M.Phil Students Likely date of Availling Funding Name of the students Supervisor/ Co- Supervisor/Co- Enrollment No./ Registration Date of S.NO School Centre Name of Student Topic/Title of dissertation completion of Fellowship Agency of (in hindi ) Supervisor Supervisor (in Hindi) Photo ID No. Registration M.Phil Yes/No Fellowship 1 SLL&CS CCSEAS Aditya Kumar Pandey आ�द配य कुमार पा赍डे Not Decided Zero Year 16/59/MC/003 24283 4.08.2016 21.7.2019 Plan 2 SLL&CS CCSEAS Biatrisha Mukhopadhyay Not Decided Course Work 16/59/MC/001 27037 1.08.2016 21.7.2018 YES �बया�त्रसा मुखोपा鵍याय Fellowship 3 SLL&CS CCSEAS Shomia Biswas शो�मया �व�वास Not Decided Zero Year 16/59/MC/002 22165 1.08.2016 21.7.2019 4 SLL&CS CCSEAS Snigdha Konar िन嵍धा कोनार Not Decided Course Work 15/59/MC/001 28484 18.07.2016 21.7.2018 YES JRF Eine kritische Analyse der Mensch – Tier Prof. Sadhana 5 SLL&CS CGS Nidhi Mathur . Beziehung in Hermann Hesses Märchen 15/53/MG/003 22648 28.7.2015 July, 2017 yes UGC JRF �न�ध माथुर Naithani प्रोफ साधना नातानी “Der Zwerg” und “Vogel.” Die Darstellung der Protogonistinnen in “ Häutungen. Autobiografische Prof. Madhu 6 SLL&CS CGS Mr. Shaliesh Kumar Ray . Aufzeichnungen. Gedichte. Träume. 15/53/MG/001 26022 28.7.2015 July, 2017 yes UGC JRF शैलेश कुमार रे Sahni प्रोफ मधु साहनी Analysen” Von Verena Stefan und “ Die Liebhaberunnen” von Elfriede Jelinek Prof. Madhu die Schulung des Hörverstehens im 7 SLL&CS CGS Ms. Nandani Dung . 15/53/MG/002 25001 31.7.2015 July, 2017 नं�दनी डुंग Sahni प्रोफ मधु साहनी Grundstufendeutschunterricht in Indien Prof. Chitra Schnittstellen zwischen Philosophie und प्रोफ. �चत्रा हष셍वध셍न/प्रोफ. 8 SLL&CS CGS Mr. Gaurav Sonik गौरव सो�नक Harshvardhan/Pro Übersetzung: Zwei deutsche 15/53/MG/004 24489 3.8.2015 July, 2017 yes UGC JRF f. Rajendra Dengle राजेꅍड्रा ड�गले Übersetzungen der Śrīmadbhagavadgītā plan 9 SLL&CS CGS Shivani Chauhan �शवानी चौहान -- M.Phil course work 16/53/MG/002 22544 27.9.2016 July, 2018 yes fellowship UGC plan 10 SLL&CS CGS Meenal Gupta मीनल गुꥍता -- M.Phil course work 16/53/MG/006 23505 12.8.2016 July, 2018 yes fellowship UGC plan 11 SLL&CS CGS Dev Kumar Choudhary देव कुमार चौधर� -- M.Phil course work 16/53/MG/007 27291 16.8.2016 July, 2018 yes fellowship UGC plan 12 SLL&CS CGS Garima Sharma ग�रमा शमा셍 -- M.Phil course work 16/53/MG/003 27330 29.7.2016 July, 2018 yes fellowship UGC plan 13 SLL&CS CGS Sarvesh Kumar Wahie सव�श कुमार वा�हए -- M.Phil course work 16/53/MG/004 29748 29.7.2016 July, 2018 yes fellowship UGC 14 SLL&CS CSP Rahul Khari राहुल खर� ------------ 16/56/MP/001 24942 1/2/2017 July, 2018 15 SLL&CS CSP Nishant Saumya �नशांत सौ륍या 14/56/MS/010 65829 1/10/2017 July, 2019 USE OF INDIA BASED HISPANIC LITERARY TEXTS AS SUPPLEMENTARY TEACHING MATERIAL FOR UNDERGRADUATE 16 SLL&CS CSP Sunil Kumar सुनील कुमार 15/56/MS/011 23516 1/3/2017 July, 2019 STUDENTS Likely date of Availling Funding Name of the students Supervisor/ Co- Supervisor/Co- Enrollment No./ Registration Date of S.NO School Centre Name of Student Topic/Title of dissertation completion of Fellowship Agency of (in hindi ) Supervisor Supervisor (in Hindi) Photo ID No. Registration M.Phil Yes/No Fellowship Satire as Subversive Discursive Practice:A Comparative Study 17 SLL&CS CSP Sushil Kumar सुशील कुमार of Larra’s Vuelva usted manaña and Guleri’s Kachchua Dharm 15/56/MS/004 28509 1/6/2017 July, 2019 18 SLL&CS CSP Smriti Ladsaria मृ�त लडसा�रया ------------- 15/56/MS/007 28521 1/3/2017 July, 2019 Reclaiming Histories: Contemporary Narratives from Latin 19 SLL&CS CSP Tanwishree Patra तनवीशर� पात्रा America and India 15/56/MS/005 23007 1/10/2017 July, 2019 Cultural Shock as a factor in FLT in the Indian Context 20 SLL&CS CSP Ahsan Ahmad अहसान अहमद 15/56/MS/010 23521 1/3/2017 July, 2019 21 SLL&CS CSP Chandni Kumari चाँदनी कुमार� 15/56/MS/002 30005 1/3/2017 July, 2019 Reading Diego Rivera and the Bengal School of Art as 22 SLL&CS CSP Mary Saha मेर� सहा Narratives of Decoloniality 15/56/MS/012 25507 1/5/2017 July, 2019 23 SLL&CS CSP Manisha Mehra मनीषा मेहरा 15/56/MS/014 26537 1/2/2017 July, 2019 SEMIOTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL ATTIRES OF THE INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES OF 24 SLL&CS CSP RVS Wonmaya 15/56/MS/003 23714 1/3/2017 July, 2019 रवस व�मया PERU AND INDIA: A STUDY OF THE CHANKAS AND THE TANGUKHULS 25 SLL&CS CSP Monika मो�नका 15/56/MS/001 28498 1/3/2017 July, 2019 26 July, 2019 Finding a Strategy for Literary Translation from Spanish to 27 SLL&CS CSP Atul Kumar अतुल कुमार Hindi 15/56/MS/006 24498 1/11/2017 July, 2019 28 SLL&CS CSP Shruti Agnihotri अि嵍नहोत्री 15/56/MS/009 26497 1/11/2017 July, 2019 Media and the Movements “Occupy”:Los Indignados in Spain 29 SLL&CS CSP Nupur Manasi नुपूर मानसी & Jan Lokpal in India 15/56/MS/008 28499 1/11/2017 July, 2019 Supervisors not YES/Non 30 SIS CIPOD ANCHIKA SHUKLA Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/019 22858 2016 26.07.2018 अिꅍचका शु啍ल yet alloted Net Supervisors not YES/Non 31 SIS CIPOD SALONEE SHITAL Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/011 23292 2016 26.07.2018 सलोनी �श配तल yet alloted Net Supervisors not 32 SIS CIPOD BUBULI GOYARY Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/023 23423 2016 26.07.2018 बुबुल� गोयर� yet alloted Supervisors not YES/Non 33 SIS CIPOD CHANDER SHEKHAR Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/021 23644 2016 26.07.2018 चंदर शेखर yet alloted Net Supervisors not 34 SIS CIPOD N SAI BALAJI Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/006 23812 2016 26.07.2018 न सा� बालाजी yet alloted Supervisors not YES/Non 35 SIS CIPOD GURU K Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/014 24815 2016 26.07.2018 गु셁 क yet alloted Net Supervisors not YES/Non 36 SIS CIPOD SHAMBHAWI TRIPATHI Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/020 24866 2016 26.07.2018 शा륍भवी �त्रपाठ� yet alloted Net Supervisors not YES/Non 37 SIS CIPOD SIZY KUMAR Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/018 25671 2016 26.07.2018 सीजी कुमार yet alloted Net Likely date of Availling Funding Name of the students Supervisor/ Co- Supervisor/Co- Enrollment No./ Registration Date of S.NO School Centre Name of Student Topic/Title of dissertation completion of Fellowship Agency of (in hindi ) Supervisor Supervisor (in Hindi) Photo ID No. Registration M.Phil Yes/No Fellowship ANUTTAMA Supervisors not YES/Non 38 SIS CIPOD Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/017 26052 2016 26.07.2018 BANERJI अनु配तमा बनज� yet alloted Net SARANGTHEM सरं嵍ठेम थदोइꅍगि륍ब Supervisors not YES/Non 39 SIS CIPOD THADOINGAMBI Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/005 26195 2016 26.07.2018 चानू yet alloted Net CHANU SAYYID UMMER Supervisors not YES/Non 40 SIS CIPOD Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/036 26616 2016 26.07.2018 SAMEER सईद उ륍मेर समीर yet alloted Net ABHIROOP Supervisors not YES/Non 41 SIS CIPOD Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/024 31694 2016 26.07.2018 SINGH KUMAWAT अ�भ셂प �संह कुमावत yet alloted Net CHANDRA VEER Supervisors not 42 SIS CIPOD Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/037 33046 2016 26.07.2018 SINGH BHATI चꅍद्र वीर �संह बहती yet alloted RITTUPORNA Supervisors not YES/Non 43 SIS CIPOD Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/028 22988 2016 26.07.2018 CHATTERJEE �रतुपोरना च配तेज� yet alloted Net Supervisors not YES/Non 44 SIS CIPOD JAYANT CHANDEL Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/013 25399 2016 26.07.2018 जयंत चंदेल yet alloted Net Supervisors not 45 SIS CIPOD AVANTIKA DUREHA Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/008 26197 2016 26.07.2018 अवं�तका दुरेहा yet alloted Supervisors not YES/Non 46 SIS CIPOD parul NADAR Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/009 31555 2016 26.07.2018 ख़ुशी �संह राठौर yet alloted Net Supervisors not 47 SIS CIPOD SARAH KIM Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/037 2016131 2016 26.07.2018 सरह �कम yet alloted Supervisors not 48 SIS CIPOD KAPIL KUMAR Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/026 20359 2016 26.07.2018 Yes/JRF क�पल कुमार yet alloted Supervisors not YES/Non 49 SIS CIPOD ASTHA NEYOL Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/016 24472 2016 26.07.2018 आथा नेयोल yet alloted Net Supervisors not 50 SIS CIPOD PRAFFULIT BISHT Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/002 24991 2016 26.07.2018 प्रफुि쥍लत �ब�ट yet alloted Supervisors not YES/Non 51 SIS CIPOD NIKITA GEHLOT Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/032 26378 2016 26.07.2018 �न�कता गहलोत yet alloted Net Supervisors not YES/Non 52 SIS CIPOD PRIYANKA GUPTA Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/010 29269 2016 26.07.2018 �प्रयंका गुꥍता yet alloted Net Supervisors not 53 SIS CIPOD URMILA SHAKH Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/022 31819 2016 26.07.2018 उ�म셍ला शाख yet alloted Supervisors not YES/Non 54 SIS CIPOD SUDHA RAWAT Not Yet Decided 16/44/MI/029 33512 2016 26.07.2018 सुधा रावत yet alloted Net Likely date of Availling Funding Name of the students Supervisor/ Co- Supervisor/Co- Enrollment No./ Registration Date of S.NO School Centre Name of Student Topic/Title of dissertation completion of Fellowship Agency of (in hindi ) Supervisor Supervisor (in Hindi) Photo ID No.
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