California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Hispanic News Special Collections & University Archives 1-21-1998 January 21st 1998 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "January 21st 1998" (1998). Inland Empire Hispanic News. 207. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/207 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SAN BEnNAKDINO NiAiOnAL ELECTION - TUESOAT, FEOnUAW 3 VOTE - MAKE YOUK VOTE COUNT - VOTE # A Publication of the Hispanic Communication & Development Corporation Wednesday January 21,1998 Voiumell Number 10 Serving the Hispanic Communities in the Inland Empire • San Bernardino • Colton • Rialto • Bloomington • Redlands • Fontana • Rancho Cucamonga • Ontario • Victor Vailey • Riverside • Casa Blanca • Corona The Inland Empire's Only Hispanic Minority Owned English Language Newspaper Ruben S. Ayala: a lifetime of dedicated public service Ayala speaks about his father with rev­ erence and his role in the family and its effects on his children. “My father was a Arrowhead Regional Medical Center proud man who was stern and believed in By Pauline Rael Jaramillo discipline. He taught his children good traits, to work hard, know and believe in oneself and be proud of what we do, to mmm li 1 .1^1 achieve in this world and be helpful to • others. To this day, I am forever grateful .m is 11 IS for those life values received from him.” .. ■'“111.;: ^ m Ayala’s father was a water well driller 11 5s & ■ by trade and commuted throughout South­ m ■ ■ .**-•'* «l gfe % m ern California to different Job sites. His imt:m m grandparents took care of the family, speak­ / ■8r>'' -5 vy ing Spanish only, consequently, Ayala • lacked the development of English as a primary language. As a result, his elemen­ tary education was limited due to his teacher’s inability to communicate with his young student. “Until the 7th grade, I and 39 class­ Senator Ruben Ayala, 32nd Senato­ mates attended segregated schools Arrowhead Regional Medical Center In Colton rial District, will end 43 years of pub­ in Chino. Then we were transferred lic service when he steps down at to an integrated school on the junior New San Bernardino County Hospital scheduled to open in October the end of his term in December, high level. Of the 40 transfer stu­ Whafs in a name? If you a.sk Charles locations, the County decided on a 72 acre 1998. dents, only three of us graduated I Senator Ruben S. Ayala, 32nd Senato­ Jervis, CEO of the San Bernardino County parcel off Interstate 10 in Colton and in from high school. I wish to thank rial District, is ending a public service Medical Center, the answer is likely to be 1990 two teams of architects were chosen Marty Carter, a great athlete and career of 43 years when he steps down at image. According to Jervis, "the images to design the facility. teacher at "D" Street School. I wish the end of his term in December, 1998, as that a county hospital conjures up can be ARMC, which has a 373 bed capacity, also to thank my coaches, Levi a result of the term limit initiative for state unappealing. By renaming the facility Ar­ is divided into three core buildings: the Dickey and Frank Elder who evidently elected officials passed by the voters in rowhead Regional Medical Center main Hospital, the Medical Health Facility saw some potential in me and of­ 1990. (ARMC), we become a hospital for all the and the Central Plant and may well be the fered me encouragement.” In an exclusive interview with lEHN, citizens of our county." most seismic resistant civilian structure ever Ayala, 75, said, “When I first entered pub­ Ruben Ayala ________ But the change is not in name only - built. It is expected to remain self-sufficient lic service in 1955,1 committed myself to Continued on page 3 plans for a new location and a new facility, for three days following an 8.5 earthquake. serve to the best, of my ability to those which is expected to be in full operation by According to an advertising supplement to constituents who elected me. Throughout October 20, 1998, began almost 20 years F.W. Dodge, never before used technology these many years of service, I have contin­ ago. Jervis states that i n 1978 the County of was incorporated into the design used to ued to put forth my total energies, knowl­ San Bernardino hired Booz, Allen & construct the complex. "The three core build­ edge and wisdom into policies, official and Hamilton to evaluate the current facility on ings will be linked with first of their kind legislative actions for their benefit. It is my Gilbert Street and prepare a new site mas­ telescoping corridors, called portals. These utmost hope that the voters will perceive ter plan. The current facility, which was 14 foot long portals, along with flexible that I have accomplished my commitment.” built in 1918, was found to be seismlcally roof/joint and extension wall covers, will Ayala was born, raised and received his unsafe, as well as having many utility, enable the four foot gaps between the three education in the City of Chino (see related structural and operational inefficiencies buildings to close to as little as four inches article). At the age of five his mother died even though it is the third busiest trauma or open as wide as eight feet." Considering and father, Mauricio, brother, Maurice center on the west coast, according to En­ the location of the new medical center, nine (Maury), sisters Suzie, Stella and Rosie, gineering News-Record, a trade publica­ miles from the San Andreas fault and two and little Ruben moved to the paternal tion of The McGraw-Hill Companies. miles for the San Jacinto fault, this may be “We lived in the barrio and were in the After evaluating the cost of building a the best possible precaution for averting midst of the depression. Our family was Ruben Ayala is pictured above cel­ new facility, upgrading the existing one, or disaster. poor and so was every family in town. We ebrating Christmas with his wife Irene contracting out services to other medical Patients will have increased accessibil­ picked the fruits in the Merced area just and his father-in-law Mr.Morales af­ facilities, it was determined that erecting a ity to a larger variety of services at a faster like many Mexican families did at that ter being discharged from the Ma­ new center was the most cost effective pace. Included in the facility are: "six medi- time” rine Corps at the end of World War II. procedure. After considering two other Continued on page 5 Editorial Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, January 21,1998 Editorial 6th Annual Noche Cultural Crafton Hills College Riverside - Chicano Student Pro­ RegistrationBegins San Bernardino needs Judy Valles grams of the University of California, Riverside will present NOCHE CUL­ Crafton Hills College's (CHC) regu­ On February 3, voters of the City of San Bernardino will decide who will be TURAL, an evening of family enter­ lar on campus registration for Spring their next mayor to lead the residents into the next millennium. tainment on Saturday, January 24. Semester will be January 20 and 21. The Inland Empire Hispanic News wholeheartedly endorses Judy Valles Highlights of the evening will in­ The first day of instruction will be to be the next mayor. clude a special performance by La Monday, January 26. Bom, raised and educated in the City of San Bernardino, Valles is cognizant Princesita, a fourteen year old Mariachi New students, as well as continuing of the major issues confronting the city, including, but not limited to, the current, singer from Moreno Valley. Accom­ students who did not register by phone, longlasting economic crises, lack of jobs, the drastic trickle-down effect of the panying La Princesita will be Mariachi should come to the CHC Admissions Norton and March closures. Los Halcones also from Moreno Val­ Office now to get appointments to reg­ Blight and neighborhood deterioration is, unfortunately, prevalent throughout ley and the Los Angeles area. Los ister for regular on campus registra­ the major sections of the city, with adjacent small business locations boarded up. Romeros, a husband and wife duet from tion. The sooner students get their ap­ Although crime statistics have generally been reduced, a zero- based tolerance Riverside will perform traditional songs pointments to register, the better chance on crime has to be the primary objective. from the areas of Mexico and they have of getting the classes they And the most serious issue that Valles has stated on numerous candidate Latinoamerica. want. forums, and that many citizens have been outspoken about, is the vacuum of Included in the evening's program­ Admission applications can be ob­ political vision and leadership in the current administration. ming will be El Mago of Blythe who tained from the Admissions Office or Valles’ excellent educational background, years of experience as atop level will perform illusions of magic, jug­ from the class schedule. Class sched­ executive, and as president of several colleges, coupled with consultant experi­ gling and uni-cycling. Adult and chil­ ules are available at no charge on the ence at the national level, highly qualifies her to lead the city’s administration in dren ballet folklorico performances by campus. the challenges of providing municipal services that the city residents rightfully Riverside's folklorico dancers The CHC Admissions Office is lo­ deserve.
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