PENNSYLVANIA December 1947 OFFICIAL STATE PUBLICATION VOL. XVI—NO. 12 DECEMBER, 1947 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION DIVISION OF JAMES H. DUFF Governor PUBLICITY and PUBLIC RELATIONS CHARLES A. FRENCH . Commissioner of Fisheries J. ALLEN BARRETT DIRECTOR .si. MEMBERS OF BOARD PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER CHARLES A. FRENCH, Chairman RICHARD F. WILLIAMSON ELLWOOD CITY EDITOR MILTON L. PEEK FRED E. STONE CIRCULATOR RADNOR South Office Building, Harrisburg, Pa. PAUL F. BITTENBENDER KINGSTON 10 Cents a Copy—50 Cents a Year COL. A. H. STACKPOLE Subscriptions should be addressed to the Circulator, PENNSYL­ VANIA ANGLER, South Office Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Submit DAUPHIN fee either by check or money order payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Stamps not acceptable. Individuals sending cash BERNARD HORNE do so at their own risk. PITTSBURGH * PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER welcomes contributions and photos of catches from its readers. Proper credit will be given to con­ WILLIAM D. BURK tributors. Send manuscripts and photos direct to the PENNSYL­ MELROSE PARK—PHILADELPHIA VANIA ANGLER, South Office Building, Harrisburg. CLIFFORD J. WELSH Entered as Second Class matter at the Post Office of Harris­ ERIE burg, Pa., under act of March 3, 1873. CHARLES A. MENSCH BELLEFONTE IMPORTANT! The ANGLER should be notified immediately of change in sub­ scriber's address. Send both old and new addresses to Board of H. R. STACKHOUSE Fish Commissioners, South Office Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Secretary to the Board Permission to reprint will be granted if proper credit is given. C. R. BULLER Chief Fish Culturist Publication Office: Tele graph P ess, Cameron and Kelker Streets Harrisburg Pa. THOMAS F. O'HARA Construction Engineer Executive and Editorial Offices: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Board of Fish Commis- sioners, Harri burg, Pa. ROBERT P. DEITER Comptroller TV 19« PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER i Problems Confronting The Modern Fish Culturist 'T'HE Pennsylvania Board of Fish Com- missioners has used fertilizer in the grow­ ing of bass and other warm-water fish for a great many years. The procedure in the past, in so far as bass are concerned, was lo use the fertilizer in separate pools for the growing of daphnia or the live food that is necessary for the well being of very small bass. In other words, fertilizer was not in­ troduced directly in the bass ponds but was grown in a separate area, and then the natural food that was produced in this area by the use of fertilizer was transferred to the nursery ponds. This year the Board had occasion to handle bass in waters that previously were heavily fertilized for the benefit of sunfish and cat­ fish. This fertilized water, passing over the bass "crop, developed two very interesting problems. At the Tionesta Hatchery the crop of small-mouthed bass was supplied with water coming from a pond heavily fertilized. The Superintendent, Bernard Gill, noticed dis­ tress in these tanks of fish. He contacted the Board's Pathologist, Arthur Bradford, at A wire nursery box used in growing bass. the Fisheries Laboratory at the Bellefonte Hatchery. He immediately left for the Tio­ Hatcheries. This little protozoan is easily late spring or early summer alone is serious nesta Hatchery; but by the time that he ar­ controlled by treating the fish in a 1/4000 to the bass as water temperatures are high, rived, identified the organism, and worked formaldehyde solution for one hour. body activities are rapid, and the failure to out a curative measure, a heavy loss of fish take nourishment soon weakens the baby had resulted. To all appearances, these tiny organisms did not directly sap the life or strength from fish. From there, as a precaution, Mr. Bradford the fish, but they were present on the skin Somewhat similar circumstances occurred inspected the Union City and Corry hatch­ and gills in such great numbers that they at the State Fish Hatchery at Pleasant Mount. eries. One battery of tanks that was fed set up an irritation that caused the fish to Approximately 100,000 large- and small- from another fertilized pond was found to have a greyish, cottony appearance, followed mouthed black bass were being held in wire be slightly affected. Remedial measures by listlessness, loss of appetite, and possibly nursery boxes in a heavily fertilized pond. were taken, and there was no serious loss. interference with respiration. The loss of Had the men responsible for these fish crops appetite during the early growing period in (Turn to Page 14) not been keen observers and constantly on duty, the loss might have been disastrous. For those interested, the bug that caused this difficulty has been identified as a pro­ tozoan parasite, Scyphidia tholiformis, not necessarily new to the pathologist; but this is the first time to our knowledge that it has reached a serious epidemic in the State Fish A microscopic photograph of the active, living A microscopic view of a seed-like mass of "statoblast" that is the reproductive body of the part of the bryozoan, or jelly-like mass. bryozoan. PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER DECEMBER FISHING REGULATIONS FOR 1948 The Board of Fish Commissioners has ruled that the 1948 regulations for fishing the inland waters of Pennsylvania will remain the same as during the year 1947, it is Fishing License announced by C. A. French, Commissioner of Fisheries. The regulations are summarized as follows: SUMMARY NO. 1—Inland Waters Only Species Season Size Creel Limit Fees Are Higher Brook, Brown & April 15 to Not less than 6 inches 10 (combined Rainbow Trout July 31 species) Trout (lake or July 1 to No size 8 salmon) Sept. 29 For 1948 Season Small & Large July 1 to Nov. 30 Not less than 9 Inches 6 (combined Mouth Bass species) Pike Perch (Walleyes) July 1 to Nov. 30 Not less than 12 inches 6 Pickerel July 1 to Nov. 30 Not less than 12 inches 6 Muskellunge (Western July 1 to Nov. 30 Not less than 24 inches 2 Increases in fees for fishing licenses in & Northern Pike) Pennsylvania go into effect in 1948, it is Bass (white, crappie, Any time of year No size 15 (combined strawberry, or calico species) pointed out by the Board of Fish Commis­ Rock Bass, otherwise Any time of year No size 15 sioners in announcing regulations for next known as red-eye, goggle-eye year as set forth in the adjoining column. Yellow Perch Any time of year No size 15 The new schedule of fees is as follows: Sunfish, Bluegills Any time of year No size 15 (combined species) Resident license fee, $2.00, plus issuing Catfish Any time of year No size 15 agent's fee. Suckers Any time of year No size 15 Chubs Any time of year No size 15 Tourist license fee, $2.00, plus issuing Fallfish Any time of year No size 15 agent's fee, and the period of its validity in­ Carp Any time of year No size 15 Eels Any time of year No size Unlimited creased from three to five days. Frogs July 2 to Oct. 31 No size 15 The non-resident fishing license fees re­ (Sunday -excepted) Tadpoles July 2 to Oct. 31 No size 15 main unchanged. (Sunday excepted) Fishing licenses may be issued without Terrapin (Red Leg) Nov. 2 to Mar. 14 No size 5 charge to totally disabled or blind veterans (Sunday excepted) Bait-fish or fish-bait Any time of year No size Bait-fish—35 who are residents of Pennsylvania. Fish-bait—35 In connection with the tables at the right, Combined—50 Note: In above mentioned seasons, both dates are inclusive. Trout season opens the following special notes are called to the 5 A. M. April 15. No fishing permitted in any stream stocked with trout between attention of fishermen: 5 P. M. April 14 and 5 A. M. April 15. In cases of terrapin and frogs, not more than Summary No. 1 50 may be caught in any one season. Fishing Devices—For game fish, two rods and SUMMARY NO. 2—Delaware River, Above and Below Trenton Falls two lines and one hand line, with not more than Species Season Size Creel Limit three hooks attached to each line. The rods, Trout (all species) April 15 to Not less than 6 Inches 20 (combined hooks, and lines must be under the immediate July 31 species) control of the person using the same. Bait-fish Bass (large & June 15 to Not less than 9 Inches 10 (combined small mouth) Dec. 1 speciesj and fish-bait: Two rods and lines, with not more Bass (strawberry, June 15 to Not less than 6 inches Rock Bass—20 than three hooks attached to each line; a dipnet calico, rock or red-eye Dec. 1 Calico and crappie or minnow seine not over four feet square or or goggle-eye, white, (combined species) four feet in diameter; a minnow trap with not crappie —20 more than one opening which shall not exceed Pike Perch June 15 to Dec. 1 Not less than 12 Inches 10 one inch in diameter. The rods, hooks, and lines Pike June 15 to Dec. 1 Not less than 12 Inches 10 must be under the immediate control of the Pickerel June 15 to Dec. 1 Not less than 12 inches 10 person using the same. SUMMARY NO. 3—Delaware River between Pennsylvania and New York Summary No. 2 Svecies Season Size Creel Limit Fishing Devices—It is unlawful to catch or fish Bass (large and July 1 to Nov. 30 Not less than 10 inches 6 (combined for any game fish or sunfish or white or yellow small mouth) species) perch with any device or by any means or method Rock Bass July 1 to Nov.
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