'wm 3.H- 3 THE U7> HOWITZER THE-YEAR-BOOK-OF THE-CLASS-OF-1920 OFTHEUNITED-STATES MILITARY- ACADE MY A7>W^ST > POINT LIBRARY UNITED STATES :iILnARY ACADEMY (gmduated NovemberJWI8*) Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library o the c o m r ades o t our ()adet days, who gave their lives in the World Min. (a /JlO Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library ¥ Property of the Ut.& ,^ilife$§^cademy Library orewon 0 FILL, in a measure, the gap ill the long line of Howitzers; to give us, of the class of nineteen twenty, a tangible expression of the ties that hind us; to give to those who love us, some record of our Cadet days—is the purpose of this hook. Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library Property of the US. Military Academy Library •NMHMMUMi BRIGADIER GENERAL SAMUEL !•:. Til,I,.MAX Superintendent Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library j i DIXON MILITARY STAFF Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library Officers on Duty AT The United States Military Academy November 1st. in is SF I'K R INT HX DENT AND COMMANDANT COLONEL SAMUEL E. TILLMAN, Retired. MILITARY STAFF LIEUT. COLONEL WILLIAM A. GANOE, Infantry, Adjutant. COLONEL EDWARD J. TIMBEBLAKE, Q.M.C., Quartermaster. CAPTAIN BLAINE A. DIXON. Retired, Treasurer. TJ.S.M.A, LIEUT. COLONEL \VIU.I\M H. RASKIN, M.CN.A.. Surgeon. Academic Departments DEPARTMENT OF TACTICS Lieut. Col. Matthew II. Thomlinscm, Infantry, Major William II Wilbur, Infantry \. A. Commandant of Cadets. Major Paul \\. New garden, Infantry X. A. Lieut. Col. Hugh L. Walthall, Infantry, Assistant Major William E. Chambers, Uih Infantry. to tin Commandant. Major Douglass T. Greene, Infantry. Lieut. Col. Eugene Santschi Jr., Infantry. Captain Nicholas W. Lisle, 18th Cavalry. Lieut. Col. John E. Hatch, 334th I'. A. Captain Walter W. Warner, C. A. ('. Lieut. Col. Herman J. Koehler, I. 8. A.. Master of Captain James de B. Walbach, C. A. C. //K 8word. Captain Francis (i. Bonham, Infantry. Lieut. Col. Edward L. Kelly, C. A. N. A. Captain Maxwell M. Corpening, Cavalry. Major John K. Brown, Cavalry. l-i Lieut, John ,M. Johnson, Field Artillery. \I:ij<M Frederick Hanna, ('. A. \. A. 1st Lieut. Cornelius C. Jadwin 2d. Cavalry. Major Harry I). Chamberlin, Cavalry N. A. Isl Lieut. William I'. II. Godson Jr., Cavalry. Civilian Instructors Tl las Jenkins. 1*1 Lieutenanl J. M. Gelas, Infantrj N. A. Francis Doha. William J. Cavanaugfa DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING Colonel Gustav J. Fiebeger, Professor. Major Walter K. Dunn. C. A. C. Lieut. Colonel Richard T. Coiner, C. E., Asst. Pro- Major Cyril A. Phelan, C. A. ('. fessor. DEPARTMENT OP NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY Lieut. Colonel Clifton ('. Carter, Professor. Captain L. II. Hewitt, C. B. Major Walter K. Dunn, Asst. Professor. Captain P. W. Smith, ('. E. Major Junius W. Jones, ('. A. C. Isl Lieut, li. M. Gray, Field Artillery. DEPARTMENT OP MATHEMATICS Colonel Charles P. Echols, Professor. Major Willis E. Teale, C. E. Majoi Ivens Jones, 8th F. A. Captain Hiram B. Ely, C, B. Major Thoburn K. Brown, Cavalry. Captain C. F. Baieh, ('. E. Major James B. Crawford, <'. A. ('. Captain F. E. Bertholet, Cavalr\-. Major Carlos Brewer, F. A. Captain P. 8. Day, ('. A. < \ Major Francis A. Englehart, C. A. C. Captain John I'. Dean, C. K. Major Truman I). Thorpe, Retired. Captain Willard D. Murphy, ('. A. C. Majoi Edwin A. Bethel, ('. B. Captain John T. Murray, Infantry. Majoi William <'. Crane Jr., Field Artillery. Captain .1. A. Stansell, Cavalrv. Major Harris Jones, <'. E. Captain P. II. Timothv, C. B. Major Clarke Kittrell, C. E. Captain II. U. Wagner, C. \ C Majoi Tl as II. Rees Jr., Cavalry. Pa'm eight Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library DEPARTMENT OP CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY Colonel Win Robinson, Professor, Majoi II. Mitchell, Cavalry. Lieut. Colonel Richard T. O r, C. E., Asst. Majoi J. M. Tully, Cavalry. Professor. Captain J. M. Young, C. I-'.. Major David McL. Crawford, C. A. (\ 1st Lieut. T. Phillips, Infantry. Major LaRhetl L. Stuart, C. A. C. DEPARTMENT OP DRAWING Lieut, Colonel Edwin H. Stuart, Professor, Major Fred B. Inglis, Infantry. Major George F. Patten, Cavalry, last. Professor, Majoi l». F, .1 • >lin-. C. B. Major Willis I). Crittenberger, Cavalry N. A. Major V. W, B. Wales, Cavalry. Vfajoi George I.. Hardin, Infantry \. A. Captain .1. B. Saunders, Cavalry. Majoi Cyril A. Phelan, ('. A. C. Captain A. C. Stanford, Cavalry. Majoi William A. Copthorne, C. A. ('. DEPARTMENT OP MODERN LANGUAGES Colonel <' lis DeW. Willcox, Professor. Major Adam E. Potts, C. A. C. Lieut Colonel E. Llewellyn Bull, Infantry, Asst. Major W. B. Shipp, Cavalry. Professor of (Spanish. Captain W. M. Chapin, ('. A. ('. Lieut. Colonel William B. Morrison, Infantry, Isst, Captain W. K. Harrison Jr., Cavalry. Professor of French. Captain T. .1. Heavey, Cavalry. Major Reginald B. Cocroft, C. A. C. Captain <'. R. Johnson Jr., Cavalry. Major Edward A. Everts, Retired. Captain l>. J. Pane, Cavaliy. Major James B. Ord, Infantry. Captain M. B. Ridgway, Infantry. Major John W. Rafferty, Retired. Captain T. 8. Sinkler Jr., Infantry. M i Reifl II. Hannum, <'. A. C. Civilian Instructors Louis Vnuthier. Jose M. Vsensio. DEPARTMENT OP LAW Colonel F. L. Dodda, Profe* • Majoi Carlos Brewer, I'. A. Major William A. Copthorne, C. A. ('. Major Walter K. Dunn. ('. A. ('. Man,. LaRhetl L. Stuart, C, A. C. Major F. A. Englehart, C. A. C. DEPARTMENT OP PRACTICAL MILITARY ENGINEERING Lieut. Colonel Richard T. Coiner, C, E. Professor. Major John 8. Smylie, ('. E. Lieut. Colonel James A. Dorst, ('. I'.. Asst. I'm- Major Robert G. Guyer, C. E. fessor. Major Robert A. Bharrer, C. E. Major Allen P. Cowgill, ('. E. Mi Horace Stringfellow Jr., Cavalry. DEPARTMENT OP ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY Colonel William II. Tschappal < >. D. X. \. Professor. Major Junius W. Jones, C. A. C. Mi David McL. Crawford, C. A. C. Asst. Pro- <• tsar, DEPARTMENT OP MILITARY HYGIENE l.hin. Colonel William II. Haskin, M. O. N. \.. Major Daniel M. Bhewbrooks, M. R, C Professor. DEPARTMENT OP ENGLISH AXD HISTORY Lieut. Colonel Lucius II. Holt, Professor. Captain A. W. Draves, Cavalry. Majoi Alexander W. Chilton, Infantry, \sst. Captain II. C. Holdridge, Cavalry. Professor. Isl Lieut. M. W. Davis, Cavalry. Majoi Desmore ('. Nelson, Cavalry. Isl Lieut. R. McD. Graham, Infantry. Major Charles A. King Jr., Infantry. !*t Lieut .1. I.. Hartley, c. \ I . Majoi Joseph II. Grant, Mth Infantry. Isl Lieut. .1. B. Robinson, C. A. C. Majoi Lester E. Moreton, C. A. C. Isl Lieut. James B. Runcie, Retired, Librarian, lal Lieut. i*l»ilj|» Egner, Teacher of Music. I;, H. Ogilby, Chaplain. Frederick C. Mayer, Organist ana Choirmaster. I'mii nun Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library ;•• v »-*- «- T" "jM »<-,V# v»j — -V ,ii. ws -»'Mltill! ;- (Our iiinmuial lUinimui Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library / DUTY • HONOR - COUNTRY ,.\ Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library Property of the U.S. Military Academy Library Class History A N old man and his Bon sal on the the acquisition of those sterling qual­ ^^wall «>!' Fori Putnam, watching the ities that make the West Pointer a dying day. One lost in the dreams of marked man. the past the other looking eagerly "My class entered the Academy in io the morrow. The sun dropped 1916, ihe year before i he ent rv of our slowly behind the mountains. Deep country into the World War. Already, purple shadows crept slowly across I here was a spirit of unrest in I he land. the plain below, bringing into sharp Young heart- had a vague premoni­ relief the Chapel Tower, where the tion the more adventurous began the light lingered caressingly. Slowly preparations. In this spirit, we came the shadows up the hill c r e p t U p t ha t .1 tine the east em in o r n i n g . slopes of the Ilea rly 1 wo river valley, h tl n d r e d ami soon I he strong, com­ light was ing to the I'd lie. save best placewe up some hol­ cnew to pre­ low, where a pare for ser­ fading ray vice. twinkled in "We were a e o t t a g < from every window. The -ection of notes of a he country, distant bugle from every floated up walk of life from below. with perhaps a e a n n o n i bigger per­ boomed, and over on Trophy Point, centage of college men than the aver­ the flag sank gently below the tree age class. In DUmbers, we were to be lop-. by far the largest class thai had ever The old man knocked the ashes entered. We represente experi­ from his pipe against the crumbling ment, io see whet her or no Point wall, and broke the silence. could assimilate and put h op on "Son. I have just been dreaming. larger classes, and thereby i. -e her All this brings back to Hie a Hood of Usefulness. We were also tmi(|i n that memories. Tomorrow, you are be­ we were the last plebe class t;> go thru ginning to follow the path which I the mill under the old regime of In­ look some forty years ago. We still tensified hazing. During the years have an hour before dinner, and if following, the early graduation of four you don't mind. I am going to indulge classes, in rapid succession, caused in a little retrospection. The history many of the old tistonis. handed down of my class i> rather unique, and I from class lo class, to die out.
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