I :J THE DESCENDANTS OF REUBEN FRESHWATER BORN APRIL 17, 1777 DIED MAY 7, 1855 BURIED ST. JOHN'S CEMETERY BROOKE CO., WEST VIRGINIA MARRIED (1) 1808, NANCY BEALL (2) 1844, SARAH MURCHLAND compiled & updated 1984-85- 86 by Ralph D. Freshwater 7 6 The research and writing on the decendents of Reuben II was done in 1984, 1985 and early 1986. The 1979 edition had partial information but ln this final edition every attempt was made to bring i t up to date naming all decendents. First, research was done to bring early ancestry up to the point of living decendents. These decendents then were contacted by phone and occasionally in person. Once the person contacted realized all was authentic they responded quite enthusiastically for the most part. Only basic information was requested but if more was offered, it was taken. Many copies of segments were mailed to those fur - nishing information . Some responded with corrections or addit~ons. Mailing questionaires was not satisfying. Replys were rarely received. My conversations were pleasant and gratifying with the many people contacted. There was generally alot of interest. Occasionally you'll find where some families were not brought up to date. The effort was made by us. We have supplied the latest available leads if others wi~h to pursue further. The method used to indentify generations are as follows: 1st generation I -II etc. 2nd generation a - b etc. 3rd generation (a) - (b) etc. 4th generation 1. - 2. etc. 5th generation ( 1) - ( 2) etc. 6th generation ( I ) - ( I I ) etc. 7th generation not often attained; referred to as daug., son My sincere thanks to those who assisted with family information. THE DESCENDENTS OF REUBEN FR ESHWATER I I Reub en Freshwater, e ldest son o f Reuben & Fa nny res hwater b. April 17, 1777 d. May 7,J.855 rrBr. ~ l ) 180'8 Nancy Beall b. 1786 d. June 5, 1841; both bur . St. J ohns Cemetery, Foll ansbee, W.Va. (2) Sarah Murchland Sept. 1 2 , 1844 b . 1801 d . 18 6 1 Ch: I. Philip Freshwater b. June 7 , 1809 d. J an. 1, 188 5 bur. Paris Cemetery M. (1) Sept. 2 1 , 1830 Eleanor l~. r ch e r ( 2 ) Nanni e L. II. John Re uben Fre shwater b. Mar. 2 1, 18 1 1 d . April 20, 1895 bur. Three Springs Cemetery , Weirt on, W. Va. M. Lydia Ridgley April 28, 1842 III. Mary Freshwater b . Dec . 1, 1 81 4 d. 184 2 No rec or d o f a marriage found . Bur . St . Joh n's Ceme t er _· IV. William Freshwater , Doctor b. Oct. 2 , 18 16 d. J uly 1 2 , 1890 bur. St. Johns Cemetery M. Rache l b. 1822 Had one adopted child only. V. Rachel Fres hwater b. Sept. 27, 1818 d. 184 0 Bur . St. J ohns Cemetery . VI. George W. Fres hwater b. Oct. 30, 1820 d . Jan. 26, 1 903 bur. Brooke Cemetery, Well sburg, W Va . M. ( 1) Ma rgare t Anne May at Colliers ( 2) Ina M. Horner Aug. 4 , 18 97 at Steubenville, 0. b. 1874 d. April 5, 1934 b ur Un i on Ceme ­ tery, Steubenville, 0. VII. David Freshwater b. 1823 or 24 3rooke Co., Va. d . Jan. 1871 M. ( 1) Diantha Ral ston b . Dec . 1826 d . June 2, 1879 bur Union Cemetery , S t eubenville , 0. ( 2 ) Sarah Jane Orwick Nov. 6, 1864 at Carrollton, 0. Fr om tombstones in St . John's Cemetery Reuben Fres hwater Rachae~ d aughte r Born of Reuben -~pr i l 17, 1777 Fres hwater Died Died Ma y 7, 1855 18-± 0 In Memory of Nancy, the wife of Reuben Freshwater, who departed t his l ife June 5, _841 the 55th year of her age Sarah·.vife of ~ eu b e:-1 Fr e shwat e r, d . : ulv 9, 2. 8 61 , 60 v ::::-. 1 :no : t. .J. Dr. Wi l liam Freshwater Died July 12, 1890 in h is 74th year David Freshwater Died Jan. 24, 1871 aged ~ years 9 :no. :o d a v ~ 1 Reuben & Nc.:1C J' : n.3 ~l 1C.-,/ 8 ~~ l ·::J. , j ·) m o .t- ~ c !1 . The'.7 ' .~Ier ·: ::.:..· . 3 b f:?~~ ._1' 3. n I': b . )e c . :? I) , 1 ; ~- ~: -~ s :=..-;-:- a l"l :) • ]'; :l <::! .:• ' ~- a l. 5 . ;>,).-) :. ' : ~ ·.: :-:. - ~ - - .~. -:~:::- d :-; · - · e ::- ~ f O' l:ld . 9t. l l Jot. , Reuben Freshwat er , son of 1 ~~ uben , Nan ~.-;_, ( Be 2 l l) Fr,'sh­ water b. Mar. 21, 18 1 1 d. April 20 , 189 5, bur. Three Spri ngs Cemet ery, Weirton, W. Va. Mar . Lydia Ridge ly April 28, 1842 J . 18~ 5 c . Ch: a. John Reuben Freshwater b. 1844 Brooke Co., W. Va. d. April 18, 1927 Dayton, 0. ]._ private in Co. K., :.2 Reg. of the: w. va. Vol. Infantry, Civil War Served from Aug. 4, 1862 til June 16, 1865 b. Wi~~iam Z. Freshwc~er b. June 20 1 18~E c. Mar. (1) Mary L. Pyle Feb. 21, 1875 (2) Amanda E. Sapp Sept . 13, 1900 nc· issue c. Sarah Jane Freshwater b . July 12, 18~e C.. Dec. 12, 1881 aged 33 years Mar. (1) Elijah Robinson Nov. 28, 1862 (2) Francis Schweinger d. George w. Freshwater b. Oct. 31, 1853 d. Mar. 15, 1911 Mar. Emma J. Swearingen, 1877 b. 1859 d. 1924 (grave marker ) e. David Fremont Freshwater b. Aug. 4 I 1855 d. 1932 Mar. Ma ry B. Fisher b. 1861 d. 1926 HISTORY OF THE UPPER OHIO VALLEY page 1 4 5 146 WILLIAM Z. FRESHWATER r a well-L.o -do farmer of Knox Township, was born in Brooke County r West Virginia 1 June 20 r 1846 the son of Reuben and Lydia Freshwater, natives of West Virginia. His fa­ the r, who is stil _ _ iving, is a f armer b~ occupation. The la~~er was married in about 1845, to Lydia Ridgelyr by whom he had f ive children of whom three besides our subject survive. William Z. began his acquiantance with farming in early youth, and has ever since fo-"-lowed that calling, and with considerable success. In the Spring of 18 7 5 he removed to Jefferson County, and settled on the farm which he now occupies. On February 21, 1875 , he was married tc Mary L. Pyle, daughter of William Pyle, of Washington County, Penn . , and eight children have been born 1:.0 them, a s f o l­ l ows: John R., Annie M. 1 David P. 1 Katie C . 1 Lydia L . , Joseph M., William P., an· Harry C. Mr. Freshwater and wife are members of Methodist Episcopal Church of Toronto. He takes an intelligent interest in political af­ fairs and is an active Republican. He has not aspired to office, however, though he has efficiently served his township as school director, having been elected in 1888. 99 a. John Freshwater, son of John Reuben & Lydia ( Ridgely) Fresh- water b. 1844, Brooke Co. , Va. d. April 18, 1927 at Dayton, Ohio mar. Jan. 25, 186 7 Martha E . Cowell b. 1846 d. April 18, 1897 at Toronto, Oh io bur. Paris Cemetery in family plot 2 ch: ( a ) Ida Isabel Freshwater b . 1868 d . 195.2 mar . Dec . 28, 1909 Henry S. Robinson b . 1865 d. 1947 both are buried at Paris Cemetery. Had no children. (b) Albert Freshwater b . 1870 (census 1880) no further information found about Albert As records show , John Freshwater and Albert R. Cowell, b r o the r o f Martha E., serv ed together in the Civil War in Co. K , Reg . 12, W. Va. Vol. In£ . After the war bo t h r eturned to Colliers and John married Martha. Co. K mu stered in Aug . 30, 1 8 6 2 for 3 years and mustered out on June 16 , 1865. For an exc e llen t account of this unit read "Histo r y of the Twelfth W. Va. Vo lun­ teer Infantry". Copy at Ohio County Li brary, Wheel-ing, W. Va . 1870 Census, Cr o ss Creek, Brooke Co . , W. Va. page 4 1 Aug 9, Freshwater, Jno 25 Stat: ion cler k b. Va . Martha 25 housewife o. Va . I'1innie 2 " . ~v . v a. Nett i e 3 / 12 b . ?eb. 1870 b . W.Va. McGon igle, Jno 70 teacher b . I re land Their neighbors were Bishop Hindman, Wm . Steen , John Stans ­ berry , Elyia Cassidy, James Am spoker & Wm . Murchland Note: I am ignoring the 2 children's names above for I thi nk t h e census is in error here. '::'he 1880 census be l ow proves to be more accurate. Federal Census page 18, June 101 1880, Cross Creek dist . , Brooke Co . , ~v . Va. Freshwater, John 36 CCC . Qu arring stone 0. itJ. Va . Martha 34 wife j . Pa. Ida 12 d a u . b . W. Va. Albert 10 son j. W. Va. 1890 - Civ il War Veterans Hancock Co . , Butler dist . - June 1890 John C . Freshwater, p riv ate, Co . K, Reg . 12 Va . Infantry serv ed .~u g. 8, '62 ti.l June 6 1 '65 2 yrs. I 9 mo . I 2 8 days (taken from Fed. census, micro£ ilm at We1rton Lib rarv 8 - 26- 85 ) The Steubenville Herald Tuesday, Ap ril 20 1 1897 Ma rtha E., wife of J.E. Fres hwater, died at Toronto on Sunday afternoon at l: 00 o clock after a n illness o f ten months with drops y, .aged almost SO years.
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