PULP GUNS, VOLUME 1 Written by HANS-CHRISTIAN VORTISCH Edited by PHIL MASTERS An e23 Sourcebook for GURPS® STEVE JACKSON GAMES ® Stock #37-1631 Version 1.0 – June, 2008 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . 3 Non-Repeating Pistols . 6 Exotic Shotgun Ammo . 23 GURPS High-Tech and This Book . 3 Pulp Guns Slang . 6 Shotgun Chokes . 24 Publication History. 3 Revolvers . 7 Submachine Guns. 26 About the Author. 3 Hammerless Handguns . 8 The Cutts Compensator . 30 Photo Acknowledgments . 3 Fitz Special . 9 AMMUNITION TABLES . .32 Driven to Tears . 10 EXPLOSIVES . .32 PULP-ERA FIREARMS . 4 Semiautomatic Pistols . 13 GUN CASES AND LOAD-BEARING FIREARMS AND THE LAW . .4 Flashlight Revolver. 13 EQUIPMENT . .33 SHOPPING SPREE . .5 The Boxed Cannon. 14 Shotguns . 22 WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS . .6 INDEX. 34 About GURPS Steve Jackson Games is committed to full support of Errata. Everyone makes mistakes, including us – but we GURPS players. Our address is SJ Games, P.O. Box 18957, do our best to fix our errors. Up-to-date errata sheets for all Austin, TX 78760. Please include a self-addressed, stamped GURPS releases, including this book, are available on our envelope (SASE) any time you write us! We can also be website – see below. reached by e-mail: [email protected]. Resources include: Internet. Visit us on the World Wide Web at www.sjgames.com for errata, updates, Q&A, and much Pyramid (www.sjgames.com/pyramid). Our online mag- more. To discuss GURPS with SJ Games staff and fellow azine includes new GURPS rules and articles. It also covers gamers, come to our forums at forums.sjgames.com. the d20 system, Ars Magica, BESM, Call of Cthulhu, and The GURPS High Tech: Pulp Guns, Volume 1 web page is many more top games – and other Steve Jackson Games www.sjgames.com/gurps/ books/pulpguns1. releases like Illuminati, Car Wars, Transhuman Space, and Bibliographies. Many of our books have extensive bibli- more. Pyramid subscribers also get opportunities to playtest ographies, and we’re putting them online – with links to let new GURPS books! you buy the books that interest you! Go to the book’s web New supplements and adventures. GURPS continues to page and look for the “Bibliography” link. grow, and we’ll be happy to let you know what’s new. For a current catalog, send us a legal-sized SASE, or just visit Rules and statistics in this book are specifically for the www.warehouse23.com. GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition. Page references that e23. Our e-publishing division offers GURPS adventures, begin with B refer to that book, not this one. play aids, and support not available anywhere else! Just head over to e23.sjgames.com. GURPS System Design ❚ STEVE JACKSON Managing Editor ❚ PHIL REED Marketing Director ❚ PAUL CHAPMAN GURPS Line Editor ❚ SEAN PUNCH Art Director ❚ WILL SCHOONOVER Director of Sales ❚ ROSS JEPSON Indexer ❚ NIKOLA VRTIS Production Artist ❚ NIKOLA VRTIS Errata Coordinator ❚ ANDY VETROMILE Page Design ❚ PHIL REED and Prepress Checkers ❚ MONICA STEPHENS GURPS FAQ Maintainer ❚ MOLOKH JUSTIN DE WITT and WILL SCHOONOVER Additional Material: andi jones Special thanks to the Hellions Playtesters: Rogers Cadenhead, Peter Dell’Orto, Dave Evans, Shawn Fisher, Phil Masters, Christopher Rice, Shawn Stevenson, Roger Burton West, and Jeff Wilson GURPS, Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Pyramid, High Tech: Pulp Guns, e23, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. GURPS High Tech: Pulp Guns, Volume 1 is copyright © 2008 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. Photo acknowledgments can be found at the end of the introduction. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION High-Tech: Pulp Guns, Volume 1 is a catalog featuring handguns, shotguns, and submachine ABOUT THE guns. These are ideal for outfitting detectives, police officers, and gangsters; for adventurers, AUTHOR explorers, and big-game hunters; for evil fiends Hans-Christian “Grey Tiger” Vortisch, and brutal henchmen; for soldiers and revolu- M.A., began writing for GURPS as a free- tionaries; but also for ordinary people. This lancer in 2001. He was author or co-author book is especially suited as a companion to of GURPS Covert Ops, GURPS High- GURPS Cliffhangers, but is also appropriate for Tech, Fourth Edition, GURPS Modern GURPS Cops, GURPS Covert Ops, GURPS Firepower, GURPS Special Ops, Third Espionage, GURPS Horror, GURPS Lands Edition, GURPS WWII: Motor Pool, and Out of Time, GURPS Mysteries, or GURPS several e23 publications on martial topics. Supers campaigns set in that timeframe. He wrote additional material for numerous Furthermore, it can be used for military adven- other GURPS books; authored, translated, tures, particularly in combination with GURPS edited, or contributed to several German WWII and its supplements. Call of Cthulhu products; and published many articles in American, British, and German gaming magazines. Hans has been GURPS HIGH-TECH an avid gamer since 1983. His non-gaming interests include science fiction, history, cinema, and punk AND THIS BOOK rock. He lives in Swingin’ Berlin. Some of the firearms in this book already appear in GURPS High-Tech, but their details are repeated here for complete- ness, with additional period information. All the others are new to GURPS Fourth Edition, but are presented so as to be . before I knew what I was compatible with the rules published in High-Tech. doing I drew my automatic and sent a shower of twelve steel- PUBLICATION HISTORY jacketed bullets through the Several entries herein are based on descriptions from GURPS High-Tech, Fourth Edition (2007), written by Shawn shocking canvas. Fisher and Hans-Christian Vortisch, as well as earlier editions written by Michael Hurst. A few more were developed from – Zealia Bishop and material in GURPS Martial Arts: Fairbairn Close Combat H.P. Lovecraft, Systems (2008) and the Pyramid articles “Secret Weapons” (2001), “The Long Arm of the Law” (2001), and “Frank Hamer, “Medusa’s Coil” (1930) Texas Ranger” (2005), also by Hans-Christian Vortisch. Photo Acknowledgments P. 3, 29: Photo courtesy of Dave Ballantyne. Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, George Pp. 5, 14, 15, 16, 28: Photo is in the public domain in the Grantham Bain Collection, LC-DIG-ggbain-10341. United States. P. 32: This artistic work created by the United Kingdom Pp. 8, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19 (both): Photo courtesy of Bob Government is in the public domain. From the Library of Adams, Albuquerque, NM, phone (505) 255-6868, Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WWI Posters, www.adamsguns.com. LC-USZC4-11065. P. 9: Photo courtesy of Kevin Williams. P. 33 (top): From the Library of Congress, Prints & Pp. 26, 31, 33 (bottom): Photo courtesy of Western Photographs Division, John C. H. Grabill Collection, LC- Firearms Company, Grapevine, TX, phone (817) 481-6616, DIG-ppmsc-02539. www.westernfirearms.com. P. 35: From the Library of Congress, Prints & Photo- P. 27: Photo by C.W. Billings for Bain News Service, graphs Division, National Photo Company Collection, LC- publisher., between 1910 and 1915. From the Library of USZ62-106969. INTRODUCTION 3 Rheinmetall-Dreyse M07, .32 ACP (Germany, 1907-1916) A single-action hammerless pocket pistol that was widely [The Luger] surely is the ideal issued to the German armed forces as a substitute gun during WWI, more than 75,000 being delivered. The Dreyse was also saddle, auto, aeroplane and used as a police weapon in Germany during the 1920s and canoe gun, . and the ideal 1930s: it was the standard sidearm of German customs offi- cers, Prussian and Saxonian gendarmes, and the Berlin crimi- hunting, trapping and camping nal detective force (replacing the FN-Browning Mle 1900, pp. 14-15) – as shown in Fritz Lang’s The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. gun all over the world. The Swiss Papal Guard protecting the Vatican’s secret archives – Pacific Arms, issued it to officers in 1912-1990. Savage Model 1907, .32 ACP (USA, 1907-1917) “Luger Automatic This toy-like single-action hammerless design was one of Pistol” (1924) the early Colt competitors, but not as successful. Some 30,000 of the Model 1907 were acquired as “substitute standard” weapons by the French in WWI and referred to as the Mle 1914, and it was adopted by the Portuguese military as the In 1902, a new model introduced the 9¥19mm Parabellum M/908 and M/915. Military models received a lanyard ring (p. cartridge. In this chambering, the German military and police B289 and High-Tech, p. 154). The same pistol was also avail- adopted it as the Pistole 08, which saw widespread service with able, if less common, in .380 ACP; Dmg 2d pi, Wt. 1.7/0.3, German forces in 1908-1945. The Germans issued it with one Shots 9+1(3), Cost $480. spare magazine, carried in a compartment of its holster. The Model 1917 (1920-1928) was slightly modified, and like- Export customers included Abyssinia, Bolivia (Mod 1912), wise available in .32 ACP and .380 ACP (same stats as above Bulgaria (M1908), the Dutch East Indies (M.11), Latvia, Persia except for Wt. 1.6 and Wt. 1.8, respectively). Such a pistol in (M1314), and Venezuela, as well as the Netherlands navy .32 ACP is used by killer-for-hire Harlan Maguire in Road to (No.1). The Turkish police acquired it in 1935, the Siamese Perdition.
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