Developer condemns city's attitude TERRACE -- Although city under way this spring, law when owners of lots adja- ment." said. council says it favours develop- The problem, he explained, cent to the sewer line and road However, alderman Danny ment, it's not willing to put its was sanitary sewer lines within developed their properties. Sheridan maintained, that is not Pointing out the development money where its mouth is, says the sub-division had to be hook- Council, however, refused the case. could still proceed if Shapitka a local developer. ed up to an existing city lines. both requests. The issue, he said, was paid the road and sewer connec- And that, adds Stan The nearest was :at Mountain • "It just seems the city isn't whether the city had subsidized tion costs, Sheridan said other Shapitka, has prompted him to Vista Drive, approximately too interested in lending any developers in the past -- "I'm developers had done so in the drop plans for what would have 850ft. fr0m-the:sou[hwest cur: type of assistance whatsoever," pretty sure it hasn't" -- and past. That included the city been the city's largest residential her of the development proper- Shapitka said, adding council whether it was going to do so in itself when it had developed sub-division project in many ty. appeared to want the estimated this case. "Council didn't seem properties it owned on the Birch years. Shapitka said he asked the ci- $500,000 increased tax base the willing to do that." Ave. bench and deJong Cres- In August of last year ty to build that line and to pave sub-division :would bring but While conceding Shapitka cent. Shapitka announced plans to Bailey St. from McConnell to "without spending one nickel." - was likely not happy with court- develop a 147-1ot sub-division the northern edge of the proper- Describing his proposal as a . eli's decision, Sheridan era- However, disenchanted by on land above Lanfear Hill and ty. Although the city would ''C lass A development", phasized it had not been taken what he called council,s "small west of Mountain Vista Drive. have paid for both projects, he Shapitka added, "It would have lightly. "Quite frankly, it's town mentality", Shapitka said The project was to have been pointed out the cost could have been a fantastic thing for the el- cheaper for the city to concen- his future development efforts carried out in three phases with eventually been recovered under ty of Terrace...but I guess they trate on infilling than to go to a would be directed outside the ci- the first, 55-1ot phase getting a Development Cost Charge by- are not interested in develop- massive new sub-division." he ty, possibly in Thornhill. Danny Sheridan Fire Avalanche starter claims two jailed TERRACE- Snowmobilers recovered until Saturday. TERRACE -- A 17-year-old here are in shock after a massive Local snowmobilers, Search Terrace youth has been sentenc- Friday afternoon avalanche on and Rescue' volunteers, ed to 16 months in a juvenile Thornhill Mountain buried and highways ministry avalanche detention centre for setting killed two local men who had technicians, and RCMP officers three fires that damaged a been Snowmobiling there. with a tracking dug'were all in- Halliwell Ave. store last year. Dead arc 33.year-old William volved in the search. The youth -- who under the Perrie Turner and 25-year-o!d "All the club is just in Young Offenders Act cannot be Peter James Dobler, both of shock," said Run Niesner, the named -- pleaded guilty to Terrace. club's secretary' who ran the three counts of arson in connec- Turner -- the current presi- base camp during the search. tion with the fires at Uplands dent of the Skeena .Valley "It's just unbelievable, i'm still Systems and Service. Snowmobilers' Club -- and in shock." Judge Ed de Walle ordered Dobler were both described as He said the size of the slide the boy to serve 10 months in experienced snowmobilers. shocked even the avalanche closed custody and another six The two were with six other technicians. "This thing was months in open custody, which local snowmobilers in the Cop- astronomical- it was just permits periodic releases from per Mountain range area im- massive. It's a sad day right now, but the centre. mediately southeast of town. Upon his release from the Their companions could only all we can do at this point is detention centre he will be plac- watch when the snow on the learn and make sure it doesn't ed on probation for 18 months steep slope started to move. happen again." during which time he is to The avalanche struck at 3 It's the first ever fatal undergo alcohol, drug and p.m. and searchers were im- snowmobiling accident here, he psychtatriq, co.unselling..as mediately called_in..,.,--- added. ....... , ~ ......... ..... ordered by probation officers. The dead men weren't found De Walle rejected Crown pro- until 11 p.m that•night, with the ly elected as thepresideafoi' the secutor Henry Waldock's call aid of Terrace RCMP police Skeena Valle~;:Snowmobilers'. for a $60,000 payment to com- dog Echo. Due to fierce winds Club, "He's, ,always:been `• a pensate for damage to the and whiteout conditions on the long-standing membet;-of the building. mountain, their bodies weren't club," Niesner. s/dd.:"Pete Fires were set there on Aug. (Dobler) wasn't a member of 15, Dec. 8 and Dec 9. the club, but he:;was a Firefighters were called out to Meningitis snowmobiler and he enjoyed the the Dec. 8 fire at around 1:15 sport." p.m., shortly after the fire oppears He said the r club will be broke out. analyzing the incident to try to That one did little damage, figure out what Went• wrong. but the blaze which broke out at in the N.W. "We'll try to work it through 12:37 a.m. the following night HAZELTON -- A 14-month- our minds and see what we caused extensive damage to a old New Hazelton baby is in could have done or should have shed at the rear of the building hospital in Smithers after being done," he said. "There are go- and its contents. struck with meningitis. ing to be a lot of changes, i'll The latter included an out- The case is the first one to tell you that much." board motor, bench saws and show up in the northwest during "Snowmobiling has now two new satellite dishes which the recent flurry of B.C. men- become a hazardous sport and were reduced to puddles of ingitis cases. it's opened up a lot of eyes to molten plastic. Skeena Health Unit medical these guys," he said. If he was an adult, he could health officer David Bowering "It's too bad that two good have been facing life imprison- said the baby boy is at Bulkley people had to die just to hit the ment as a maximum sentence in- New look Valley Hospital in Smithers and point home." is responding well to treatment stead of three years. That's OLD AND NEW are on display as the scouting movement made. changes in its uniforms last year. because people live in the for the infectious disease, which In.the front onthe left, JamesAdams of the First Terrace Cubs Wears a new uniform while Devin building and the youth was has a 10 per cent fatality rate. charged under a new section of Craig, also Of the First Terrace, has on an old one. Danny Miller of the First Terrace Scouts, on the The baby was diagnosed with the law that relates to fires set in left in the back, wears a new uniform, Fellow First Terrace scout Jason Yamashita displays the old meningoccal meningitis -- the occupied buildings, and sets out uniform, same strain of the disease that stiffer maximum sentences. has shown up in the B.C. in- terior and Ottawa. Turners, Bowering said the case is not apparently related to the other B.C. meningitis cases. Fish farm fur0rel) Aican appeal on hold Nearly 40 Hazeiton-area pageAS. residents who were in close con- TERRACE -- Alcan's appeal Nechako's water the company ficials decide before the appeal were laid off when Alcan halted tact with the child are under Banks blasted, of the federal court ruling that would be allowed to divert to its resumes to refer tim project to a work a month after the Walsh observation and being treated Page A8. has shut down construction at hydroelectric generators at full public environmental ruling. with antibiotics to prevent Kemano is on hold until April 8. Kemano. review panel. secondary spread of the disease, Weather.,eye, Hearings ended Dec. 20 with Alcan's lawyers are now Natives and environmen- he added. The company was told by the "We've had calls from people lawyers for the environmental arguing the company wasn't court to submit a written ap- talists fighting the project con- who are worried about it," he group Save.the-Bulkley still to given the opportunity to tell its plication to that effect. tinue to call on the com puny to : wee ing changes,i, added. "But 1 don't think be heard, as well as final side of the story at the original accept immediate public hear- there's any particular need for :.Page B6..-... r.. .L." ~. " responses from law3~ers for hearings and that the federal Most of the 800 workers who ings into its environmental ef- concern here in Terrace." Alcan and the federal govern- government's environmental had been employed at Kemano fects.
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