Minnesota Radio Ortonville

Minnesota Radio Ortonville

Minnesota Radio Net: APR. Rep: Pro Radio, Hurley. Format: Div. Spec mus dir; Tim Burkhardt, news dir. Rates: $11.07; prog: Ger 3 hrs wkly. Perry Galvin, gen mgr; Walt 11.07; 11.07; 11.07. Siegmann, prog dir; Mike Stark, mus dir; Don Brand, news dir; Bonnie McCarvel, farm dir; Jerry Walston, WCMP -FM -Oct 15, 1977: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 290 chief engr. Rates: $20; 20; 20; 20. ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /E. Format: C &W. Charles Pitts, WWTC(AM) -Aug 10, 1925: 1280 khz; 5 kw -U, DA- prog dir; Tom Nordby, news dir. Rates same as AM. N. 609 2d Ave. South, Minneapolis (55402). (612) KNUJ -FM -Nov 21, 1966: 93.1 mhz; 28 kw. Ant 380 333 -2363. Metropolitan Radio Inc. (acq 5- 16 -78). Net: ft. Stereo. Dups AM 20%. Format: MOR. Rates: 510; Pi pestone MBS. Rep: Roslin. Format: MOR, oldies. Robert E. 10; 10; 10. Short, pres; Charles Loufek, gen mgr; Rik Groves, coml KLOH(AM) -June 1955: 1050 khz, 1 kw -D, DA. Box mgr; Dick Driscoll, opns mgr; Mike McKenzie, chief Northfield 512 (56164). (507) 825 -3363. Wallace Christenson engr. Rates: $24; 24; 24; 24. (acq 8- 1 -76). Net: ABC /C. Rep: PRO Radio, Jack *KRLX(FM)- January 25, 1975: 90.3 mhz; 10 w. Ant Massa. Format: C &W, farm. Spec progs: Farm 10 hrs 72 ft. Montevideo Carleton College (55057). (507) 645 -4431. wkly. Wally Christensen, owner & gen mgr; Bernie Carleton College. Format: Progsv. Spec progs: Jazz 12 Tarras, coml mgr; Mylan Ray, prog & mus dir; Chuck hrs, classical 12 hrs, wkly. Jay Weichselbaum, KDMA(AM) -Dec 21, 1951: 1460 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -N. stn Walhof, news dir; Clarence Auscham, chief engr. Box 738 (56265). (612) 269-8815. Midwest Bcstg Co. mgr. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; 7.50. Linder. Net: ABC /I; Linder Farm Net. Group owner: KYMN(AM) -Sept 27, 1968: 1080 khz; 1 kw-D. Box Rep: Torbet. Format: Contemp country. Spec prog: 201 (55057). (507) 645 -5695. KYMN Inc. (acq KLOH -FM -Nov 20, 1968: 98.7 mhz; 36 kw. Ant 700 Farm 25 hrs wkly. Don Linder, pres; Joel A. Swanson, ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: MOR, oldies. 2- 1 -73). Rep: Paul Ewing. Format: Adult contemp. VP & gen mgr; Dee Hodge, coml mgr; Gary Hetle, Spec progs: Farm, classcl 2 hrs, wkly. Stan Styd- Rates: S7.50; 7.50; 7.50; 7.50. opns mgr; Lou Oullette, mus dir; Dick Schmith, prom nicki, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Wayne Eddy, VP & *KRSW -FM- December 1973: 91.7 mhz; 99 kw. Ant mgr; Jon Sikes & Janell Hunt, news dirs; Pete Peter- coral mgr; Paul Hoffer, mus dir; Gene Thompson, news 800 ft. Stereo & Quad. Worthington Community Col- son, chief engr. Rates: $15; 15; 15; 15. dir. Rates: $10.14; 10.14; 10.14; 8.45. lege (56187). (507) 372 -2904. Minnesota Public Moorhead *WCAL(AM) -Nov 23, 1918: 770 khz; 5 kw -U. Radio Inc. Net: NPR. Format: Class & information. (shares time with *KUOM Minneapolis.) (55057). William H. Kling, pres; James V. Boyd, gen mgr; Bar- *KCCM -FM -Jan 1, 1970: 91.1 mhz; 94 kw. Ant 300 (507) 663 -3071. St. Olaf College. Net: NPR (assoc). bara Myers, prog dir; Paul Derby, chief engr. ft. (CP: 100 kw. Ant. 640 ft.). Stereo. Box 72, Concordia Format: Educl, relig, classcl. Spec progs: Norwegian 1 College (56560). (218) 299 -3666. Minn. Publ Radio hr, Swedish 1 hr, German 1 hr, Latvian & Estonian rotate Preston Inc. Net: NPR, Minn Public Radio Net. Format: Classi- 1 hr; wkly. Paul E. Peterson, mgr & prog dir; Jo Ann 1966: 1060 khz; 1 kw -D. cal, news & pub affrs. William H. Kling, pres; Dennis McClanahan, opns mgr; Marty Pelikan, prog asst; John KFIL(AM) -May 21, Box 765 Hurley, Hamilton, gen mgr; Michael Barone, mus dir; Lois Zech, anncr /prod; Cindi Paulsen, prom dir; Jeri Hoban, 377 (55965). (507) -3856. KFIL Inc. Rep: Hanson, prom mgr; Brigid Shea, news dir; Steve traf operator; Tim Valley, chief engr; Donald Onsgard, Walton Bcstg Sls Corp. Format: C &W. Obed S. Terhaar, chief engr. mus dir Borgen, pres; Russell E. Chesney, gen mgr; Larry Salge, coml mgr; Tom Witschen, prog dir; Reuben KQWB(AM) -See Fargo, N.D. *WCAL -FM -April 5, 1968: 89.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Rieck, chief engr. Rates: $8.50; 7.75; 6.75; 6. 400 ft. Stereo. Prog dups AM 10%. Net: NPR. Format: KQWB November 1966: kw. KFIL -FM -Sept 1, 1970: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 270 ft. -FM- 98.7 mhz; 100 Ant Classical, educational. Spec progs: Black 5 hrs, jazz 7 460 ft. Stereo. Dups KQWB(AM), Fargo, N.D. 10 %. Box hrs, folk 3 hrs, wkly. Stereo. Prog dups AM 100 %. 2983, Fargo, N.D. (58102). (218) 236 -7900. Midwest Radio Co. Net: RKO. Rep: Torbet- Lasker. Format: AOR. Ortonville Princeton Larry Lakoduk, pres -gen mgr; Joel Dement; coml mgr; Bill Richards, mus & prog dir; Glen Douglas, WQPM(AM) -Feb 1, 1967: 1300 khz; 1 kw -D. Box KDIO(AM) -July 23, 1956: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D. RR 188 (612) -1300. PM. Bcstg Co. Net: news dir; Curt Peterson, chief engr. Rates: $22; 20; One, Box 264 (56278). (612) 839 -2581. Tri -State (55371). 389 APR. Format: Contemporary country. progs: 22: 18. Bcstg Co. Rep: Cooke. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Spec Farm 9 hrs wkly. Jack Montgomery, gen mgr; Bruce Farm 10 hrs wkly. Richard S. Schultz, pres & chief KVOX(AM) -Nov 30, 1937: 1280 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 Salberg, coml mgr; Paul Roden, prog dir; Bob Pringle, engr; W F (Cy) McCormick, gen mgr; Donald P Egert, w -N, DA -2. (CP: 1 kw -D, 5 kw -N). Box 97 4000 S. 8th prog & news dir. news dir; Chuck Warner, mus dir. Rates: $7.95; 7.95; St. (56560). (218) 233 -1522. Forward Communica- 7.95; 7.95. tions Corp. (group owner; acq 12- 1 -78). Net: ABC /C. Format: Contemp. Rick Abel, pres & gen mgr; Pat St. Owatonna WOPM-FM-Dec 1, 1974: 106.3 mhz 3 kw. Ant 300 George, sls mgr; Charlie Bennett, prog dir; Dan ft. Dups AM 100%. Howard, mus dir; Kyrie Sandum, news dir; Robert KRFO(AM) -1950: 1390 khz; 500 w -D. Box K Strnad, chief engr. Rates: $14.40; 12; 14.40; 12. (55060). (507) 451 -2250. Owatonna Bcstg Co. (acq Red Wing 5- 1 -56). Format: MOR. Spec prog: Sp 1 hr, farm 3 hrs, KVOX -FM -Co -owned with KVOX(AM). Nov 30, wkly. Duane Allen, pres &.gen mgr; Todd Hale, prog KCUE(AM) -Jan 29, 1949: 1250 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 1966: 99.9 mhz; 26.5 kw. Ant 170 ft. (CP: ERP 100 kw; dir & prom mgr; Gerald J. Boos, coml & stn mgr, chief 102 (55066). (612) 388 -3512 or 388 -7933. Hiawatha Ant 400 ft,) Stereo. (218) 223 -1524. Net: ABC /FM. engr. Valley Public Service Bcstrs Inc. (acq 7- 16 -62). Net: Prog sep from AM. Rep: Howard, Hyet. Format: C &W ABC /I. Rep: PRO Radio, Courtney -Clifford. Format: ,Rates: $9.60; 8; 9.60: 8. KRFO -FM- December 29, 1966: 104.9 mhz; 2.9 kw. MOR. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. George L. Brooks, Ant 175 ft. Prog dups AM 70 %. pres; John A. Howard, gen mgr; Jack Turnbull, coml Morris mgr; Charles McMillen, news dir; Trent Allen, prom *KRPC(FM) -June 12, 1978: 90.5 mhz; 10 w. 315 mgr; Tom Hughes, mus dir; James L. Brooks, chief Grove St. (55060). (507) 451 -2710. Pillsbury Baptist KMRS(AM) -Sept 16, 1956: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 engr. Rates: $12.50; 10.50; 8.50; -. w -N. Box 231 (56267). (612) 589 -3131. Western Bible College. Net: UPI. Format: Ed, rel. Dr. Joseph A. Minn. Bcstg. Group owner: Hedberg. Net: MBS. Rep: Rammel, pres; Larry W. Soblotne, gen mgr & news dir; KCUE -FM -Aug 26, 1965: 105.5 mhz; 2.3 kw. Ant Randy Miller, prog Kevin PRO Radio, Courtney -Clifford. Format: Farm, C &W dir; Wagaman, mus dir; Ed- 340 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /FM. Rep: ward I. engr. Paul C. Hedberg, pres; Gene Steinhorst, gen mgr; Jer- Brubaker, chief PRO Radio, Courtney -Clifford. Format: Prog. Dave ry Cadwell, prog dir; John Beck, mus dir; Tom Brini, Schleip, prog dir. Rates: $12.50; 9.50; 8.50; 7.50. news dir; Mark Durenberger, chief engr. Rates: Park Rapids S13.50; 12.50; 12; 9. Redwood Falls KPRM(AM) -Dec 1, 1962: 1270 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. Box 49 (56470). (218) 732 -3306. E.P De La Hunt Jr. KKOK -FM -Co -owned with KMRS(AM). Sept 16, KLGR(AM)- November 1954: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 1976: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 474 ft. Stereo. Dups AM Group owner: De La Hunt Bcstg Group. Net: NBC. For- 250 w -N. Box 65 (56283). (507) 637-2989. Redwood mat: C &W. E.P De La Hunt Jr., pres, gen mgr & 15 %. Rep: Walton, Courtney Clifford. Format: Btfl mus. chief Bcstg Inc. Net: ABC /I. Rep: PRO Radio, Courtney - Spec prog: Classical 3 hrs wkly. Al Peterson, prog engr; Carol J. De La Hunt, stn mgr. Rates: 510; 10; Clifford. Format: C &W, MOR, top -40, farm. E.G. Ran- 10; dir. Rates: 514; 14; 14; 9. 10. dolph, pres; Mel Paradis, VP & gen mgr; Dan Kemnitz, sls mgr; Jim Marsh, farm dir; Vilas Van Slooten, prog *KUMM(FM) -Sept 17, 1970: 89.7 mhz; 10 w. Ant 70 KPRM -FM -Dec, 1967: 97.5 mhz; 100 kw.

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