' • 7 i. '■;v N t I N i-'S* ,1 .1 ■} MGNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 . PAGE SIXTEEN . L. ATcrage Dally Net Preaa R ub The Weather jHanrljirHtpr Itirn tn g HrraUk .For the W e^ Ended Ferecoet of V. S. Weather Boreoe. February 18, 1958 Fair, continued very eoid to­ Group C of: the Center Congrega­ ertie#, political democracy, minori­ night. Low dero t « 5 below U tional Church will meet tomorrow No' Skating ty right# and human dignity, 12,635 citim,’ down to 15 below in ruml About Town Foi^Qrashes AJC ta Hear Schuman Is the aulhor of many r nf^ht in the Robbins Room of the nreoe. Wedneedoy net quite oe church. The Rev. R. Ruaaell Peery articles and books. Among the. SAVE ANYTIME! Member ef the Audit cold. High 15-30. ' The Profe»*tonal -Women'* Club No ice skating until further works he has authored are “The Bureau ef OIrenIntloa will J>e. the speaker. Dessert will notice, the Park Department an­ Author Speak AFTE R W'ORK . or while Manchester— A City of VUlaffe Charm . will meet tomorrow nlRht at 8 be served at 7:30 by Mrs. Frank During Storm Conimonwealth of Man," "Night shopping. o'clock at the Center Church. Mil- nounced today. Ov?r Europe," "The Conduct of Fairweather and her committee. Closed are' Center Springs ton Stocking of th«{ Connecticut Four mutomobile accident* In Frederick L. Schuman, author, German Foreign Policy," and, OPEN V V n L 5 P.M. Monday* Pond, Center Spring* Annex journalist, world-traveler and TuMdays, Fridays. Open Thur*. M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 18, 1958 (Ctoaalfled Advertising on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS State Park and Foreat Service will XI Gamma Chapter of Beta Sig. town ye*terday'j. including one in most recently, ‘Ttussia Since V O L . L X X V II, N O . 118 (FOURTEEN PAGRS) and Charter Oak Park. broadcaster, will be the guest 1917." Aa a lecturer and tieacher day* 9 A.M. to 8, P.M. Open be the speaker ma Phi will meet tomorrow eve­ Townjlsnow plows used to which a pedestrian t^a* hit, were speaker, at an .open ni,eetlng of the Dr. Schuman has .been acclaimed M'ednesday* untij^noon. ning at 8:15 at the home of Mr#. clear thi snow from the ponds attributed by^lice to the week­ Manchester chapteh, ~ American aa “ brilliant, inspiring, challeng­ The Ladies Auxiliary to Man­ Franklin Bevlh*. 184 Vernon St. are being used for street plow­ chester Chapter, DAV, will hold a end snowstorm *nd resulting, haz­ Jewish Congiets, Wednesday at ing, ‘ dynamic." Many of Kia ad­ ing. 8:30.p.m. in the vestry of Temple dresses have been published in per­ meeting; Wednesday night at 8 ardous drivisiiy conditions. INSURED SAVINGS ROK Charges GOP Chiefs' The topic for discussion during Beth Sholom. manent -form: By the Harris Me­ o'clock at the VFW Home. Elec­ Mr*. Hooka K. Johnston'* program, Early^estel-day afternoon! Frank tion of officers will be held. All R. Jphrlg, 44, of West Hartford, Schuman has aelected as a topic morial Foundation, "Vital Speech­ BIANCHF,STER vVour-Child'# Faith." tomorrow at Deptula, 42, of 80 Hilliard St„ and Paul D. Barrett,, 22. of 165 es;" the American Foundation for New Snow Due 7 Red fo r his. talk an analysis of the cur­ member* are requested to wear 2:15 on w n C -T V , Channel 3. will walking on Hilliard St., wa# hit by white unifotms. Lydall St., were involved in a rent and future world scene, from Political Education, "Reading in be "Our Christian Responsibility to a car driven by Clarence E. War­ co\Ilslon at the Center. Patrolman Sputnik to Little Bock, entitled World Politics;" and Random SAVINGS and LOAN the ReUrded (TWid." Appearing ner. 44, of 95 Broad St. Both vol­ Allan Smith Reported that damage H o u s e,' The Age of Dan- Boftrdpd PlciTic IV / A special meeting of the Army as guest will/be Mr*. John McEl- unteer firemen ware oh their way icib? M A IN ST., N E A R M APLE STREE'P and Navy Club Ladies Auxiliary to both cars was slight, no one er— Major Speeches on American raevy. to the firehouse. Warner told Pa­ Toblems,” . (1952) where Dr. wdll be held tomorrow night at was hurt, and no arrest was made. ? trolman Thomaa Graham that he Schuman shares honors u^lth such In State S«oul. Korea, Feb. 18 (/P)— 8:30 at the clubhouse. blew hia horn several times and About 8 p.m., cars driven by Marine.Pfc.s / t c . William D. Kerr, eon Sherwood M. Trueman, 17, o f 33 speakers aa President Dwight D. South Korean police said to­ W ashington, Feb. 18 (/P)— of Mr. and Mr*. David K. Kerr, 30 applied his brakes, but skidded In­ Eisenhower, Dean Acheaon, Trgvye day they had evidence at least Miss Carol D. Johnson, daughter to Deptula. hitting him with the Server St., and J. W. Kr"us, 41, of By TBtE AM OOIATED PRESS Sbreaklng the old record for frigid Republican leaders of Con­ I Jarvia Rd.. graduated Jan. 28 from 43 Edward St., were involved in a Lie, Arnold Einstein and Winston seven OimmuniRt agents et Mr. and Mr*. Fh-nest W.™ohn- the Helicopter Mechanics School at car's right fender. Warlier took Churchill. Sunny skies, off-aet by con­ ity by an few degrew, and tonight gress agreed with President. sortK^ 1 Hackmatack St., has been rear end collision on Broad St. The m m boarded the commercial iir- ; the Naval Air Technical Training Deptula to the firehouse and he Benjamin Relchlin, president of tinuing sub - zero tempera­ m ^ be evan colder. Eisenhower’s key cabinet of­ named to the dean'.s list at Cen­ I Center. Memphis. Tenn, was later taken to the Manchester Trueman car had stopped at the the local chapter of AJC, will pre­ Thla morning, liafora daybreak, liner which flew to Red tenary College for Women, Hack- light at W. Middle Tpke. and waa YEflU ROUND UIR CONL'I I lONINCl tures, did little today t<) aid the thermometer In Hartford got ficers today that it “would not Memorial Hospital where he was side at the meeting which is open North Korea Sunday. ettstown.aN, .1 This is the third treated for a head laceration and hit from behind by the other vehi­ to the public. Mrs. Robert Stone emergency, crews still fight­ down to a little under two below be wise’.’ to cut taxes as a Archie Livingston. mana"er of cle. The gtjlle and right front fen­ THE STRESS b r BEREAmMEVr zero and out at Bradley Field down The police statement came after consecutive seme.ster she ha,ii been discharged. No arrest was made, Is program chairman. ing after more than 60 hour* a North Korean newsman cover business stimulant at this the Manchester Country Club, last der of the Kraus car v/as damaged IS EASED to 4,7 )>elow. The old record, eatab- on the dean'a^jlist. police said. to clear snow-clogged arteries Ing a ’ U.N. 'friic* (?Ommi»aion' tim e. ' week attended a national confer- and the left ret.i' fonder of the liahed for thia date In 1914 and A s k s B o o s t ' ence of the Club Managers A«- Fire in Home meeting at Panmunjom hinted Following a breakfast confer- , In connection with Catholic Truer.ian car Was damaged. No one — Through the thoughtfulness of Quish of wavel ahead of a promised taken In downtown Hartford where , sociation of America in St. Louis. The fire to which both men were P T A Unit to See that a fight took place * )»* r d the ence at th* White House, Senate press month this month, the La­ was hurt and nd arrest was nlade, Funeral Home. Modern facilitlea provide recurrence during the coming the U.a. Weather Bureau waa then Mo. Mrs. Livingston accompanied responding was at the home of comfort in time of deep sorrow. located, waa 2,2 below. I plane liefore It bypaa.'.ed .Seoul and Repuhlickn leader Know-land of dies of St. James wtl) be conduct­ William F. Mozzer, 23 Doane St. Patrolman John Spauldliig re­ Safari Movies weekend of Sunday’s blizzard landed In Communist territory. California told reporters the decl- : In Benefits ed on a tour of the Mar>' Cheney ' him. ported. , And around the atate It w aa' According to firemen, 'the blaze, A ir conditioned for whi^lj dumped from a foot to The Communist newsman told ston was "o f course subject to re­ Librarj’ by Miss Anna French, started b.v an overheated deep generally lower. Out in the Litch-! view" 'before Congress adjourns In chief librarian, on Feb. 25 at 8:15 The regular meeting of the , Films of the African safari taken your comfort. ■ ^ 17 inches of snow’ over Con­ Arid Hllla and in Norfolk, two: SoiHh Korean i-eporlers some of ' Daughters of Liberty. LOLI, will j fryer, did only minor damage to V.S. Han 6,000 Airports by Mr. and Mrs, Felix Klock on necticut. the 34 persons a)>oard the plane Ute July or early August. instead of tomorrow night. cabinets above the fryer in the Fui\eral WUIIam P. qiilsh good place# not to be when w inter' Tax reduction was the subject For Jobless j be held tomorrow night at 8 \ their trip last fsll will be showrt WtiaUiermen say th* bltt*r cold drops around, the temperature thia ; were 'hvounded and receiving med­ kitchen.
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