­ .era \ c Synan losses as five dead and the Synans there was no ImmuOlty lhe cotlon raisers or Kunduz and man envoys are prepanng a nud turn had placed a stall shorter­ Mobarez sald ' metre long bndge We m\..lst look for Industrial pro here for Spm Boldak to VISIt Secunty CounCil where members tan Council a 1 unpedfied number wounded 11 Ihe topographIcal supenorIty lh~ Apnl meetmg, probably m Lon range aircraft earher In Blrmmgham final stage of Splnzar Company Thursday Jeds that could cross the border schools there have the nght to veto any proposal ~ISit ~t In the evening he di.cussed Af­ The Kunduz Provincial Depart­ FoUl Mig 21 '5 were lost, It saId \\ hlCh they enJoy on tbeu border rhe ,lgrcemcnt which IS valid for don, to fInaltse their proVISIOnal HaVing said all of that and I theIr official the inVItation A-cordmg to the Israeli verSion, With Israel hnes and render mutual benefit' Yesterday he VISIted the Ahmad The memo c181med that the Soviet ghamstan's social and econotnic ac· ment of Pubhc Works ImmedIa­ five }i~ars calls for producers to agreement on the future posts don't want to emphaSIse that of the Central Office for Informa­ SYlltt lost SIX pli:1nes three of whlch He was referring to the fact that Industrial actiVities of thiS Shah Baba hIgh school, Teachers nght of veto IS an Important complishments and Its plans for the tely started dnlllng for the foun­ raise theIr output anu Cor the Spin­ and numbers of allIed forces III condItIOns today are much dIf­ tion, the delegatiOn VISIted a child­ crashed m Jordanlan terrItory, ill most all along Israel s border With nature were under stud... and the TramtIng academy and a labora­ guarantee of the deCence of the m­ datIOns of the bndge. zar Company to provide them with W Germany ferent than those 15 years ago ren's cllOlC and the new hOUSing future at • dinner In hI8 honour by while no IsraelI plane was lost SYrIa, the Synans have their fortifi­ nex t step was actual Implementa tory school In the cIty dependence and sovereignty of colomes the Business Council A new road has been bUIlt by more help when those bases were estabhsh­ , Amman announced that the pilots ed posillons on the hIlls dominatlOg tlon he said He also talked to the proVInc­ mInor states iB lhese ar~ 811 leglUmate demands the Kunar ProVInCIal Depart­ 'r he agieement followed eight days ell rtaviIlg said all Lnat 1 dun l He scheduled to end his stay of ,III the three planes tbat crashed lhe IS(3cll Villages In the plaID be­ Pate saId Thailand s first six year ial director of the public works in As far the Pubhc Health MInistry, ment of Publlc Works With helo nf ncgoltatlons between the com­ BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 6 (AP) Wdlll to unpl.,)' that tOt:le IS nul The Untted States the memo al­ the Unlled St.les Sunday night.
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